Social Plugins: URL redirects in Like plugin and Comments plugin - facebook

I have integrated Like button and Comments plugin in my website. Recently some of the URLs for which comments and likes created are changed.
I am sending proper redirects (301) from old urls to new urls, how long will it take Facebook to detect the url and update likes & comments?
Will Comments & Likes from my old url be transferred to my new url?
UPDATE: Its been 2 days since the urls changed. I didnt see the Likes and Comments migrate to the new URL.

Check this bug report:


Facebook Comments Plugin: My website url does not show comments

My site appears to be blocked from displaying comments using the Facebook Comments Plugin
I tried to go to the tests page to copy the comments code but the site doesn't load the comments section
Plugin URL:
My website URL (exemple):
Has anyone ever had a similar problem?

Move facebook likes from one url to another

Over time I have built up a number of facebook likes on page =
But I need to convert this page to a php script (to be content manageable). Most likely it will be =
Is there a way I can transfer my existing facebook likes to the new url?
You can’t transfer likes from one URL to another.
Only thing you can do, is make Facebook “believe” that the URL is still the old one – by setting the og:url meta tag in your new pages to the old URLs.
Facebook will use that value as the canoncial URL to identify this Open Graph object and to fetch the Open Graph information from, so you will have to see to it that those old URLs are
still available for the FB scraper to visit,
give it the OG info it is looking for, and
that “normal” visitors are redirected to the new URL, should Facebook link them to the old one
How to detect that the FB scraper is requesting your page, is described here:
I don't think there is a way to transfer likes from one url to another. Facebook like plugin is designed so that you can be on one page while actually liking completely other page (i.e. url). If that likes really matter, you can save the old url in database for each content and continue collecting likes for that url and just redirect visitors from that url to the new one.

How do I migrate Facebook Comments from one site to another?

Hi i'm The owner of a Facebook app with this ID: 187382088033833.
I've made new website, and i want to recover my old comments made with my application.
E.g. in this page, in the old version i got a lot of comments:
why now i can't see the old comments?
can you help me?
According to the Facebook Comments Social Plugin documentation, comments are tied to a URL for the page that they were made on. Migrating to a new domain, or moving your page to a new URL, without keeping your comment social plugin URL setting the same as what it was in the past, will cause you to lose your comments.
I would try changing your href setting on your plugin to the old URL for the page you're loading. You may have to maintain that old page as a redirect to the new page should Facebook try to verify it's existence before rendering the comments plugin, or should someone click a link that is published to their news feed so they get redirected to the appropriate place.

Notifications URL of Facebook comments show no comments

I'm using Joomla in my site and I had installed Facebook Connect. My problem is that when I receive a notification that someone has replied my post, the URL is modified, so I can't see any comment.
Original Website is
URL of the notification is
How can I correct this problem?
You should specify the href of the comments plugin to your page URL. For example, use the base URL if your pages' base URL is always the current page URL.

Facebook social plugin comments after URL change

Just a simple question, I had facebook comments integrated in my page here:
Now I have changed the URL alias like this:
I have also set a 301 redirect in the old URL which redirects to the new one.
The Question is how do I get the old comments in this URL? They are missing now.
I think, that these comments will be forever associated with that URL and since you've changed it, as far as FB is concerned you are pointing to a different URL.
you can specify the old URL as “canonical” with an og:url meta tag.
see the FAQ about this.
This sucks in Facebook comments. I've launched a site with Facebook comments integrated, without setting the URL, and now when I do, the comments doesn't show up.
Your case seems to be easy, since it seems you're using Drupal. You can install the token and token_filter modules, so you can add the facebook comments code to a block and use the appropriate token that will return the node id from the current page.