How to get email of a face book account - facebook

I have an android application which need the email address of the face book logged in candidate.
My application works as follows
the user can log in to my application using his face book account. After logged in he can select some items and clicks on OK button. When the user clicks the button ok we need to send an email to his "email address" telling that the details of the items he selected.
I am able to get the first_name and Last_name values but i also need the email address.
can any one tell me how to get the email.

You need to get Facebook extended permissions for that. Specifically you need the email extended permission.
Here's the link to the documentation where you can take a look at all Facebook's permissions you can use in its API.
When you authenticate, just make sure scope contains email like this:


get primary email address/contct number of facegroup group members

I have used facebook api to fetch details of group members.
using api i can fetch user first name, last name but not able to fetch email address.
this is code
$member_profile = $facebook->api('/group_id/members?fields=id,first_name,last_name,email,gender,birthday');
You either did not authorize with the email permission or the email is not confirmed in the Facebook account - it´s also possible that the user did not login with his email, afaik you can login with a phone number too. In general, you can never be 100% sure to get an email from the user.
Debug your Access Token and make sure the email permission shows up:

How to get email and username when Facebook registers

As far as I know, on the new Facebook API, there is no way to get the Facebook username. Also, if the user registered to Facebook, his or her account might lack an email address if he or she logged in with a phone number.
However, I am working on a project, where, upon login with Facebook, if the user does not have a user, then the Facebook login is interpreted as a registration. Since, according to my best knowledge, there is no way to get the Facebook username using the API, I am using the email field to generate a username, taking into account only letters.
However, in some cases, the username generated this way is duplicated, or the Facebook account does not have an email address. The best solution I can think about is to redirect the user to a form where he or she can enter the email and/or the username, but that would not help the user-experience.
Is there a way to gather these data without making the user enter them? Or something close to it?
First of all, you should always present the data you want to store to the user BEFORE you store it, and let him change it.
That being said, the (App Scoped) ID is the only thing that is really unique, you can either use the email directly (if the user is already registered, just add the Facebook ID to your database) and present an input field if there is no email - or generate a username with his first and last name. Present the chosen username to the user and let him change it, or tell him that it already exists.
After all, wouldn´t a user WANT to choose his username?
If you want to make it smooth for the user and don´t want to bug him in anyway, you can just store his Facebook ID. Or just use the email directly as username (including the # sign and the domain), as i wrote above. If that´s not good enough, you need to implement your own routine to auto-generate usernames. There´s no general logic from Facebook to do this.

Facebook test users and auth

I have a project where I am using Selenium to test the Facebook auth. I created a Facebook app, created a test user inside this app and created some tests using Facebook login. Until now, it was working. But during the last two weeks something changed in Facebook and my tests are failing. It is due to interface changes in permissions dialog (I am targeting the button by his id). The second problem is that I don't get the email address from Facebook test user but a proxy email which is longer than 75 characters (my db field length is hardcoded in framework I am using).
If I log in as a regular user, it is working correctly and I get this permission box:
But when I log in as the test user I created (via 'switch to' in app's developer roles), I get this box:
I tested it ~2 weeks ago and this was yet working. Today it is changed. So my questions:
How to get back the old permissions box for test users?
How can I get the real email address and not the proxy?
I experienced the same problem with the Auth Dialog. I tried it with some old and new apps with various settings including March/Apr. 2013 Breaking Changes enabled/disabled, but it didn't help.
However, I guess I can help you with the email problem. When you login as a test user and go to account settings page, you will see the test user's primary email addres. By default this should be a really long one like the image I attached.
Facebook Platform returns this primary email address. If you pass the Auth Dialog with your test user account and see the privacy setting page, you will find the default primary email address is shared with the app. You have to provide a new email address for the test user and set the new one as primary email address via account setting page.
Why is the Login Dialog different with a test user?
With your test user, you can see the future of login dialogs. In fact, this isn't "not working" but this is an update which was unveiled on December 2012. Let me quote:
Our Login dialogs have undergone a redesign to make it easier to
understand permissions that apps request. We've simplified
presentation and have also updated our language for greater clarity.
“Basic info” has been renamed to “public profile and friend list,” to
reflect what what is being shared. Apps accessing your public profile
get your name, profile picture, age range, gender, language, country
and other public information.
Source: Providing People Greater Clarity and Control,
The reason why you don't meet this update with a regular user, is that Facebook doesn't use to update everyone at the same time. They partially launch updates depending on the country, the type of account or some other parameters I ignore.
Example of a partial update (unified_message FQL table) dedicated to developer accounts:
We are providing early access to this API for registered developer
accounts only until the new messaging system is broadly available. You
should use the message table for production applications at the
current time.
In our case, we now know that test users can access to the update, but it is also said:
We have already launched many of these improvements as part of our
iOS6 integration and are now rolling them out more broadly.
About proxy emails
In fact, proxy emails are a way for any users to keep their real email anonymous. You have to consider proxy emails.
When joining an app, the user can choose between a real email and a proxy email:
Other thing you need to expect are users who didn't validate their account when connecting to your app, a case which is possible as described here and here.
Then, why do test users give back a proxy email? Because test users (being bots and having fake emails) didn't validate their emails.
You see that in at least 3 cases (and finally, test users are a good example), you need to handle these proxy emails. They are incidentally or accidentally met by developers and they can't be neglected. For your case, you can still try to disallow tests users who have a proxy email from accessing your app. But you should accept them and shouldn't force them to share their original e-mail addresses. A better solution is that you validate the test users emails:
Connect to the test user account that gives a proxy email
Add an email address (password needed here),
Go to the email mailbox and click on the validation link,
Set the new email address as primary,
The test user should now give his original email and not a proxy anymore!

Facebook-Like without users logged in?

In my physical store, I have a few tablets available in which I use to obtain shoppers' email addresses. I'll leave them up on a simple web page where they just enter their email address to join my companies email mailing list.
I would like to add the ability for these individuals to also 'Like' my company on Facebook without actually logging into Facebook. My thoughts are that they will not want to log into Facebook via a shared machine due to security concerns and also the added time to log on will deter them from even adding their email address to begin with.
Here is what i am thinking...I was hoping to send the 'Like' update to their account based on the email address that they provided without actually loggin on. Can this be achieved?
Thanks for your time.
No, the user must be logged in to send requests to facebook on their behalf

Facebook API, Graph, FQL,... and email search

I am working on a project related to both school and work where I would like to combine data from a college entrance application (which includes email address) and Facebook data, even a minimum amount of data, such as number of "friends" or any other public info they've put out there. Am I correct that you can't really programmatically search Facebook by email address? Feel free to make any suggestions.
You can search Facebook by email address, you just can't reliably search Facebook by email address.
For instance, you can make this query with a user access token:
I've tried this with a few people I know who are on Facebook, where I know their email address, but I am not friends with them. (Mostly my wife's friends).
In my testing, only about 20% of these queries return a Facebook user_id. I'm not sure if they don't have the email I know linked to their user account or if they have their privacy set to restrict their email address.
Once you have their user_id, you can access all their public information at
You don't need an access token to get this information.