Eclipse does not respect .cvsignore - eclipse

In my project there is a symlink to a folder from another project.
The name of this folder is in .cvsignore
But this folder (symlink) contains cvs metadata (CVS folders) from the other project.
The cvs command has no problem with this and ignores the folder.
But eclipse wants to synchronize it.
The question is, can ecplise ignore a folder at synchronize time, or how to make eclipse respect .cvsignore files?
the folder (symlink) name is shared and in my .cvsignore contains a line with it's name
We use the symlink trick to share sources between our software and its plugins which are built separately (separate autotools projects).

The issue here is an explicitly shared folder overriding the .cvsignore entry.
You can find the exact details as explained by the previous Eclipse CVS component lead within bug 169710. This bug is marked as a duplicate of another defect which is still open, meaning this is a known issue.
As Michael pointed out, your choice is to use an Eclipse link for development:
Add new folder to Eclipse project
Select Advanced > Link to alternate location (Linked Folder)
Select the workspace variable (i.e. WORKSPACE_LOC) and point to the other project on your workspace (i.e. WORKSPACE_LOC/other_project/foo)
This will get you a linked resource that developers don't have to worry about mistakenly checking-in. For your automated builds you'll need an extra post-checkout step where you create the symlink.
This is not ideal but it's a sensible alternative, short of fixing the Eclipse issue.


Permanently fix the Eclipse error "project description file (.project) is missing"

Every time I boot Eclipse I get the error "The project description file (.project) for my project is missing".
As other StackOverflow answers have show, this is easy enough to fix: delete package from Eclipse and import it again. However, if I close and reopen Eclipse the error will be back. I have not found a permanent solution yet.
I have my workspace in my Dropbox, but at some point I decided it was time to start using Git. I don't really get Git but they say you have to put the .project file in your .gitignore because it is computer specific.
This I feel is the origin of the problem, but if I don't do any git related activities (push, commit, etc.) I still get this error.
How do I fix this once and for all?
A .project is a Eclipse-specific file that tells Eclipse about how the project's struture is placed in the project's hierarchy.
It's normal for this file (and other Eclipse specific files) to not be committed because other people participating on the same project may use other IDEs of their choices (intellij, and so on), so the content committed in your VCS is 'neutral' for IDEs.
When you create a project from inside Eclipse, the .project file shall be created along. But when you import into Eclipse an existing project, there are ways to generate locally the .project , .classpath and other Eclipse-required files. Maven, Gradle and Ant are some examples of tools that do this.
Finally, I recommend to keep these files in .gitignore so the project's contents in VCS will remain neutral to IDEs. So you will not bother other people using other IDEs.
So, the steps are:
Check out the project
Generate the eclipse files using maven, ant or gradle. If your project already uses a tool such as these, thats nice
Check if the project is OK inside eclipse (compiling, no errors)
Add the newly generated eclipse files to .gitignore
commit and push the .gitignore.
.project is not machine-specific as long as everyone on your team has the plug-ins installed for that kind of project. .classpath might be if you don't do things right. This is your project, though, so commit your .project.
Keeping .classpath clean largely revolves around keeping machine-specific paths and references out of it:
Set the project's JRE using an Execution Environment. It is an indirect way of saying what version you need, then the IDE figures it out for that machine. The stored value defaults to using the name of your default Installed JRE in the preferences, which is very machine-specific.
Put the jar files you need into the project, or into another project that this one can refer to. They go into source control as well for the sake of repeatability, unless you're using a tool like Maven, in which case be specific about the version you require where ever you state that dependency and make sure the relevant M2E plug-ins are installed.

Sharing eclipse project over SVN

We want to share an eclipse Qt project via an SVN repository.
Of course we need to share the .pro file of Qt to be able to build the project.
The problem is, that without the project files you can not handle the project in eclipse but we cannot use the same as they contain local references.
Also it would be nice to use the Eclipse SVN plugin to manage this.
I already tried to check out the project and create a Qt project on Checkout but this overwrites the checked-out project file.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
These are some lines from the .cproject file that are autogenerated, so I can not change the absolute paths:
<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.pathentry">
<pathentry base-path="/usr/include/qt4" include="" kind="inc" path="" system="true"/>
<pathentry base-path="/usr/include/qt4" include="QtWebKit" kind="inc" path="" system="true"/>
There are 2 rules for Subversion (independent of Eclipse, should be the same all the time):
If the tool will regenerate a file, and you don't have to change it:
==> don't check it in your version management (may it Subversion, Git, CVS, ...).
If the file contains parts that are manually changed by a user
==> it should be checked into version management.
If you have the second case (not clear from your question), you should try to change the paths to be relative, so that others could use your project at the same location.
If you cannot change that, stick to the location in the file system. Every developer has to use an identical setup.
If you have to support different operating systems, and the files generated by the tooling are not compliant (shame on the tool makers), you should hold templates for all operating systems in your version management, and should initially (manually) make a copy, depending on the operating system you are working in.
If you have to change that file for some purpose, you have to change the templates as well and should remember that all developers have to make a new copy after that.
Sorry, I don't know Qt and have never developed in a C-environment on different platforms, so my tips are pretty vague.
Finally I found following solution:
No .cproject .project file in SVN!
Import the code files from SVN (also the .pro file for Qt)
Eclipse will ask you to create a project, so create a Qt Project with the same name (or some else, but you will then have to delete the files)
When the project was created, revert it (right MB on the Project in Project Explorer -> Team -> Revert) to the state of the repo checkout
Done, now you can work with the project

Working on eclipse project in subversion

I have a 20 member dev team working on a development project.
To provide greater control we have created a workspace with necessary projects and configurations (like project preferences, set-ups etc) in IBM RAD.
The idea is to have the pre-configured project in subversion so that when the dev team members checkout the project they get a complete workspace, so that they do not have to configure setups them selves.
However the problem is everytime someone checks out the workspace IBM RAD will also edit the .metadata (and some other folders and properties file) folder that has been checked in.
Idea is the developer should not have to change anything except the source code folders or application specific files.
I think many other teams might have faced situations like this.
Can anybody provide the best practices/process/references on how this is done in development projects?
I think svn ignore will solve your problem.
The svn:ignore property contains a
list of file patterns which certain
Subversion operations will ignore.
Perhaps the most commonly used special
property, it works in conjunction with
the global-ignores run-time
configuration option (see the section
called “Config”) to filter unversioned
files and directories out of commands
svn status, svn add, and svn import.
You cannot stop IBM RAD from updating .metadata folder and Eclipse doesn't support splitting workspace folder as it does for the configuration folder.
The best solution would be to setup your build scripts to be able to setup your workspace based on some .zip file(s), where you've captured the required settings for the workspace. This will give the closest thing to automatic workspace setup without having to deal constantly with changed files in .svn.

Eclipse: how to keep project source files and ant build.xml seperate from eclipse workspace?

I'm trying to re-familiarize my self with the Eclipse environment and ant integration.
Question is: how to keep my sources dir + build.xml separate from the workspace?
What I have is
a small java project and its build.xml file with all the sources placed under a separate
project folder. I then started Eclipse and let it import my project via
New Project -> "Java Project from existing Ant Build File"
All went fine, until when I wanted to build the project from inside Eclipse using build.xml.
Ant starts complaining about not being able to find the source tree. After I examined
the workspace I found that Eclipse had copied the build.xml into the workspace, so it's
obvious that ant couldn't find any sources there. They are still under my project director
and I do want to keep them there, if possible.
so whats the best way so make this setup work? workspace on one side, my project on the other?
edit: Is what I want even possible ?
Instead of using "Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile", just create a simple "Java Project". In the wizard uncheck "use default location" and enter the path (or browse) to the top level directory of your existing project (i.e., where your build.xml is). True, eclipse will create .project and .classpath files in your project directory (if they do not already exist), but the project will remain outside the eclipse workspace.
Case in point, this setup has worked really well in a very particular situation on a standalone system where the source tree resides in a common location but each user has a workspace in a protected location. Using the method described above, each user of this system can create a project in their own eclipse workspace, execute ant targets and subsequently remove the project from their own workspace without affecting other users' workspaces.
What about using links?
Windows Symbolic Links
Linux man page for ln
I do this all the time in C++ projects (no Java, sorry, but I think the concept is portable).
I have my workspaces in ~/workspaces/{workspace_name}. I have a single shared project file in ~/{my_projects, and then the source trees (multiple versions) are in ~/proj1, ~/proj2, etc.
Within each ~/proj* directory, I put a symlink to ~/my_projects/.project and .cproject (required for C++, not used in Java). So each source tree is sharing the single project file. Then in each workspace (one for each source tree), I configure the workspace by importing the project link. For example, ~/workspaces/proj1 imports ~/proj1/.project, but ~/proj1/.project is actually a symlink to ~/my_projects/.project.
So this keeps the source separate from the workspaces. When building, there's no real configuration to do -- I just have Eclipse run make in the appropriate node of the tree -- we already have our own command-oriented build system (we're not using ant, but the same principle should apply).
I source-control the ~/my_projects folder in a private area of the SCM, so other team members don't see it or fiddle with it -- many of them don't use Eclipse at all.
There isn't really any need to try and avoid Ant and Eclipse using the same set of source files. In fact, its probably better that they do use the same set.
Bear in mind, you're not actually mixing anything. There is just one set of source files and then there are two different ways of building it; Ant and Eclipse. These builders are independent of each other, so there is no problem with being coupled to Eclipse. You can even happily commit all the eclipse files (.classpath, .project, .settings) to source control without affecting any developers who use a different IDE.
I do this all of the time (admittedly using maven, not ant), but the same principle applies.
If you have an existing project in Eclipse (with the .project in the source tree), then you can Import Project->Import Existing Project. When the dialog box comes up, you can choose to 'Copy projects into workspace'. Make sure this is unchecked, and them import.
You still store the .project in the original source tree, but thats all.
So now I have
code/xxx (which contains the .java files, which are in SVN)
code/xxx-workspace (which contains the eclipse workspace)

Which NetBeans projects files should go into source control?

We normally use Eclipse for a particular Java project, but recently I imported the project into NetBeans to use its dialog building features.
Since I'll probably come back to this, I wanted to store the NetBeans project files into version control. However, I don't want to commit files that are "mine" versus "project", i.e., files with my own settings that would conflict with another user's.
NetBeans created the following structure in the top-level project area:
<various files>
Clearly nbbuild is build output, so that won't go in. The nb-build.xml file seems likely, as does most of nbproject. However, nbproject/private suggests it's "mine". Peeking at "configs", it's not clear to me if that's mine or project...
Anyone have some guidelines?
The NetBeans knowledge base article on project files & version control discusses the NetBeans project files, with loose advice about which files are project specific (i.e. can be shared via version control), and which are user specific.
Here is the section on version control:
If the project is checked out of a version control system, the build (or nbbuild), dist (or nbdist), and the nbproject/private folders should not be checked into that version control system.
If the project is under the CVS, Subversion, or Mercurial version control systems, the appropriate "ignore" files are created or updated for these directories when the project is imported.
Though nbproject/private should be ignored, nbproject should be checked into the version control system. nbproject contains project metadata that enables other users to open the project in NetBeans without having to import the project first.
It turns out that both Thomas & Petercardona are correct, in a way. NetBeans recommends that you only import source code and/or documentation. Oh and the nbproject folder but not the *nbproject/private** folders.
From the NetBeans Knowledge Base article on importing Eclipse projects:
Version Control Considerations
If the project is checked out of a
version control system, the build (or
nbbuild), dist (or nbdist), and the
nbproject/private folders should not be checked into that version control
If the project is under the CVS,
Subversion, or Mercurial version
control systems, the appropriate
"ignore" files are created or updated
for these directories when the project
is imported.
Though nbproject/private should be
ignored, nbproject should be checked
into the version control system.
nbproject contains project metadata that enables others users to open the
project in NetBeans without having to
import the project first.
Only source files, build scripts, and documentation that is not automatically generated (e.g. - the output of tools such as JavaDoc and Doxygen) should be checked into a repository. Things like project files, binaries, and generated documentation should not be checked in.
The reason is two-fold. First, you don't want to overwrite another developer's project settings with your own. Second, other developers might not be using the same IDE as you (or even an IDE at all), so don't give them any more than they need to build (the project or its associated documentation) or run the project.
As tested with Netbeans 6.8, only the project.xml, configurations.xml and the main makefile (the customisable one in the parent dir of the 'nbproject' dir, with pre/post target definitions) must be distributed via the repository. All other files will be automatically (re)generated by Netbeans (,, all the Makefile-$CONF, Package-$CONF.bash). The 'private' dir should also be ignored, obviously.
You can check also
This open source project contains
A collection of useful .gitignore templates
Toptal has a useful tool for developers wanting to find out what should go on a .gitignore file.
For netbeans, just search Netbeans and it should return a template something like
**/nbproject/Package-*.bash build/
Copying and pasting this into a .ignore file on your project's directory should solve your problem.