how to read numbers in image? - iphone

I have used the library for reading barcode from image. But can't find any source or help for reading numbers from image.
I just need to take photo with camera and then process image whether any numbers exist and read out the numbers.
Is there any way to get the number written on image?

that's OCR type of problem. you might want to take a look at: Is there any good OCR API for iPhone and/or Android phones? or iPhone: Regarding OCR technology?

The Google Docs API has some OCR support. You may want to take a look at this and see if you can implement it: I don't remember if Apple will allow you to use any external libraries though.


How to Translate Text of an Image in Real Time With iPhone Camera?

I am working on an app that needs to translate the text of an image in realtime with the iphone camera.Is there any way to implement it? any sdk or tutorial will be helpful.
My suggestion would be a combination of the following:
The open-source Tesseract OCR engine for getting the text from the image(Quite recent iOS wrapper here:
One of the translation services discussed in this question for translations:
E.g. a tutorial like this on how to get a real-time camera view with overlays:
Please note that these are just ideas on how to do this with as fast progress as possible.
Some apps that offer real-time translations even try to find a suitable font and display the translated text at the exact same position as the original text was. I am afraid that this is not possible without investing lots of work and developing your own OCR engine.
Hope this helps.

Android/iPhone Image parsing

I wanted to write an Android and/or an iPhone app that entails taking a picture of something (right now, I just want to limit to text) after which the app parses the text to make use of it. For example, perhaps taking picture of a sentence (or may be just fragments) will be then parsed by the app to bring up more information about the book. Title, author, ISBN etc. And even may be information about other books that are similar in content to this book.
Is this possible to do something like this? Is there an API that exists already that parses the content of an image? How is an image stored in Android and iPhone? Is it possible to implement the app in one platform and not the other?
I'd appreciate any input or advice that you guys have to offer. Thank you!
You're looking for this, possibly.
It's called OCR, or Optical Character Recognition.
Also check out ZXing a great library for decoding one- and two-dimensional barcodes. There are both iPhone and Android versions.

Bar code recognition in apps

I wanted to ask how does Bar code recognition apps works (like Goggles)?
Where do they get the bar code information?
There are a variety of standard formats for barcodes. Typically, a barcode app will (somehow) apply some image processing to determine which kind of barcode it's looking at, and then interpret the image accordingly. Figuring out which kind of barcode boils down to making an educated guess based on some set of heuristics.
Once you know which kind of barcode you're working with, it's much easier to process it.
See also: QR Code#Standards.
Google Goggles and Google Shopper use a (modified) version of the ZXing library for barcode scanning. Not surprising as it is all from Google. The barcode data comes from internal sources and from sites on the web.

how to do image morphing as in FatBooth app - iPhone

I want to build a similar app as fatbooth and want some ideas on how to do this. I googled for Image morphing in iPhone but didn't find anything. Should I use some server side language to morph Image?
Any help would be much appreciated!
The only language you can really use is C# or c++. the maths is very complicated although I am sure you can get a book or two that cover image manipulation.
I don't know if there is an open source morphing framework, but that is your best option - it doesn't have to be specific to the iPhone, but the integration will be hard.
I don't know what you mean about server side, unless there is a server you know of that does it and you want a wrapper around it
For starters, take a look at displacement mapping:
Basically, you use grayscale images to bloat/shrink/squeeze/etc parts of a person's face. I made an app called FaceCraze which had to implement a poor man's FatBooth as part of the face transformation, and I used grayscale images very similar to the examples in
edit: You can use the ImageMagick library in your iOS apps too: Link

How to Recognize image in iphone sdk?

i wanna ask that , is there any api to recognize image?
i need read data from image...can i read numbers which is printed on image..
It seems as though there is no built in function for OCR and this would have to be a custom aspect not found in foundation.
Good luck!
You can always download an open-sourced, external library (package) to do the OCR. GOCR is one example.
There are many OCR libraries available for reading text from an image. You can check my answer Mobile OCR Engine for iPhone app
and for reading numbers only check my answer How to read numbers only in an image
Hope it helps you.