How to get the number of days in a month? - postgresql

I am trying to get the following in Postgres:
select day_in_month(2);
Expected output:
Is there any built-in way in Postgres to do that?

DATE_TRUNC('month', NOW())
Substitute NOW() with any other date.

Using the smart "trick" to extract the day part from the last date of the month, as demonstrated by Quassnoi. But it can be a bit simpler / faster:
SELECT extract(days FROM date_trunc('month', now()) + interval '1 month - 1 day');
extract is standard SQL, so maybe preferable, but it resolves to the same function internally as date_part(). The manual:
The date_part function is modeled on the traditional Ingres equivalent to the SQL-standard function extract:
But we only need to add a single interval. Postgres allows multiple time units at once. The manual:
interval values can be written using the following verbose syntax:
[#] quantity unit[quantity unit...] [direction]
where quantity is a number (possibly signed); unit is microsecond,
millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade,
century, millennium, or abbreviations or plurals of these units;
ISO 8601 or standard SQL format are also accepted. Either way, the manual again:
Internally interval values are stored as months, days, and seconds.
This is done because the number of days in a month varies, and a day
can have 23 or 25 hours if a daylight savings time adjustment is
involved. The months and days fields are integers while the seconds
field can store fractions.
(Output / display depends on the setting of IntervalStyle.)
The above example uses default Postgres format: interval '1 month - 1 day'. These are also valid (while less readable):
interval '1 mon - 1 d' -- unambiguous abbreviations of time units are allowed
IS0 8601 format:
interval '0-1 -1 0:0'
Standard SQL format:
interval 'P1M-1D';
All the same.

Note that expected output for day_in_month(2) can be 29 because of leap years. You might want to pass a date instead of an int.
Also, beware of daylight saving : remove the timezone or else some monthes calculations could be wrong (next example in CET / CEST) :
SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', '2016-03-12'::timestamptz) + '1 MONTH'::INTERVAL
- DATE_TRUNC('month', '2016-03-12'::timestamptz) ;
30 days 23:00:00
SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', '2016-03-12'::timestamp) + '1 MONTH'::INTERVAL
- DATE_TRUNC('month', '2016-03-12'::timestamp) ;
31 days

This works as well.
WITH date_ AS (SELECT your_date AS d)
SELECT d + INTERVAL '1 month' - d FROM date_;
Or just:
SELECT your_date + INTERVAL '1 month' - your_date;
These two return interval, not integer.

SELECT cnt_dayofmonth(2016, 2); -- 29
create or replace function cnt_dayofmonth(_year int, _month int)
returns int2 as
-- ZU 2017.09.15, returns the count of days in mounth, inputs are year and month
datetime_start date := ('01.01.'||_year::char(4))::date;
datetime_month date := ('01.'||_month||'.'||_year)::date;
cnt int2;
select extract(day from (select (datetime_month + INTERVAL '1 month -1 day'))) into cnt;
return cnt;
language plpgsql;

You can write a function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_total_days_in_month(timestamp)
RETURNS decimal
AS $$
select cast(datediff(day, date_trunc('mon', $1), last_day($1) + 1) as decimal)
$$ LANGUAGE sql;


generate series based on particular day in each month -postgresql

i have following query in postgresql for dates between 2 ranges.
select generate_series('2019-04-01'::timestamp, '2020-03-31', '1 month')
as g_date
I need to generate specific date in every month .i.e 15 th of every month. Following is my query to generate series
DO $$
compdate date = '2019-04-15';
select *,
when extract('day' from d) <> extract('day' from compdate) then 0
when ( extract('month' from d)::int - extract('month' from compdate)::int ) % 1 = 0 then 1
else 0
end as c
from generate_series('2019-04-01'::timestamp, '2020-03-31', '1 day') d;
END $$;
SELECT * FROM tmp_table
where c=1;
But every thing is perfect if input date between (1..29)-04-2019 ..
but if i give compdate: 31-04-2019 or 30-04-2019 giving out put:
Expected Output:
date flag
2019-04-01 0 ----start_date
2019-04-30 1
2019-05-31 1
2019-06-30 1
2019-07-31 1
2019-08-31 1
2019-09-30 1
2019-10-31 1
2019-11-30 1
2019-12-31 1
2020-01-31 1
2020-02-29 1
2020-03-31 0 ---end_date
If matched day not found in the result it should take last day of that month..i.e if 31 not found in month of feb it
should take 29-02-2019 and also in april month instead of 31 it should take 2019-04-30.
Please suggest.
to generate the last days of the month, just generate first days & subtract a 1 day interval
example: the following generates all last day of month in the year 2010
SELECT x - interval '1 day' FROM
GENERATE_SERIES('2010-02-01', '2011-01-01', interval '1 month') x
You cannot accomplish what you want with generate_series. This results due to that process applying a fixed increment from the previous generated value. Your case 1 month. Now Postgres will successfully compute correct end-of-month date from 1 month to the next. So for example 1month from 31-Jan yields 28-Feb (or 29), because 31-Feb would be an invalid date, Postgres handles it. However, that same interval from 28-Feb gives the valid date 28-Mar so no end-of-month adjustment is needed. Generate_Series will return 28th of the month from then on. The same applies to 30 vs. 31 day months.
But you can achieve what your after with a recursive CTE by employing a varying interval to the same initial start date. If the resulting date is invalid for date the necessary end-of-month adjustment will be made. The following does that:
create or replace function constant_monthly_date
( start_date timestamp
, end_date timestamp
returns setof date
language sql strict
as $$
with recursive date_set as
(select start_date ds, start_date sd, end_date ed, 1 cnt
union all
select (sd + cnt*interval '1 month') ds, sd, ed, cnt+1
from date_set
where ds<end_date
select ds::date from date_set;
-- test
select * from constant_monthly_date(date '2020-01-15', date '2020-12-15' );
select * from constant_monthly_date(date '2020-01-31', date '2020-12-31' );
Use the least function to get the least one between the computed day and end of month.
create or replace function test1(day int) returns table (t timestamptz) as $$
select least(date_trunc('day', t) + make_interval(days => day-1), date_trunc('day', t) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day') from generate_series('2019-04-01', '2020-03-31', interval '1 month') t
$$ language sql;
select test1(31);

How to write the query to get the first and last date of a January and other month's in postgresql

How to get the first and last date of the particular month i.e if i pass the particular month name say March it should return output as 01/03/2019 and 31/03/2019.( For current year)
If you want to pass value March you would have to modify the code to understand every month. I'm not sure it's worth the trouble. Anyways, here's a code to return two values (start and end of month) based on current_date. Should you wish to change the day, you could put for example '2019-04-13' in that place.
date_trunc('month', current_date) as month_start
, (date_trunc('month', current_date) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date as month_end
DATE_TRUNC function truncates the date to the precision specified in first argument, thus making the date as of first day of given month (taken from current_date in above example).
For end of month you need a bit more computation. I've always used this in production and what it does is it first truncates your date to first day of month, then adds one month and goes back one day, so that you have your end of month date (whether it's 30, 31, or special case for February during leap years).
for any month, the first day must be 1st,
so it is:
make_date(2019, 3, 1)
and for any month, the last day is 1 day before the first day of next month,
so it is:
make_date(2019, 4, 1) - integer '1'
sorry, I don't have a PostgreSQL environment to test if it is correct,
so please test it yourself.
and, BTW,
you can find more details about date/time operators and functions here:
One straightforward approach, which would also work on most other databases, would be to truncate the incoming date by month to obtain the first day of that month. Then, truncate the date with one month added to it, and subtract one day, to obtain the last day of the month.
DATE_TRUNC('month', '2019-03-15'::date) AS date_start,
DATE_TRUNC('month', '2019-03-15'::date + INTERVAL '1 MONTH')
- INTERVAL '1 DAY' AS date_end;
From here Date LastDay
SELECT date_trunc('MONTH', dtCol)::DATE;
SELECT (date_trunc('MONTH', $1) + INTERVAL '1 MONTH - 1 day')::DATE;
The conversion from month name parameter is actually rather simple. Create an array with the month names and find the position in the array of the parameter, that result becomes the month value into the make_date function with year extracted from current date and day 1. The below contains an overloaded function providing for either date or month name with optional year.
create type first_last_date as ( first_of date, last_of date);
create or replace function first_last_of_month(date_in date)
returns first_last_date
language sql immutable strict leakproof
as $$
select (date_trunc('month', date_in))::date, (date_trunc('month', date_in) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date ;
create or replace function first_last_of_month( month_name_in text
, year_in integer default null
returns first_last_date
language sql immutable leakproof
as $$
select first_last_of_month ( make_date ( coalesce (year_in, extract ('year' from now())::integer)
, array_position(ARRAY['jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','nov','dec']
, lower(substring(month_name_in,1,3)))
,1 ) );
-- test
Select first_last_of_month('March');
Select first_last_of_month('February') y2019
, first_last_of_month('February', 2020) y2020;
Select first_last_of_month(now()::date);

Find difference between timestamps in amount of custom intervals in PostgreSQL

I would like to find difference between two timestamps (with timezone) in amount of custom intervals. So function should be like custom_diff(timestamptz from, timestamptz to, interval custom).
Keep in mind, that it is not equivalent to (to-from)/custom (custom_diff('2016-08-01 00:00:00','2016-09-01 00:00:00','1 day') is exactly 31, but ('2016-08-01 00:00:00','2016-09-01 00:00:00')/'1 day')='1 month'/'1 day' and is ambiguous).
Also I understand that in general there is no exact result of such operation (custom_diff('2016-08-01 00:00:00','2016-09-01 00:00:00','1 month 1 day') so it is possible to have group of function (round-to-nearest, round-to-lower, round-to-upper and truncating, all of them should return integer number).
Is there any standard/common way for such calculation in PostgreSQL (PL/pgSQL)? My main interesting is round-to-nearest function.
The best way I have invented is to iteratively add/substract interval custom to/from timestamptz from and compare with timestamptz to. Also it can be optimized by initially finding approximate result (for example divide [difference in seconds between timestamps] for [approximation of interval custom in seconds]) to reduce amount of iterations.
UPD 1:
SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (timestamp '2016-08-01 10:00'
- timestamp '2016-08-01 00:00'))
/ EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM interval '1 day');
is a wrong solution: lets try yourself:
TIMESTAMPTZ '1986-01-01 utc' ))
Result is 365.23.... Then check result:
SELECT ( TIMESTAMPTZ '1986-01-01 utc' + 365 * INTERVAL '1 month' )
Result is 2016-06-01 00:00:00.000000. Of cause 365 is wrong result, because timestamps in this example describe exactly 30 years and in any year always exactly 12 months, so right answer is 12*30=360.
UPD 2:
My solution is
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
max_iterations INTEGER :=10;
WHILE max_iterations > 0 AND NOT (
extract(EPOCH FROM _to) <= ( extract(EPOCH FROM _from) + extract(EPOCH FROM _from + _custom) ) / 2
extract(EPOCH FROM _to) >= ( extract(EPOCH FROM _from) + extract(EPOCH FROM _from - _custom) ) / 2
-- RAISE NOTICE 'iter: %', max_iterations;
t:=EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ( _to - _from )) / EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM _custom);
_from:=_from + t * _custom;
amount:=amount + t;
max_iterations:=max_iterations - 1;
but I does not sure that it is correct and still waiting for sugestion about existing/common solution.
You can get exact result after extracting the epoch from both intervals:
SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (timestamp '2016-08-01 10:00'
- timestamp '2016-08-01 00:00'))
/ EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM interval '1 day'); -- any given interval
If you want rounded (truncated) result, a simple option is to cast both to integer. Integer division cuts off the remainder.
SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (ts_to - ts_from))::int
/ EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM interval '1 day')::int; -- any given interval
You can easily wrap the logic into a IMMUTABLE SQL function.
You are drawing the wrong conclusions from what you read in the manual. The result of a timestamp subtraction is an exact interval, storing only days and seconds (not months). So the result is exact. Try my query, it isn't "ambiguous".
You can avoid involving the data type interval:
/ 86400 -- = 24*60*60 -- any given interval as number of seconds
But the result is the same.
"Exact" is an elusive term when dealing with timestamps. You may have to take DST rules and other corner cases of your time zone into consideration. You might convert to UTC time or use timestamptz before doing the math.

How to calculate end of the month in Postgres?

How to calculate end of the month in Postgres? I have table with column date datatype. I want to calculate end of the month of every date. For Eg. In the table there values like "2015-07-10 17:52:51","2015-05-30 11:30:19" then end of the month should be like 31 July 2015,31 May 2015.
Please guide me in this.
How about truncating to the beginning of this month, jumping forward one month, then back one day?
=# select (date_trunc('month', now()) + interval '1 month - 1 day')::date;
(1 row)
Change now() to your date variable, which must be a timestamp, per the docs. You can then manipulate this output (with strftime, etc.) to any format you need.
+ INTERVAL '1 month'
- INTERVAL '1 day',
) endOfTheMonth
Hi I tried like this and it worked
Date(to_char(date_trunc('month'::text, msm013.msa011) + '1 mon - 1 day '::interval , 'DD-MON-YYYY') )
Thanks a lot!!

postgres '1 year' equals '360 days'?

Am wondering if anyone else has encountered this or knows information about it.
Today is November 3, 2014 and if i check whether or not November 5, 2013 is within the last year i get different answers depending on how i check: 1 year versus 365 days
select now() - '20131105' as diff,
case when now() - '20131105' <= '1 year' then 'within year' else 'not within year' end as yr_check,
case when now() - '20131105' <= '365 days' then 'within 365 days' else 'not within 365 days' end as day_check
2014-11-03 16:27:38.39669-06; 363 days 16:27:38.39669; not within year; within 365 days
Looks like when querying against November 9 tho, it's ok
select now() as right_now, now() - '20131109' as diff,
case when now() - '20131109' <= '1 year' then 'within year' else 'not within year' end as yr_check,
case when now() - '20131109' <= '365 days' then 'within 365 days' else 'not within 365 days' end as day_check
2014-11-03 16:31:12.464469-06; 359 days 16:31:12.464469; within year; within 365 days
anyone have an idea about this? or is there something about date arithmetic that's funny?
postgres version is 9.2.4
or is there something about date arithmetic that's funny?
It's funny alright, but not in the way that makes you laugh.
Twelve months has to equal a year doesn't it?
=> SELECT '12 months'::interval = '1 year'::interval;
Good. Makes sense. Hmm - wonder how long a month is.
=> SELECT '30 days'::interval = '1 month'::interval;
Fair enough. Suppose they had to pick something.
Hmm - but that means...
=> SELECT '360 days'::interval = '12 months'::interval;
Which seems to imply...
=> SELECT '360 days'::interval = '1 year'::interval;
That can't be right! What they need to do is have a month equal to 30.41666 days. No hang on, what about leap years? Hmm - does this affect weeks? AARGH!
Basically, you can't convert sensibly between time units. There aren't 60 seconds in a minute, or 24 hours in a day, 52 weeks in a year or even 365 days. Unfortunately, humans (particularly customer-shaped humans) like converting between time units so we end up with a mess like this.
PostgreSQL's system is no more loony than any other and in fact is better than most.
I'm not sure what is real problem with this check, but it works other way around:
select now() - interval '1 year' <= date '2013-11-05'
I'm no expert in Postgres, but it can be something with type comparisons, because:
select pg_typeof(now() - date '2013-11-05'),
pg_typeof(now() - interval '1 year')
yields result:
interval, timestamp with time zone
so your example compares interval with interval, but for different scales - days vs year, and my solution compares timestamp with date, which seems to work
You can check that interval '1 year' when not attached to year (not added to date or timestamp) equals to 360 days:
select interval '1 year' <= interval '359 days',
interval '1 year' <= interval '360 days'
which yields:
f, t
From my understanding you can't just compare random year interval when you don't know year it is attached - always compare dates, and just use interval to create new date object.
select now() - interval '1 year' <= now() - interval '365 days'
Internally interval values are stored as months, days, and seconds. This is done because the number of days in a month varies, and a day can have 23 or 25 hours if a daylight savings time adjustment is involved. The months and days fields are integers while the seconds field can store fractions. Because intervals are usually created from constant strings or timestamp subtraction, this storage method works well in most cases. Functions justify_days and justify_hours are available for adjusting days and hours that overflow their normal ranges.
Because you compare two intervals, PostgreSQL internally normalizes values (like justify_interval()), before comparing:
SELECT INTERVAL '31 days' > INTERVAL '1 mon' -- yields 't'
But, if you apply interval substraction/addition, varying day & month length taken into consideration:
SELECT (timestamptz '2014-11-03 00:00:00 America/New_York' - INTERVAL '1 day') AT TIME ZONE 'America/New_York',
timestamptz '2014-11-03 00:00:00 America/New_York' - timestamptz '2014-11-02 00:00:00 America/New_York' <= interval '1 day';
-- | timestamp | boolean |
-- +---------------------+---------+
-- | 2014-11-02 01:00:00 | f |
So, if you need to test, whether a timestamp/date is within a range, you should manipulate timestampts/dates (or use timestamp/date ranges) & compare those values with <, > or BETWEEN.
SELECT timestamp '2014-11-03 00:00:00' - timestamp '2014-10-03 00:00:00' <= interval '1 mon',
timestamp '2014-11-03 00:00:00' - interval '1 mon' <= timestamp '2014-10-03 00:00:00';
-- | boolean | boolean |
-- +---------+---------+
-- | f | t |