Which Eclipse package for total noob to download, and can I change it later? - eclipse

Many different Eclipse packages are listed on http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ and the comparison chart on http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/compare.php helps with knowing some of the differences. What I don't know as a total Eclipse (and Java) noob is how important it is to download the "right one" and how easy it is to fix things afterward if I discover I need some feature/capability/addon/whatever later.
For example, I need to get up to speed on RCP (whatever that is) quickly, but suspect I might want to also know about "EMF" and "GEF" and other things which aren't in the RCP version of Eclipse, or not listed at all such as SWT. I'm further confused by the top line of the comparison table, "RCP/Platform" with checkmarks under all columns - does this mean any package will do for learning the basics of RCP? This is not noob-friendly!
As an Eclipse know-nothing, what should I do?

I'd say download Eclipse Classic, then you can add whatever you need as plugins when you discover you need them in the future.


Ignoring all warnings in an Eclipse project

Suppose that you have a bunch of projects in your Eclipse workspace. Some are Java projects, some may be CDT projects, others may come from third party plugins such as TeXlipse or EPIC. You strive long and hard to produce quality code, yet in one specific project you have a couple of warnings, through no fault of your own - warnings that propagate up the chain to your working set and poke you in the eye.
Is there a general way in Eclipse 3.7 to tell the IDE that it should ignore (and be quiet about) all warnings from a specific project, regardless of whatever support the responsible plugin may or may not provide?
From what I can tell, Eclipse 3.8 (or is it 4.2?) will have a better handle of warnings. Would waiting a couple of days for it to come out help at all with this specific issues?
Supernecro, but if it is still relevant, and you want to block errors because you are editing another project, right click the project and click 'close project'.
For Java the only thing I could find is the Project Preferences -> Java Compiler -> Errors/Warnings Page. If you set all settings to "Ignore" that project should be quiet. However it is quite cumbersome. Maybe other compilers have similar settings, too.
Best I can suggest is to click on the little downward-pointing triangle on the right side of the Problems View title bar. From that drop down menu select Configure Contents. I don't think you can filter out errors for a specific project, but you can filter out kinds of errors.

Eclipse vs Netbeans Benchmark

Is there any benchmarks or study done comparing these two IDEs in terms of
-- stability
-- developer productivity
-- features
-- performance
-- etc.
I am an Eclipse user (not by choice). Not sure about stability, but performance wise NetBeans is far supperior at least with the lates versions that I worked in; personally, I think NetBeans has enough features to make it a good development environment but I can't tell you for sure, it depends on what is the scope of your task. Overall, eclipse is a good IDE, but NetBeans is just a little better...
Mostly working with eclipse nowadays.
All I can say is M2E is a pain.
With no disrespect intended to the developers of m2e ...
This is the simply the absolute worst plugin for maven. It is slow and it is painful to use.
For big maven projects with more than 70 module components, you can forget about having a quick eclipse evironment.
If you use mvn eclipse:eclipse, the deprecated plugin for configuring eclipse, I believe you are faster with eclipse than with netbeans. Especially when it comes to refactoring.
If instead you use the official m2e plugin ...
Oh my god!
I am answering to this question due to the pure shear pain of waiting for eclipse.
" Invoking CDI Builder" because an #Inject collaborator moved around in the class, triggering a massive build wait time delay... god!
Eclipse! Well... Eclipse is a great IDE for getting started, on small projects, but as projects get enterprise level, and if you use m2e ... oh! you will cry!
And wonder ... how can it be this bad.
Netbeans! Perhaps nota any better in the end.
Last time I used Netbeans, i had two major complaints, that were total deal brekers:
(a) Netbeans was simply awful when dealing with massiven class refactoring.
You change a class name on sub module A, that affects modules B, C and D.
And until you class renaming, move over packages is done, you can go take a coffee, and order a cab.
(b) netbeans had a bug in parsing interfaces, namely there was some sort of regular expression that would take the longest time to run.
So if you can use the old deprecated mvn eclipse:eclipse, you would end up being far better of.
With that said.
The Netbeans debugger compared to the eclipse debugger is light years better.
I prefer the graphics of netbeans and I prefer the simplicity of netbeans.
Just try using the "expressions" where the autocomplete does not work, and you ave to go to "display" to get autcomplete to work and copy it bakc over to expressions!
Eclipse is a patch work, with hundreds of thousands of developers making hundreds of different components of the IDE, leading to an overall result of a total inconsistent product.
Eclipse is a never ending set of settings, just open the preferences and ...
Netbeans, UI is always desing for maximum simplicty.
As I wait for my m2e to finish rebuilding prjects based on whatever whim lead eclipse to start a new build, I start considering again if I should not revisit Netbeans and install the eclipse formatter ...
Eclipse is really in bad shape, In my humble oppinion.
Ther performance of eclipse has to improve 100 fold, especiall eclipse + m2e has to get way way better.
Intelli J - i have never tried.
The best IDE have used so far, is wihout any doubt, Microsfot Visual Code for Javascript and TypeScript.
You use Microsoft Visual Code, and just wonder why eclipse is not like that.
If you are doing Angular Js/Typecipt, simply forget about any other IDE out there. Microsoft Visual Code is the best thing there is, it is fantastic and joy to use.
Blazing fast and light and good looking on every platform of your desire.
But for java + maven, the echo system is a bit lacking on good options.
The man is not supposed to wait for the machine.
A human is always supposed to be slower then a machine ... this is not the case with eclipse m2e, this I can tell you.
The furstration!!!!
Unless you have lots of hardware to throw at it, go with Netbeans.
I have a VM running CentOS 7. At this time, I am only able to allocate 2G ram to the VM, and running Eclipse Oxygen for PHP on it is painfully slow. Netbeans runs just fine in this configuration.
I'm sure some Eclipse devotee would suggest giving the VM more ram which might probably resolve the issue, but unfortunately that is not currently possible.
Another thing that ought to be mentioned is that Eclipse is rather unique in its UI. For example, virtually every editor on the planet uses Ctrl-F to "Find", then function key F3 to "Find Next". Ctrl-G is "Goto line number". Netbeans follows this convention. Eclipse, however, uses Ctrl-K to "Find Next" and Ctrl-L for "Line number".
This won't be an issue if you use Eclipse and nothing else, but if you're like the more typical developer, you use Eclipse when appropriate along with some other tool when appropriate. You will get confused sometimes and use the wrong shortcut. This creates unpredictable problems, particularly if you're unsure what the wrong shortcut just did to your file.
It's not a "performance" issue as per the application, but it slows down the developer. To me, that's just as bad.
Again, some Eclipse devotee might suggest that Eclipse shortcuts can be configured any way you like, which is true, but really, does anybody have that kind of time? Eclipse comes with literally thousands of configuration options, and it's an Internet Search to figure out how to change almost anything.
Netbeans doesn't have thousands of configuration options, although there are things you can tweak. It just sorta mostly works the way you expect out of the box.
To conclude, the actual slowness on less-than-most-super-powerful hardware is probably the biggest thing against Eclipse. I don't know what the code is trying to do, but Netbeans is somehow able to do it with less hardware.
Eclipse and Netbeans are both good IDE (Integrated Development Environment) programs. If you are just a Java, C++, C or Fortran programmer you can use any of them.
If you are WEB base developer (For Example: JSF, Serverlet, Applet) in this case NetBeans is much more powerful then Eclipse.
On the other hand, If you are mobile developer for Android OS, in this case Eclipse is much more powerful then Netbeans.
So it depends on your programming league :)))

List of Eclipse pictogram?

After some time of working with Eclipse - Java Enterprise, STS etc. I found enormous quantity of icons, pictures, pictogram etc. Does is possible to find list of all to use in work?
In short, it is not possible to do. The longer explanation is, that every plug-in of Eclipse can contribute additional icons, and they are keyed using freeform string identifiers.
However, if you want to reuse some icons (and the EPL licence of Eclipse permits it), a non-complete list of icons is available at http://eclipse-icons.i24.cc/

Which one is better (in support, difficulty, ...) to develop a plugin, Netbeans or Eclipse?

I would like to make a new plugin for a programming language because there is not any IDE the time I asked this question. I think IDE developing is far more easier if I try to use one of the available platform like Netbeans or Eclipse or ...
As I checked, Eclipse plugin (if that plugin is not updated) won't be able to start up after 1 or 2 years. I mean, Eclipse develops a way that old plugins has to follow in order to hold the compatibility.
I can't answer your original question as I have not developed for Netbeans.
As the backwards compatibility, if the version dependencies are set right, and only the API from other plug-ins are used, the old plug-in should work (there are some exceptions, but in that case upgrading the plug-in does not take too much effort, as there is documentation about what has changed).
The main drawback in Eclipse development is that documentation is sometimes scarce, but for common tasks there is some available.
Sorry, I also can answer only 1/2 of your question.
I have developed (small) eclipse plugins and an eclipse RCP. Both were a breeze. I agree with #Zoltan's comment, get your dependencies right & don't use some back-door unsupported feature in aplugin you don't control & your problems should be minimal. Even if you did run into a dependency problem, the configuration is straightforward enough that you could make an updated release of your plugin very quickly.

How can one use the Web Page Editor in custom RCP application?

I want to use the "Web Tools Editor" that is part of the Web Tools Plattform in my own RCP-Application. I think i have got some understanding on the RCP plattform by now, but I still have no clue how to access the functionality of the pagedesigner (org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner) after adding it as a dependency to my project. Has anyone some experience in adding components of the web tools plattform into an RCP-Application and can give me a hint or something?
There's a difficulty with these sorts of requests (I am, myself, trying to include this or that feature that I saw in the Eclipse IDE, every so often).
The trick is to try and identify the component you want to bring in, and then try and pull it into your project, without bringing in too many dependencies.
The first step used to be quite hard, but since 3.4 it is a matter of using the Plug-In Spy - hold down Alt-Shift-F1 on whilst your desired component is in focus should give you a tooltip showing you the class, the bundle, etc etc.
The second step is altogether more tricky and is where I usuaully fail to get any results:
if you are lucky then you can just include the bundle in the launch configuration/.product of your app. Once you hit Add Required Bundles, you are not left with 3000 bundles (i.e. your RCP is now Eclipse).
usually, this is not the case, because the Eclipse team haven't refactored the bit of code you're interested in out into an RCP safe bundle. If so, then you're going to have to do that yourself.
Again, if you are lucky then that will mean moving some classes out of the eclipse bundle into your own, including internal classes, and that will be the end of it - i.e. the dependencies of your desired functionality are all within the bundle.
If you're unlucky, then you need to isolate/reimplement the bit of functionality that is required, and change your version of the copied code.
It is hard laborious, and pretty difficult to upgrade. I realise that none of this is what you want to hear.