Facebook ACCESS_TOKEN used with links.getStats - facebook

links.getStats was working fine as simple REST call just few weeks ago, and right now it's failing... The reason is simple, it needs an ACCESS_TOKEN.
Of course, my application, which I use to stream some content to my wall, has an non expiring (offline usage) access token. But if I try to use this token with links.getStats I get this error: "Impersonated access tokens can only be used with the Graph API".
So my question would be: How could I get a valid ACCESS_TOKEN, that I could successfully call links.getStats?

We're tracking this issue internally. Here's the bug id: http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/show_bug.cgi?id=19470
The workaround solution is to use any user access token with the call. You're trying to use an app or page access token, which won't work. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/ , get an access token for yourself, and tack that onto the call with &access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN and it will work.


How to generate an Access token without manual steps on facebook API

I am trying to make a simple Instagram post bot where I can provide a url of an image and a caption and it will post. I currently have a working python script that, will generate long life token from a fixed exchange token (generated manually at the graph api tool webpage) and will will post an image given a url.
The problem is after a while (Less than a day) the token expires and I have to manually generate another.
I can successfully generate an app access token but I don't believe you can use an app access token for posting content. Is there a way to automatically generate a user token? pref without using something like chromedriver to mimic a browser for the token generation
Any help is appreciated.
First of all, I strongly recommend you to spend a few minutes reading the References on Access Tokens.
From there you can better understand the different types of Access Tokens.
Moving on.. Make sure you are using the correct endpoint to get that Long Lived Access Token (If your token is taking only a day to expire, means you aren't).
Use the Long Lived Access Token path with the token you generated via Graph API Explorer:
curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{graph-api-version}/oauth/access_token?
App's Access Token does not give you access to Content Publishing.
For that you need to use your User Token generated on the previous step.
Make sure the User have all the Permissions needed:
ads_management, business_management, instagram_basic, instagram_content_publish, pages_read_engagement.

Facebook API how to use a token

I'm sorry if this question is stupid, but how do I actually use the token after I get it (and validate it)? I'm running a Desktop application for which I'm trying to get Facebook login working. I've managed to grab the token, but I do not know how to use it in a request (for example, to get a user's e-mail). I mean, what form would a request that also contains the token look like?
This would be the correct form:

Where to request extended access token in Facebook App using PHP SDK

I need to get access to my user's information when they are offline and I understand that I need to use an extended access token which lasts 60 days. I have been looking at this SO post How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation and this says that I need to include the stated method in my base_facebook.php file and make a call to the method.
However, looking through my code there is no explicit request or use of access tokens anywhere so I'm unsure how to request an extended access token. This post Do I need to use access token in Facebook API? explains that using the PHP SDK the access token is automatically appended to the api requests, which would explain why I have never encountered access tokens so far.
So my question is how do I get the user to give an extended access token when they sign in using the PHP SDK method getExtendedAccessToken()?
EDIT: A key point here is that you can't seem to get an extended access token for your own app! I tried this with one of my test users and it worked fine! Another point to note is that the access token tool will only show by default the access tokens for the person who actually developed the app. To see the specifics of the access token for other users you need to go to the debugger part and input the access token there. Hope this helps.
If you haven't seen any references to access tokens, they are most likely being stored in session variables. You could try adding echo "<pre>";print_r($_SESSION);exit(0); to your code to see what is stored in the session. You would add it somewhere after you have already been logged in.
If you are calling getExtendedAccessToken() from the PHP SDK, then the access token returned will automatically be long lived. To retrieve it after they are directed back to your site, you can use the getAccessToken() method. You would then store the returned value, and use it when you want to make calls later with setAccessToken($stored_token) .
Hope that helps.

User Data from Facebook WITHOUT SDK

I have the access token from the user, and I want to retrive the data from their profile. I am working on Unity3D c# therefore I can not use any SDK.
Is there a way of getting it trough a graph request?
I've already tried with
but throws me an error like this..
"message": "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.",
When I ask for permissions I ask the user to allow me the publish_stream and to access profile data.
How do I get an active access token? I just want the UserID.
Thanks for your answers, and sorry for my terrible english.
So I wanted ti get the User UserAgent Token the only thing that you must do is add that parameter to the Access URL in my case
Facebook will redirect you to the redirect_uri URL, and the access token will be given in form of a hash. Extra Tip: Yo have to access the Hashed token vía Javascript,
var hash = document.location.hash;
var n=hash.split("=");
This is one method, Im sure there is a better one.
Thank everybody for the answers!
you're Graph Call / HTTP request looks about right.
I'm guessing, based on the error, that the access token has expired.
Normally, they last for about 1-2 hours since the last time they were used. (If i recall correctly). So, a user will start using a website, and the website can make graph calls with the access token while the user is actually using the website for that session, but the token will expire soon after that.
However, you can also ask Facebook for a longer lasting access_token, which will last for approximately 60 days.
Check here for some info :: http://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/
As it stands, trying to find this info through browsing the developer docs in Facebook is rather difficult, if not impossible. :-/
You can’t query the API for /me with an app access token, since the API has no way of knowing who “me” is supposed to be.
Only user access tokens contain the info which user id they apply to, and hence only those can be used to query /me successfully.

developers.facebook.com issued access token VS OAuth generated

Interesting problem I'm having right now.
Signing in an App gives a access token looking something like this:
This access token can't access users PUBLIC information, while one issued by Facebook on developers.facebook.com - CAN.
You can easily test this by logging to your facebook and going to this link: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/
You'll see that Facebook automatically generates access token on DEMO urls like this one:
If you would change /ME/ to any user which has his MUSIC posted as public, you WILL be able to access that data with Graph API.
Now try to get an access token to your APP and call the same Graph API method with generated access token, the returned data is empty JSON object.
Whats’ the difference between these access tokens? How to obtain access token, that I could get public information using Graph API?
I was thinking that logging in your APP is the highest possible access token and the only higher token is token with specified permissions...
Any guidelines would be great :)
I believe the difference is that you can specify additional permissions in a scope parameter,
so if you wanted to read a user's feed you would have to specify read_stream. I was trying to accomplish this with an access token from a server-side authentication flow in ruby, but the access token only allowed to me to navigate accross a certain portion of graph.facebook.com/user_id/feed? requests. If you get any insights or comes across a solution shoot it my way too, if you can.