eclipse crashes on Lion os x - eclipse

Eclipse seems to be crashing all the time since I've upgraded to the Mac OS X Lion. The error I keep getting is stackoverflow.
I am using eclipse version: and have an open Android project at the moment of the crash. Where do I find the log file? What could be causing the crash?

I don't know enough about what has changed in Lion to determine the cause of the crash. But, here's how to find the logfile:
Window > Show View > PDE Runtime > Error Log. This gives you a view with the contents of the .log file.
Help > About Eclipse Platform > Configuration Details. This prints out a great number of details about the environment and also concatenates the .log file. Great for including in a bug report.
Locate the file yourself, see workspace/.metadata/.log.
Start Eclipse using -consoleLog. This will print the messages that normally go to the .log file in the enclosing shell/command window.


Gdb stops when viewing variables in Eclipse

When debugging a c++ app, and hitting a breakpoint, gdb terminates the debug session when I click on a variable to expand its content in the Variables panel.
The displayed message is: <terminated, exit value: 0>gdb (
Printing the variable from the Debugger Console works correctly.
Debugging was working OK some weeks ago. The major changes that happen recently was a debian upgrade from 10 to 11 (bullseye), and an upgrade of the Eclipse version.
Activating gdb traces following where can I find GDB traces, I could see the commands sent to GDB, but no particular error before GDB stopped.
Any idea of what could cause this issue?
Eclipse Version: 2021-12 (4.22.0), Build id: 20211202-1639 running on linux debian bullseye.
I answer my own question.
After checking related answers, I suspect that the problem is linked to stl pretty printing in Eclipse (which was working fine before). I tried different version of Eclipse and gdb, and finally managed to fix the issue by using a previous version of gdb (8.3 instead of 10.1).
Here is the procedure that I followed (I'm not sure all steps are mandatory).
Reinstalled eclipse from scratch
Deleted the .metadata directory and recreated the eclipse workspace
Downloaded version 8.3 of gdb sources, and compiled it with python support ('./configure --with-python'). Note that libgmp-dev and python2.7-dev debian packages must be installed.
Copied gdb-8.3 somewhere under /usr/local/
Updated eclipse preference settings : C-C++/Debug/GDB and change GDB Debugger to the pach where gdb 8.3 executable was located under /usr/local/.
Checked in Debugger Console that the right gdb version is displayed. If this is not the case, you may have to set gdb using Debug As.../Debug Configurations/Debugger/GDB Debugger

How to get NetBeans 12.0 to launch on Mac (MAC OS 11.0 beta / Big Sur)

On Mac (Big Sur) when I click on the Netbeans 12 icon in the doc it bounces briefly then fails to launch Netbeans.
The answer helped me launch Netbeans from the terminal. I added this change to make my dock icon launch Netbeans like before.
I changed the Netbeans config file to make it launch with the Java path:
Like the previous post indicates find your JDK path with this command in the Terminal
/usr/libexec/java_home -v '1.7*'
Now add this path to the Netbeans conf file. To do this:
right click on the Netbeans icon in the dock and select Open in Finder
in the smaller icon it shows right click again and select Show sources
find the netbeans.conf file in folder Resources/NetBeans/netbeans/etc/netbeans.conf
open this netbeans.conf file with a TextEditor or similar and find the line
Uncomment this line and change it for your path (the one you found in point 1)
something like
Save the netbeans.conf file and try and launch from the Dock icon
If you right click on the icon in the dock --> Options --> Show in Finder the operating system will show you where 'Apache Netbeans 12.0' is located.
Highlight 'Apache Netbeans 12.0' then right-click and choose 'Show Package Contents', then you can find a shortcut that launches Netbeans (Contents/MacOS/netbeans).
If you double-click to launch netbeans you'll be presented with the following reason why it fails to load.
/Applications/NetBeans/Apache\ NetBeans\ ; exit;
rob#Robs-MBP-2015 ~ % /Applications/NetBeans/Apache\ NetBeans\ ; exit;
The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to locate a Java Runtime that supports (null).
Please visit for information on installing Java.
Cannot find java. Please use the --jdkhome switch.
Credit goes to How can I change Mac OS's default Java VM returned from /usr/libexec/java_home for providing the following step to determine what the JDK path is...
/usr/libexec/java_home -v '1.7*'
Then you can type the following (adjust for your path and version required)
export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home"
However that didn't seem to do the trick for me (I also tried JDK_HOME), so instead from a Terminal window type the command to launch Netbeans but include the --jdkhome to your Java home folder, e.g.
/Applications/NetBeans/Apache\ NetBeans\ --jdkhome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home
Now I have Netbeans launching again. I'm not quite sure why the JAVA_HOME doesn't resolve this, but hopefully in the meantime anyone unable to launch Netbeans can at least use this workaround.
I've also found this How to run a shell script in OS X by double-clicking? useful to ensure I can double-click on the shell script to run it from a shortcut on my desktop.
For some reason, some Netbeans versions for Mac OS do not detect the JDK contained in JRE. For proper installation and running the application,you must have Java for Mac OS installed previously.
I had the same issue after upgrading to macOS Big Sur from Mojave.
Before running commands in terminal, you could just try to reinstall Java for Mac OS X :
It solves my issue. I am now able to launch NetBeans 12.1

GDB Eclipse not finding Source Files

Recently I had a bug with my CDT eclipse application, so I downloaded GDB for debugging. It has brought me a lot of frustration. Finally, I have managed to properly install GDB, however when I try debugging my application, I get this error: No source file named /Desktop/workspace/TopVM/src/ShadowStack.h., as you can see there is an unnecessary . at the end of the path and it causes eclipse to freeze, so I have to force quit it. How would I go about fixing this?
as you can see there is an unnecessary . at the end of the path and it causes eclipse to freeze
This is not an unnecessary ., it is simply a full stop in the error message. It comes from GDB, probably this line:
throw_error (NOT_FOUND_ERROR, _("No source file named %s."), filename);
To fix the problem it would help if you identified if the problem is GDB or CDT, to do this, you can try running GDB without CDT and see if it freezes.
I assume you have found the following resources on setting up GDB on Mac (as I am guessing you are using?):

I could not debug using goclipse plugin, windows environment

I could not debug using goclipse plugin, it was asking about gdb debugger then I downloaded the binary ver. 7.6 but now it is giving me "Source Not found"..
As suggest from many posts, I tried to build the program before going to start debugging but still it is giving me the same thing.
below is a secreenshot
even I found some guys were saying is to specify the working directory in configuration as "other" but still giving me the same error
finally, I fixed the issue by using the "gdb" distributed within liteide package. you could reference it from "Window | Preferences"

No Java console output in Eclipse; works with PyDev

I have both a Java and a PyDev project in one workspace. When I run the PyDev project (either the main script with Run > Run As > Python Run or its associated unit test with Python unit-test), the console output looks fine. However, when I switch to the Java project, open the main class, make sure the cursor focus is in the main class, and run it with Run > Run as > [my run config], no output shows up in the console, stdout or stderr. I've tried with Run/Debug > Console > Fixed width console checked and unchecked, similarly for Limit console output. "Allocate console" is check in [my run config].
I have tried redirecting output to a file in my run configuration, but the log file is empty after a run; thus, I suspect stdout/stderr are being trapped somewhere. I suspect that it is PyDev causing the issue because when I run the Java project, this exception reliably shows up about 6 times in the error log:
Launch shortcut 'org.python.pydev.debug.ui.launchShortcut.python.unittest' enablement expression caused exception. Shortcut was removed.
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: No property tester contributes a property org.python.pydev.debug.ui.python_type to type class org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.TypeExtensionManager.getProperty(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.TestExpression.evaluate(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.CompositeExpression.evaluateOr(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.OrExpression.evaluate(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.CompositeExpression.evaluateAnd(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.AndExpression.evaluate(
(... and so on)
Additionally, printing from a Java program in a different workspace that only has Java projects works fine.
I tried uninstalling PyDev and restarting Eclipse, but I'm still having the same issue. I still have those errors after reinstalling PyDev, too.
Has anyone run into this issue before, or know of a way to fix it?
Well, I feel like an idiot; turns out, I had redirected stdout/err to a log file that I had long since forgotten about, and stuck somewhere difficult to find.
I ran into the same problem so I did some research. Seems like there was an old issue (2006-2008), but it was resolved by adding an option to the launch configurations to allocate a console. This is available from the Run -> Debug Configurations menu option, Common tab. Perhaps this is simply unchecked after the PyDev install?
If this is a new bug, there were two possible workarounds suggested:
Set up debug launch configuration that uses remote debugging instead of local debugging.
Use a buffered writer to System.out.
Here are the threads for reference:
Eclipse bug -
Workaround thread - support in Eclipse IDE