can someone briefly explain what the difference is between these packages? The project pages don't seem to offer any clues?
I am creating an MVC application where i would like to associate facebook credentials with a user's profile. In terms of functionality, i need to simply post to the user's wall. So not sure which package would be best to do this with..
If this package follows conventions that are used for most NuGet packages, FacebookWebMVC will be the one for working with ASP.NET MVC.
I am trying to get current site name in alfresco repository side webscript. I tried a couple of ways. - //it wont work as its share side stuff.
Do anyone has any idea on this?
Your question said you are in a repository tier web script. The repository has a service called SiteService. The SiteService allows you, among other things, to fetch a site by its ID. The getSite() method returns a Site object. Learn more about the SiteService and the Site object in the documentation.
Alfresco Repository Webscripts Root Objects won't give you that. You will get this from the Surf based Alfresco Share Root Objects
I've downloaded Zend framework, but the ZEND_JABBER library isn't included. How can I download it? (
That page is a proposal for a class for ZF but it doesn't appear to have ever been completed. It never was part of ZF 1 anyway. There don't appear to be any packages for ZF2 that handle Jabber at the moment either. The code for that proposal is available on google code but hasn't been changed since 2007 and may be incomplete.
xmpphp looks like a promising library for xmpp as does JAXL. There are also many other php jabber clients that should all work with your ZF app.
I'm building a site in haskell and the yesod web framework as a side project, and what I'd like to do is create a facebook app that lets users search their wall and the wall of their friends and groups.
I've considered using the JavaScript SDK, cbut most of the work will happen behind the scenes in a helper function called from the postSearhR helper function, so that won't work.
Searching google for the phrase 'haskell "build facebook app"' and variants doesn't turn anything up, and a glance at hackage shows a package called happstack-facebok at version 0.30 with nothing in the way of haddock documentation. Searching SO with the haskell and facebook tags doesn't return anything useful either.
Does anyone know of an example I can use?
happstack-facebook is obsolete now anyway. Facebook changed their API significantly, for the better. (Not saying it is great... just better than before).
A good starting point now might be the authenticate library. in Web.Authenticate.Facebook:
there is a function, getGraphData. That should at least get you to the point of being able to access some of the facebook API.
Not sure what else is needed.
I'm looking for a sample project that uses Zend Framework so that I can see how masters do it.
I'm not looking for something that uses other stuff like smarty, or any other major library.
There are plenty of samples for different subjects on sites like but I need a full working solution.
I couldn't come up with anything like that by googling.
I came accross this a while ago, it has a sectoion on Central authentication
Here are the notes, look at page 9
Is this a good idea?
We are making a full open source CMS, based on Zend Framework: Centurion CMS (
We are working on it since more than 2 years. The project is under the new BSD licence.
Feel free to try, use, pull feature, make some push request, criticize...
If you have any question use the our Google group:
Social Engine 4 is what you are asking for but its not free nor open source . The best application ever created using ZF has became even more popular then Zend itself (google trend) its known as "Magento". Its open source and based on best programming practices (design patterns) .
Social Engine 4 projects are built on Zend Framework.
Social Engine 3 used smarty but they decided to move to Zend.
Have a look at TomatoCMS
Pro Zend Framework Techniques: Build a Full CMS Project
I think this book will be useful for you.
Is there any test framework or software that can automatically go through a site and find 404 errors from links?
You could use an extension for your favourite browser, i.e. LinkChecker for Firefox.
Are you looking for a tool that does complete validation/checking of the site? Or one that does use-case testing of specific parts of the site.
For the latter I recommend TestPlan, it has the ability to check the headers of pages and work with the so-called "meta" response of the page.
The original web-site is no longer available but the project is now hosted on Launchpad.
For the former it isn't the best tool, but as part of a test framework it is easy enough to get it to scan through links on the site looking for errors.
If you're running on Windows there is this one.