How to download ParseKit for iPhone? - iphone

Really basic (and probably quite idiotic) question but I'm not familiar with this procedure of downloading source code. Even if you've never download this you may be able to point out what I'm missing.
I'm trying to get the ParseKit parser generator for use with my iPhone app:
The instructions say I need a project file called 'ParseKit.xcodeproj':
The link below takes me to the source files, but I can't see where to get the actual project file:
ParseKit.xcodeproj is on the left but I can't download it itself, project.pbxproj opens up to contain some source code. How can I get the project file itself?
Apologies for the question but the whole thing seems painfully unobvious, why not just provide a download link? I must be missing something...

You have to check out the code using svn.


Distribute a glade file inside an application

Before I start, I know of the existence of GResource, however I'm using gtkmm (C++), and I'm not sure if GResource works with C++. I can't find anything along the lines Glib::GResource, and I've been looking for a while.
Anyway, I'm writing a GUI using Gtkmm, and I want to pack the .glade file which I load within the executable, so that the executable can be run without having to have a file next to it. I'm not sure that I completely understand how GResources work, and I can't find any clear instructions anywhere.
So, using Gtkmm, how would I pack a .glade file inside my executable?
update: I've found this. (Gio::Resource), which sounds hopeful, but no documentation.
I've made some more research and found this tutorial and this documentation. Looks like what you need is Gio::Resource::lookup_data_global. Below is C version of my answer.
When something in glib world lacks documentation, it's time to read documentation for c. In short: with the help of glib-compile-resources and a simple xml file you build a .c file, which can be compiled into your application. After that you can use g_resources_lookup_data (resourceS, it's important) to load data.

cant link header file to xcode project

I am sure this may be super silly but I have been spending so many hours trying to figure this out and looking everywhere. I added a 3rd party library to my Xcode project and when compiling it says that the header is missing even though I dragged the entire library to my projects.
Is there a way to manually link the header to my project? What am I missing? thanks!!
Not sure if this helps. I am trying to add ShopSavvy scanner. In Finder, I have a library called ScannerKit where my .xcodeproj is. Under the ScannerKit library there is a Headers library where all the headers are.
Are you sure you checked copy when you added it in?
Try deleting it, then importing it again, making sure the box is checked.
Sometimes a library may have the header outside of the main library, for example I know TestFlightApp do this, TestFlightApp.h is outside the main library.
What library are you trying to use?
This has often happened to me, and I have found that sometimes it depends where in your project the header is located. If you have a supporting files folder, I would put it there. Really anywhere inside the classes folder. I'm not really sure why this problem occurs, though.

How to programmatically get information in Eclipse

I'm developing an Eclipse Plug-in.
I need to programmatically get both filepath and filename of the selected/active file in the eclipse editor.
Also need to programmatically add an existing file (located outside the project) to the project and then open it on the editor.
I'm a totally beginner with Eclipse, so complete solution would be appreciated.
You question is quite general, but this should clear things up a bit:
Eclipse Plugin Development Tutorial
About adding a file to the project, you have to read the documentation and find where eclipse handles projects. I think that if you have a reference to the project it should be easy.
Hope it helps =)
Your editor is most likely inheriting from IEditorPart, so you should be able to call getEditorInput(), which then may or may not turn out to be a FileEditorInput, for example. From there, you can get at the underlying details of the file.
For your second problem, you can use IProject.create() and then e.g. do an IFile.createLink() and use a local filesystem path, or copy the file using IFile.appendContents().
Have you tried the solution proposed in

Is it possible to hide the source codes of .m files and build project using xcodebuild

I have created a Mac app that can generate iphone ebook app project source codes.
I know I can using xcodebuild to build the project to get the release binary file.
Is it possible to hide the source codes of .m files(maybe store in memory) and build project using xcodebuild?
Welcome any comment
It sounds to me like you are attempting to generate source code for others to use, but then hide it so they cannot see whats been generated. Basically not possible. You could generate obfuscated code which would make it harder to read, but not impossible.
Realistically what you are trying to do is generate template code for others to use. If you don't want them to be able to see it, then you presumably don't want them modifying it. The easiest answer is to simple not do it. Instead, create a compile static framework containing your code and IP, and then only generate templates which makes calls to your framework. Thus your code is protected.
Your question lives on the edge of being programming related, and I'm not exactly sure what problem you're trying to solve.
However, you can create a RAM disk, store your project there and run xcodebuild against that. Just be aware that you're not really protecting the .m files so much as limiting how long they are easily visible.

Want to share a MGTwitterEngine iPhone Xcode skeleton project?

Anyone want to share an Xcode project that has MGTwitterEngine in it? Mine won't compile. Are there certain project settings to set? I just made a stock tab bar app for iPhone and added the MGTwitterEngine files. Tons of compiler errors. What am I missing?
I had same problem. To get it to compile I added "$SDKROOT/usr/include/libxml2" to the Header Search Paths list. I also checked Recursive checkbox.
Make sure that you're adding "$SDKROOT/usr/include/libxml2" to header search paths in your Target settings and not just the Project.
I managed to get the library path right eventually. However, in the end, I got rid of the whole MGTwitterEngine thing and went with the TwitterHelper stuff that I noticed the folks from the Stanford iPhone class using. It uses the synchronous calls and it's not as full-featured. But it's lighter and I understand it better. I just use threading to counter the synchronicity. (Hey, wasn't that a song?!) Anyway, a little JSON code and it's all under control. Most of you are probably going to think I'm a noob but it just feels cleaner and easier to handle. I know there are plenty of good reasons to use MGTwitterEngine.
Bottom line is, even though I got it to work by getting the library path right, I don't even need to worry about any paths by adding the very small TwitterHelper stuff to my project. Seems more Mac-like than to have to go into too much tinkering (I can already hear the experts saying that setting paths is not too much but I absolutely detest the Project Settings dialog.)
You also need to add
libxml to Header Search Path ( should be something like /usr/library/libxml2 )
I just wanted to add something that tripped me up. You have to make sure the Target header search path is also set because it may override the default project search path headers. If you are unable to find some header files that the path is definitely pointing to correctly in your project search path headers, then this is probably the reason.
You're probably missing the libxml library. You need to add that to your linked frameworks. Here's a question that has a little more information, but that's the gist of it.
Best approach for XML parsing on the iPhone