Iphone : Custom MKAnnotationView Callouts - iphone

I just spent the last hour looking through stackoverflow and Google for examples on doing custom callouts. So not the actual pin that you click but the bit that appears above it.
What I want is to be able to put my own view above it. So JAKERI example does custom views but does not place them near the pin (so if anyone knows how to place a view above the pin that would work), Asynchrony Solutions blog example extends the bubble I believe and seems like a overkills
So, is there a simple way to place your own view about the map pin on click? I need to create quite a complete view with 5 lines, 3 images and a button

Try reading this. I've used it before and it did the trick for me.


How to replicate the CNN iOS app pull down menu

Does anyone know how CNN is doing their top pull down menu?
It looks like a UITableView that is called with a touch drag event but wasn't sure. Googled various keywords but was not able to turn anything up. Just looking for some guidance on how to replicate this behavior.
I've no idea how it's actually done, but I know how I would do it: any view can sit completely or partially offscreen and be dragged onscreen by the user in the usual ways (e.g. a swipe or pan gesture recognizer). There's nothing special about that.
I guess they are doing something like https://github.com/mikefrederick/MFSideMenu
You have to customize "MFSideMenu" a lot though. If you dont want to show this menu on every view you need to disable UIGestureRecognizerDelegate on that view.
There is also something like https://www.cocoacontrols.com/controls/pullableview but you may need to add UIGestureRecognizer to this class.

UISplitViewController display the popover from right instead of left

So I've implemented an iPad application it has a UISplitView implemented. i'm using the slide gesture to show the popover controller instead of a bar button. the problem is that by default the popover slides in from left I want the slider to move in from the right. I've tried finding a solution to this but couldn't find anything yet so I thought i better ask this myself and see if its even possible.
I know this exists: http://mattgemmell.com/2010/07/31/mgsplitviewcontroller-for-ipad/
but im not too keen on using a 3rd party library.
If you know any possible solution or a work around please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Guess theres no other way but to use a custom made uisplitview... In the end i had to re-design my whole app and this time I had to create a custom UISplitViewController from a scratch.
Apple should be a little more flexible with their publically

Application walkthrough when opened for the first time

How do you setup in your application to show little bubbles with text and block the rest of the screen from being used and only allow a small section / button to be pressed. I am wanting to create a walkthrough to show users how to use the application and where to find things within the application when it is opened for the first time.
I would like to dim the rest of the application except for the part I want them to click on. Is there a framework already with these features?
There's no frameworks that provide this functionality, as far as I know.
One way you could do this though is to have a set of overlay images which you overlay over the whole screen the first time the user goes to that screen. To determine if the user has already been to a screen, I suggest you look at NSUserDefaults. To create the overlay images, I'd make the image the full size of the screen (i.e. 460x320 if you are showing the status bar) and then have transparent sections where you want to "see through" to the element below. Add a gesture recogniser to the overlaid image view to detect a tap and then hide the image and set the flag in NSUserDefaults to make it not happen the next time the user goes to that screen.
If you don't get a better answer, you could look at MAAttachedWindow on the page at this link. It's written for Cocoa, not Cocoa Touch, so you would have to convert it. I am considering doing this myself. You might find it to be worth the trouble, but I haven't looked at every detail, yet, so I couldn't say for sure. There are only tow files that are involved (.m and .h).

Navigation based iPhone app using thumbnails

I've been searching the internet for quite some time and didn't find anything useful.
I want to make a basic app for the iPhone using simple views and hierarchical data nothing too fancy. The only problem is that I can't seem to find any tutorial that makes the first/main view like a thumbnail gallery that leads to other views.
To clear it a bit up:
I want my first view to be a 2D array of thumbnails and a little text below each of these thumbnails. When I click on a thumbnail it takes me to a sub-view containing more detailed info and options.
So is there any relatively painless way to make something like this using Table Views or something like that or do I have to make a custom view with methods to populate it as my heart pleases.
Please take note that I want to avoid any third party libraries like Three20 or similar.
Just to make sure I understand, you want to make an application that acts similar to the Contacts on the iPhone? In other words, a list that when an item is clicked will take you to a new view with detailed information about the clicked item? But in your case, you want an image next to/above the text?
In either case, you will want to use a tableView. If you want an image beside the text, just set the imageView.image property of the cell to a corresponding image. If you want a different layout, however, you will need to create your own custom UITableViewCell, which is not a hard task at all. Here is a tutorial on how to create a custom cell using IB. It can also be done programmatically if you prefer to do it that way. I hope this helps to solve your problem.

custom MKAnnotationView

I have been trying to create a MKAnnotationView which has to display multiple line of text.
Some one has pointed me to do things said in the below url
How to add more details in MKAnnotation in iOS
But i am not sure how to attain it due to my small knowledge in iPhone programming..
i have searched for a long tme but no use ...
Looking for help...Please guide me ..
Just to clarify, and based on what you are saying, you want to customise the look of the CALLOUT bubble that shows title/subtitle, not the annotation view itself, is this correct?
In case you're not clear, the MKAnnotationView is basically the image/icon/button that you see on top of the map for a specific location. Once you tap on that image/icon, if enabled, a call out bubble will appear where you can set a view for the left hand side, title, subtitle and a view for the right hand side - is this what you are hoping to customise?
If that's the case, this is a non-trivial task and if you are new to iPhone development chances are this is going to take a long time for you to implement.
If you still want to have a look, here's a blog post that might be of interest to you... http://blog.asolutions.com/2010/09/building-custom-map-annotation-callouts-part-1/
Here is another demonstration of customizing the callout bubble of an MKAnnotationView.