How can I develop a web client gtalk via xmpp - xmpp

I try to develop a web client gtalk in my http server.I know what I should do is just using the strophe.js which could send the xmpp message to xmpp server. I don't want to build my own xmpp server which connect to gtalk xmpp server.I think it may no need to build xmpp server as a transport.
But the gtalk xmpp server has no http-binding,so what should I do to send my http message to gtalk xmpp server? And if I send the http message to,will it reply to me? Is it possible to make the connection between me and gtalk xmpp server?
I need your help.Thanks!

Gtalk server does not run a BOSH connection manager, so you would have to use a standalone one, like Punjab, for example.
After installing and running Punjab, you can have a HTTP-Bind at http://localhost:5280/xmpp-httpbind. Use your Strophe with it.


XMPP chat app architecture suggestion

I have a chat app having web service installed on tomcat server, ejabberd as XMPP server. Right now i am using strophe.js on client side to directly communicate with ejabberd server for chatting purpose.
Is this correct chat app design ? or shall I send chat through tomcat server so that xmpp server is not accessible directly from client side ? Can anyon suggest a better design ?
You should connect your clients directly to ejabberd (or through a proxy like NGinx). ejabberd is designed to receive lot of traffic directly and using Tomcat as proxy will not be scalable and is not recommended.

Strophe cannot connect to Facebook through BOSH server

It works perfectly for Openfire Server. If anyone can suggest what is the way out to connect to Facebook through Strophe. We are using Punjab server as a standalone BOSH connection manager.
Facebook closed their XMPP chat API:

How to configure BOSH server to support my own XMPP server?

I set up a BOSH server using node-xmpp-bosh and configured converse.js (a javascript XMPP client) to use the BOSH url I set up, I tried log in with my account on converse.js and all worked fine.
Now I need to make this work with a private XMPP server. Assume that the XMPP server is at, a JID on the server is How do I configure the BOSH server so that it connects to when I try to log in with on converse.js?
You should add DNS SRV record which should point to 5222

xmpp framework to login different gateways like Gtalk using openfire id

How can I login different gateways like google and yahoo using xmpp framework. I am using openfire server. Thanks in advance
GTalk uses Xmpp, so you can chat between gtalk and openfire users using s2s federation (which should be on by default in openfire). Yahoo is it's own protocol and you'd need the IM gateway plug-in for openfire. However that seems to be deprecated and instead there is now the standalone IM gateway, Kraken, which should do what you want

Proxy Facebook chat to bypass firewall

We built a flash application using XIFF XMPP to integrate with Facebook chat.
Problem is we found out a lot of firewalls out there do not allow Jabber (ports 5222, 5221).
So I was wondering if anyone tried to set-up a BOSH implementation (or something else) as a proxy to Facebook's chat for clients who are blocked by a firewall.
How about PunJab?
PunJab is a HTTP jabber client interface. It is a BOSH connection manager that
allows persistent client connections to a XMPP server.
Actually facebook xmpp chat works even with port 443