Is there a way to directly download an iOS app (without using the app store) - iphone

I would like to have users be directed to a link which will immediately start downloading an app on an iOS device. I know you can register for Enterprise application or do limited ad-hoc distribution, but this is not the case here. The app I would like to link to is already on the app store. I would like to know if users can download the app directly without going through the app store.
Thanks in advance.

As mentioned above, you cannot provide a direct link to the application. There are ways of circumventing the app store, such as ad-hoc distribution and ADC's enterprise program. However, neither of these would provide the convenience you seek as potential users would have to install certificates generated by you before installing your application. Your best option would be to use the app store or possibly a web app.As David V mentioned, you can provide a direct link to your app in the app store!
Good luck,

They will need to go through the App Store. You can provide them a link to your app in the App Store though.

In fact, even in jailbroken devices, you need to use a store. Apple seems not to have a auto-installing url scheme implemented.
Would be nice, though.

No. This is not possible on stock OS iOS devices

You can do that if your app is based on Safari (web app) instead of native (iOS).


How to Upgrade my flutter app without using Playstore or App store?

I have an app created for internal use. I have not published it on the play store, but I have to update it regularly.
Can anyone help...with which library should I use for implementing a self-upgrade system to my app. Any answer would be appreciated.
The answer is - yes,
You can upload your app to the Apple Store and Google Play but Not publish it to the public, instead, you can use internal testing
So only users that you define will be able to see or download your app in the Google Play and Apple Store
Google Play internal test
Apple test flight
Yep it has some limitations, for example, Apple allows up to 10000 testers but I hope it's ok for your company, but its only way to share app internally without any issues on iOS (android allow you to download apps from anywhere, iOS don't)
The answer is - no, you can't do that - not at least the Flutter* apps. As #Abion47 said, you can publish the new APK and ask users to install it. If you app involves back-end then you can check the (client) mobile app version and display the alert if the version is below minimum version required.
On the iOS side, it is slightly more difficult. For internal use, the organisation needs to sign-up with Apple's enterprise program. You can then distribute the app internally.
*- I've seen certain apps downloads the zip (or whatever) file, and updates themselves without actually going through App update process via AppStore/Playstore. However, it is more of a web part within the particular app which gets updated. The app version as such remains same.

Bespoke iPhone Application Deployment

I am making an iPhone app for a company but I don't want it to be available for download to everybody (like apps in the app store) What is the best way to ensure only set users can download the app?
I was thinking maybe of having some website where users login and can click on a link to download and install the app, but I was told this is not possible. You can only download on the app store...
What you are looking for is called "iOS Enterprise Distribution". See
The only alternative to iPhone Enterprise distribution (which has its own set of rules and requirements) is to allow download from the app store but require a login in the app to use. Much like HBO-Go. You can't use HBO Go on the iPad unless you have an account with a certain cable provider which has an agreement with HBO. For example, I get HBO at home but can't use the HBO app because my cable company doesn't have an agreement in place for me to use the app so while I can download it I can't do anything with it.
Without knowing your reasons for blocking app downloads I'm not sure if this is a viable solution for you.

How to publish an app for testing

I'm currently creating an iPhone app and we need some testing with about 20~30 users.
Actually we put the app on our iPhone by connecting the iPhone to the computer and debugging the app.
But now we need to have a more efficient way to install the app on iPhone but without submitting it to Apple Store and also without the need to connect the iPhone to the computer hosting Xcode.
Do you think there is a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance :)
Yeah there's a very slick way to do adhoc distribution under iOS 4 that's outlined here. This method involves absolutely zero usb cables and does not require a jailbroken device either. Perfectly legit and above board.
You need to use AdHoc installation. Please see this nice Apple document, it should cover every step necessary even with step-by-step instructions.
I use, it's a great services, not out yet, but recently opened up their beta's, it does all the ad hoc stuff for you alls you need to do is invite testers, let it export it to your dev portal. Then you just upload the ipa to the site, and all your testers get an email.

Make iPhone app available on both iTunes and Cydia

What are the ramifications of posting an iphone app on both Cydia and iTunes? Does Apple look fondly at that idea? An precedents?
The reason I ask is that I have a very interesting app which might have some parts disallowed by Apple. I still want (some) people to have access to those parts (call it value-added), so I wanted to release the unrated app on cydia. (No it's not porn)
In the SDK Agreement it specifically says that you won't add your application to another store, if you do, Apple can ban your itunesconnect account without warning.
Just prey they don't find your application on Cydia.
I guess you could do your application with a slightly different UI, and without the editor name, they would not have any proof to ban you.
One example that they're probably not enforcing this too strictly, can be found in the Siphon app.
Siphon is a popular, open source VoIP app, that the developer has been trying to get in the app store for forever. They haven't accepted the app, but the availability of the app in the official app-store was never mentioned, and they haven't banned his account either.

How to automatically update an iPhone app from within the app itself?

This link shows a video where an app upgrade is "forced" from within the app itself:
The App Store is not called in and it's said to work only for AdHoc
Anyone knows how is this possible?
edit: please give a look to the video before answering. AdHoc apps are signed by the developer and they do not come from the App Store. This sort of forced update is useful when doing beta testing and in enterprise applications.
I've found that it's all explained here:
The developer should create an .ipa with the app and a manifest in plist format with the URL to the .ipa and a few other things.
The app can optionally implement its own way to find if an update is available and open
the URL to the manifest.
I didn't it's really possible because the app has to somehow sign itself. The best I can think of right now is that the app is not signed?
You can always force people to go to the app store when a new version is out. Simply make the app connect to a webservice first. Other solutions are not accepted by Apple, or will quite simply not work because of other issues (signing is one of many).
You could also design your app in such a way that forced updates are never a requirement. You can load your user interfaces from the web (Apple has presented some valuable information about that during the previous WWDC), your data can come from the web, and if there is any other correction to do just ensure your app is backwards compatible.
That's how the app store works. And it never requires a 'forced update' ... Well, almost never ;-)