How to get todos from Thunderbird/Lightning calendars? - thunderbird

I can't find how to get all the todos of a calendar in Lightning. I thought the functions getItem() and getItems() from the calICalendar Interface (here) were the solution but I could not make it work properly.

You are going in the right direction. You just need to pass the flag that you want todos only. An example can be found here.
To elaborate more on your example below, there are a few syntax errors and you might need different flags. I'm not sure why the alert is needed, that sounds to me like the event loop is not being spun. In what context are you calling these bits?
Try this:
var arrayItems = new Array();
var todoListener = {
onOperationComplete: function(aCalendar, aStatus, aOperationType, aId, aDetail) {},
onGetResult: function(aCalendar, aStatus, aItemType, aDetail, aCount, aItems) {
arrayItems = arrayItems.concat(aItems);
aCalendar.getItems(filter, 0, null, null, todoListener);

Thanks to your example, I understood how to implement the listener which was my main problem.
So here what I code :
var arrayItem = new Array; ;
var todoListener =
onOperationComplete: function(aCalendar, aStatus, aOperationType, aId, aDetail) {},
onGetResult: function(aCalendar, aStatus, aItemType, aDetail, aCount, aItems)
for (let i=0; i < aCount; i++)
var filter = aCalendar.ITEM_FILTER_ALL_ITEMS;
filter |= aCalendar.ITEM_FILTER_TYPE_TODO;
aCalendar.getItems(filter, 0, null, null, todoListener);
However, I have a really weird issue here. Actually, I do not get the todos with this code. I have to add an alert("something"); after the getItems() method to get my arrayItem filled up. Else, it is empty.


get value for specific question/item in a Google Form using Google App Script in an on submit event

I have figured out how to run a Google App Script project/function on a form submit using the information at
Once I have e I can call e.response to get a FormResponse object and then call getItemResponses() to get an array of all of the responses.
Without iterating through the array and checking each one, is there a way to find the ItemResponse for a specific question?
I see getResponseForItem(item) but it looks like I have to somehow create an Item first?
Can I some how use e.source to get the Form object and then find the Item by question, without iterating through all of them, so I could get the Item object I can use with getResponseForItem(item)?
This is the code I use to pull the current set of answers into a object, so the most current response for the question Your Name becomes form.yourName which I found to be the easiest way to find responses by question:
function objectifyForm() {
//Makes the form info into an object
var myform = FormApp.getActiveForm();
var formResponses = myform.getResponses()
var currentResponse = formResponses[formResponses.length-1];
var responseArray = currentResponse.getItemResponses()
var form = {};
form.user = currentResponse.getRespondentEmail(); //requires collect email addresses to be turned on or is undefined.
form.timestamp = currentResponse.getTimestamp();
form.formName = myform.getTitle();
for (var i = 0; i < responseArray.length; i++){
var response = responseArray[i].getResponse();
var item = responseArray[i].getItem().getTitle();
var item = camelize(item);
form[item] = response;
return form;
function camelize(str) {
str = str.replace(/[\.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()#\+\?><\[\]\+]/g, '')
return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+)/g, function(match, index) {
if (+match === 0) return ""; // or if (/\s+/.test(match)) for white spaces
return index == 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase();
//Use with installable trigger
function onSubmittedForm() {
var form = objectifyForm();
//Put Code here
A couple of important things.
If you change the question on the form, you will need to update your
Non required questions may or may not have answers, so check if answer exists before you use it
I only use installable triggers, so I know it works with those. Not sure about with simple triggers
You can see the form object by opening the logs, which is useful for finding the object names

Trying to work with down() method from ExtJS 4.2.1

I am trying to find a specific element from my page using ExtJS 4 so I can do modifications on it.
I know its id so it should not be a problem BUT
-I tried Ext.getCmp('theId') and it just return me undefined
-I tried to use down('theId') method by passing through the view and I still get a nullresponse.
As I know the id of the element I tried again the two methods by setting manually the id and it didn't work neither.
Do these two methods not function?
How should I do?
Here is the concerned part of the code :
listeners: {
load: function(node, records, successful, eOpts) {
var ownertree =;
var boundView = ownertree.dockedItems.items[1];
var generalId = boundView+'-record-';
// Add row stripping on leaf nodes when a node is expanded
// Adding the same feature to the whole tree instead of leaf nodes
// would not be much more complicated but it would require iterating
// the whole tree starting with the root node to build a list of
// all visible nodes. The same function would need to be called
// on expand, collapse, append, insert, remove and load events.
if (! {
// Process each child node
node.tree.root.cascadeBy(function(currentChild) {
// Process only leaf
if ( {
var nodeId = ""+generalId+currentChild.internalId;
var index =;
if ((index % 2) == 0) {
// even node'tree-odd-node', '') = 'tree-even-node';
} else {
// odd node'tree-even-node', '') = 'tree-odd-node';
// Update CSS classes
You can see my console.log at the end.
Here is what they give me on the javascript console (in the right order):
The precise id I am looking for. And I also try manually in case...
h {dom: table#treeview-1016-table.x-treeview-1016-table x-grid-table, el: h, id: "treeview-1016gridBody", $cache: Object, lastBox: Object…}
I checked every configs of this item and its dom and it is exactly the part of the dom I am looking for, which is the view containing my tree. The BIG parent
And then:
Here is the item I want to access:
<tr role="row" id="treeview-1016-record-02001001" ...>
And I checked there is no id duplication anywhere...
I asked someone else who told me these methods do not work. The problem is I need to access this item to modify its cls.
I would appreciate any idea.
You are looking for Ext.get(id). Ext.getCmp(id) is used for Ext.Components, and Ext.get(id) is used for Ext.dom.Elements. See the docs here:!/api/Ext-method-get
Ok so finally I used the afteritemexpand listener. With the ids I get the elements I am looking for with your Ext.get(id) method kevhender :).
The reason is that the dom elements where not completely loaded when I used my load listener (it was just the store) so the Ext.get(id) method couldn't get the the element correctly. I first used afterlayout listener, that was correct but too often called and the access to the id was not so easy.
So, here is how I did finally :
listeners: {
load: function(node, records, successful, eOpts) {
var ownertree =;
var boundView = ownertree.dockedItems.items[1];
var generalId = boundView+'-record-';
if (! {
// Process each child node
node.tree.root.cascadeBy(function(currentChild) {
// Process only leaf
if ( {
var nodeId = ""+generalId+currentChild.internalId;
var index =;
if ( (index % 2) == 0 && ids.indexOf(nodeId) == -1 ) {
ids[indiceIds] = nodeId;
afteritemexpand: function( node, index, item, eOpts ){
/* This commented section below could replace the load but the load is done during store loading while afteritemexpand is done after expanding an item.
So, load listener makes saving time AND makes loading time constant. That is not the case if we just consider the commented section below because
the more you expand nodes, the more items it will have to get and so loading time is more and more important
// var domLeaf = Ext.get(;
// for ( var int = 0; int < node.childNodes.length; int++) {
// if (node.childNodes[int].data.leaf && (int % 2) == 0) {
// if (ids.indexOf( == -1) {
// ids[indiceIds] =;
// indiceIds++;
// }
// }
// domLeaf =;
// }
for ( var int = 0; int < ids.length; int++) {
domLeaf = Ext.get(ids[int]);
if (domLeaf != null) {
for ( var int2 = 0; int2 < domLeaf.dom.children.length; int2++) {
if (domLeaf.dom.children[int2]'tree-even-node') == -1){
domLeaf.dom.children[int2].className += ' tree-even-node';
With ids an Array of the ids I need to set the class.
Thank you for the method.

Testing With A Fake DbContext and Autofixture and Moq

SO follow this example
example and how make a fake DBContex For test my test using just this work fine
public void CiudadIndex()
var ciudades = new FakeDbSet<Ciudad>
new Ciudad {CiudadId = 1, EmpresaId =1, Descripcion ="Santa Cruz", FechaProceso = DateTime.Now, MarcaBaja = null, UsuarioId = 1},
new Ciudad {CiudadId = 2, EmpresaId =1, Descripcion ="La Paz", FechaProceso = DateTime.Now, MarcaBaja = null, UsuarioId = 1},
new Ciudad {CiudadId = 3, EmpresaId =1, Descripcion ="Cochabamba", FechaProceso = DateTime.Now, MarcaBaja = null, UsuarioId = 1}
//// Create mock unit of work
var mockData = new Mock<IContext>();
mockData.Setup(m => m.Ciudades).Returns(ciudades);
// Setup controller
var homeController = new CiudadController(mockData.Object);
// Invoke
var viewResult = homeController.Index();
var ciudades_de_la_vista = (IEnumerable<Ciudad>)viewResult.Model;
// Assert..
Iam tryign now to use Autofixture-Moq
to create "ciudades" but I cant. I try this
var fixture = new Fixture();
var ciudades = fixture.Build<FakeDbSet<Ciudad>>().CreateMany<FakeDbSet<Ciudad>>();
var mockData = new Mock<IContext>();
mockData.Setup(m => m.Ciudades).Returns(ciudades);
I get this error
Cant convert System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(FakeDbSet(Ciudad)) to System.Data.Entity.IDbSet(Ciudad)
cant put "<>" so I replace with "()" in the error message
Implementation of IContext and FakeDbSet
public interface IContext
IDbSet<Ciudad> Ciudades { get; }
public class FakeDbSet<T> : IDbSet<T> where T : class
how can make this to work?
A minor point... In stuff like:
var ciudades_fixture = fixture.Build<Ciudad>().CreateMany<Ciudad>();
The second type arg is unnecessary and should be:
var ciudades_fixture = fixture.Build<Ciudad>().CreateMany();
I really understand why you need a FakeDbSet and the article is a bit TL;DR... In general, I try to avoid faking and mucking with ORM bits and instead dealing with interfaces returning POCOs to the max degree possible.
That aside... The reason the normal syntax for initialising the list works is that there is an Add (and IEnumerable) in DBFixture. AutoFixture doesn't have a story for that pattern directly (after all it is compiler syntactic sugar and not particularly amenable to reflection or in line with any other conventions) but you can use AddManyTo as long as there is an ICollection in play. Luckily, within the impl of FakeDbSet as in the article, the following gives us an in:-
public ObservableCollection<T> Local
get { return _data; }
As ObservableCollection<T> derives from ICollection<T>, you should be able to:
var ciudades = new FakeDbSet<Cuidad>();
var mockData = new Mock<IContext>();
mockData.Setup(m => m.Ciudades).Returns(ciudades);
It's possible to wire up a customization to make this prettier, but at least you have a way to manage it. The other option is to have something implement ICollection (or add a prop with a setter taking IEnumerable<T> and have AF generate the parent object, causing said collection to be filled in.
Long superseded side note: In your initial question, you effectively have:
The problem becomes clearer then - you are asking AF to generate Many FakeDbSet<Ciudad>s, which is not what you want.
I haven't used AutoFixture in a while, but shouldn't it be:
var ciudades = new FakeDbSet<Ciudad>();
for the moment I end doing this, I will keep reading about how use automoq, cause I'm new in this
var fixture = new Fixture();
var ciudades_fixture = fixture.Build<Ciudad>().CreateMany<Ciudad>();
var ciudades = new FakeDbSet<Ciudad>();
foreach (var item in ciudades_fixture)
var mockData = new Mock<IContext>();
mockData.Setup(r => r.Ciudades).Returns(ciudades);

How can i force website to stay in frame?

I'm using Firefox + searchbastard addon to do a multi-search on shopping search engines.The pages are part of a frame. This works just fine for all sites I tried so far except for
If I use noscript to forbid scripts from the shopmania domain name then everything stays in place but the part of the website elements become nonresponsive. I know there is an option in Firefox to force links that open in a new window to open in a new tab. Is there something similar to prevent websites from popping out of frame? Maybe a Firefox addon that blocks these requests?
Or at least can someone please tell me what is causing only this website to act like this?
EDIT: What tool can i use to pause firefox OR javascript and stepthrough code like in c++ ? I tried a javascript debugger and firebug. They don't help but i'm probably not using them right..
EDIT2: I tried this greasemonkey script : It does not work so i guess it isn't because of 'target' attribute
This is wrong. I'm guessing you're using a plugin to capture and override the output some site gives you. I'm pretty sure this violates their ToS and it's not a very nice thing to do in general.
JavaScript is not designed to allow this kind of meddling. It's patchy at best.
If you want to use the data from a website, to aggregate or display in some manner, use their public API. If they don't have a public API they probably don't want you to use their service in such a manner.
The solution : I took the script from Stop execution of Javascript function (client side) or tweak it and modified it to search for the tag that has in it top.location = location and then appended a new script with the if (top != self) {top.location = location;} line commented . Being a js total newbie i don't know if it's the most elegant choice but it soves the prob. Special thanks to Tim Fountain.
I will leave this open just in case someone else will suggest a better solution, for my and others's education. Again thanks for the help.
Below is the code:
// ==UserScript==
// #name _Replace evil Javascript
// #run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
/****** New "init" function that we will use
instead of the old, bad "init" function.
function init () {
/* //changing stuff around here
var newParagraph = document.createElement ('p');
newParagraph.textContent = "I was added by the new, good init() function!";
document.body.appendChild (newParagraph); */
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className+=" js "+(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit")>=0?"webkit":navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera")>=0?"opera":"");
for(i in css3_tags="abbr|header|footer".split("|")){document.createElement(css3_tags[i]);}
var PATH = "";
var PATH_STATIC = "";
var PATH_SELF = "";
var RETURN = "";
var DOMAIN_BASE = "";
var SUBDOMAINS_FORCE_FILES_JS = "aff.remote,biz.remote,my.remote,cp.remote,cp.register_quick,cp.account_details,partner.remote,site.recommend,site.remote,,site.report_problem,,site.cropper";
var URL_REWRITE_MAPPING_JS = "cmd,section,do,option|feed,mode,option|forgot,section|info,page|login,section|logout,section|new_password,section,code|settings,section|shopping,param_main,param_sec|site,store_str_key|register,section|unsubscribe,section|agentie,store_str_key,id|brand,manuf_str_key|brands,letter|build,type,param_main,param_sec|compare,online|confirm,section|edit,section|deal,deal|dictionary,online|home,section|link_accounts,section|profile,user|reactivate,section|searches,letter|signup,section|rs_agent,store_str_key|rs_list,param_main,param_sec|rs_view,ad|agents,state|complex_list,param_main|complex_view,complex|list,cat|ad,a|map,option|my_ads,section|my_alerts,section";
var SVR_SITE_ID = "us";
var CONTEXT = "c5b27de70340c97a94092a43bd34b2b8";
var link_close = "Close";
var txt_loading = "Loading...";
var form_is_submitted = 0;
var search_is_focused = 0;
// Overlay object
var OL;
var DB;
var iframe_cnt = "";
// Facebook post to user's Wall action
var SITENAME = "ShopMania";
//if (top != self) {top.location = location;} // SIT!
var comps = new Array(); comps['all'] = 0;var comps_cat_titles = new Array(); var views = new Array(); views['auto'] = 0; views['prod'] = 0; views['realestate'] = 0; views['classifieds'] = 0; views['all'] = 0; var search = new Array(); search['all'] = 0; search['prod'] = 0;
var favs = new Array(); favs['all'] = 0; favs['prod'] = 0; favs['store'] = 0; favs['manuf'] = 0; favs['other'] = 0; favs['realestate'] = 0; favs['auto'] = 0;
function addCss(c){var b=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];var a=document.createElement("style");a.setAttribute("type","text/css");if(a.styleSheet){a.styleSheet.cssText=c}else{a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(c))}b.appendChild(a)};
addCss(".lzl {visibility: hidden;}");
var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : 'clean' };
/*--- Check for bad scripts to intercept and specify any actions to take.
checkForBadJavascripts ( [
[false, /top.location = location/, function () {addJS_Node (init);} ]
] );
function checkForBadJavascripts (controlArray) {
/*--- Note that this is a self-initializing function. The controlArray
parameter is only active for the FIRST call. After that, it is an
event listener.
The control array row is defines like so:
[bSearchSrcAttr, identifyingRegex, callbackFunction]
bSearchSrcAttr True to search the SRC attribute of a script tag
false to search the TEXT content of a script tag.
identifyingRegex A valid regular expression that should be unique
to that particular script tag.
callbackFunction An optional function to execute when the script is
found. Use null if not needed.
if ( ! controlArray.length) return null;
checkForBadJavascripts = function (zEvent) {
for (var J = controlArray.length - 1; J >= 0; --J) {
var bSearchSrcAttr = controlArray[J][0];
var identifyingRegex = controlArray[J][1];
if (bSearchSrcAttr) {
if (identifyingRegex.test ( ) {
stopBadJavascript (J);
return false;
else {
if (identifyingRegex.test ( ) {
stopBadJavascript (J);
return false;
function stopBadJavascript (controlIndex) {
zEvent.stopPropagation ();
zEvent.preventDefault ();
var callbackFunction = controlArray[J][2];
if (typeof callbackFunction == "function")
callbackFunction ();
//--- Remove the node just to clear clutter from Firebug inspection. (;
//--- Script is intercepted, remove it from the list.
controlArray.splice (J, 1);
if ( ! controlArray.length) {
//--- All done, remove the listener.
window.removeEventListener (
'beforescriptexecute', checkForBadJavascripts, true
/*--- Use the "beforescriptexecute" event to monitor scipts as they are loaded.
Note that it does not work on acripts that are dynamically created.
window.addEventListener ('beforescriptexecute', checkForBadJavascripts, true);
return checkForBadJavascripts;
function addJS_Node (text, s_URL, funcToRun) {
var D = document;
var scriptNode = D.createElement ('script');
scriptNode.type = "text/javascript";
if (text) scriptNode.textContent = text;
if (s_URL) scriptNode.src = s_URL;
if (funcToRun) scriptNode.textContent = '(' + funcToRun.toString() + ')()';
var targ = D.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;
//--- Don't error check here. if DOM not available, should throw error.
targ.appendChild (scriptNode);
there are some escaping issues with the cdata part in the code.So SO does not allow me to post the code.
EDIT: fixed

send var js to django view in select dynamic

I am doing select dependent and I got a problem when making the query's, here the js
function cargar_paises() {
$.getJSON('cargar_paises', {}, function (data) {
$('#paises').append('<option value="0">Seleccione ...</option>');
$.each(data, function (id, desc) {
var option = $('<option></option>', {value:(id+1), text:desc});
and my view
def cargar_paises(request):
if request.is_ajax:
pais = Pais.objects.all()
paises = []
for s in pais:
aux = []
id =
nombre = s.nombre
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(paises), mimetype='aplication/json')
the problem is when I print the values ​​in the select and send the id to another query, the values ​​that I take are the index of the select and not the value of id_pais.
You can work this out a little better using a list of dictionaries instead of a list of lists, even using the dJango .values(), but to keep it simple, you ca use you exact same approach,
function cargar_paises() {
$.getJSON('cargar_paises', {}, function (data) {
$('#paises').append('<option value="0">Seleccione ...</option>');
$.each(data, function (item) {
var option = $('<option></option>', {, text:item.nombre});
and in the view,
def cargar_paises(request):
if request.is_ajax:
pais = Pais.objects.all()
paises = []
for s in pais:
aux = {}
aux['id'] =
aux['nombre'] = s.nombre
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(paises), mimetype='aplication/json')
Remember, you can map Python dictionaries to Json objects, and python lists to Json arrays, another good hint is to use django-dajaxice it's a very good tool to do what you want, anyway is good to se this kind of things out of dJango.
I really thought about it, use the .values() in the query set, your view,
def cargar_paises(request):
if request.is_ajax:
paises = Pais.objects.values('id', 'nombre')
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(paises), mimetype='aplication/json')
you can find the documentation here.
try setting the id's as:
var option = $('<option></option>', {value:(paises[0], text:desc});