convert varchar to bigint function - tsql

I want to create a function that converts a string of characters to bigint. If the conversion is not possible the function should return null. I want the function to work for normal representation (example '10000') and mantissa-exponent representation ('1e1+10') Here is what I have written so far:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_get_bigint]
#character varchar(100)
RETURNS bigint
if ISNUMERIC(#character)=0 return null
if LEN(ltrim(rtrim(#character)))>25 return null
declare #nr numeric(25,4)
if charindex('e',lower(#character))>0
declare #real real
**set #nr=CONVERT(real,#character)**
if #nr not between convert(numeric(25),-9223372036854775808) and
return null
set #real = convert(real, #nr)
return convert(bigint,convert(numeric(25),#real))
set #nr=CONVERT(numeric(25,4),#character)
if #nr between convert(numeric(25),-9223372036854775808) and
convert(numeric(25),9223372036854775807) return convert(bigint,#nr)
return null
Now the only problem appears when I need to deal with overflows for mantissa exponent representation. The bolded conversion falls in case of overflow; but what I want it to do is to return null.
How can I put some preconditions on that conversion so that it does not fall anymore.
call example : select dbo.udf_get_bigint('3e0210')
output: Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type real.

Use float instead of real. It may contradict the variable name, but it makes that part of the script work
declare #real float
This code will verify
select CONVERT(float,'3e0210')


CREATE FUNCTION failed because a column name is not specified for column 1. error for the Multiple parameter of function

Wanted to create the multiple parameter of function but it gives me this error:
CREATE FUNCTION failed because a column name is not specified for
column 1.
Code below:
create function dmt.Impacted(
#nameOfColumn varchar , #nameOfParam varchar)
returns table
case when '['+#nameOfColumn+']' is null or len(rtrim('['+#nameOfColumn+']')) = 0
then Convert(nvarchar(2),0)
#nameOfParam end from employee) ;
As the error message clearly said, the column in the returned result need a name. Either give it an alias in the SELECT like
END a_column_name
or define it in the declaration of the return type as in
(a_column_name nvarchar(max)
As you can see in the second form you have to specify a data type. As your current code doesn't make much sense now I cannot figure out what is the right one there. You'd need to amend it.
Note, that len(rtrim('['+#nameOfColumn+']')) = 0 is never true as len(rtrim('['+#nameOfColumn+']')) is either NULL, when #nameOfColumn is NULL or at least 2 because of the added brackets.
If #nameOfColumn is supposed to be a column name you shouldn't use varchar (especially without a length specified for it) but sysname which is a special type for object names.
Either way you should define a length for #nameOfColumn and #nameOfParam as just varchar without any length means varchar(1), which is probably not what you want. And maybe instead of varchar you want nvarchar.
You may also want to look into quotename().
Define name of column in SELECT statement :
(select case when '['+#nameOfColumn+']' is null or
len(rtrim('['+#nameOfColumn+']')) = 0
then Convert(nvarchar(2),0)
else #nameOfParam
end as name_column -- define column name
from employee)
Also, your function parameter has no data length, by default it will accept only 1 character #nameOfColumn varchar , #nameOfParam varchar & rest will trim.

Convert a bytea into a binary string

I need to decode a base64 string and take a chunk of binary.
Is there a SQL function in Postgres to simply convert a bytea into a binary string representation?
(Like "00010001010101010".)
If your Postgres installation runs with the default setting bytea_output = 'hex', there is a very simple hack:
SELECT right(bytea_col::text, -1)::varbit;
SELECT right((bytea '\xDEADBEEF')::text, -1)::varbit;
right(text, -1) is just the cheapest way to remove the leading backslash from the text representation.
varbit (standard SQL name bit varying) is for bit strings of arbitrary length. Cast the result to text or varchar if you like.
Related, with explanation:
Convert hex in text representation to decimal number
You could put the following code into a function:
WITH byte AS ( -- 1
SELECT E'\\xDEADBEEF'::bytea as value
string_agg( -- 5
get_byte(value, gs)::bit(8)::text -- 4
, ''
generate_series( -- 3
length(value) - 1 -- 2
) gs
I demonstrated the development of the query within the fiddle.
The WITH clause encapsulates the bytea value for double usage in further code
length() calculates the binary length of the bytea value
generate_series() creates a list from 0 to length - 1 (0 - 3 in my example)
get_byte() takes the bytea value a second time and gives out the byte at position gs (the previous calculated values 0-3). This gives an integer representation of the the byte. After that the cast to bit(8) type converts the result of this function to its binary representation (1 byte = 8 bit)
string_agg() finally aggregates all for binary strings into one. (taking its text representations instead of bit type, with no delimiters)
A function could look like this:
string_agg(get_byte(value, gs)::bit(8)::text, '')
generate_series(0, length(value) - 1) gs;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
After that you could call it:
SELECT to_bit(E'\\xDEADBEEF'::bytea)
You could try it using get_bit() instead of get_byte(). This safes you the ::bit(8) cast but of course you need to multiply the length with factor 8 indeed.
The resulting bit string has another bit order but maybe it fits your use case better:
WITH byte AS (
SELECT E'\\xDEADBEEF'::bytea as value
string_agg(get_bit(value, gs)::text, '')
generate_series(0, length(value) * 8 - 1) gs

Cast to int instead of decimal?

I have field that has up to 9 comma separated values each of which have a string value and a numeric value separated by colon. After parsing them all some of the values between 0 and 1 are being set to an integer rather than a numeric as cast. The problem is obviously related to data type but I am unsure what is causing it or how to fix it. The problem only exists in the case statement, the split_part function seems to be working perfect.
Things I have tried:
nvl(split_part(one,':',2),0) = COALESCE types text and integer cannot be matched
nvl(split_part(one,':',2)::numeric,0) => Invalid input syntax for type numeric
numerous other cast/convert variations
(CASE WHEN split_part(one,':',2) = '' THEN 0::numeric ELSE split_part(one,':',2)::numeric END)::numeric => runs but get int value of 0
When using the split_part function outside of case statement it does work correctly. However, I need the result to be zero for null values.
split_part(one,':',2) => 0.02068278096187390979 (expected result)
When running the code above I get zero but expect 0.02068278096187390979
Field "one" has the following value 'xyz: 0.02068278096187390979' before the split_part function.
create table test(one varchar);
insert into test values('XYZ: 0.50000000000000000000')
one ,split_part(one,':',2) as correct_value_for_those_that_are_not_null ,
when split_part(one,':',2) = '' then null
else split_part(one,':',2)::numeric
end::numeric as this_one_is_the_problem
from test
However, I need the result to be zero for null values.
Your example does not deal with NULL values at all, though. Only addressing the empty string ('').
To replace either with 0 reliably, efficiently and without casting issues:
SELECT part1, CASE WHEN part2 <> '' THEN part2::numeric ELSE numeric '0' END AS part2
SELECT split_part(one, ':', 1) AS part1
, split_part(one, ':', 2) AS part2
FROM test
) sub;
Best way to check for "empty or null value"
Also note that all SQL CASE branches must agree on a common data type. There have been minor adjustments in the logic that determines the resulting type in the past, so the version of Postgres may play a role in corner cases. Don't recall the details now.
nvl()is not a Postgres function. You probably meant COALESCE. The manual:
This SQL-standard function provides capabilities similar to NVL and IFNULL, which are used in some other database systems.

RIGHT Function in UPDATE Statement w/ Integer Field

I am attempting to run a simple UPDATE script on an integer field, whereby the trailing 2 numbers are "kept", and the leading numbers are removed. For example, "0440" would be updated as "40." I can get the desired data in a SELECT statement, such as
SELECT RIGHT(field_name::varchar, 2)
FROM table_name;
However, I run into an error when I try to use this same functionality in an UPDATE script, such as:
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = RIGHT(field_name::varchar, 2);
The error I receive reads:
column . . . is of type integer but expression is of type text . . .
HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression
You're casting the integer to varchar but you're not casting the result back to integer.
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = RIGHT(field_name::TEXT, 2)::INTEGER;
The error is quite straight forward - right returns textual data, which you cannot assign to an integer column. You could, however, explicitly cast it back:
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = RIGHT(field_name::varchar, 2)::int;
1 is a digit (or a number - or a string), '123' is a number (or a string).
Your example 0440 does not make sense for an integer value, since leading (insignificant) 0 are not stored.
Strictly speaking data type integer is no good to store the "trailing 2 numbers" - meaning digits - since 00 and 0 both result in the same integer value 0. But I don't think that's what you meant.
For operating on the numeric value, don't use string functions (which requires casting back and forth. The modulo operator % does what you need, exactly: field_name%100. So:
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = field_name%100
WHERE field_name > 99; -- to avoid empty updates

SQL invalid conversion return null instead of throwing error

I have a table with a varchar column, and I want to find values that match a certain number. So lets say that column contains the following entries (except with millions of rows in real life):
23 45
So I decide I want all the rows which are numerically 123456789012 write a statement that looks something like this:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE CAST(MyColumn as bigint) = 123456789012
It should return the first and last row, but instead the whole query blows up because it can't convert the "23 45" and "713?2" to bigint.
Is there another way to do the conversion that will return NULL for values that can't convert?
SQL Server does NOT guarantee boolean operator short-circuit, see On SQL Server boolean operator short-circuit. So all solution using ISNUMERIC(...) AND CAST(...) are fundamentally flawed (they may work, but hey can arbitrarily fail later dependiong on the generated plan). A better solution is using CASE, as Thomas suggests: CASE ISNUMERIC(...) WHEN 1 THEN CAST(...) ELSE NULL END. But, as gbn pointed out, ISNUMERIC is notoriously finicky in identifying what 'numeric' means and many cases where one would expect it to return 0 it returns 1. So mixing the CASE with the LIKE:
CASE WHEN MyRow NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN CAST(MyRow as bigint) ELSE NULL END
But the real problem is that if you have millions of rows and you have to search them like this, you'll always end up scanning end-to-end since the expression is not SARG-able (no matter how we rewrite it). The real issue here is data purity, and should be addressed at the appropriate level, where the data is populated. Another thing to consider is if is possible to create a persisted computed column with this expression and create a filtered index on it which eliminates NULL (ie. non-numeric). That would speed up things a little.
If you are using SQL Server 2012 you can use the 2 new methods:
Both methods are equivalent. They return a value cast to the specified data type if the cast succeeds; otherwise, returns null. The only difference is that CONVERT is SQL Server specific, CAST is ANSI. using CAST will make your code more portable (although not sure if any other database provider implements TRY_CAST)
ISNUMERIC will accept empty string and values like 1.23 or 5E-04 so could be unreliable.
And you don't know what order things will be evaluated in so it could still fail (SQL is declarative, not procedural, so the WHERE clause probably won't be evaluated left to right)
you want to accept value that consist only of the characters 0-9
you need to materialise the "number" filter so it's applied before CAST
Something like:
SELECT TOP 2000000000 *
FROM MyTable
WHERE MyColumn NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%' --double negative rejects anything except 0-9
) foo
CAST(MyColumn as bigint) = 123456789012 --applied after number check
Edit: quick example that fails.
CREATE TABLE #foo (bigintstring varchar(100))
INSERT #foo (bigintstring )VALUES ('1.23')
INSERT #foo (bigintstring )VALUES ('1 23')
INSERT #foo (bigintstring )VALUES ('123')
ISNUMERIC(bigintstring) = 1
CAST(bigintstring AS bigint) = 123
FROM MyTable
AND CAST(MyRow as float) = 123456789012
The ISNUMERIC() function should give you what you need.
AND CAST(MyRow as bigint) = 123456789012
And to add a case statement like Thomas suggested:
WHEN 1 THEN CAST(MyRow as bigint)
END = 123456789012
FROM MyTable
WHERE (ISNUMERIC(MyColumn) = 1) AND (CAST(MyColumn as bigint) = 123456789012)
Additionally you can use a CASE statement in order to get null values.
WHEN (ISNUMERIC(MyColumn) = 1) THEN CAST(MyColumn as bigint)
END AS 'MyColumnAsBigInt'
FROM tableName
If you require additional filtering, for numerics which are not valid to be cast to bigint, you can use the following instead of ISNUMERIC:
PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',MyColumn)) = 0
If you need decimal values instead of integers, cast to float instead and change the regex to '%[^0-9.]%'