netbeans, xml autocomplete for attributes fails for default namespace - netbeans

I've defined two namespaces: beans, aop.
If you cut & paste into a Netbeans the tag that i've written below, and you try to edit a tag inside beans:beans you should observe this behavior:
<beans:import />
typing this the autocomplete assists you, and after the element name, it proposes the list of attributes (in this case just one).
<aspectj-autoproxy />
typing this the autocomplete dosn't propose the list of attributes (there are two attributes: proxy-target-class, expose-proxy)
It happens for the attributes of the default namespace's elements.
Is it a bug? Am I doing something wrong?
I've tested on NB 6.9 and NB 7.0
thanks in advance
xmlns:beans =""
try here


Visibility in popup menus

I have created an eclipse plugin project. I want this plugin to be available as a popup. Therefore I have created an extension point with "org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus" (I know it is deprecated now, ours is an old project.)
I want this popup option to appear only at the file level with certain extension (say xml). Currently, it is appearing anywhere on right click.
I have looked around the internet and got to know that I can add a "visibility" tag that can set rules where this popup should be visible. However, I do not know the syntax for that.
Can someone please help me out? How to set the visibility of the popup menu so that it is visible only when I right click ON the filename with extension xml?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.2"?>
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus">
<menu id="" label="Acceleo Model Code Generator" path="additionsAcceleo">
<groupMarker name="acceleo"/>
label="Generate Java Code from Model"
//what should come here?
visibility can only be a child of objectContribution not action.
In any case you can use the namefilter attribute to restrict the file name matching. You would only use visiblity to do more complex checks.
For example this is one of the JDT items:
<objectState name="contentTypeId" value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antBuildFile"/>
In this
restricts the actions to a workspace file
restricts the actions to files ending in .xml
<objectState name="contentTypeId" value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antBuildFile"/>
further restricts the actions to files with a 'content type' of 'Ant build file'
To match multiple name patterns remove the nameFilter and use a visibility like:
<objectState name="name" value="*.xml"/>
<objectState name="name" value="*.java"/>

Accessing DOM element with namespace in Freemarker template

I have the following XML
<wmi xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OrderShipmentNotification.xsd">
<shipmentHeader dateTimeCreated="2016-02-29T13:03:42Z" requestNumber="2574445351883" />
<shipmentDetails actualShipmentDateTime="2016-02-29T12:18:54Z" carrierCode="XX" carrierMethodCode="XX-01">
<shipmentPackDetails trackingNumber="9361289672090007124848" trackingURL="">
<shipmentPackLineDetails requestLineNumber="1" partnerItemID="FXT-CC-LB" itemQtyShipped="1" />
I am getting error in Freemarker template when I am trying to access.
If I delete the namespaces from the document it is working fine. I deleted the following content from the XML
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OrderShipmentNotification.xsd"
I did some investigation. The is a ftl directive. But it is still not clear how this will solve the problem. Please let me know how I can access the attributes.
Start the template with
<#ftl ns_prefixes={"D":""}>
This sets the namespace as the default (D stands for default). Note that if you will also use XPath queries, there you will have to write out the D: before the element names (this is an XPath restriction).
This is documented here:

JAXB binding XBRL element does not work

I am trying to generate localised XBRL classes with JAXB in Eclipse, but I have been getting an error:
[ERROR] Property "Title" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
line 145 of
[ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
line 151 of
As the error suggests, an element and an attribute name conflicts. These are lines 145 and 151:
<element ref="xl:title" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<attribute ref="xlink:title" use="optional" />
So I'd need to rename either (or both). This is what I've been trying to do - bind the element title to titleElement:
<jxb:bindings version="1.0"
<jxb:bindings node="//element[#ref='xl:title']">
<jxb:property ref="xl:titleElement"/>
This produces the following error, plus the original "title already defined" errors:
[ERROR] XPath evaluation of "//element[#ref='xl:title']" results in empty target node
line 6 of titleElementAttributeFixer.xjb
Suggestions to get it working?
EDIT: as helderdarocha suggested, my expression was wrong. I am new to XML and XPath, and it was a bit confusing since the element does not have the "xs:" namespace typed excplicitly. After I fixed that error, I got another one:
[ERROR] XPath evaluation of "//xs:element[#ref='xl:title']" results in too many (3) target nodes
As all the "ref" attributes need to be updated, I put the tag "multiple='true'" in the binding. Now I am getting the following error, and cannot figure out how to solve it:
[ERROR] cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'ref' is not allowed to appear in element 'jxb:property'.
Ideas for this? I do want to bind the contents in the attribute 'ref' for the element in question to another name.
I solved the problem after all by applying these SO questions:
JAXB fails to generate Java classes for XBRL
JAXB XJC Two declarations cause a collision. Customized binding cannot be honored
So after I solved the original problem, I had additional problems with objectfactory collisions, which I fixed as well. This is how my working bindings.xjb looks in general:
<bindings xmlns=""
<bindings schemaLocation=""
<property name="xlTitle"/>
<bindings schemaLocation="<local_dimension_file_D002>.xsd"
<factoryMethod name="AcceleratedDepreciationD002"/>
...many more objectfactory collisions solved...
I hope this helps other XBRL/XML/JAXB newcomers to get started.
Your XPath expression is incorrect. Your bindings XML declares an xs prefix to qualify all XML Schema elements, but your XPath expression tries to find an element element from no-namespace since it's not qualified.
You should use:
<jxb:bindings node="//xs:element[#ref='xl:title']">
<jxb:property ref="xl:titleElement"/>

Xforms checkbox - replacing True / False with Y / N

I am writing a form (betterFORMs/Xforms) to be displayed to the user with a selection of checkboxes.
If a checkbox is empty the form should bind an "N" into the element. When ticked, a "Y".
I realise there are answers to this question already but I have tried all answered solutions with no luck.
The first solution I attempted to use is here - stackoverflow link
(the first solution looks good, but I have had more success with solution 2 as I am not using Orbeon)
The answer given is what I am looking for, but I am having trouble implementing this into my form. I am not using Xhtml or Orbeon and so the binding I use seems to be different to that used in the solution.) I have tried tweaking this code to fit into my form but I get a repetitive error from the xml parser every time I load the page - but it doesn't point me to anywhere related to the new code.
The next solution I have tried is found here - stackoverflow link
This answer has had the best results in my code because the checkbox values change to N when not used and when they are deselected. The problem I have with this solution is that the Y set in the form element is contained in braces - [].
output example:
Here is a snippet of my form:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsl=""
xmlns:xforms="" xmlns:xsd=""
<xsl:output method="xml" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xforms:model id="documentsChecklist">
<actionform xmlns="">
<xforms:model id="documentsChecklist">
<actionform xmlns="">
<xforms:bind id="other" nodeset="/actionform/detail/other" calculate="choose(. = 'Y', ., 'N')"/>
<xforms:bind nodeset="/actionform/detail/otherBox" relevant="/actionform/detail/other ='Y'" />
<div id="formBody"><br />
<xforms:select bind="other" appearance="full" align="right">
<xforms:input ref="/actionform/detail/otherText">
<xforms:label>Please specify:*</xforms:label>
Why does the checkbox value now get set to "[Y]" instead of "Y"? (Could it be something to do with an Array?) Thanks.
PS. I know I could do this using a boolean for each checkbox, with the checkbox value corresponding to the boolean, which in turn updates the bind value. I would rather not have to have a big block of boolean elements and binds as I have a large amount of check boxes. this solution has an example here - stackoverflow link
A select control allows you to select more than one item and I wonder if it is why the XForms implementation you are using is adding square brackets (according to specifications selected values have to be separated by a space character, which is not always very convenient by the way).
I am afraid that XForms 1.1 and XForms 2.0 require to use extra intermediate nodes and bindings. It would be useful to be able to add 2 XPath expressions for bindings: one to convert node value to control value and the other one back from control value to node value.
As a workaround, I use another extension in XSLTForms: XSLT stylesheets for converting instances.

Umbraco XSLT RenderTemplate Woes

Needing a little guidance with XSLT and Umbraco. Fairly new to XSLT but I think I understand the concepts. Right on one page I have two columns, each with their own separate pickable content. This is done via the standard content picker property (one for each column). The issue is that I need to be able to have two different templates on the page. So in essence the page navigated two which has the columns has to render two of it's child items in its own page.
I have this working with one column using a generic XSLT which I found that basically just renders what ever child item it finds, but I want it to render what ever one the user picked.
I know the Content Picker returns the XML Node ID of the page and that can be used with the Render Template function to display it (I have an example of that), but when it comes to adding in my own properties and then passing them to the RenderTemplate function I get lost. New to this XSLT :).
So far I have...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITY nbsp " "> ]>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="html" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
<xsl:param name="currentPage"/>
<xsl:variable name="nodeID" select="data[#alias='leftColumn']"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:value-of select="umbraco.library:RenderTemplate($nodeID)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
Any one know why this doesn't work and how to do what I'm after? The above gives a value was either too large or too small error.
You actually have two problems here ...
Calling RenderTemplate()
RenderTemplate actually requires two arguments when using an alternative template, the first being the content node ID, and the second being the chosen template you want applied.
select="umbraco.library:RenderTemplate($nodeID, $templateID)"
disable-output-escaping="yes" />
See the following link for more information :
Too large or too small error
This one is simple to fix by putting an if-empty statement around the the code in question.
<xsl:if test="$nodeID != ''">
select="umbraco.library:RenderTemplate($nodeID, $templateID)"
disable-output-escaping="yes" />
The XSLT parser likes to assume certain values are null, when in reality they aren't. Another way to get by this is to check the Skip Errors checkbox when saving, but this makes debugging actual erroneous code a bit of a pain.
Hope it helps.