Is there a viewcontroller to make current photo or image a wallpaper using the standard Action? - iphone

I've spend an inordinate amount of time searching for a view-controller that will bring up the UIActionSheet to make the current picture the wallpaper (similar to the one used to send an image in an email: MFMessageComposeViewController). I noticed that in the iOS library documentation not a single doc comes up if I just type the word "wallpaper" Furthermore, I've read that there are no Apple-approve methods of setting the lock-screen, for example, programmatically.... But I thought that there would be an ActionSheet delegate that would allow us to make a photo in an App, other than Settings and Photos (or Camera), a wallpaper-- in my case I want to make it the Lock-screen.
There are methods to mail the photo, print it, and MMS (I think), but is there just no "approved" way to go into the "Use as Wallpaper" action sheet dialog from apps other that Apple apps? Leaving us with the option of just telling the use to navigate out of the current app and use either Settings or Photos (if we save the current photo to the Camera Roll or Photo Library) ...
What say you? Any leads or hints on how to accomplish this will be greatly appreciated.

No there is no such kind of functionality available in iOS SDK. You need to save photo in photo album then from only default photos application a user can set a photo as wallpaper.


photo album like controls

I am making a camera app a where user can make videos and take pictures. What I am doing is I am saving all the movies and pictures in my apps document directory. I don't want to automatically save them to users photo album. What I would like to present to the user is view that behaves similar to how Photo Album works meaning I would like to show him all the movies and pictures he has taken and give him buttons to check and save the ones he like and delete the ones he wants to discard.
Now here's my question, Do I create a custom uitableview, present small cropped resized pictures, add uitoolbar at the bottom and add my own custom "Save", "Discard" and "preview image/Video" buttons or is there already something available ootb in iOS 5 Xcode 4.2 that I can use?
I have searched cocoa controls website and found many image Picker controls but none that work like as simple "save to photo album", "delete photo" or "Preview Photo / Video" features. Is there any sample control available that I can use and probably extend it? Trust me I have been googling for a while now
Looking for something like this. The people who made this, are they using UITableView or UICollectionView or neither?
If you're willing to go to IOS 6, you could try this tutorial (2 parts):
Found it. Here is a very cool sample project
Starting with iOS 14, this is now available in the new Photos picker.

Is it possible to avoid the "use"/"retake" screen after taking a photo in an iOS app?

i have hired a programmer to create an iPhone app for me. The purpose of the app is to take a photo and upload it to a server. We want to make a special purpose screen to review the photo before uploading it. This specially developed screen will crucially have zooming functionality.
He claims that after taking a photo, it is impossible to avoid the "use"/"reuse" screen to show up, so now we have two screens to review the photo. First the standard one from Apple, then our own with zoom. Is he right about that? It just sounds so unreasonable that Apple would put such a restriction.
Edit: I mean taking a photo using the camera.
As par Apple's documentation
To perform fully-customized image or movie capture, instead use the AV
Foundation framework as described in “Media Capture and Access to
Camera” in AV Foundation Programming Guide. To create a
fully-customized image picker for browsing the photo library, use
classes from the Assets Library framework. For example, you could
create a custom image picker that displays larger thumbnail images,
that makes use of EXIF metadata including timestamp and location
information, or that integrates with other frameworks such as Map Kit.
For more information, see Assets Library Framework Reference. Media
browsing using the Assets Library framework is available starting in
iOS 4.0
In short yes it is possible check out this sample
Use the allowsEditing property on your UIImagePickerController
imagePickerController.allowsEditing = NO;
Previous answer was a bit of a hack to take advantage of a code path that didn't show the buttons but wasn't awesome.
[Previous answer]
You can actually avoid it without going through the hassle of setting up your own image capture from AV Foundation.
Including the following will remove the need to show the "review" screen. All you have to do is put in a few of your own buttons and wire them up to the appropriate functionality.
[self.imagePickerController setShowsCameraControls:NO];
It is a little bit too late I know, but for future reference:
This is far more simple that the answers already provided,
what you are looking for is the allowsEditing option.
imagePickerController.allowsEditing = NO;
That should be enough to avoid showing the "Retake"/"Use" screen after the user takes a picture.

Accessing next asset from UIImagePickerController

I'm using the UIImagePickerController to choose an image, and display it to the user immediately. However, I want the user to be able to swipe, and the next image from the album appears. The question is, how do I access the next image in the album after the initial user-selected image, programmatically?
With UIImagePickerController you just can't.
You need to use the ALAssets Library for that.
See this example: Accessing photo library using assets library

Photo browser with previous and next button , how?

I want to make a gallery with previous and next button in my iPhone app.
If anyone has idea , link , exampler or something that lead me to implement the gallery please provide me .
I've written a simple and easy to use photo browser called MWPhotoBrowser. I decided to create it as Three20, while very good, was too heavy/bloated as all I needed was a photo viewer.
It is an implementation of a photo viewer that I wrote allowing the user to view one or more images in a similar way to the native Photos app. It can display one or more images by providing either UIImage objects, file paths to images on the device, or URLs images online. Photos can also be zoomed, panned, and navigated with previous/next buttons.
View MWPhotoBrowser on GitHub
Hope this helps!
Thee20 framework, they have a great gallery example

iPhone: Can I get an image picker to have the documents folder as its source

It looks like I cant create an album for my picture producing app in the photo library... so what I was going to do is save the images to the documents folder for my app, which I think should be easy enough. The issue though is that the image picker seems to only allow you to pick saved images or photo library as the source, and I would like users to be able to view all images created by my app. Is there a way to make the picker work or will I have to roll my own?
the image picker that apple provides only gives you access to pictures saved in the camera roll. It also gives you the functionality to take a new picture if you are on an iphone. If you save pictures in your app's local storage directory, then you need to build your own mechanism for viewing these photos. You may want to take a look at Joe Hewitt's 320 project - it has a lot of good controls that you may find useful.