Asterisk Realtime Invalid Handler Error - real-time

I am using Asterisk with Realtime.
As I initiate a call via the callfile
Channel: SIP/1000000
Callerid: <1000000>
Context: local
Extension: 20
Priority: 1
into a certain context and extension unfortunately there occurs the error:
Channel 'SIP/1-0000001' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler.
It is strange since the default context from the error message is the one which contains the switch-statement in the extconfig.conf:
switch => Realtime/lokal#extensions
Nevertheless: The phone rings but as one answer the call the line is busy.
Does someone know how to solve this problem?
I.e. How to initiate a call with Realtime?

I made an error: in the extconfig the extension is "local" but not "lokal"


Vertx - Multiple failureHandlers for the same route

The question is simple: is it possible to have multiple failure handlers for one route?
router.route(HttpMethod.POST, "/test")
I'm currently using vert.x version 4.0.2, and I can see that internally, every failure handler I create is added to a failureHandlers list, but when an error is thrown, the only failure handler executing is the first one specified.
From the first failure handler (MyCustomFailureHandler1.create()), you have to call RoutingContext#next()
Documentation of RoutingContext#next() states: "If next is not called for a handler then the handler should make sure it ends the response or no response will be sent".
See TestCase here: testMultipleSetFailureHandler

Error report for execution and query intent in the test suite of the google action

Our project passed “Turn on” execution and query in the test
suite of the google action.
But “Turn off” execution and query failed and I couldn’t find in our part.
After “Turn off” execution, I responded “false” for “on” attribute but
error report was shown - actual state: {"on":true,"online":true}.
Below is the exchanged data and the error report.
Google action request for execution:
Our Response for execution:
Google action error report
Turn off the bedroom
AssertionError: Expected state to include: {"on":false}, actual state: {"on":true,"online":true}: expected false to be true
Google action request for query:
Our Response for query:
Google action error report
Query after 'Turn off the bedroom'
Error: the string "Error from HA: deviceOffline" was thrown, throw an Error :) at new f (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18143:10) at (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:4491:11) at js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:4802:18 at done (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:4189:5) at js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:4236:11 at w.Ic (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18137:24) at (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18129:169) at js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18171:310 at w.Jl (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18137:454) at r.Ms (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18130:301) at h (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18126:375) at y.Jl [as Ic] (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18139:326) at q (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18167:89) at e (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18158:235) at XMLHttpRequest.w (js/app_compiled.js?f77b3b67-f1c5-4a38-8a20-fe5eafbc2c40:18167:241)
You've got a couple issues here.
First, you need to verify that your sync response includes the appropriate device attributes - your execution/query responses both return NULL for your currentToggleSettings instead of the string of the availableToggles in your sync response. If you are just using OnOff for your device, you don't actually even need to implement any of the Toggle trait features. Again, verify what is in your initial sync response.
Second, you're returning online: false as well as on:false, which is why you're getting the following error:
Error: the string "Error from HA: deviceOffline" was thrown
online:false should only be used when you intend to return the TTS response of "the device is not available right now" when a user issues a command/query, and when the device cannot be controlled. This should also include status:ERRROR in your response. You can read more about handling errors and exceptions in the docs.
Returning online:true, on:false or online:true, on:true when responding to an execute/query request should fix the deviceOffline error.

Mirth: Alerts triggered by errors in JS-based database writer don't have access to {messageId}?

Using mirth version 3.8.1. I've set up an alert for a channel's errors. When errors come from the destination transformer (which is Javascript), the alert is able to access the {messageId} variable and pull the correct id. However, when an error originates in the Javascript-based database writer, the alert just returns '{messageId}' instead of the value.
I tried a bunch of things...
The global map is accessible from the alert, but putting a message id in there would get overwritten by another processing thread.
Other destination types - http sender, tcp sender, channel writer, and even a non-javascript-based database writer destination all work.
I even stripped the database writer code down to just:
var dbConn;
dbConn = DatabaseConnectionFactory.createDatabaseConnection('com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver','jdbc:mysql://host:port/dbname','','');
Do I just have to raise specific exceptions within the db writer code and raise alerts when those exceptions are hit, and send the message id in the error string?
You stumbled across a bug. I opened an issue and a fix.
If not for another bug that also neglects to provide the messageId, you should be able to use alerts.sendAlert('Custom Error Message'). alerts is an instance of AlertSender from the User API that mirth creates for you. I created a fix for that as well.
The only workaround I know of at this time to manually send an alert that includes the messageId is to call the EventController directly. The caveat is that this is technically not supported as part of a public API and usage could break in future versions without notice.
.dispatchEvent(new com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.event.ErrorEvent(
null, /* connectorType */
null /* throwable */
This will work as written from a filter, transformer, Javascript Writer, or Database Writer in javascript mode. In other contexts, connectorMessage won't be defined and you'll have to provide some of those values in a different way. If you don't need the messageId and don't want to throw an exception, just use alerts.sendAlert(errorMessage) since that doesn't require calling unsupported internal classes.

Rack Warden: how can I access the message passed to the fail! method?

When failing an authentication strategy in Warden, a message can be passed to the fail! method. How can I access this message in my default failure application action such that I can display it in a flash message? I tried request.env['warden'].message, but after looking at the code for Warden::Proxy this variable is only set for winning strategies. Thoughts?
When using the fail or fail! methods, you can obtain the failure message from the environment warden object.
def unauthenticated
flash[:alert] = env["warden"].message unless env["warden"].message.blank?
Perhaps a different way of failing strategies (from recent documentation), is to use throw(:warden, :foo => 'bar'). Anything you throw with will be available in your failure application through request.env['warden.options'], including a string of the desired url as well. HTH

Asterisk : originate call doesn't set the CALLERID in the dialplan

I am using Asterisk PBX to call a softphone, i use thise command : "originate SIP/100 extension 4004" , in the dialplan, I have to get the CALLERID variable, but in this case, it's always empty!
P.S : if i call the extension (4004), from the softphone(100), the CALLERID is set, and I can get it with : ${CALLERID(num)}.
How to get the caller id in the originate case?
When you're originating a call, you set the Caller ID yourself. There are two ways of doing this - either in the originate application yourself, or in the dialplan. An example of this is below.
Action: Originate
Channel: local/12345#outgoing
Application: Echo
CallerID: Asterisk <12345>
exten => 12345,1,NoOp()
same => n,Verbose(1, Outgoing Caller ID: {$CALLERID(all)})
same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
same => n,Hangup()
or you could do something like:
exten => 12345,1,NoOp()
same => n,Set(CALLERID(num)=54321)
same => n,Set(CALLERID(name)=Asterisk)
same => n,Verbose(1, Outgoing Caller ID: {$CALLERID(all)})
same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
same => n,Hangup()
You should see your caller ID set either in the AMI originate or, if you choose to override it in the dialplan, those values.
For more information, see Manager Action Originate and CallerID Function.
I know this is way late but if your on Asterisk 1.8 the Originate app just does not allow it normally.
I had asked in the forums before and they said that feature would be added at a later point. So what I did was modify the app_originate.c to allow number and name to be passed.
Here is the one I wrote up last year:
Been in production for over a year and has been working good. Was written for 1.8. It was a easy modification so if your using a different version you can simple diff the changes and make those small changes to your version to make it happen.
the final solution i am using now :
i call my extention from a php script (originate SIP/100 extension 777)
i write my extension to a text file (file_put_contents)
then i read it in the asterisk dial plan, and set this variable as the caller ID Set(CALLERID(num)=${caller_id}
i didn't find another solution.