How to return text for default language - tsql

I have so tables:
and so data at Language table:
and so data at Text table:
I have to return text for requested language if it exists and text for default language if it does not exist. Is it possible to do that in one query (no while, please)?
DECLARE #CommentId bigint = 1
--DECLARE #LanguageCode nvarchar(2) = 'en' -- "english text" returns
DECLARE #LanguageCode nvarchar(2) = 'ua' -- nothing at this moment
,RequestedLanguageId = #LanguageCode
FROM dbo.common_Text t
INNER JOIN dbo.common_LanguageType l
ON t.LanguageId = l.LanguageId
WHERE l.Code = #LanguageCode
AND t.CommentId = #CommentId
Thank you.

I assume that something is messed up in the data you supplied. Didn't you mean to show a row in the text table with LanguageId = 2? Without using a recursive query or loop, you can't keep following the DefaultId of the language until you end up at English. Assuming there is a row in the text table for ukrainian's backup (2 = russian):
#CommentId BIGINT = 1,
#LanguageCode NVARCHAR(2) = 'ua';
CommentId = COALESCE(t.CommentId, a.CommentId),
TextId = COALESCE(t.TextId, a.TextId),
[Text] = COALESCE(t.[Text], a.[Text]),
LanguageId = COALESCE(t.LanguageId, a.LanguageId),
RequestedLanguageId = #LanguageCode
dbo.common_LanguageType AS l
dbo.common_Text AS t
ON l.LanguageId = t.LanguageId
AND t.CommentID = #CommentId
dbo.common_Text AS a -- a for "alternate"
ON l.DefaultId = a.LanguageId
l.Code = #LanguageCode
AND a.CommentID = #CommentId;
If this is not the case, you need to make the question more clear. If you have LanguageId 4, 'central ukrainian' with a DefualtId = 3, when that language is requested is the query supposed to check the text table for 4, when it's not found, it checks 4's default (3), when that's not found, it checks 3's default (2), when that's not found, it checks 2's default (1) and finally returns the row for 1? If this is the case you will certainly need a more complicated query (using either a recursive CTE or a loop).
Also for the language code you should probably use NCHAR(2) as opposed to NVARCHAR(2). I hope the column is not nullable and unique.

Solution was found on Database Administrators site


How to use IIf function inside IN Clause?

I have a stored procedure as under
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_testProc]
(#Product NVARCHAR(200) = '',
#BOMBucket NVARCHAR(100) = '')
--exec usp_testProc '','1'
FROM Mytbl x
WHERE 1 = 1
AND (#Product IS NULL OR #Product = '' OR x.PRODUCT = #Product)
AND (#BOMBucket IS NULL OR #BOMBucket = '' OR CAST(x.BOMBucket AS NVARCHAR(100)) IN (IIF(#BOMBucket != '12+', #BOMBucket, '13,14')))
Everything else if working fine except when I am passing the bucket value as 12+ . It should ideally show the result for bucket 13 and 14. But the result set is blank.
I know IN expects values as ('13','14'). But somehow not able to fit it in the program.
You can express that logic in a Boolean expression.
(#BOMBucket <> '12+'
AND cast(x.BOMBucket AS nvarchar(100)) = #BOMBucket
OR #BOMBucket = '12+'
AND cast(x.BOMBucket AS nvarchar(100)) IN ('13', '14'))
But casting the column prevents indexes from being used. You rather should cast the other operand. Like in:
x.BOMBucket = cast(#BOMBucket AS integer)
But then you had the problem, that the input must not be a string representing an inter but can be any string. this would cause an error when casting. In newer SQL Server versions you could circumvent that by using try_cast() but not in 2012 as far as I know. Maybe you should rethink your approach overall and pass a table variable with the wanted BOMBucket as integers instead.

PostgreSQL ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1e+06"

The full error message is:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1e+06"
SQL state: 22P02
Context: In PL/R function sample
The query I'm using is:
WITH a as
SELECT a.tract_id_alias,
array_agg(a.pgid ORDER BY a.pgid) as pgids,
array_agg(a.sample_weight_geo ORDER BY a.pgid) as block_weights
FROM results_20161109.block_microdata_res_joined a
WHERE a.tract_id_alias in (66772, 66773, 66785, 66802, 66805, 66806, 66813)
AND a.bldg_count_res > 0
GROUP BY a.tract_id_alias
1 * b.year,
) as pgid
LEFT JOIN results_20161109.initial_agent_count_by_tract_res_11 b
ON a.tract_id_alias = b.tract_id_alias
ORDER BY b.year, a.tract_id_alias, pgid;
And the shared.sample function I'm using is:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION shared.sample(ids bigint[], size integer, seed integer DEFAULT 1, with_replacement boolean DEFAULT false, probabilities numeric[] DEFAULT NULL::numeric[])
RETURNS integer[] AS
if (length(ids) == 1) {
s = rep(ids,size)
} else {
s = sample(ids,size, with_replacement,probabilities)
COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION shared.sample(bigint[], integer, integer, boolean, numeric[])
OWNER TO "server-superusers";
I'm pretty new to this stuff, so any help would be appreciated.
Not a problem of the function. Like the error messages says: The string '1e+06' cannot be cast to integer.
Obviously, the columns n_agents in your table results_20161109.initial_agent_count_by_tract_res_11 is not an integer column. Probably type text or varchar? (That info would help in your question.)
Either way, the assignment cast does not work for the target type integer. But it does for numeric:
Does not work:
SELECT '1e+06'::text::int; -- error as in question
SELECT '1e+06'::text::numeric::int;
If my assumptions hold, you can use this as stepping stone.
Replace b.n_agents in your query with b.n_agents::numeric::int.
It's your responsibility that numbers stay in integer range, or you get the next exception.
If that did not nail it, you need to look into function overloading:
Is there a way to disable function overloading in Postgres
And function type resolution:
PostgreSQL function call
The schema search path is relevant in many related cases, but you did schema-qualify all objects, so we can rule that out.
How does the search_path influence identifier resolution and the "current schema"
Your query generally looks good. I had a look and only found minor improvements:
SELECT NULL::int AS agent_id -- never omit the AS keyword for column alias
, a.tract_id_alias
, b.year
, s.pgid
SELECT tract_id_alias
, array_agg(pgid) AS pgids
, array_agg(sample_weight_geo) AS block_weights
FROM ( -- use a subquery, cheaper than CTE
SELECT tract_id_alias
, pgid
, sample_weight_geo
FROM results_20161109.block_microdata_res_joined
WHERE tract_id_alias IN (66772, 66773, 66785, 66802, 66805, 66806, 66813)
AND bldg_count_res > 0
ORDER BY pgid -- sort once in a subquery. cheaper.
) sub
) a
LEFT JOIN results_20161109.initial_agent_count_by_tract_res_11 b USING (tract_id_alias)
, b.n_agents
, b.year -- why "1 * b.year"?
, true
, a.block_weights)) s(pgid) ON true
ORDER BY b.year, a.tract_id_alias, s.pgid;

How to set a bit based on a value existing in a table

I have a table. I have 2 variables, one is a bit, the other is an int.
Table: WorkGroupCollectionDetail
Variables: #WorkgroupID int, #IsFSBP bit
The table has WorkGroupId int PK and WorkGroupCollectionCode varchar PK. That's it.
I can run a query like this:
SELECT WorkGroupId
FROM WorkGroupCollectionDetail
WHERE WorkGroupCollectionCode = 'FSBP'
and it gives me a list of WorkGroupID.
So what I need to do is if the value of #WorkgroupID is inside the results of that query, I need to set the bit variable to true.
select #IsFBSP = case
when exists (
select 42 from WorkGroupDetailCollection
where WorkGroupCollectionCode = 'FSBP' and WorkGroupId = #WorkGroupId ) then 1
else 0 end
which is logically equivalent to:
select #IsFBSP = case
when #WorkGroupId in (
select WorkGroupId from WorkGroupDetailCollection
where WorkGroupCollectionCode = 'FSBP' ) then 1
else 0 end
A query using EXISTS often performs better than a query using IN. You can check the execution plans to see how they compare in your particular case.
Note that these examples include setting the bit value to zero as well as one.
You could modify the SELECT to include the check for the WorkGroupId and update the #IsFSBP accordingly:
FROM WorkGroupCollectionDetail
WHERE WorkGroupCollectionCode = 'FSBP'
AND WorkGroupId = #WorkgroupID)
SQL Fiddle example
I'm guessing you're looking for
Set #BitVariable = count(*)
From TestTable
WHERE TestCode = 'TestValue' and TestID = #TestID

Using patterns in REPLACE

I need to find and replace an expression within a dynamic query. I have a subset of a where condition in string type like
'fieldA=23 OR field_1=300 OR fieldB=4'
What I need is to find a way to detect expression field_1=300 within the string and replace it while retaining the expression field_1=300.
I can do the detection part using CHARINDEX or PATINDEX but I'm not able to figure out how to use the patterns in the REPLACE function and how to get the value of the field_1 parameter.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not entirely clear on what you're trying to acheieve (e.g. what are you wanting to replace "field_1=300" with, and is it the exact string "field_1=300" that you're looking for, or just the field name, i.e. "field_1"?).
Also, could you paste in the code you've written so far?
Here's a simple script which will extract the current value of a given field name:
#str_tmp VARCHAR(100),
#field_pattern VARCHAR(10),
#field_val INT;
SET #str = 'fieldA=23 OR field_1=300 OR fieldB=4';
SET #field_pattern = 'field_1='
-- This part will extract the current value assigned to the "#field_pattern" field
IF CHARINDEX(#field_pattern, #str) > 0
SELECT #str_tmp = SUBSTRING(#str,
CHARINDEX(#field_pattern, #str) + LEN(#field_pattern),
SELECT #field_val = CAST(SUBSTRING(#str_tmp, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', #str_tmp)-1) AS INT);
PRINT #field_val
If you want to replace the value itself (e.g. replacing "300" in this case with "600"), then you could add something like this:
DECLARE #new_val INT;
SET #new_val = 600;
SET #str = REPLACE(#str, (#field_pattern+CAST(#field_val AS VARCHAR)), (#field_pattern+CAST(#new_val AS VARCHAR)));
PRINT #str;
Which would give you "fieldA=23 OR field_1=600 OR fieldB=4".

Metadata about a column in SQL Server 2008 R2?

I'm trying to figure out a way to store metadata about a column without repeating myself.
I'm currently working on a generic dimension loading SSIS package that will handle all my dimensions. It currently does :
Create a temporary table identical to the given table name in parameters (this is a generic stored procedure that receive the table name as parameter, and then do : select top 0 * into ##[INSERT ORIGINAL TABLE NAME HERE] from [INSERT ORIGINAL TABLE NAME HERE]).
==> Here we insert custom code for this particular dimension that will first query the data from a datasource and get my delta, then transform the data and finally loads it into my temporary table.
Merge the temporary table into my original table with a T-SQL MERGE, taking care of type1 and type2 fields accordingly.
My problem right now is that I have to maintain a table with all the fields in it to store a metadata to tell my scripts if this particular field is type1 or type2... this is nonsense, I can get the same data (minus type1/type2) from sys.columns/sys.types.
I was ultimately thinking about renaming my fields to include their type in it, such as :
FirstName_T2, LastName_T2, Sex_T1 (well, I know this can be type2, let's not fall into that debate here).
What do you guyz would do with that? My solution (using a table with that metadata) is currently in place and working, but it's obvious that repeating myself from the systables to a custom table is nonsense, just for a simple type1/type2 info.
UPDATE: I also thought about creating user defined types like varchar => t1_varchar, t2_varchar, etc. This sounds like something a bit sluggy too...
Everything you need should already be in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
I can't follow your thinking of not using provided tables/views...
Edit: As scarpacci mentioned, this somewhat portable if needed.
I know this is bad, but I will post an answer to my own question... Thanks to GBN for the help tho!
I am now storing "flags" in the "description" field of my columns. I, for example, can store a flag this way : "TYPE_2_DATA".
Then, I use this query to get the flag back for each and every column :
select as [column_name]
, as [type_name]
,extended_properties.value as [column_flags]
from sys.columns
inner join sys.types
on columns.system_type_id = types.system_type_id
left join sys.extended_properties
on extended_properties.major_id = columns.object_id
and extended_properties.minor_id = columns.column_id
and = 'MS_Description'
where object_id = ( select id from sys.sysobjects where name = 'DimDivision' )
and is_identity = 0
order by column_id
Now I can store metadata about columns without having to create a separate table. I use what's already in place and I don't repeat myself. I'm not sure this is the best possible solution yet, but it works and is far better than duplicating information.
In the future, I will be able to use this field to store more metadata, where as : "TYPE_2_DATA|ANOTHER_FLAG|ETC|OH BOY!".
I now store the information in separate extended properties. You can manage extended properties using sp_addextendedproperty and sp_updateextendedproperty stored procedures. I have created a simple store procedure that help me to update those values regardless if they currently exist or not :
create procedure [dbo].[UpdateSCDType]
#tablename nvarchar(50),
#fieldname nvarchar(50),
#scdtype char(1),
#dbschema nvarchar(25) = 'dbo'
declare #already_exists int;
if ( #scdtype = '1' or #scdtype = '2' )
select #already_exists = count(1)
from sys.columns
inner join sys.extended_properties
on extended_properties.major_id = columns.object_id
and extended_properties.minor_id = columns.column_id
and = 'ScdType'
where object_id = (select from sys.sysobjects where = #tablename)
and = #fieldname
if ( #already_exists = 0 )
exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty
#name = N'Scd_Type',
#value = #scdtype,
#level0type = N'SCHEMA',
#level0name = #dbschema,
#level1type = N'TABLE',
#level1name = #tablename,
#level2type = N'COLUMN',
#level2name = #fieldname
exec sys.sp_updateextendedproperty
#name = N'Scd_Type',
#value = #scdtype,
#level0type = N'SCHEMA',
#level0name = #dbschema,
#level1type = N'TABLE',
#level1name = #tablename,
#level2type = N'COLUMN',
#level2name = #fieldname
Thanks again