I have a CAGradientLayer that I want to hide sometimes. The .hidden is a read-only property. The CAGRadientLayer is added as a sublayer to my view. I put in NSLog statements to see if my conditions are being hit and they are the way I want. However, sometimes the .opacity = 0.0 does hide the layer, sometimes it doesn't. Has anyone else had consistency problems with this? Is there a better way to hide the layer? Thanks.
Why do you say that the hidden property is readonly? It's writable:
/* When true the layer and its sublayers are not displayed. Defaults to
* false. Animatable. */
#property(getter=isHidden) BOOL hidden;
I'm new to CAShapeLayers so forgive me if this is an obvious fix. Im trying to move a line in sync with a UIScrollView when the view is moving up but keep the line still when the scroll view is moving down. I am using a delegate to detect when the scroll view is moving and this is my code for changing between the visible line.
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView){
if(mainScrollView.contentOffset.y < CGFloat(0.0)){
topMainContentViewLine!.isHidden = false
largeRocketImageView!.isHidden = true
topViewLine!.isHidden = true
}else if(mainScrollView.contentOffset.y == CGFloat(0)){
topMainContentViewLine!.isHidden = false
topViewLine!.isHidden = false
largeRocketImageView!.isHidden = false
topMainContentViewLine!.isHidden = true
topViewLine!.isHidden = false
When I run my app I can easily see that the two lines are fading in and out instead of appearing and disappearing instantly. For comparison the image has no animation. Any ideas on how to get rid of the animation? Thanks again!
From the documentation:
A Boolean indicating whether the layer is displayed. Animatable.
See that word "animatable"? That is a rather tight shorthand; it means that when you set this property on a layer that is not the underlying backing layer of a UIView (e.g. any standalone sublayer), animation is the default. That's called implicit layer animation.
If you do not want animation of an animatable property under those circumstances, you can turn animation off by calling
You can do that either for a specific explicit transaction block (i.e. everything between matching begin() and commit() commands), or for the entire implicit transaction in which all your code runs.
More commonly, if you have a layer for which you always or mostly don't want animation, you'd host it as the underlying layer of a custom UIView. In that case, setting an animatable property would not animate, and if you needed animation, you would use an explicit CAAnimation (or UIView animation) to get it.
For comparison the image has no animation
Because largeRocketImageView is not, itself, a layer; it's a view.
I have an iPhone app in which I'm using a UITableView to format a set of text responses, one per row. I've set up the cell in the storyboard to have a label inside it, and set up a constraint saying that the label should be 10 points from the edge of the cell. I then set up a custom subclass of UITableViewCell, set the cell in the storyboard to be of that class, and connected the outlet.
However, when I load the table, I see the text in the cell moving slightly to the right under some circumstances: when I select the cell, or when I load additional cells into the table. In fact, in the latter case, sometimes everything gets shifted to the right, even cells which were already there!
What the heck is going on here? The only changes I'm making in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: are to the text in the label, and I'm always setting it. And I've unset "Indent While Editing" on the cell in the storyboard.
Answering some of the questions: I'm setting the view up using the storyboard. Xcode isn't reporting any ambiguity with the constraints. Also, here are the screenshots, before and after:
My guess is that the constraints for the label are ambiguous. Ambiguity can make UI components jump around for inexplicable reasons. You probably need to set more constraints for the label to define its position on both axes.
Or, maybe all you need to do is set the label to the "size that fits content" (intrinsic content size) under the Editor menu in IB.
Did you add a new label to the UITableViewCell, or are you working with the textLabel that already exists in it? If you added a new one, consider removing it and using the cell's existing textLabel property instead. If that's not an option for some reason, double-check that the label you've added is in the contentView of the cell, and that all the constraints are relative to the parent view, not to the cell itself.
Also, for debugging, you could set the cell's contentView background color to red (cell.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];) - this might give you a better sense of what's moving, the label or the whole view.
This is just a guess without seeing your code. I had a similar problem once, when the app reused an existing cell, the dimensions of the label were not correct. So, I had to remove the old label in my cellForRowAtIndexPath method, before adding a new label. Here's how I removed the old one:
UIView *oldLabel = [cell viewWithTag:3];
if (oldLabel != nil)
[oldLabel removeFromSuperview];
Then I added a new label like this:
[cell.contentView addSubview:newLabelOrWhatever];
It might be worth checking to see that your string content doesn't have a space prefixed on it. Also, you could verify the actual position of the label by setting the background color.
I had a similar issue when the label would move when the cell was selected. It was a custom cell that I was loading from a custom Nib.
In the Nib I had not set the backgroundView of the UITableViewCell (superclass) to any view. Once I set it (I set it to the ContentView) the issue stopped.
My auto-layout constrains seems fine and had no issues, so I'm assuming it was the above that fixed it.
If you have a custom subclass of UITableViewCell, try implementing layoutSubviews. Let me try from the top of my head:
static CGFloat const kLeftMargin = 10.0f;
- (void) layoutSubviews
[super layoutSubviews];
/* Prepare for processing */
CGSize cellSize = self.bounds.size;
/* Change the textLabel frame */
/* Compute the new label frame */
CGSize labelSize = self.textLabel.bounds.size;
CGFloat xCoor = kLeftMargin;
CGFloat yCoor = roundf((cellSize.height - labelSize.height) / 2.0f);
CGRect labelFrame = CGRectMake(xCoor, yCoor,
labelSize.width, labelSize.height);
/* Set the new label frame */
self.textLabel.frame = labelFrame;
Now, this isn't what is usually recommended (since a lot of people use Storyboards and NIBs), but from experience, if you want some correct layouting done, implement layoutSubviews.
I have a subclass of UICollectionViewLayout which places cells in a circle. The layout returns YES for the call shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange:. On rotation, the cell in the initial position fades out and the cell in the final position fades in.
By adding the following code to my layout I can disable the fades and the
circle of items appears to to simply rotate with the orientation change:
- (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)itemIndexPath {
return nil;
- (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)itemIndexPath {
return [self layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath:itemIndexPath];
Why do the methods get called on a bounds change because documentation doesn't seem to suggest they do? Documentation seems to state they get called related to insertion and removal of items from the collection view.
Is there a better way to disable the cross fade during rotation?
The initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItemAtIndexPath: documentation
states that by default the method returns nil but calls to super returned
non-nil values.
I set symbolic breakspoints on the UICollectionView methods
deleteItemsAtIndexPaths:, moveItemAtIndexPath:toIndexPath: and
insertItemsAtIndexPaths: and none of them are hit during rotation.
The UICollectionViewLayout.h file states
// This set of methods is called when the collection view undergoes an
animated transition such as a batch update block or an animated
bounds change.
// For each element on screen before the invalidation,
finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingXXX will be called and an
animation setup from what is on screen to those final attributes.
// For each element on screen after the invalidation,
initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingXXX will be called an an
animation setup from those initial attributes to what ends up on
which clearly says they are called on bounds changes. Rather than removal/insertion, "old state" and "new state" seems more accurate.
I'm trying to toggle the fill for a Core Plot plot area on and off. When I set up the fill at application launch everything works. Toggling the first time works fine. Subsequent toggling of the fill on or off does not work unless a rotate the display.
CPTFill *plotFill=nil;
if (self.graphPlotAreaHasFill) {
I'm calling the above code from a settings view controller via a delegate method. NSLog statements within the above method (removed) show that the method is being called, that the graphPlotAreaHasFill property is set correctly and the CPTFill is correct. It just isn't updating the plotArea fill. Again, it will only update after rotating the display.
Using Core Plot 1.0.
Any suggestions on how to force the update of the fill area without having to rotate?
found the answer here: Calling setNeedsDisplay:YES on layer-hosting view does not redraw the view
turns out because the fill is a CALayer subclass, I can call setNeedsDisplay and it will refresh. Update code is as follows:
CPTFill *plotFill=nil;
if (self.graphPlotAreaHasFill) {
[self.graph.plotAreaFrame.plotArea setNeedsDisplay];
I was just experimenting with layer property of my UIButton by setting a outlet n the code for a button created in xib.
NSLog(#"d button layer value%#",dButton.layer.backgroundColor);
But the output is coming as:
d button layer value(null)
My question is: can't we display the layer property value of UIButton. We all know that some default value would have been set for the button.
According to the documentation for CALayer:
The default is nil.
unless you explicitly change it.
In the documentation for UIView, it says this:
The default value is nil, which results in a transparent background color.
This excerpt describes the view.backgroundColor property, so I assume that the view.layer.backgroundColor property is the same.
Hope this helps!
Phew !! I finally got the answer.
Actually I was trying to display the structure value using %# in NSlog statement.
dButton.layer.backgroundColor is a fundamental data type used internally by Quartz to represent colors.
So, way to display them is to make your own class which can parse the value.
Like, for example there are class functions for CGRect, CGPoint etc
like for displaying CGRect we use this code
NSLog(#"d button layer value%#",NSStringFromCGRect(dButton.layer.bounds));
but there arent any function defined for CGColorRef.
Ok, as per jrturton said,for displaying the above value we can use
NSLog(#"d button layer value%#",[UIColor colorWithCGColor:button.layer.backgroundColor)]
I hope everyone got it now !!