UIImage display differently when saving and loading from file - iphone

I'm download jpeg picture from web server and load it to UIImage.
If I display the UIImage in UIImageView directly, I see the picture correctly.
But if i cache the image to file with :
[UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image,1.0f) writeToFile:sFilePath atoimcally:YES]
and load it with :
image=[UIImage imageWithContentsOFile:sFilePath]
and display this in the same UIImageView, I can see white stripes in the sides of the picture.
again, Exactly the same UIImageView object with the same properties settings in it.
Why is that?

You can simply write to a file the NSData you have loaded from the web, without going through the UIImageJPEGRepresentation routine.
[dataObject writeToURL:fileURL atomically:YES];
and to retrieve
UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[fileURL path]];
That works really well in my app.


iOS : How to handle images?

I'm making a photo managing app. I have created a class called photo, which has the name of the photo, notes on the photo, and the image. I know how to set the name and notes - they're both NSStrings, but what data type should I use for my image?
At the moment, I'm using NSData, is that correct?
Apparently, NSData is right. So, how should I get an image from a UIImage into the NSData object and back again?
Data from UIImage:
NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
Alternatively, UIImage from data:
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];
You can store your image as an UIImage or NSData
You can simply get one from another:
NSData *data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
UIImage *image=[UIImage imageWithData:data];
In case you need the image for presenting it's better practice to hold an UIImage instance in youre object transferring it to/from NSData when you need to save it or get it either from the net or the disk. If youre case is more like file manager then photo viewer, then this answer is not aplicable. Anyway the transfering routines were provided to you by previous answer.

iphone image loading problem

I have make a one small image and in which one detail page is there.
and I in detail page I have one image tag which is in webview with html page.
It's work completely but image take a much time for loading and show in the screen.
So how can I reduce the time of loading for image. and this image is come form url.
NSData *imageData = [[[NSData alloc]init]autorelease];
imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:ObjBitSpot.StrImagePath]];
imgBiteSpot.image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"img-not-found.gif"];
else {
UIImage *imgs = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:imageData];
[imgs drawInRect:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 88.0, 88.0)];
UIImage* newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
[imgs release];
You could consider not downloading the image but downloading a one characters variable/flag from a web service. Depending on the answer from the web service you could load an image locally from the bundle? This could be faster.
This is best example for loading image.
Its take time base on image size and internet speed.
But one thing you can do in your application.
You can download asynchronously that image and store it in temporary variable before you go in detail image view. When you go on that detail image you can load that downloaded image as per your requirement.

pulling info from a plist

I'm able to pull information from a plist using:
nameTextField.text = [recipe objectForKey:NAME_KEY];
ingredientsText.text = [ingredients objectForKey:NAME_KEY];
I also have images in the plist [the names of the images, not the image data]
does anyone know how i would display an image in a similar manner?
thanks in advance.
You'll have to create an image with the contents of the file at the stored path. Either use imageWithContentsOfFile: or imageNamed:, where imageNamed: takes only the filename and caches images, useful for images that are small and appear often in the UI. Also note, that imageNamed: searches for a #2x-Version of the image in iOS4.
imageWithContentsOfFile takes a full path including your app-bundle's path and dose not have a cache. It's intended for larger images that only appear once on a screen.
imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:[recipe objectForKey:IMAGE_KEY]];
imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource:[recipe objectForKey:IMAGE_KEY] ofType:nil]];

How to save a png image to camera roll?

I'd like to save screenshots from my game to camera roll.
Right now I'm using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum which saves the image in jpg format with way too much ugly jpg artifacts.
Is there a way to save an UIImage in png format to camera roll?
First you have to add AssetsLibrary Framework, than like this:
ALAssetsLibrary *library = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init];
UIImage *image = ... some image
[library writeImageDataToSavedPhotosAlbum: UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) metadata:nil completionBlock:nil];
The solution pointed out here is now deprecated - this post:
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum saves to wrong size and quality
shows how to do this:
UIImage* im = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:myCGRef]; // make image from CGRef
NSData* imdata = UIImagePNGRepresentation ( im ); // get PNG representation
UIImage* im2 = [UIImage imageWithData:imdata]; // wrap UIImage around PNG representation
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(im2, nil, nil, nil); // save to photo album
Napolit "I'd like to save screenshots from my game to camera roll. Right now I'm using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum which saves the image in jpg format with way too much...."
Have just stumbled across your question, most of which I can't answer. however, I do have an EASY & QUICK WAY to grab iPad screens. Simply press the SLEEP/WAKE button and the HOME (round button at bottom of the screen) button at the same time.
This tells how to represent a UIImage as a jpg or png: Save UIImage Object as PNG or JPEG File

Does UIImage's -imageNamed: method work for image files stored in 'Documents'?

My app downloads a small image file from a remote server and I am trying to display it along with some other small image files that are pre-installed in the app. I am using [UIImage imageNamed:#"TheImageName.png"] to get the images (see below for more detail). The pre-installed images display as expected but the image in my apps 'Documents' directory is no where to be found. Should I be using -imageNamed for an image in 'Documents' or some other method?
UIImage* documentsImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"TheImageName.png"];
UIImageView* anImageView = [[UIimageView alloc] initWithImage:documentsImage];
[self.view addSubview:anImageView];
Ah, nevermind. I found that using [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:filePath] works for this. imageNamed just returns nil.
No, +imageNamed: only loads images from the app bundle.
Also, don't include the .png extension when using that class method.