How do I find out what the date some weeks ago was? - perl

I was trying to determine a good way to calculate a previous date based on how many weeks I would want to go back. Today is 7/19/2011, so if I wanted to go back 5 weeks what would be the best way to determine what that date would be?

DateTime::Duration is your friend there:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use DateTime;
my $now = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'local');
my $five_weeks = DateTime::Duration->new(weeks => 5);
my $five_weeks_ago = $now - $five_weeks;
say "Five weeks ago now it was $five_weeks_ago";
Notice that it lets you specify the duration in the units of the problem.

Perl has this marvelous thing called regexes that can solve almost any problem.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $date = shift || '7/19/2011';
my $days_ago = shift || 7*5;
$date =~ s#^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)\z##{[sprintf"%.2d",$1]}/#{[sprintf"%.2d",$2]}/$3/$days_ago#;
until ( $date =~ s#^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/0\z##{[$1+0]}/#{[$2+0]}/$3# ) {
$date =~ s#([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)##{[$2==1?sprintf"%.2d",$1-1||12:$1]}/#{[sprintf"%.2d",$2-1||31]}/#{[$1==1 && $2==1?$3-1:$3]}/#{[$4-1]}#;
$date =~ s#([0-9]+)\z##{[$1+1]}# unless $date =~ m#^(?:0[1-9]|1[012])/(?:0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8]|(?<!0[2469]/|11/)31|(?<!02/)30|(?<!02/(?=...(?:..(?:[02468][1235679]|[13579][01345789])|(?:[02468][1235679]|[13579][01345789])00)))29)/#;
print $date, "\n";
(Please don't do it this way.)

I like Date::Calc
use strict;
use warnings;
use Date::Calc qw/Add_Delta_Days Today/;
my $offset_weeks = -5;
my $offset_days = $offset_weeks * 7;
# Year, Month, Day
my #delta_date = Add_Delta_Days(
Today( [ localtime ] ),
printf "%2d/%2d/%4d\n", #delta_date[1,2,0];
It is designed to catch common gotchas such as leap year.

Best or easiest? I have always found strftime's date normalization to be handy for this sort of thing:
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
my #date = localtime;
print strftime "today is %Y-%m-%d\n", #date;
$date[3] -= 5 * 7;
print strftime "five weeks ago was %Y-%m-%d\n", #date;
Which solution is best depends partly on what you want to do with the date when you are done. Here is a benchmark with implementations of various methods:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark;
use Date::Manip qw/UnixDate/;
use Date::Simple qw/today/;
use Date::Calc qw/Add_Delta_Days Today/;
use DateTime;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use Class::Date;
my %subs = (
cd => sub {
(Class::Date::now - [0, 0, 5 * 7])->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
dc => sub {
sprintf "%d-%02s-%02d", Add_Delta_Days Today, -5 * 7;
dm => sub {
UnixDate("5 weeks ago", "%Y-%m-%d");
ds => sub {
(today() - 5 * 7)->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
dt => sub {
my $now = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => time, time_zone => "local");
my $five_weeks = DateTime::Duration->new(weeks => 5);
($now - $five_weeks)->ymd('-');
p => sub {
my #date = localtime;
$date[3] -= 5 * 7;
strftime "%Y-%m-%d", #date;
y => sub {
my ($d, $m, $y) = (localtime)[3..5];
my $date = join "/", $m+1, $d, $y+1900;
my $days_ago = 7*5;
$date =~ s#^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)\z##{[sprintf"%.2d",$1]}/#{[sprintf"%.2d",$2]}/$3/$days_ago#;
until ( $date =~ s#^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/0\z##{[$1+0]}/#{[$2+0]}/$3# ) {
$date =~ s#([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)##{[$2==1?sprintf"%.2d",$1-1||12:$1]}/#{[sprintf"%.2d",$2-1||31]}/#{[$1==1 && $2==1?$3-1:$3]}/#{[$4-1]}#;
$date =~ s#([0-9]+)\z##{[$1+1]}# unless $date =~ m#^(?:0[1-9]|1[012])/(?:0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8]|(?<!0[2469]/|11/)31|(?<!02/)30|(?<!02/(?=...(?:..(?:[02468][1235679]|[13579][01345789])|(?:[02468][1235679]|[13579][01345789])00)))29)/#;
return $date;
print "$_: ", $subs{$_}(), "\n" for keys %subs;
Benchmark::cmpthese -1, \%subs;
And here are the results. The strftime method seems to be the fastest, but it is also has the least features.
y: 6/14/2011
dm: 2011-06-14
p: 2011-06-14
dc: 2011-06-14
cd: 2011-06-14
dt: 2011-06-15
ds: 2011-06-14
Rate dt dm y ds cd dc p
dt 1345/s -- -5% -28% -77% -82% -96% -98%
dm 1408/s 5% -- -24% -75% -81% -96% -98%
y 1862/s 38% 32% -- -68% -75% -95% -97%
ds 5743/s 327% 308% 208% -- -24% -84% -90%
cd 7529/s 460% 435% 304% 31% -- -78% -87%
dc 34909/s 2495% 2378% 1775% 508% 364% -- -39%
p 56775/s 4121% 3931% 2949% 889% 654% 63% --
Better than a benchmark is a test of how they handle DST (this test would have caught the error in the assumption about what DateTime->now returns).
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Mock;
use Date::Manip qw/UnixDate/;
use Date::Simple qw/today/;
use Date::Calc qw/Add_Delta_Days Today/;
use DateTime;
use POSIX qw/strftime mktime/;
use Class::Date;
sub target {
my #date = localtime;
$date[3] -= 5 * 7;
strftime "%Y-%m-%d", #date;
my %subs = (
cd => sub {
(Class::Date::now - [0, 0, 5 * 7])->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
dc => sub { sprintf "%d-%02s-%02d", Add_Delta_Days Today, -5 * 7;
dm => sub {
UnixDate("5 weeks ago", "%Y-%m-%d");
ds => sub {
(today() - 5 * 7)->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
dt => sub {
my $now = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => time, time_zone => 'local' );
my $five_weeks = DateTime::Duration->new(weeks => 5);
($now - $five_weeks)->ymd('-');
y => sub {
my ($d, $m, $y) = (localtime)[3..5];
my $date = join "/", $m+1, $d, $y+1900;
my $days_ago = 7*5;
$date =~ s#^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)\z##{[sprintf"%.2d",$1]}/#{[sprintf"%.2d",$2]}/$3/$days_ago#;
until ( $date =~ s#^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/0\z##{[$1+0]}/#{[$2+0]}/$3# ) {
$date =~ s#([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)##{[$2==1?sprintf"%.2d",$1-1||12:$1]}/#{[sprintf"%.2d",$2-1||31]}/#{[$1==1 && $2==1?$3-1:$3]}/#{[$4-1]}#;
$date =~ s#([0-9]+)\z##{[$1+1]}# unless $date =~ m#^(?:0[1-9]|1[012])/(?:0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8]|(?<!0[2469]/|11/)31|(?<!02/)30|(?<!02/(?=...(?:..(?:[02468][1235679]|[13579][01345789])|(?:[02468][1235679]|[13579][01345789])00)))29)/#;
return join "-", map { sprintf "%02d", $_ }
(split "/", $date)[2,0,1];
my $time = mktime 0, 0, 0, 13, 2, 111; #2011-03-13 00:00:00, DST in US
for my $offset (map { $_ * 60 * 60 } 1 .. 24) {
print strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\n", (localtime $time + $offset);
Time::Mock->set($time + $offset);
my $target = target;
for my $sub (sort keys %subs) {
my $result = $subs{$sub}();
if ($result ne $target) {
print "$sub disagrees: ",
"time $time target $target result $result\n";

Using Time::Piece:
use Time::Piece;
use Time::Seconds qw(ONE_DAY);
my $weeks_back = 5;
my $date_str = '7/19/2011';
my $dt = Time::Piece->strptime($date_str, '%m/%d/%Y');
# Avoid DST issues
$dt -= ONE_DAY() * ( 7 * $weeks_back - 0.5 )
my $past_str = $dt->strftime('%m/%d/%Y');
print "$past_str\n";

Too much code for such a simple question! All you need is two simple lines:
my $five_weeks_ago = time - (5*7)*24*60*60;
print scalar localtime($five_weeks_ago), "\n";
My solution is accurate for both DST and leap years.

Here is the way to get the date of 5 weeks back:
$ uname
$ date
Wed Nov 11 09:42:05 CST 2015
$ perl -e 'my ($d,$m,$y) = (localtime(time-60*60*24*(5*7)))[3,4,5]; printf("%d/%d/%d\n", $m+1, $d, $y+1900);'

say POSIX::strftime(
'%m/%d/%Y' # format string -> mm/dd/YYYY
, 0 # no seconds
, 0 # no minutes
, 0 # no hours
, 19 - ( 5 * 7 ) # current day - numweeks * 7
, 7 - 1 # month - 1
, 2011 - 1900 # YYYY year - 1900
Yes, the day comes out to be 19 - 35 = -16, and yes it works.

If date is available as unix timestamp, it can be done with simple arithmetic:
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
say strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime(time - 5 * 7 * 86400));


Perl - How to get date of Previous wednesday from the given date without using DateTime

I want to find out the date of previous wednesday from the given date.
Eg. I have date as "20150804" and i would need "20150729".
DateTime is not available and i cannot install it as well.
I looked at few examples but they were using DateTime.
Can you please redirect me where i can get some help.? Thanks.
I am planning to code something like below.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $dt="20150804";
my $prevWednesday=getPrevWednesday($dt);
sub getPrevWednesday()
my $givenDt=shift;
Another brute force approach, this time using another core module Time::Local.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Time::Local;
sub prev_wednesday {
my $date = shift;
my ($year, $month, $day) = $date =~ /(....)(..)(..)/;
my $time = timelocal(0, 0, 12, $day, $month - 1, $year);
do { $time -= 60 * 60 * 24 } until (localtime $time)[6] == 3; # <- Wednesday
my ($y, $m, $d) = (localtime $time)[5, 4, 3];
return sprintf "%4d%02d%02d\n", 1900 + $y, $m + 1, $d;
print $_, ' ', prev_wednesday($_), for qw( 20150804 20150805 20150806
20150101 20000301 20010301 );
Using Time::Piece :
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
use Time::Seconds;
my $str = '20150804';
my $fmt = '%Y%m%d';
my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($str, $fmt);
do {
$t = $t - ONE_DAY;
} until ( $t->day eq 'Wed');
say $t->strftime($fmt);
There's always the brute force approach.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use POSIX 'strftime';
my $ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60;
# Get now
my $time = time;
# Subtract days until you get to a Wednesday
do {
$time -= $ONE_DAY;
} until (localtime($time))[6] == 3;
# Format
say strftime '%Y%m%d', localtime $time;
But if you're working in a Perl environment where you can't install modules from CPAN, then it is always worth working to get that restriction removed. Modern Perl programming is often a case of plumbing together the right series of CPAN modules. If you don't have access to CPAN then you're just making your life much harder than it needs to be.
If you really can't get the restriction lifted, then look for another job. It's not worth dealing with people who impose such pointless restrictions.
Update: Just noticed that you're also using a prehistoric version of Perl. You'll need to remove the use 5.010 and replace the say with print. And brush up your CV :-/
Update 2: choroba's solution is better. It deals with any date in the correct format. Mine just deals with the current date. The advice about fixing your working environment still holds though.
Here is a more elegant solution that does not do bruteforce.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local 'timelocal';
use POSIX 'strftime';
my $dt = "20150804";
say getPrevWednesday($dt);
# note you do not want () here,
# see
sub getPrevWednesday {
my $givenDt = shift;
# parse the string into a unix timestamp
my ( $year, $month, $day ) = $givenDt =~ /(....)(..)(..)/;
my $timestamp = timelocal( 0, 0, 12, $day, $month - 1, $year );
# get the day of week, ignore the rest
my ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $wday ) =
localtime $timestamp;
# because we start the week with Sunday on day 0
# and to get to the previous Wednesday from Sunday it's
# 4 days (Wednesday is 3) we can add 4 to the
# number of this day, divide by 7, take the leftover (modulo)
# and then subtract that many days
# (86_400 is one day in seconds)
# v- -6 ------
# 6 % 7 = 6
# +4 -----v
# v
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
# S M T W T F S S M T W T F S
my $prev_wed = $timestamp - ( ( $wday + 4 ) % 7 * 86_400 );
# go one week back if we got the same day
$prev_wed -= ( 7 * 86_400 ) if $prev_wed == $timestamp;
# debug output
warn "in: " . localtime($timestamp) . "\n";
warn "out: " . localtime($prev_wed) . "\n\n";
# put it back into your format
return strftime('%Y%m%d', localtime $timestamp);
in: Tue Aug 4 12:00:00 2015
out: Wed Jul 29 12:00:00 2015

Perl: Loop through months in a specified range

I need to make a loop (foreach) for all the months specified in a range like:
01-2013 to 09-2015 (month-year) format.
The tricky part is that in every loop i need the month - year data as well to run an sql query, so i cannot use a simple +1 counter.
I looked as Date::Calc and Date::Simple but it did not offer me a solution.
Does anybody have a code snippet i could use or come up with an idea on how to tackle this challenge?
The DateTime module has a nice function add which allows you to add whatever amount of time you want to an object:
use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;
use feature 'say';
my $start = DateTime->new(year => 2013, month => 1);
my $end = DateTime->new(year => 2015, month => 9);
while ($start <= $end) {
$start->add(months => 1);
say $start->strftime("%m-%Y");
If you only need to loop through the dates, why not just use this:
for my $year (2013..2015) {
for my $month (1..12) {
my $date = sprintf "%02d-%d", $month, $year;
# do your $date processing here
last if ($date eq "09-2015");
Date::Calc is awesome. Check it again
use Date::Calc();
my ($month, $year, $end_month, $end_year) = (1, 2013, 9, 2015);
while (($year < $end_year) || ($year == $end_year && $month <= $end_month)) {
print "year: $year, month: $month\n";
($year, $month) = Date::Calc::Add_Delta_YMD($year,$month,1,0,1,0);
my $start_date = '01-2013';
my $end_date = '09-2015';
my ($sm, $sy) = split '-', $start_date;
my ($em, $ey) = split '-', $end_date;
for my $y ($sy..$ey) {
for my $m (1..12) {
next if ($y==$sy && $m<$sm);
last if ($y==$ey && $m>$em);
# use $m and $y for further processing sql query
# print "Month: $m\t Year: $y\n";
# ...

perl date calculation with dates of the format 2012-02-03 00:00:00

I need some help with date calculations in perl with dates for the format "2012-02-03 00:00:00". In particular is there a tool I could use to just increment the days and it switches to month and year correctly? Thanks.
See DateTime.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings;
use DateTime;
my $ts = '2012-02-03 00:00:00';
my ($y, $m, $d) = ($ts =~ /([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/);
my $dt = DateTime->new(year => $y, month => $m, day => $d);
$dt->add( months => 2, days => 3 );
print $dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "\n";
It's actually a little cleaner to use a DateTime::Format class, and you get error checking for free.
use DateTime::Format::Strptime qw( );
my $format = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
time_zone => 'local',
on_error => 'croak',
my $ts = '2012-02-03 00:00:00';
my $dt = $format->parse_datetime($ts);
$dt->add( months => 2, days => 3 );
print $format->format_datetime($dt), "\n";
The Time::Piece module is a standard part of the Perl installation and probably does all that you need.
This program uses your example date and adds two months and three days, then a further 400 days. Two alternative ways of displaying the values are shown
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
use Time::Seconds 'ONE_DAY';
my $format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';
my $dt = Time::Piece->strptime('2012-02-03 00:00:00', $format);
$dt = $dt->add_months(2);
$dt += 3 * ONE_DAY;
print $dt->strftime($format), "\n";
$dt += 400 * ONE_DAY;
printf "%s %s\n", $dt->ymd, $dt->hms;
2012-04-06 00:00:00
2013-05-11 00:00:00
This is all perfectly possible within core using the POSIX time-handling functions.
The standard POSIX::mktime function already copes with denormalised values, and can correct for days/months out of range. Additionally, POSIX::strftime actually calls this on the given values before formatting them, so it will adjust correctly.
use POSIX qw( strftime mktime );
use POSIX::strptime qw( strptime );
my $format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
my #t = strptime( "2012-02-03 00:00:00", $format );
#t = #t[0..5]; # Throw away wday and yday
$t[3] += 3; # mday
$t[4] += 2; # mon
say strftime $format, #t;
$t[3] += 400; # mday
say strftime $format, #t;
2012-04-06 00:00:00
2013-05-11 00:00:00

Convert Old Unix Date to Perl and compare

Requirement - I have file name called "Rajesh.1202242219". Numbers are nothing but a date "date '+%y''%m''%d''%H''%M'" format.
Now I am trying to write a perl script to extract the numbers from file name and compare with current system date and time and based on output of this comparison, print some value using perl.
Extract the Digit from File name:
if ($file =~ /Rajesh.(\d+).*/) {
print $1;
Convert this time into readable time in perl
my $sec = 0; # Not Feeded
my $min = 19;
my $hour = 22;
my $day = 24;
my $mon = 02 - 1;
my $year = 2012 - 1900;
my $wday = 0; # Not Feeded
my $yday = 0; # Not Feeded
my $unixtime = mktime ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday);
print "$unixtime\n";
my $readable_time = localtime($unixtime);
print "$readable_time\n";
find Current time and compare...
my $CurrentTime = time();
my $Todaydate = localtime($startTime);
But the problem here is, I am not getting solution of how to extract 2 digit from $1 and assign to $sec, $min, etc. Any help?
Also, if you have good approach for this problem statement, Please share with me
I like to use time objects to simplify the logic. I use Time::Piece here because it is simple and light weight (and part of the core). DateTime can be another choice.
use Time::Piece;
my ( $datetime ) = $file =~ /(\d+)/;
my $t1 = Time::Piece->strptime( $datetime, '%y%m%d%H%M' );
my $t2 = localtime(); # equivalent to Time::Piece->new
# you can do date comparisons on the object
if ($t1 < $t2) {
# do something
print "[$t1] < [$t2]\n";
Might as well teach DateTime::Format::Strptime to make the comparison much simpler:
use DateTime qw();
use DateTime::Format::Strptime qw();
if (
->new(pattern => '%y%m%d%H%M')
< DateTime->now
) {
say 'filename timestamp is earlier than now';
} else {
say 'filename timestamp is later than now';
my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min) = $file =~ /(\d{2})/g;
if ($min) {
$year += 100; # Assuming 2012 and not 1912
# Do stuff
I think unpack might be a better fit.
if ( my ( $num ) = $file =~ /Rajesh.(\d+).*/ ) {
my ( $year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min ) = unpack( 'A2 A2 A2 A2 A2', $num );
my $ts = POSIX::mktime( 0, $min, $hour, $day, $mon - 1, $year + 100 );
Using a module that parses dates might be nice. This code will parse the date and return a DateTime object. Refer to the documentation to see the many ways to manipulate this object.
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
my $date = "1202242219";
my $dt = get_obj($date);
sub get_obj {
my $date = shift;
my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%y%m%d%H%M'
return $strp->parse_datetime($date);

In Perl, how can I ensure that a string corresponds to a valid date?

I was wondering if there is a simple way in Perl to ensure that a date string corresponds to a valid date.
For example, 2012 02 30 is incorrect because it doesn't exist.
The DateTime module will validate dates when creating a new object.
$ perl -we 'use DateTime; my $dt;
eval { $dt = DateTime->new(
year => 2012,
month => 2,
day => 30);
}; print "Error: $#" if $#;'
Error: Invalid day of month (day = 30 - month = 2 - year = 2012) at -e line 1
It also works dynamically on a given DateTime object:
$dt->set(day => 30);
Something like this using Class::Date should work
Range check on date or time failed
use Class::Date;
my $d=Class::Date->new('2021-02-30');
unless ( $d->error ) {
print "good date\n";
} else {
print $d->errstr(). "\n";
Check here:
I believe you'll get the answers you seek from the wise monks.
You can do this through the use of POSIX mktime, but apparently only if you have a flexible-enough implementation of mktime.
What I do is plug the numbers in and then use local time to get them back and if I get the same day value back, it's a valid number. So, given your string:
my ( $y, $m, $d ) = split ' ', $date_string;
die "$date_string is not a valid date!"
unless ( $d == ( localtime mktime( 0, 0, 0, $d, $m - 1, $y - 1900 ))[3] )
See, in the versions of mktime that I'm used to, mktime( 0, 0, 0, 30, 1, 112 ) would make '2012-03-01' and 30 != 1
You can also use Time::Local:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings;
use Carp qw( croak );
use Time::Local qw( timegm );
my #to_check = ('1927 06 18', '2012 02 30');
for my $date ( #to_check ) {
printf "'%s' is %s\n", $date, check_date($date) ? 'valid' : 'invalid';
sub check_date {
my ($date) = #_;
my ($year, $month, $mday) = split ' ', $date;
my $ret;
eval {
$ret = timegm(0, 0, 0, $mday, $month - 1, $year - 1900);
return $ret && $ret;
May be this will help too:
use Time::Piece; #in perl CORE distro since 5.10
use 5.010;
say Time::Piece->strptime("2011-02-29","%Y-%m-%d")->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
say Time::Piece->strptime("2012-02-29","%Y-%m-%d")->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");