How can I log BTrace into file Using VisualVM - btrace

I found the method of logging BTrace output into file by using command with Btraceagent.
Are there anything else methods to do this via VisualVM without using command line?
Thank you

Not yet. Feel free to file a RFE for the BTrace VisualVM integration.


configuring the interpreter for eclipse 4.6.0

I am trying to start a new PyDev Project and first need to setup the interpreter. The auto-config does not find a "valid interpreter". And so I must manual config. Perhaps someone with experience in this procedure knows of the specific name for the Interpreter Executable I am looking for. Thanks!
To get the interpreter you need to use, start the python interactive console in a shell and then do:
import sys; print(sys.executable)
The path printed is the interpreter you should use.
As a note, PyDev 4.6.0 is pretty old already, so, my suggestion would be upgrading to the latest release as many things were improved in the meanwhile.

IntelliJ debug configuration for Perl script

I am new user of IntelliJ IDE. I was successfully able to set the run/debug configuartions for my Jave programs by choosing
New Configuration->Application->Specifying Java Main class and the
Program args
But I have some Perl scripts in my application and was wondering how to do that. I don't see an option for adding a new configuration for perl scripts.
Any help of how to do this or explanation on why it cant be done would be much helpful
It does now:
debugging is now supported too the same way as in other languages
IntelliJ does not support perl
Which is a pity

Grails 2.3.1 in GGTS(Eclipse): Out of memory error when using run-script

I am executing a groovy script with run-script and running out of memory. I have found instructions for configuring ones GRAILS_OPTS on the command line, however I am not on the command line. How do I make sure that the grails command prompt in GGTS(Eclipse) is configured to provide enough memory for a script?
Just to be clear - this is a problem with run-script from the groovy command prompt inside The GGTS 3.4.0 release (Eclipse).
You can try setting the JAVA_OPTS system variable instead of the specific GRAILS_OPTS variable. It seems to work for me.
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx2024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
For reference from grails docs -, search for JAVA_OPTS. Depending on what OS you are on the syntax may be different.

Attaching GDB to Eclipse to debug JNI C++ code

I'm having problems debugging a JNI application. I've read several threads in StackOverflow, like this one, this one or this one. I've also tried to start gdb in a separated shell and attach it to the running java process. In both cases, the problem is the same: GDB can't find the sources to debug. Things tried
Add "dir" line to gdbinit, pointing to C++ sources folder
Adding the C++ sources folder to the GDB debbuging configuration in Eclipse, in the "Sources" tab.
Adding set environment LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/, being the library file built from C++ source files
Attach ddd to the java process, but then I get an error because pthread_join.c is not found in the working directory. I don't have this file in my hard disk. I don't know what is this about.
Nothing worked. I've spent several days on this. I know my bug is in the C++ code called by the JNI wrapper, but I can't debug it. Any hints? If helps, I'm running Eclipse Juno in Debian 7 under a Parallels VM on Mac OS.
Many thanks in advance,
You need to have debug information in your native library. You should pass -g to your compiler and linker to have this information in the executable. You may also want to add -O0.
As an alternative to attaching to the Java process, you can create a C++ app and debug it directly. You just need to link in the functions you want to test. In the main function, create the VM, register the functions with RegisterNatives, and kick off a Java test class the uses them.
Hopefully, the debugger has no problem finding the sources since it is just part of the normal compile/link/debug loop of a C++ app.
I would suggest to start with the latest ADT bundle. You can even download the Mac version, so you will not even need Parallels (see a detailed instructions). Then, choose Debug Android Native Application in launch menu.

Automated build for MATLAB

Has anyone had success setting up automated builds for MATLAB code? We are manually compiling our MATLAB code into EXE's and distributing them to our servers. If anyone has found a good way to automate this, I'd love to hear it.
By "manually compiling" do you mean using mcc directly or are you already using deploytool?
Most build servers can automate the execution of a executable file. So simply use the build server to automate the build by calling the mcc.exe compiler and then handling its output...