Switchable subview in window for iphone app - iphone

I've been looking everywhere but can't seem to find any examples/tutorials for my situation (not sure how to google it..)
So i have a window where a portion of it should be static (buttons and such) and there is a dynamic part (bottom leftish) that should change subviews.
So what i'm looking for is a way so that clicking the buttons in the static area will change the dynamic area to a view of my choice. I have no idea how to do this using the IB, but doing it programatically seems the only way. Any suggestions(I do not want to use a tab bar controller)?
Oh, and is there a benefit to making views and such programatically vs through the IB?

You can also achieve it programatically. Just create another viewcontroller class (as many as u want). In the loadView method of it create a UIView in the coordinates where u want to add the subview in the current view. Now create an instance of this viewcontroller class in the currentview controller and add it as a subview. You will get the subview at the desired location.If u want to change it dynamically create as many views and then add them to the array and change them whenever the button is clicked.
Hope this helps.

You should perform the switch in your view controller. The static buttons can have their actions hooked up to that controller (in IB), which can have an outlet (in IB) to the subviews and perform the swap.
As for when you should use IB, see this question.

You can do it from interface builder as well. You just need to take viewController from interface builder drag-n-drop to main window. assign IBAction to all buttons to add different viewController's view to main window just make their frame some smaller.

if u want to change or views by click on button then u chose segmentcontrol switch. and cod for each segment like as when click on segment 0 then open first sub view and when click on segment1 then open second sub view. And make by default unselected so that ur static view will appear initially lunching of view.


Custom popup view in Swift (Interface Builder)

Is there any way I can show a custom popup in the middle of the screen (over the current content) with buttons and a textfield and anything else I may need, entirely in interface builder?
If this isn't possible, then I don't mind doing it programatically.
I am guessing you create a custom view with the content but I am not sure how I show that view when a button is clicked and bring it up over the current view controller.
I would create a View and a Viewcontroller for it- set the alpha of the view to zero so its invisible - then but a nice picture as background for the custom popuop on it ( as background for the popup) on this i would put the buttons and the text label. Voilà - costum pop-up is ready to present with a segue (choose type over the current view controller).

UITabBarController functionality with UITabBar

I'm making an app with interface builder using storyboarding.
I want to have a tab bar where no item is selected. This can be accomplished by setting
TabBar.SelectedItem = null;
But if you try to do that, you get the following error:
'Directly modifying a tab bar managed by a tab bar controller is not allowed.'
So I can't use the standard UITabBarController. I've created a custom UIViewController, and added a UITabBar. Switching between tabs is working fine, and having no selection is also working as it should.
But I have no idea how to show my other view controllers from my custom view controller with the tab bar. Remember that I'm using interfacebuilder, so I can't just create my view controllers in code as new objects and add them to the view. (as suggested in UITabBar funcionality without UITabBarController)
So how do I show my own views without using the UITabBarViewController?
Edit: Still haven't found a solution, but I did a hacky fix. Simple create an other tab bar and place it on top of the original tab bar. Listen to those events and use SelectedIndex to change the view displayed. Then add some function that will select / deselect the items on your own tab bar.
In fact, even if you design your others UIViewControllers from IB, you can instantiate them from code. You'll probably have to play a bit with frame and autoresizing properties to make them fit the part of your main view you want them to display inside, but it's possible.
So, knowing that, a simple solution is to create a simple UIView (we'll call it 'tabFrame') in your main UIViewController, which fill the screen from the top of your UITabBar to the top of the screen; instantiate the UIViewController corresponding to your tabs and add their view as subview of tabFrame. Now you just have to catch item selection from tabbar to hide or show the desired subviews.
Hope I'm clear enough, else don't hesitate to question!
EDIT: pointed out this morning that in storyboarding context, you can effectively instantiate viewControllers / scene from code, but for not loosing designer settings it must NOT be done through directly calling their constructors, but through StoryBoard.InstantiateViewController("vc_identifier") calls, after having set identifiers to VCs in storyboard editor.
See http://docs.xamarin.com/ios/recipes/General/Storyboard/Storyboard_a_TableView for example

iPhone make toolbar visible in UITableView

I have a UITableView has a subview of a UIView and I've added a toolbar on top of the UITableView so it should look like this:
However when I actually run it, it looks like this:
So for some reason the UIToolBar isn't showing up. I really don't know why, is anybody able to figure this one out? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I've changed the simulated metrics like suggested and it still does not show up:
EDIT2: Here is a list of objects as requested by Raixer.
Alright. I have a similar setup in my app so I will show you what I did.
I setup a tab bar controller with navigation controllers in each tab (this gives me the navigation bar automatically that is why I use it). If you notice the View on the first tab is being loaded from another nib (that is what I am assuming you are doing). I did this by changing the view's class to my own view controller and then setting the name of the NIB file to load in the Inspector like this:
(source: minus.com)
Then in my other nib file I only have this:
I hope this helps.
That's because you configured your nib file without counting with the height of the Tab bar.
The toolbar's height is 49 pixels. So when the view appears all your elements are moved 49 pixels up.
You should got to IB, open your View, go to Attributes Inspector, and in simulated metrics select Tab bar for Bottom Bar.
I doubt you will succeed with this approch. UITableViewController is very picky about adding subviews to its UITableView. However, you can have your UITableView handled by a standard UIViewController (just let IB point to a custom class inheritng from UIViewController). Add the table view to the controller's view as a subview and add the toolbar to the outer view.
Then you should be able to add subviews. UITableViewController gives you some convinience and functionality. If you can live without, UIViewController is no disadvantage. If you can't, you'll have to implement it yourself.
Another alternative to get the toolbar: put your table into a UINavigationController. That one comes with a toolbar (on top).

Load view with popover?

I have a main view with a UINavigationController and a subview (both added through interface builder). I have a UIBarButtonItem in the navigation toolbar. When that button is clicked, I want a popover view to come up (with a table format) with options for different subviews to choose from. When a user chooses one of the subviews (by clicking a cell), the popover should fade away and the subview should change to the user's chosen view.
Those view options should be loaded from separate xib files.
I know it's a relatively complicated question, but what is the best way to do this?
I don't necessarily need code, but that would be helpful. Thanks guys!
Check this tutorial about the popOvers:
Are you looking for something similar to this?
Checkout the – loadNibNamed:owner:options: of NSBundle(UINibLoadingAdditions). Your view will be the first index object of the returned array commonly.

How to remedy a UINavigationBar overlapping the top of my UIScrollView?

I am working with a TabBarController >> NavBarController UI. One of my UIViewControllers has a UIScrollView in it with some text (UITextField) in it. Problem is, the uppermost text in the UIScrollView is covered by the NavBar. How do I fix this? I am trying to manually adjust stuff in IB with mixed results but I want a more CERTAIN solution.
The problem is that your view is too big, and it's being positioned under the nav bar.
To fix, open up the .xib with your container view and/or your UIScrollView in Interface Builder, and Bring up the Attributes Inspector (Cmd-1).
Then do one of the following:
Make sure the Simulated User Interface Elements (for Status Bar, Top Bar, and BottomBar) are set to appropriate values (which will automatically adjust the subview frames)
Set all Simulated User Interface Elements None, and then size your container view down to an appropriate size (like 320x400), set the autosizing to expand in both directions. (I prefer this method, and this is also the default method for a nav bar-based project that Xcode autogenerates)
Then you need to make sure that you've set the root view controller for that tab to "Resize View from NIB". If you've instantiated a UINavigationController instance in Interface Builder (say, in your MainWindow.xib), you can set the checkbox there.