a SSRS 2008 problem:How to off freeze pane - ssrs-2008

I have a SSRS 2008 Report and whenever exported to excel by default it's top rows become freeze.I don't want so.how can i?

The renderer will always freeze whatever rows it produced from the Header of your SSRS report. I don't think you can avoid the freezing unless you remove the Header section of your report.
There is, after doing some research, a Device Information flag for SimplePageHeaders, which
Indicates whether the page header of the report is rendered to the Excel page header. A value of false indicates that the page header is rendered to the first row of the worksheet. The default value is false.
Maybe you can use that to prevent the report header from showing up in the Excel document at all. There is another SO post that sort of describes how to reconfigure the Excel renderer on the server (or create a custom one) that will omit the header using the SimplePageHeaders device information flag for Excel.


Issue in Exporting SSRS Reports to CSV

I have an SSRS Report in which few columns will be made visible programmatically. The Report gets generated succesfully, but when it's exported to CSV, the columns whose "visible" attribute has been handled programmatically doesn't get exproted to CSV.
Is there a work-around for this
What is the best way to implement
hide logic for columns in SSRS so
that there are no issues while
exproting to CSV/Excel?
See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bimusings/archive/2007/02/07/reporting-services-why-aren-t-all-my-report-columns-exporting-to-csv-and-or-xml.aspx which explains that CSV (and XML) is a data format rather than a layout format. If the visibility is toggled via a formula as you're doing, it won't be rendered at all in CSV (even if the visibility setting makes it visible).

The engine showing only few rows in report - How to solve?

I have a problem with JasperReports' report. I want to create a report that produces for each Database entry, on sheet. When I create it, it shows me only a few rows. Maybe there is a parameter to set in the iReport designer.
A number of things to check:
Change the height of your report. Do you get more rows to appear? What about the height of your band? Does it change the results?
Check which band you have your content in. Some bands behave differently than others. Header/Footer/etc bands do not expand.
Check your input (the data from your query / xml datasource / whatever). Make sure that what you think is the input to your report really is.
Otherwise, likely we'll need more information. If you could upload an example jrxml that would help.

How to create Excel document with proper cell alignment using Ireport?

I can able to create Excel document using Jasper Report but the problem is that fields are not properly aligned in the cells of excel sheet and all the data are populated in the plain surface without any cells.i.e) I cannot see any cells in the data populated area.Can u please give me suggestion to make proper Excel document with cell alignment.
I had this same struggle and came up with the following. At the time, I was using iReport (3.0.0) and was able to generate a good xls file. It may be easier in newer versions of iReport and/or JasperReports. Here's what I did:
I created a new report using the new report wizard and chose a tabular template. This creates a report with all of the fields in a line with no gaps between them. It is very key that fields are vertically aligned, that all the same height, and that there are no gaps between fields.
I removed all of the extra objects created (title, extra lines) except for the fields and the headers. I then collapsed all of the bands except the column header and detail bands.
On the report properties, I checked "Ignore pagination"
I changed the text color of the header fields, otherwise it ends up as white on white.
The rest of the important options can be found by selecting Options -> Export Options from the menu and then scrolling down to the "XLS Exporter" section. I attached a screen shot of the options I chose. You can experiment with the settings, but I found (through trial and error) that the options I ended up with work pretty well. These options are not stored in the report def file, they are attributes of the thing generating the report. iReport takes care of it when testing in that environment. We are using custom Java to generate the report in production and we set the attributes there.
XLS Exporter Dialog http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1270760205041768200.png

Row and column headings on crystal reports

I am using the crystal reports 2008 version.
I need the column headers to stay on top while scrolling down the data. The column headers are present in the page header section. Is there a way to get this done?
I don't believe that this is possible in CR. What you might have to do is export your report to Excel so that you can freeze the headers there.
Why don't you add a group, something innocuous, and mark 'Repeat Header on each page' in the Change Group dialog.

Inclusion and exclusion of subreports (iReport-JasperReports)

I need to include or exclude a subreport based on a condition. I'm using iReport to create JasperReports. I.e., if a subreport has values, I need to include that subreport, otherwise not. Can anyone please send a sample or tell me how to resolve this.
you can in the master report get data from your data source that allows you to identify if the subreport should be included, then use the 'printWhenExpression' field on the subreport element to check that data.
I use this regularly - for example the printWhenExpression field may contain:
new Boolean($F{TOTAL_STATS}.intValue() != 0)
where TOTAL_STATS is from the master report's database query. If non-zero we show a subreport detailing some data.
From my knowledge, if there aren't any data printed in the subreport, Jasper eliminates the blank space. In other words, if your subreport would normally occupy half a page, but there is no data, then the empty space is eliminated. I'm not sure this is what you mean by including or excluding the report.
Another solution would be to place the subreport in the main report, and from right-click ->properties -> Subreport tab, you select the "Subreport condition" tab and write your condition there. If the condition is true, the content of the subreport will be printed, otherwise it won't be printed.
Jamie Love's answer about "printWhenExpression" is on target.
if there aren't any data printed in the subreport, Jasper eliminates the blank space
Actually, at least in JasperReports 3.7.0 there is a subreport property "Remove Line When Blank" that controls that behavior. By default - at least when I use iReport - that parameter is off.