WSP deployment issue in MOSS 2007 - deployment

We have a WSP package for deploying an application into MOSS 2007. After deploying the solution in to the MOSS 2007, none of the other sites working fine. Simply they are giving the "Server Error in '/' Application" error. If i retract the solution they working fine.
I have no idea, what could be issue. Can anybody please help me to find out the issue.
My WSP is just moving a DLL in to bin folder and one JavaScript file into Layouts folder.
Please help me to find out the issue.

The Problem is related to security. The DLL is not granted full trust. After we enable the full trust on the DLL everything started working fine.


Storage of Web Application Deployment Settings in Visual Studio 2019

I've had a crash of a Windows 10 development PC with Visual Studio 2019. I could restore everything but the deployment settings for a web application to an IIS webserver. I still have the old HDD with all user settings and alike. But I can't figure out, where these settings are stored. They seem not to be part of the Visual Studio project. Can anybody help me where (what folder, what file) these deployment settings/targets are stored?
I truly believe this issue hasn't been asked before, my apologies it if was. :-)
OK, hours of hours later, I found out the following and solved the issue:
The configuration is part of the project (C# in my case)
The profiles for publishing are stored under: [Solution]\[Project]\Properties\PublishProfiles\*.pubxml and *.pubxml.user
When you move your project to another folder or in case the folder name changes, you have to adopt the user config of your project: [Solution]\[Project]\{Project}.csproj.user There is a node:
<NameOfLastUsedPublishProfile>, which may contain (not always!) the
full path to the profile. This was the case for me. And since the
path changed, the profile was there, but simply not shown in the IDE.
Correcting this solved the issue for me. :-)

Service Fabric FabricRuntime.dll not found

I have tried to upgrade to the ne version of the Service Fabric preview code - 1.4.87-preview - and everything seems to have gone ok, but when I try to deploy a service I get an exception on run telling me that it cannot find FabricRuntime.dll. This goes both for my upgraded project, for newly created test projects and for all samples.
I can see that the DLL is present on the machine and that a system PATH has been set to the directory containing it.
There seems to be nothing wrong with my applications per se, as they deploy fine to a Party Cluster.
Anybody have any idea what is going on. Everything worked fine when I ran the old Service Fabric install. I have tried uninstalling service fabric and installing again, but it didn't help.
The answer is now posted on MSDN forums at
Copy of answer from MSDN Forum:
This is happening because FabricRuntime.dll is looking for zip.dll that ships with Service Fabric runtime. However since JRE is ahead in the PATH list and it also ships with a zip.dll, FabricRuntime tries to load zip.dll from the JRE folder and fails. We have fixed this issue by renaming our DLLs. The fix will be available in the next update of the SDK. In the meanwhile, you can fix this by adding "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Service Fabric\bin\Fabric\Fabric.Code" as the first entry in the system path and then restarting the machine.
This is the SDK issue, I've opened a GitHub issue at here

This solution contains one or more assemblies targeted for the global assembly cache

I am having a SharePoint site which is deployed through SharePoint powershell. the wsp is build through visual studio 2013.
All my projects in the solution are not Signed assemblies(project->right Click->properties->Signing->Sign the assemblies check box is unchecked). I am taking the wsp of my solution by publishing it and deploying it to the SharePoint using SharePoint powershell.
When I try to do this, I am getting the following error:
When I googled for the solution. Many of them are suggesting to Check the 'Sign the assemblies' check box. which I don't want to do, because I am facing some other issues with some packages install through Nugget.
Sign the Libraries of the Solution
Go to Properties of the Project then Click Signing tab and then Check the Sign the Libraries Options and create a new Strong Name file with or without password and then Rebuild and Deploy.

How to deploy ASP.NET MVC4 application with SQL Server CE to Azure website

I deployed a ASP.NET MVC4 app with SQL Server CE database, but I'm getting
Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request
I am using VS2012 to publish this app to azure website. How can I solve this issue? Thanks.
To summarize and so an answer can get marked on this to help the next person that comes by.
When running into issues on azure-web-sites FTP is a handy debugging tool which enables you to:
Verify that the dll exists in your bin directory
Sometimes the .gitignore file blocks directories from being checked in
Verify that your web.config file has the proper version of the assembly configured
NuGet can help, but it's ultimately up to you to verify your dependencies
Here is a good article to follow on the subject:
Unfortunately with VS 2013 Compact edition is not supported any more, so things are somewhat tricky.

Crystal Reports Viewer in ASP.NET3.5 App

I created a ASP.NET3.5 website having a crystalreportviewer in it, it works fine if I run through visual studio 2008 or on my own machine. But when i deployed project on web server, it started giving me error.
Firstly it was giving error on first page that CrystalDecision.web assembly can't be found, then I installed Crytal Runtime 2008 on my web server. After installation application seems like ok, but when I opened page with CrystalReportViewer it gave me different error, as following:
The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Any idea about it??
You probably have slightly different versions of the crystal assemblies on the server and your development machine. Compare the version numbers in c:\windows\assembly on both and see if there is a difference. If there is, either update the server or change the version numbers for the assemblies in web.config.
Also, The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference
After spending almost 2hrs I finally found the fix.
Uninstall the Crystal Reports run time from web server.
Check if web server still have \program files\Business object folder, if still exist then delete it. Ensure other applications are not dependent on it.
Give Read and Write access permissions to ASPNET user on \windows\Temp folder
Install Crystal Report run time now.
Restart IIS
Following these steps should fix the crystal report viewer problem.
But then one more problem arises, crystal report viewer doesnt show the icons, the reason is crystal report viewer looks for aspnet_client\system_web\2_0_50727 folder in root folder of the website. In my case I have multiple websites on my server including .NET 1.1, 2.0 and ASP, so I have wwwrootASP2.0 folder for this website. But by default web server created aspnet_client\system_web\2_0_50727 folder under default website (wwwroot). So, the fix is, just copy that aspnet_client\system_web\2_0_50727 folder into your website's root directory. Bingo !!!!!! It works fine now.
I hope it will help,
I just wanted to add that an easier way seems to be creating a virtual directory under you web application called aspnet_client that points to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client.
This also makes the images on the crystal report viewer show up. It was tested with visual studio 2008 crystal basic on IIS running on server 2003.
I figured this out after reading