Enyim Memcached client doesn't work with expiration parameter passed - memcached

when using Enyim memcached client to store data with a expire timespan, i find that it doesn't work.
Could anyone help?
In my test code, I store the date with 10 minutes expiration time, and i try to get it from cache immediately but got a null object.
Enyim.Caching.MemcachedClient client = new Enyim.Caching.MemcachedClient();
client.Store(Enyim.Caching.Memcached.StoreMode.Set, "one", 1, new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0));
object obj;
client.TryGet("one", out obj); // obj == null
Assert.AreNotEqual(null, obj); // this will fail

I'm not sure if you're being vague w/ your example or if you really are using an object type but I had the same problem using custom objects. Integers, strings, etc. would work fine but my custom object was always NULL as soon as I put it in the cache. Turns out I didn't have the Serializable attribute on my object. Once I put that on there everything worked as expected.

Hyacinthus is pretty precise on his question, the answers are somewhat irrelevant. I am having the same problem ONLY when setting an expiration, either as a Timespan or as a DateTime.
There is also an issue for this at Enyim's github https://github.com/enyim/EnyimMemcached/issues/110
We have a tweaked version at my company's codebase, but it is outdated. I will try to locate the fix and get back to this, and send a pull request to Enyim, when I find the time.
I also found this on github.
I can confirm that this was not happening with other build of the memcached server. I think it's a bug with this particular build:
Build with this issue:
Build WITHOUT this issue:
Care to check the server version you are using?
My initial comment still stands, as I run tests using the two different dlls, and the tweaked one works while the one shipped with CouchBase fails

Please check your server.
1.Use MemCacheD Manager
2.Use telnet 11211(change to your sever setting)
and type:stats
It would show your the stats.
See the "time" item stat.
It's second format you must convert it,
Simply you can compare with "1262517674",
If smaller than "1262517674",your memcached server it too old.
Please Upgrade Or change your memcached version.
Otherwise Just change your memcached version

The answer is that memcached(windows) 1.4.4 64-bit version has this bug. If it fits your needs you can try 1.4.4 32-bit version for windows, or you can try to find another 64-bit compiled version. This problem also took my whole day and I finally installed "1.4.4 32-bit version" and viola, everything works perfect with 1.4.4. 32-bit.

Create a memcached client object is a costly operation, so try to create it on start of the application and reuse that object.
This how I initiate MemcachedClient Object and access Membese Build using Enyim client.
public class MemcachedManager
protected static MemcachedClient mc = null;
public MemcachedManager()
if (mc == null) initMemCached();
private void initMemCached()
MemcachedClientConfiguration config = new MemcachedClientConfiguration();
string ipstr = ";"; // List of Memcaced nodes
string[] ips = ipstr.Split(';');
foreach (string ip in ips)
config.Servers.Add(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ip), 11211));
config.Protocol = MemcachedProtocol.Binary;
mc = new MemcachedClient(config);
public void setWithTimeOut(string key, string value, int minutes)
mc.Store(Enyim.Caching.Memcached.StoreMode.Set, key, value, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes));
public string getString(string key)
return (string)mc.Get(key);
public void setString(string key, string value)
mc.Store(Enyim.Caching.Memcached.StoreMode.Set, key, value);

you need to get a sington first.
using System;
using Enyim.Caching;
using Enyim.Caching.Memcached;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace UnitTestProject1
public class UnitTest1
public void TestMethod1()
MemcachedClient client = MemcachedManager.Instance;//new MemcachedClient();
client.Store(StoreMode.Set, "b", "bb", new TimeSpan(1, 1, 300));
var x = client.Get("b");
client.Store(StoreMode.Set, "a", "aa");
var y = client.Get("a");
client.Store(StoreMode.Set, "c", "cc", DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(300));
var z = client.Get("c");
client.Store(StoreMode.Set, "c", "ccc");
var t = client.Get("c");
public static class MemcachedManager
private readonly static MemcachedClient _instance;
static MemcachedManager()
_instance = new MemcachedClient();
public static MemcachedClient Instance { get { return _instance; } }


What is a good way/pattern to use Temporal/Cadence versioning API

The Versioning API is powerful. However, with the pattern of using it, the code will quickly get messy and hard to read and maintain.
Over the time, product need to move fast to introduce new business/requirements. Is there any advice to use this API wisely.
I would suggest using a Global Version Provider design pattern in Cadence/Temporal workflow if possible.
Key Idea
The versioning API is very powerful to let you change the behavior of the existing workflow executions in a deterministic way(backward compatible). In real world, you may only care about adding the new behavior, and being okay to only introduce this new behavior to newly started workflow executions. In this case, you use a global version provider to unify the versioning for the whole workflow.
The Key idea is that we are versioning the whole workflow (that's why it's called GlobalVersionProvider). Every time adding a new version, we will update the version provider and provide a new version.
Example In Java
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import io.temporal.workflow.Workflow;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class GlobalVersionProvider {
private static final String WORKFLOW_VERSION_CHANGE_ID = "global";
private static final int STARTING_VERSION_USING_GLOBAL_VERSION = 1;
private static final int STARTING_VERSION_DOING_X = 2;
private static final int STARTING_VERSION_DOING_Y = 3;
private static final int MAX_STARTING_VERSION_OF_ALL =
// Workflow.getVersion can release a thread and subsequently cause a non-deterministic error.
// We're introducing this map in order to cache our versions on the first call, which should
// always occur at the beginning of an workflow
private static final Map<String, GlobalVersionProvider> RUN_ID_TO_INSTANCE_MAP =
new HashMap<>();
private final int versionOnInstantiation;
private GlobalVersionProvider() {
versionOnInstantiation =
private int getVersion() {
return versionOnInstantiation;
public boolean isAfterVersionOfUsingGlobalVersion() {
public boolean isAfterVersionOfDoingX() {
return getVersion() >= STARTING_VERSION_DOING_X;
public boolean isAfterVersionOfDoingY() {
return getVersion() >= STARTING_VERSION_DOING_Y;
public static GlobalVersionProvider get() {
String runId = Workflow.getInfo().getRunId();
GlobalVersionProvider instance;
if (RUN_ID_TO_INSTANCE_MAP.containsKey(runId)) {
instance = RUN_ID_TO_INSTANCE_MAP.get(runId);
} else {
instance = new GlobalVersionProvider();
RUN_ID_TO_INSTANCE_MAP.put(runId, instance);
return instance;
// NOTE: this should be called at the beginning of the workflow method
public static void upsertGlobalVersionSearchAttribute() {
int workflowVersion = get().getVersion();
// Call this API on each replay tests to clear up the cache
public static void clearInstances() {
Note that because of a bug in Temporal/Cadence Java SDK, Workflow.getVersion can release a thread and subsequently cause a non-deterministic error.
We're introducing this map in order to cache our versions on the first call, which should
always occur at the beginning of the workflow execution.
Call clearInstances API on each replay tests to clear up the cache.
Therefor in the workflow code:
public class HelloWorldImpl{
private GlovalVersionProvider globalVersionProvider;
public HelloWorldImpl(final GlovalVersionProvider versionProvider){
this.globalVersionProvider = versionProvider;
public HelloWorldImpl(){
this.globalVersionProvider = GlobalVersionProvider.get();
public void start(final Request request) {
if (globalVersionProvider.isAfterVersionOfUsingGlobalVersion()) {
if (globalVersionProvider.isAfterVersionOfDoingX()) {
// doing X here
if (globalVersionProvider.isAfterVersionOfDoingY()) {
// doing Y here
Best practice with the pattern
How to add a new version
For every new version
Add the new constant STARTING_VERSION_XXXX
Add a new API ` public boolean isAfterVersionOfXXX()
Apply the new API into workflow code where you want to add the new logic
Maintain the replay test JSON in a pattern of `HelloWorldWorkflowReplaytest-version-x-description.json. Make sure always add a new replay test for every new version you introduce to the workflow. When generating the JSON from a workflow execution, make sure it exercise the new code path – otherwise it won't be able to protect the determinism. If it requires more than one workflow executions to exercise all branches, then make multiple JSON files for replay. 
How to remove a old version:
To remove an old code path(version), add a new version to not execute old code path, then later on use Search attribute query like
GlobalVersion>=STARTING_VERSION_DOING_X AND GlobalVersion<STARTING_VERSION_NOT_DOING_X to find out if there is existing workflow execution still running with certain versions.
Instead of waiting for workflows to close, you can terminate or reset workflows
Example of deprecating a code path DoingX:
Therefor in the workflow code:
public class HelloWorldImpl implements Helloworld{
public void start(final Request request) {
if (globalVersionProvider.isAfterVersionOfDoingX() && !globalVersionProvider.isAfterVersionOfNotDoingX()) {
// doing X here
###TODO Example In Golang
Prevent spaghetti code by using native Temporal versioning API everywhere in the workflow code
Provide search attribute to find workflow of particular version. This will fill the gaps that Temporal Java SDK is missing TemporalChangeVersion feature.
Even Cadence Java/Golang SDK has CadenceChangeVersion, this global
version search attribute is much better in query, because it's an
integer instead of a keyword.
Provide a pattern to maintain replay test easily
Provide a way to test different version without this missing feature
There shouldn't be any cons. Using this pattern doesn't stop you from using the raw versioning API directly in the workflow. You can combine this pattern with others together.

What is the proper way to resolve a reference to a service fabric stateless service?

I have been developing a system which is heavily using stateless service fabric services. I thought I had a good idea how things worked however I am doing something slightly different now and it is obvious my understanding is limited.
I have a cluster of 5 nodes and all my services have an instance count of -1 for simplicity currently. With everything on every node it means I can watch a single node for basic behavior correctness.
I just added a new service which needs an instance count of 1. However it seems I am unable to resolve this service correctly. Instead SF tries to resolve the service on each machine which fails for all machines except the one where the single service exists.
It was my assumption that SF would automagically resolve a reference to a service anywhere in the cluster. If that reference fails then it would automagically resolve a new reference and so on. It appears that this is not correct at least for the way I am currently doing things.
I can find an instance using code similar to this however what happens if that instance fails. How do I get another reference?
I can resolve for every call like this however that seems like a terrible idea when I really only want to resolve a IXyzService and pass that along.
This is how I am resolving services since I am using the V2 custom serialization.
var _proxyFactory = new ServiceProxyFactory(c =>
return new FabricTransportServiceRemotingClientFactory(
serializationProvider: new CustomRemotingSerializationProvider(Logger)
var location = new Uri("fabric:/xyz/abcService");
var proxy = _proxyFactory.CreateServiceProxy<TService>(location);
This does actually work however it appears to only resolve a service on the same machine. So ServiceA would resolve a reference to ServiceB on the same machine. However if ServiceB doesn't exist on the machine for a valid reason then the resolution would fail.
What is the correct way for ServiceA to use the V2 custom serialization ServiceProxyFactory to resolve an interface reference to ServiceB wherever ServiceA and ServiceB are in the cluster?
The evidence it doesn't work is the call to resolve hangs forever. According to this link that is correct behavior because the service will eventually come up. However only 1 node ever resolved it correctly and that is the node where the single instance is active. I have tried several things even waiting 30 seconds just to make sure it wasn't an init issue.
var proxy = _proxyFactory.CreateServiceProxy<TService>(location);
// Never gets here except on the one node.
Listener code
This essentially follows the V2 custom serialization tutorial almost exactly.
var listeners = new[]
new ServiceInstanceListener((c) =>
return new FabricTransportServiceRemotingListener(c, this, null,
new CustomRemotingSerializationProvider(Logger));
public class HyperspaceRemotingSerializationProvider : IServiceRemotingMessageSerializationProvider
#region Private Variables
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly Action<RequestInfo> _requestAction;
private readonly Action<RequestInfo> _responseAction;
#endregion Private Variables
public CustomRemotingSerializationProvider(ILogger logger, Action<RequestInfo> requestAction = null, Action<RequestInfo> responseAction = null)
_logger = logger;
_requestAction = requestAction;
_responseAction = responseAction;
public IServiceRemotingRequestMessageBodySerializer CreateRequestMessageSerializer(Type serviceInterfaceType, IEnumerable<Type> requestWrappedTypes,
IEnumerable<Type> requestBodyTypes = null)
return new RequestMessageBodySerializer(_requestAction);
public IServiceRemotingResponseMessageBodySerializer CreateResponseMessageSerializer(Type serviceInterfaceType, IEnumerable<Type> responseWrappedTypes,
IEnumerable<Type> responseBodyTypes = null)
return new ResponseMessageBodySerializer(_responseAction);
public IServiceRemotingMessageBodyFactory CreateMessageBodyFactory()
return new MessageBodyFactory();
Connection code
_proxyFactory = new ServiceProxyFactory(c =>
return new FabricTransportServiceRemotingClientFactory(
serializationProvider: new CustomRemotingSerializationProvider(Logger)
// Hangs here - tried different partition keys or not specifying one.
var proxy = _proxyFactory.CreateServiceProxy<TService>(location, ServicePartitionKey.Singleton);

Bukkit How to change an int in the config file then be able to change it again without reloading (Custom config file class.))

Okay so I am making a custom feature for my OP-Prison server, one of the things that I need to do is get an integer from the players.yml file, check if it is >= one, if it is take away one, save it and then if it is still above one then they can repeat the action untill it's 0.
The issue comes with the fact that I have to restart the server for the file to change, and even when I do, it will only go down by one integer at a time, before having to reload it again.
GUI Creation code:
Main main = Main.getPlugin(Main.class);
private FileControl fc;
private FileControl playerfc;
public static String inventoryname = Utils.chat(Main.pl.getFileControl().getConfig().getString("Backpacks.White.InventoryName"));
public List<Player> WhiteOpened = new ArrayList<>();
public static Inventory whiteBackpack(Player player) {
Inventory whiteBackpack = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 27, (inventoryname));
UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId();
new ItemCreator(Material.INK_SACK).setData(8)
.setDisplayname(Utils.chat("&fCommon Packages &8» &f&l" + Main.pl.getPlayerFile().getConfig().getInt("Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common")))
return whiteBackpack;
Code for updating the config + item when the Commonpackage is clicked:
public void whiteBackpackInteract(InventoryClickEvent event) {
Player player = (Player) event.getWhoClicked();
UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId();
ItemStack clicked = event.getCurrentItem();
String title = event.getInventory().getName();
if (title.equals(inventoryname)) {
// Making it so that the item cannot be moved
if (clicked != null) {
if (event.getSlot() == 10) {
// Getting the user's common packages section in the config and checking if it is greater than or equal to 1.
if (Main.pl.getPlayerFile().getConfig().getInt("Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common") >= 1) {
// Saving the user's common package section to 'currentCommon'
Integer currentCommon = Main.pl.getPlayerFile().getConfig().getInt("Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common");
// Taking away one from 'currentCommon' and saving it to 'newCommon'
Integer newCommon = currentCommon - 1;
// Getting the 'players.yml' file
File file = new File(main.getDataFolder(), "players.yml");
FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
// Checking if the current common keys is greater than or equal to 1
if (currentCommon >= 1) {
try {
//Now, Here's where the error lies.
//Gets the player's common package count and sets it to the 'newCommon' count
config.set("Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common", newCommon);
//Saves the players.yml file
} catch (IOException e) {
// Updates the inventory they're currently in (Atleast it's meant to...)
// Sends them a message (This is just for testing purposes, making sure it's working.)
player.sendMessage(Utils.chat("&8(&9Vexil&8) &fCommon Package"));
If there is any other code that you need, just ask I'll happily provide it for you.
Right now, you need to restart the server for it to save the data to the file. This should not happen, since you are calling the method config.save(file). The following is simply speculation, but it's the only cause that I think can easily explain what is going on.
In the object that is returned by getPlayerFile().getConfig(), there is likely a variable that stores a FileConfiguration object. That variable houses all the data from the players.yml file. In your whiteBackpackInteract() method, you load the data all over again. You then continue on to write to this NEW FileConfiguration variable, rather than the one that is stored in getPlayerfile().getConfig(). Since you then proceed to save to the file directly, the variables stored in the getPlayerfile().getConfig() is never told that you changed some values around. To fix this, you need to change the following:
config.set("Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common", newCommon);
to this:
Main.pl.getPlayerFile().getConfig().set("Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common", newCommon);
and then delete this line of code:
FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
This should solve your problem entirely. If it does not, I would recommend not using your friend's custom config API and instead just use the ones that are built in. Using third party code that you don't properly understand can very often lead to problems such as this.
The following are not the bugs, but are suggestions to help improve your code:
You should be sure to put your comments ABOVE or to the RIGHT over the code they describe. People read from top to bottom, so the comments (before I made the suggested edit to your post) were all below the code they describe.
Typically, you want to try to make sure that if code doesn't need to be run, it isn't. Since the int newCommon is not used until inside that if statement, you should move it in there.
You are using Main.getPlugin();
Now while that doesn't seem like such a bad thing, your getting an unassigned variable, I have no idea how it is working but you're assigning Main to Main. There are 2 proper ways to actually get the main class.
The first, and generally best way, is to use dependency injection.
So basically,
public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
BackpackListener listener new Backpacklistener(this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(listener, this);
public class BackpackListener implements Listener {
private Main instance;
private BackpackUtil util;
public BackpackListener(Main instance) {
this.instance = instance;
util = new BackpackUtil();
public void onClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
public class BackpackUtil {
public Inventory whiteBackpack(Main instance) {
FileConfiguration config = instance.getConfig();
//Do things
The next way you can do it is less optimal, and frowned upon, but still an easier option.
public class Main() {
public static Main instance;
public void onEnable() {
instance = this;
public class ConfigHelper() {
Main instance = Main.instance;
FileConfiguration config = instance.getConfig();
//Do things
It's good to get out of the habit of using the second method (It's called a singleton), because normally the main class will change, or have multiple instances, etc... but with Spigot there can only be one main instance and one thread.

MongoDB and Large Datasets when using a Repository pattern

Okay so at work we are developing a system using MVC C# & MongoDB. When first developing we decided it would probably be a good idea to follow the Repository pattern (what a pain in the ass!), here is the code to give an idea of what is currently implemented.
The MongoRepository class:
public class MongoRepository { }
public class MongoRepository<T> : MongoRepository, IRepository<T>
where T : IEntity
private MongoClient _client;
private IMongoDatabase _database;
private IMongoCollection<T> _collection;
public string StoreName {
get {
return typeof(T).Name;
public MongoRepository() {
_client = new MongoClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MongoDatabaseURL"]);
_database = _client.GetDatabase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MongoDatabaseName"]);
/* misc code here */
public void Init() {
_collection = _database.GetCollection<T>(StoreName);
public IQueryable<T> SearchFor() {
return _collection.AsQueryable<T>();
The IRepository interface class:
public interface IRepository { }
public interface IRepository<T> : IRepository
where T : IEntity
string StoreNamePrepend { get; set; }
string StoreNameAppend { get; set; }
IQueryable<T> SearchFor();
/* misc code */
The repository is then instantiated using Ninject but without that it would look something like this (just to make this a simpler example):
MongoRepository<Client> clientCol = new MongoRepository<Client>();
Here is the code used for the search pages which is used to feed into a controller action which outputs JSON for a table with DataTables to read. Please note that the following uses DynamicLinq so that the linq can be built from string input:
tmpFinalList = clientCol
.OrderBy(tmpOrder) // tmpOrder = "ClientDescription DESC"
.Skip(Start) // Start = 99900
.Take(PageLength) // PageLength = 10
Now the problem is that if the collection has a lot of records (99,905 to be exact) everything works fine if the data in a field isn't very large for example our Key field is a 5 character fixed length string and I can Skip and Take fine using this query. However if it is something like ClientDescription can be much longer I can 'Sort' fine and 'Take' fine from the front of the query (i.e. Page 1) however when I page to the end with Skip = 99900 & Take = 10 it gives the following memory error:
An exception of type 'MongoDB.Driver.MongoCommandException' occurred
in MongoDB.Driver.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Command aggregate failed: exception: Sort
exceeded memory limit of 104857600 bytes, but did not opt in to
external sorting. Aborting operation. Pass allowDiskUse:true to opt
Okay so that is easy to understand I guess. I have had a look online and mostly everything that is suggested is to use Aggregation and "allowDiskUse:true" however since I use IQueryable in IRepository I cannot start using IAggregateFluent<> because you would then need to expose MongoDB related classes to IRepository which would go against IoC principals.
Is there any way to force IQueryable to use this or does anyone know of a way for me to access IAggregateFluent without going against IoC principals?
One thing of interest to me is why the sort works for page 1 (Start = 0, Take = 10) but then fails when I search to the end ... surely everything must be sorted for me to be able to get the items in order for Page 1 but shouldn't (Start = 99900, Take = 10) just need the same amount of 'sorting' and MongoDB should just send me the last 5 or so records. Why doesn't this error happen when both sorts are done?
Okay so with the help of #craig-wilson upgrading to the newest version of MongoDB C# drivers and changing the following in MongoRepository will fix the problem:
public IQueryable<T> SearchFor() {
return _collection.AsQueryable<T>(new AggregateOptions { AllowDiskUse = true });
I was getting a System.MissingMethodException but this was caused by other copies of the MongoDB drivers needing updated as well.
When creating the IQueryable from an IMongoCollection, you can pass in the AggregateOptions which allow you to set AllowDiskUse.

Asp.Net Web API Error: The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'

Simplest example of this, I get a collection and try to output it via Web API:
// GET api/items
public IEnumerable<Item> Get()
return MyContext.Items.ToList();
And I get the error:
Object of type
cannot be converted to type
This is a pretty common error to do with the new proxies, and I know that I can fix it by setting:
MyContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
But that defeats the purpose of a lot of what I am trying to do. Is there a better way?
I would suggest Disable Proxy Creation only in the place where you don't need or is causing you trouble. You don't have to disable it globally you can just disable the current DB context via code...
public HttpResponseMessage Get(int take = 10, int skip = 0)
CurrentDbContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
var lista = CurrentDbContext.PaymentTypes
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id)
var count = CurrentDbContext.PaymentTypes.Count();
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { PaymentTypes = lista, TotalCount = count });
Here I only disabled the ProxyCreation in this method, because for every request there is a new DBContext created and therefore I only disabled the ProxyCreation for this case .
Hope it helps
if you have navigation properties and you do not want make them non virtual, you should using JSON.NET and change configuration in App_Start to using JSON not XML!
after install JSON.NET From NuGet, insert this code in WebApiConfig.cs in Register method
var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects;
If you have navigation properties make them non virtual. Mapping will still work but it prevents the creation of Dynamic Proxy entities which cannot be serialized.]
Not having lazy loading is fine in a WebApi as you don't have a persistent connection and you ran a .ToList() anyway.
I just disabled proxy classes on a per needed basis:
// GET: ALL Employee
public IEnumerable<DimEmployee> Get()
using (AdventureWorks_MBDEV_DW2008Entities entities = new AdventureWorks_MBDEV_DW2008Entities())
entities.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
return entities.DimEmployees.ToList();
Add the following code in Application_Start function of Global.asax.cs:
.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
This instruct the API to serialize every response into JSON and remove XML responses.
In my case the object being returned had a property within it with a type that did not have an argumentless/default constructor. By adding a zero-argument constructor to that type the object could be serialized successfully.
I had the same problem and my DTO was missing an parameter less constructor.
public UserVM() { }
public UserVM(User U)
LoginId = U.LoginId;
GroupName = U.GroupName;
First constructor was missing.
I got this error message and it turns out the problem was that I had accidentally set my class to use the same serialized property name for two properties:
public class ResultDto
public string ActualAssociations { get; set; }
public string ExpectedAssociations { get; set; }
If you're getting this error and you aren't sending entities directly through your API, copy the class that's failing to serialize to LINQPad and just call JsonConvert.SerializeObject() on it and it should give you a better error message than this crap. As soon as I tried this it gave me the following error message: A member with the name 'DataCheckedBy' already exists on 'UserQuery+ResultDto'. Use the JsonPropertyAttribute to specify another name.
After disable Proxy Creation, use eager loading (Include()) to load the proxy object.
In my Project EntityCollection returned from the WebApi action method.
Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false not applicable. I have tried the below approach it is working fine for me.
Control Panel.
2.Turn on Windows Features on or off
Choose Internet Information Service
Check all the World Wide Web Components it would be better to check all the components in IIS.
Install the components.
Go to (IIS) type inetmgr in command prompt.
select the published code in the Virtual directory.
Convert into application
Browse it the application.
The answer by #Mahdi perfectly fixes the issue for me, however what I noticed is that if my Newtonsoft.JSON is 11.0 version then it doesn't fix the issue, but the moment I update Newtonsoft.JSON to latest 13.0 it starts working.