I've been working on a .prefpane app and it's almost ready for the mac app store. The problem is that the product created from this app is a .prefpane file and not a .app file so as I see it I need to create an app that launches this .prefpane file so I was wondering how to do that?
Hope this makes sense!
Thank you in advance!
Per the Mac App Store Review Guidelines sections 2.15, 2.30, and probably some others, .prefpanes aren't allowed in the App Store.
My Application is live on app store and working In App Purchase. In App purchase dialog show environment sandbox. When can i get the environment live for in app purchase? Can anybody having same issue.. ?
Do you see this in the app, that you have downloaded from the App Store or from your Xcode build? In the second case, it is OK, because when building from Xcode,you'll be sandboxed.
If you download it from App Store, it will be in normal mode.
Finally, I resolve this issue.
Solution: Remove app from device. Restart Device and Downloaded App From App Store.
Problem occurred, I was using the same device for testing. and before downloading app from app
from i forget to restart device.
well, Its working for me now... :)
I submitted my app in the App Store. First I validated it, and turns out successful. Then I submitted it and succesfully uploaded to iTunes Connect. After a minute, it says that the file is Invalid binary. I am uploading an update of an existing app which is already published in the App Store. (previous version uploaded by other developer). I tried every solution that I found in google search but no luck.
Just for information.
Today I faced the same problem of Invalid Binary while uploading new version of existing application.
I got following email from apple
iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for
iPhone 5. As of May 1, all new iPhone apps and app updates
submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5. All apps must
include a launch image with the -568h size modifier immediately
following the portion of the launch image's filename.
Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your
bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your
launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images
by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines and iOS App
Programming Guide.
Once these issues have been corrected, go to the Version Details page
and click "Ready to Upload Binary." Continue through the submission
process until the app status is "Waiting for Upload." You can then
deliver the corrected binary.
Added 4inch app screen shots in iTunesconnect meta data
Added Default-568h#2x.png image in my application for iPhone 5
After these changes application successfully submitted.
Need to add arm64
I faced the same problem of Invalid Binary while uploading new version of existing application.
The reason are from February 2015 itself we need to Add arm64 to our app. i added this then my app successfully upload to app store.
Try to check the provisioning you made for the itunes store are correct with your application.
Remove the old binary which has been rejected then add the new one.
If you can do try to make fresh provisioning and also check in the xcode as well.
And do check the mode,is that debug or distribution as you need to make the build for distribution.
Hope it man help you.
You cannot submit an app that uses the same bundle ID or the same app name of any app (even the "same" one) submitted by another developer account.
Make sure you have choosen "App Store" as distribution method in distribution provisioning profile, not "Ad Hoc".
I have faced this issue many times.My app got passed validation and submitted
successfully to iTunes Connect.But It shows invalid binary in prerelease
options.I saw one awesome post in Apple discussions and finally solved my
issue.App bundle id was changed in config file of my web app.I have changed
old bundle id in config.xml and app uploaded for review.
Try using the Application Loader under /Developer/Applications/Utilities. Make sure you have created a New App in iTunesConnect...under Manage Applications, select the application you are going to create an update for... when that loads on the right you will see Add a New Update.
I'am wondering what will happen if my App which was previously available on the AppStore and has been downloaded by some users, but now I REJECT MY APP and put it down from the AppStore.
My Question is, Will the previous users who have the app on their devices will work or not???
Yes, every user who downloaded the app will be able to keep using it.
There is no way to pull it from there devices.
Okay so here is my situation. About a year ago I released my very first iPhone app! (Yeah). Since then I have been working on making it into a universal app. In doing this, I actually went ahead and created a brand new universal app and then proceeded to code accordingly.
So now I want to release this app but since the app was created brand new, it has a different bundle Id. I don't want to alienate the users that bought the previous version for just the iPhone so is it as simple as just changing the universal app bundle Id to the one I used for the iPhone and publish that way? Will this fly with apples publishing system?
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
Should be absolutely fine. The devices will just replace the app with the new version - as long as your new one uses the same data storage / preferences etc there's no reason why that won't work.
NB This answer assumes that you are going to release it as an upgrade to your previous app.
I would like to send someone the Xcode simulator version - not the device version - of my iPad app. I have located the .app file in the Finder. Do I just zip it up and send it off or is it more complicated than that?
Chrisbtoo got the answer on this one however he left of some critical bits for those of you trying this at home:
Path to Xcode simulator (the simulator can be run standalone.):
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone Simulator.app
Path to app that appears in the home screen of the simulator:
/Users/turner/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/{GUID}
It is instructive to watch what happens in the app simulator directory as you build for simulation, delete apps from the simulator desktop and generally use the simulator as an actual device.
Bottom line: This is a viable approach for sharing apps in a "simulated" ad hoc manner without the mind numbing, soul sucking process of true ad hoc app sharing.
Assuming the other person already has the simulator installed, you can just zip up the stuff under ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/{GUID} (includes both the .app and any data directories needed) and send it to them - they'll need to unzip it under that same directory. What I've done in the past was to rename the {GUID} part to a more friendly name - the sim will still pick it up.
If they don't already have the simulator, they will need to sign up for a free iphone dev account and download Xcode, etc.
We just put up a little tool that will help you with this. It manages both what you need on the dev side and also the tester.
Here it is
It basically creates a little zip that you can pass to the tester and it'll install the app in the right directory and also open it up for the user with the right device selected.
I would think you want to send the entire project folder to the other person- presumably you are expecting them to open it in their XCode- and presumably they have the sdk for the app.
You have to distribute via AdHoc or App Store for beta testing.
Become a developer and then look into how to do this.
You need to have a provisioning profile, and then select the UDID's for the device you want to beta test to.
Go to the iPhone Provisioning Portal
and here is a document with more detail