cocos2d starting particles from a specific time in the future - iphone

I am developing a cocos2d based app with a space background in which I am exploiting a CCQuadParticleSystem to make blinking stars. I have generated this particle system with ParticleDesigner. As soon as I load the particle system white dots representing stars start appearing in the background and after a while they fade out so that, after few seconds in which the particle system reaches the regime state, a night sky full of stars comes out.
My problem is that I would like to know if there is a way to make the particle system starting from a specific time in the future (for instance t0 = 3sec) so that I do not have to wait to have all the starts blinking.
I hope I have clearly explained the problem
thank you in advance

I did this and it worked exactly the way I wanted it to.
for (int i = 0 ; i < 300 ; i++)
[emitter update:.1];

Have you tried a
id actions = [CCSequence actions:[CCDelayTime actionWithDuration:3.0f],
[CCCallFunc actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(onStallComplete)],
[self runAction:actions];
ok, granted it is probably abusing the original intent of the API's , but is useful
watch for re-entrancy in onStallComplete if you have multiple such delayed reactions.
note: newbie at SO, hope the code snippet comes out looking right

I assume you are using some kind of updateWithDelta: method in your game loop in order to update the particles. If you want the particles to start after a certain interval, make your own timer.
Edit: Based on your comment below, my method is still good, it just needs some tweaking. You need only remove the condition in the updateWithDelta: method on the particle system. That way, it will still update for those 3 seconds, but will not render, and therefore look the way you are describing.
In the .h file:
BOOL particleShouldUpdate;
float particleTimer;
In your init method:
particleShouldRender = NO;
particleTimer = 3.0f;
In your updateWithDelta: method:
particleTimer -= delta;
if(particleTimer < 0){
particleShouldRender = YES;
// update your particle.
Finally, in your render method:
// render your particle.
Note that from this point, if you want to stop it rendering, you need only reset the 2 variables like as in the init method, and the same effect will occur.
EDIT2: Upon further clarification, we only need to adapt the init method of your particle. I will make 2 assumptions here, and you need only change them slightly to fit your needs. Suppose that your update cycle is 60 frames per second, the minimum particle lifespan is 1.01, and that you want 3 seconds of updates before you start the game. Then in the init method, try:
for(float delta = 0.0f; delta < 3.0f; delta += (1/60)){
[particle updateWithDelta:(float)(1/60)];
This will update your particle like it normally would, but without rendering at each interval, and before anything else gets updated. Alternatively, if you are worried about speed when updating your particle, you can try:
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
[particle updateWithDelta:1];
[particle updateWithDelta:0.02];
This will be faster, but may have a few issues depending on your particles parameters.
EDIT3: So looking into this further, cocos2D does not let you do this for some reason. I found a similar question online to this, and they suggested you play with the posVar and speed to make them large enough while you are transitioning into the scene, and once you have fully transitioned into the scene, reset the values to normal. You may want to give that a try!
Hope that Helps!

I do not think there is a way to fast forward your particle system 3 seconds into the future. Alternatively I can imagine two different solutions depending on your circumstances:
Load the scene with the particle behind another scene (e.g. an empty black scene). After 3 seconds switch to the scene with the now nice looking particle effect. This could work f it is ok for you that the user needs to wait for 3 seconds and you only do not want them to see the particle system while everything is clunked together or if you have another scene before the scene with the particle system anyway.
Record the particle system, store it in a file then replay it in your scene. With recording I mean store the position and color of each of your particles. The drawback is, that it will look the same everytime and if you want to run it longer than what you recorded you need to make sure replaying it in a loop still looks good.

I can't think of a way to implement this directly, but could you try something like this as a workaround? I'm afraid I haven't been able to test this yet due to other errors, but working on it.
//This attempts to make 3 seconds pass 100 times quicker
[[CCScheduler sharedScheduler] setTimeScale:100];
[self schedule:#selector(cancelIncreasedTimeScale) interval:3];
int numberOfTimesCancelled = 0;
-(void) cancelIncreasedTimeScale
numberOfTimesCancelled ++;
//Two because the scheduler is also called straight away? Remove if it's only called after waiting an initial (3/100) seconds
if (numberOfTimesCancelled == 2) {
[self unschedule:#selector(cancelIncreasedTimeScale)];
[[CCScheduler sharedScheduler] setTimeScale:1];
The issue I do worry about is the other items on your scene would also run 100 times faster. Is that an issue?


Best way to prevent physics calculations in Unity from eating too much FPS?

I'm a senior software engineer, but completely new to Unity programming. I've been teaching myself Unity for a few weeks by writing some SteamVR toys for myself. I wanted to ask about Unity's standard built-in ways to improve frame rate for a program with a lot of intensive physics calculation.
In my current VR scene, I have a ball with a Rigidbody on it. When I pick it up and throw it, I let it move naturally, but I apply small forces on every Update() call to adjust the landing position and always hit a target.
I saw my framerate take a big dive, so I wrote my own function to throttle the updates, limiting them to 5 per second. The question is, is there some standard Unity behavior that I should be using instead of rolling this code myself?
In my throwing script, I maintain a bunch of top level variables and update them first to decide whether I should do calculations on the current frame.
private void updateCalculationFrame() {
isCalculationFrame = Time.time > nextCalculationTime;
while (nextCalculationTime < Time.time) {
nextCalculationTime += (1 / calculationsPerSecond);
On each frame, I run this function, then if isCalculationFrame is true, I proceed to calculate and add force vectors. I just wonder if I am overlooking some more standard way to do this with less code? I feel like this must be a very common thing to try to do.
The code you have there will freeze the Unity until the loop is finished. You shouldn't do this at all.
You could simply set a new Time.fixedDeltaTime. By default it is usually about 0.02 but you can set it to anything you want.
The interval in seconds at which physics and other fixed frame rate updates (like MonoBehaviour's FixedUpdate) are performed.
Note that the fixedDeltaTime interval is with respect to the in-game time affected by timeScale.

Restart SKEmitterNode without removing particles

I have a particle effect for a muzzle flare set up. What I'm currently using is a low numParticlesToEmit to limit the emitter to a short burst, and doing resetSimulation() on the emitter whenever I want to start a new burst of particles.
The problem I'm having is that resetSimulation() removes all particles onscreen, and I often need to create a new burst of particles before the previous particles disappear normally so they get erased early.
Is there a clean way start up the emitter again without erasing the particles already onscreen?
Normally particle systems have a feature missing from SKEmitters: a duration. This controls how long a system emits. I don't see this in SKEmitter, despite being in SCNParticleSystems
Never mind, a work around:
SKEmitters have a numParticlesToEmit property and a particleBirthRate. Combined, these determine how long the particle system emits before shutting down.
Using these as a control of the emission it's possible to create pulses of particles emitted in the way you want for something like a muzzle flash or explosion.
I'm not sure if it remvoes itself when it reaches this limit. If not, you'll have to create a removal function of some sort. Because the way to get your desired effect (multiple muzzle flashes on screen) is to copy() the SKEmitter. This is quite efficient, so don't worry about overhead.
There is a targetNode on SKEmitters that are suppose to move the particles to another node so that when you reset the emitter, the previous particles still stay. Unfortunately, this is still bugged from what I can tell, unless somebody else has figured out how to get it working and I just missed it. Keep this in mind though in case they do ever fix it.
Hi to help future readers, the code that I use to calculate the duration of the emitter is this:
let duration = Double(emitter.numParticlesToEmit) / Double(emitter.particleBirthRate) + Double(emitter.particleLifetime + emitter.particleLifetimeRange/2)
It works perfectly for me
extension SKEmitterNode {
var emitterDuration: Double {
return Double(numParticlesToEmit) / Double(particleBirthRate) + Double(particleLifetime + particleLifetimeRange/2)

How to avoid FPS drop when drawing lines in SpriteKit?

My current project contains a gravity simulator where sprites move in accordance with the forces they experience in the game scene.
One of my features involve allowing moving sprites to draw a line behind them so you can see what paths they take.
Shown here:
However, as the Sprite continues it's movements around the screen, the FPS begins to dive. This can be seen in this second image where some time has passed since the sprite first started its movement.
When researching, I found other people had posted with similar problems:
Multiple skshapenode in one draw?
However, in the question above, the answer's poster detailed that it (The answer) was meant for a static image, which isn't something I want, because this line will change in real time depending on what influences the sprites path, this was reflected when I tried implementing a function to add a new Line to the old one which didn't work. That Code here
I'm asking if anyone can assist me in finding a way to properly stop this constant FPS drop that comes from all the draw operations. My current draw code consists of two Functions.
-(void)updateDrawPath:(CGPoint)a B:(CGPoint)b
CGPathAddLineToPoint(_lineToDraw, NULL, b.x, b.y);
_lineNode.path = _lineToDraw;
-(void)traceObject:(SKPlanetNode *)p
_lineToDraw = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint((_lineToDraw), NULL, p.position.x, p.position.y);
_lineNode = [SKShapeNode node];
_lineNode.path = _lineToDraw;
_lineNode.strokeColor = [SKColor whiteColor];
_lineNode.antialiased = YES;
_lineNode.lineWidth = 3;
[self addChild:_lineNode];
updateDrawPath: Draws line to latest position of Sprite.
traceObject: Takes SKPlanetNode (Subclass of SKSpriteNode), and sets it up to have a line drawn after it.
If anyone can suggest a way to do this and also reduce the terrible overhead I keep accumulating, it would be fantastic!
A couple suggestions:
Consider that SKShapeNode is more or less just a tool for debug drawing mostly, due to the fact that it doesn't draw in batches it's really not suitable to make a game around that or to use it extensively (both many shapes as well as few but complex shapes).
You could draw lines using a custom shader which will likely be faster and more elegant solution, though of course you may have to learn how to write shader programs first.
Be sure to measure performance only on a device, never the simulator.

Can't change SKPhysicsJointLimit maxLength after adding the joint to SKPhysicsWorld in Sprite Kit

So, I've created a ring of SKSpriteNodes which are essentially rectangles that are joined together using pin joints. I'd like to suspend this ring inside of an SKShapeNode circle. I have connected each of the nodes to the SKShapeNode using SKPhysicsJointLimit's.
This all works fine, and I get the effect that I'm looking for if I set the maxLength to the "right" number, which I determine subjectively.
I've stored all of the limit joints inside of an Array, so I can get easy access, and I've added them to the physicsWorld.
All of this works properly and as expected, though it took a little work to get the code right. These things are picky!
Now, what I'd really like to do is set the maxLength equal to some large number and then gradually reduce that number over time so that the ring goes from "hanging loosely" to "pulled taut"
I've tried a variety of approaches -- none of which seem to work. First, I tried:
SKAction *tighten = [SKAction customActionWithDuration:1 actionBlock:^(SKNode *node, CGFloat elapsedTime) {
CGFloat t = elapsedTime/duration;
CGFloat p = t*t;
CGFloat newLimit = fromLimit*(1-p) + toLimit*p;
for (int i = 0; i < _connectors.count; i++){
[[_connectors objectAtIndex:i] setMaxLength:newLimit];
[_ring runAction:tighten];
but this simply didn't do anything at all.
I finally realized that you don't appear to be able to change the properties of a joint after it has been added to the physicsWorld. So, I tried something like this in the update method of the scene:
[scene.physicsWorld removeJoint:[_connectors objectAtIndex:i]];
[[_connectors objectAtIndex:i] setMaxLength:newLimit];
[scene.physicsWorld addJoint:[_connectors objectAtIndex:i]];
but, this didn't work either. It threw the error:
'Cant add joint <PKPhysicsJointRope: 0x114e84350>, already exists in a world'
even though I've clearly removed it. So, I don't really know where to go from here. The documentation on joints and the existing material on the internet is very thin. I suppose the next thing I would try is removing all joints and et-adding them, but that's going to be a huge pain.
Any thoughts would be really quite helpful!
As noted by OP it appears the joint must be removed from physics world before the change applies. The below worked for me.
for joint in joints
joint.maxLength = yourNewValue

App with expanding animated line in iOS ... howto

The basic idea
is very easy. Simplified you could say... a snake like line realized by a let's say 3px line is expanding across the screen collecting and interacting with different stuff, can be steered through user input. Like a continous line you would draw with a pen.
I've already started reading apple's documentation on Quartz/CG.
As I understand now, I need to put my rendering code into a UIView's drawRect.
Then I would need to set a timer (found some answers/posts here and there, nothing concrete though) that fires x times per second and calls setNeedsDisplay on the UIView.
How to realize the following:
Have whole snake on UIView 1 / (Layer ?), draw new part on UIView 2, merge them, so that the new part gets appended to UIView 1 (or CALayer instead of views ?). I ask explicitly about this cause I read, that one shouldn't redraw the same content over and over again, but just the new/moving part.
I hope you can provide me some sample code or some details which classes I should use and the strategy on how to use them / which calls to make.
OK, I see that my idea or what I've read before to realize this with Quartz and different views is not so wise... ( Daniel Bleisteiner )
So I switched to OpenGL now, well I'm looking into it, reading examples, Jeff LaMarche's OpenGL blog entries, etc..
I guess I would be able to draw my line. I think I would create classes for curves, straight lines / direction changes, etc. and then on user input I would create the related objects (depending on the steer input) store them in an array and then recreate and redraw the whole line by reading the object properties from the objects stored in the array on each frame. A simple line I would draw like this (code from Beginning iPhone Development)
GLfloat vertices[4];
// Convert coordinates
vertices[0] = start.x;
vertices[1] = start.y;
vertices[2] = end.x;
vertices[3] = end.y;
glVertexPointer (2, GL_FLOAT , 0, vertices);
glDrawArrays (GL_LINES, 0, 2);
Maybe I will even find a way to antialias it but
now I'm more curious if my idea is good enough or if there are some better established strategies for this
and maybe someone could tell me how to seperate code for hud's, the line drawing itself and some menus that I will have to display f.e. at the beginning ... so that it's easy to transition from one "view" to another (like with a fade)? Some hints ?
Maybe you have also read a book, that will explain how to solve this kind of problems?
Or you can point me to another good answer / example code as I have huge problems in finding "animated drawing" examples.
this got me a little further, but it is still a little vague for me.
I don't know how to realize "update path that you draw (only with needed points + one last point that moves)"
Don't try to merge different views... setNeedsDisplay has a rect parameter that tells the core graphics part that only a certain part of the screen needs to be rendered again. Respect this parameter in your drawRect method and it should be enough for standard 2D games and tools.
If you intent to use intense graphics there is no other option than to use OpenGL. The performance is multiple times better and you won't have to care about optimizations... OpenGL does much in the background.
Use OpenGL ES. Then what you will want to do is create a run loop function or method which gets called by a CADisplayLink 30 to 60 times per second. 60 is the maximum.
So how does this work?
1) Create an assign-property for CADisplayLink. Do NOT retain your CADisplayLink, because display links and timers retain their target. Otherwise you would create a retain-cycle which may cause abandoned memory issues (which is even worse than a leak and much harder to discover).
#property (nonatomic, assign) CADisplayLink *displayLink;
2) Create and schedule the CADisplayLink:
- (void)startRunloop {
if (!animating) {
CADisplayLink *dl = [[UIScreen mainScreen] displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:#selector(drawFrame)];
[dl setFrameInterval:1];
[dl addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
self.displayLink = dl;
animating = YES;
Some things to note here: -setFrameInterval:1 tells the CADisplayLink to not skip any frame. This means: You get the maximum fps. BUT: This can be bad if your code needs longer than 1/60 seconds. In that case, it's better to set this to 2, for example. Makes your animation more fluid.
3) In your -drawFrame method do your OpenGL ES drawing as usual. The only difference is that this code gets called multiple times per second. Just keep track of time and determine in your code what you want to draw, and how you want it to be drawn. If you were to animate a rectangle moving from bottom left to top right with an animation duration of 1 second, you would simply interpolate the animation frames between start and end by applying a function which takes time t as argument. There are thousands of ways to do it. This is one of them.
4) When you're done or want to halt OpenGL ES drawing, just invalidate or pause your CADisplayLink. Something like this:
- (void)stopRunloop {
if (animating) {
[self.displayLink invalidate];
self.displayLink = nil;
animating = NO;