Realizing the design from a design professional in code - gwt

I typically work on web apps that will only be used by a small group of well-controlled people, but now find that I'm writing something that has the potential to be used by a very large population. This means that the design and "look" will be very important to the success.
While I can certainly code up something functional, it ain't gonna look pretty, so I know that I'll need to get an outside designer to make things look good. Never having worked that way before I had a few questions about the mechanics of how this happens and how to try to make things easier.
We do Java, so when building a rich interface, we use GWT. I know that when working with designers, they typically provide images of what the interface should look like without any type of "useable" output. My question is how best to bridge that gap between a simple drawing of an interface to a fully functional realized one.
Any thoughts are appreciated.

Well, "it depends", as always.
Nowadays, I don't think you can work wit someone who simply provides PhotoShop mockups. At least not at your level. Mockups are simply too static, and translating those mockups to actual pages that actually work with different browsers properly is a skill set all its own.
So, you need someone beyond simply a designer, especially if you are planning any javascript wizardry, animations, or other dynamic elements that don't capture at all well on a static image.
What you really want is an "operational" mockup. Static HTML files that look and behave as best as can be done to what the UI designer wants to do, including transitions, work flow, etc. This artifact can be run through all of the stake holders as a live mockup, letting folks "Feel" the site.
Once you have these HTML files, you can then do your part of backfilling these pages with actual server side content. Obviously you can start early working on models and working with the designers so as to have services ready to support the site functionality, but you shouldn't be committing any real time in to actual pages for the site.
As for interacting with the designers, I talk more about that over here: How can I make my JSP project easier for a designer to work with

I worked on a project very much like this. We had "comps" which were pictures of what the interface would look like. We identified common objects and build modules. Then built pages (this was for a web app) from modules plus any elements that were unique to that "comp".
A couple things to keep in mind that will make life much easier: use the comps/drawings as more of a recommendation rather than set in stone design. Try to identify common pieces early on and reuse code.
Also, designers aren't user experience gods. They often have a good idea of how things should work, but if you are close to your product and have a lot of product knowledge, don't be afraid to tweak the design as you and your group see fit. One thing that designers typically lack is product knowledge. They know a lot about general user experience and how a site should work, but they often won't know the in's and out's of your use cases and products.

If you are working with GWT, you should look for designers who are expert in CSS. Apart from, may be, the main layout of the website, all the application components like form fields, dialogs, tabs and grids etc. will need to be styled using CSS.
If the designers are not experienced in working with GWT, share the GWT's documentation about styling with them. It's a good idea to read these yourself as well. Specifically explore the GWT's theme-ing system.
Also try to make use of UiBinder as much as possible. This would allow you to stay as close to traditional HTML based design while still enjoying the GWT high level object oriented interfaces (both widgets and DOM).
Optionally you might want to tell the designers that GWT image bundles will automatically do "CSS Sprites" so they don't need to worry about page load performance issues related to images.


CSS based framework like SCSS (Adaptive design)

I am designing a web app from scratch, which would be a fluid-based layout and the same HTML would render on different screens using the adaptive CSS.
I am going to use adaptive CSS (or responsive design) for this.
I was looking to use a framework like SCSS ( which would improve my code maintenance efforts. I'll have lots of CSS files (and probably some skin based as well)
Since I am using adaptive layout, I am going to use CSS Media Queries for desktop/tablet/mobile CSS. I could not get an idea how well the SCSS would integrate with media queries and overall speaking , how much flexibility will it offer to me.
Please let me know your suggestions if you have used SASS/SCSS and in general, any other suggestions.
SCSS is essentially an extension to CSS, and is useful (with mixins) to void repetition in your code. It also provides a way to group blocks of CSS in semantically meaningful ways and gives you variables to avoid repeating yourself.
If you are using a framework such as Rails, it is no-brainer.
There are also frameworks which focus on layout such as 960 (and its variants), and Blueprint which also adds code for thing like buttons.
The underlying philosophy behind many of these is DRY (don't repeat yourself). One bonus of using an established framework is that many of the browser issues have been ironed out, so you can be sure that it will work cross-browser.
It is true that perhaps the code is not quite a lean as rolling your own, but with careful editing and making sure you minify the result and send it gzipped, this is not a major issue except on the most high traffic sites.
Personally I have objected to using frameworks in the past because of the small amount of additional redundant code, but after 15 years of hacking around browser issues, I now think they are a Good Thing.
Larry Wall said in Programming Perl, "We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris."
Anything that allows more people to use CSS in a repeatable and reliable way, to build on work done by other, and to try out some of the leading edge features has got be a good thing.
Engineering a site with media queries is still a bit leading edge. There are compromises in each approach and you should read up as much as possible before choosing one. Adapt.js is a good alternative if you don't mind javascript.
You may want to look into the HTML5 Boilerplate. This has some useful defaults, and lots of documentation about the HTML and CSS defaults that have been chosen.
Good luck!
I have not used media queries together with SCSS, but I don't think they conflict with each other. I have used SCSS extensively in my current rails apps, and it helped me to reduce the amount of code, and get a better understanding when to use which styles.
The tricky part will be what to have fluid (changing depending on the medias viewport size), and how to avoid repetition.
Have a look at the nice site Responsive Design with CSS3 Media Queries, to get an idea which parts of your layout may be fluid.
Have a look at 320+Susy (GitHub repo here). It uses the Susy grid framework extension for Compass. All of these tools are based on Sass and make use of media queries.

drag and drop workflow kind of easy to develop?

How easy it's to come up with a drag and drop web-based interface that'll provide me features to wire objects together, setup configurations nicely in a modal window for each object? I'm looking for links that've any similar kind of interface, or articles on this. also, i'm looking for your technology/language suggestions.
Another way I'm thinking - as a desktop appln + browser dependent addon..
Is it good to create such an user-interface using XUL, which can be deployed as an addon on Firefox/as a stand-alone application in Windows? Are there any other similar things/technologies which can provide a basic framework for us to build on it further?
Why do I need this, finally?
..for building simple Workflows, for defining process flows, that can provide me some auto-generated xml content which I can use for further processing.
I'm quite interested in this, too.
I've flirted with HTML5's DragDrop implementation - Quirksmode has Bad Things to say about that, so then I thought "Perhaps a JavaScript library can help me" - haven't checked out jquery for this yet, but I have checked out YUI's DragDrop, DragDropManager and DataSource, and its looking hopeful (consistent, reliable).
I tried things like adding an iframe on the fly to any document, to provide this kind of functionality without needing to add dependencies to the page given the iframe - mixed results, but in my case I was trying to cater for x-domain access, which proved difficult.
So I'd say JavaScript could be a winner - if designed poorly it could be difficult to manage resources though, if you want to potentially DragDrop/edit/config any element in a document - so watch out for that.
If you're keen and able, Adobe AIR apps also look promising - but I can't help with any more info on that, other than they're Desktop Apps with great flexibility.
I'ma going to keep an eye on your Question, I look forward to any other Answers/comments!
EDIT: I forgot to mention Flex (aka Flash Builder 4, latest version) is quite easy to create stuff like this, though I've had exposure to Flash for a while. It comes with the standard Adobe caveats; price, libraries, support.

What is the best way to work with a user interface/user experience designer on an iPhone app?

I have a friend who is a graphic designer & user experience designer who will be collaborating with me to develop an iPhone app. He does not have previous iPhone experience. What is the best way to work with him on developing the user interface, i.e. custom colors for UITableViews, UIButtons, etc? We've looked into Photoshop mock ups, but that depends on me (the developer) implementing what he drew in Photoshop, which might get tricky.
Most of the methods I've thought of have long turn around time, i.e. he uses Photoshop, sends me the image, I develop, send him a test build of the app, he doesn't like it, rinse, lather, repeat.
Do you think it's feasible to set him up with Interface Builder so he can modify XIB files? Potentially, he could build and run the app in the simulator...
Does anyone have experience doing this? Any suggestions?
Thanks much,
This goes for a developer or designer. The best way in my opinion is to mock up designs in photoshop, debate on what is good and what is bad, then send the final mock ups to the developer.
The reason you want to do it this way is because your designer can't do everything he wants to do by simply using the IB. You need to allow your designer to express his creative freedom without the burdeon of figuring out how to use a piece of software correctly.
You can find plenty of templates of iPhone and iPad components on the web. Having those components will make it very simple for your friend to put together concepts. It will also keep things consistent so you can have an easier time implementing them.
A Great Collection of iPad Resources
iPhone Materials
One suggestion is to start with the elements that do not need graphic design but you know they will be there, this will be things like table views, tab bars, any UI element provided by UIKit or even custom UI elements that you make...I would say you will probably have most of your app made by this approach and will look VERY plain...once you have that basis you should be able to work with the graphic designer and identify where and what he needs to make, it should also be pretty easy for you to integrate it since it will probably be mostly images or textures, things like animations and such will have to be handled by you anyway...just a suggestion, hope its helpful
Omnigraffle is your best bet for quickly mocking out UIs. It produces nearly photorealistic mockups. It's easy for non-artist to use but can also utilize imported images of arbitrary complexity if he needs to do something fancy.
If you want my advice, keep the graphic designers away from the app until it is fully functional logically. They should only be brought in at the end of the process to tweak the UI.
They cause train wrecks if they come into the process early. Everybody in that field has been trained first and foremost to create visuals that attract attention. In an UI, that always translates into flashy, non-standard elements that turn into annoyance with repeated use. A good UI is essentially invisible to the user. Ideally, they should notice it only because they notice that they don't notice it. (It's all very Zen.)
People trained to attract attention in the blizzard of competing images of a media saturated world don't make invisible interfaces. They make "in your face" and "look at me!" interfaces that get old in a hurry.
Don't get me wrong: a good graphics person can really enhance an interface by the skillful and subtle use of proportion and color. Unfortunately finding a good UI graphics person is a challenge. Be prepared for fights over what works transparently versus what looks cool and draws attention the first time you see it.

Roll my own or use existing CMS (Drupal perhaps?)

I need to create a internal website and can't figure out if we should be writing our own, or using an existing framework.
Most of the website will essentially be a front end to a database. We need to have a number of people enter data into forms. We then want to be able to show different views of all this data -- including running small queries (e.g. how many resources do we have with attribute 'X'). As is usually the case with this, we will want to tweak the UI on a regular basis.
There actual data design is not a simple 1:1 mapping of resource to entry. For example, we might track several attributes for one item as the "base set of data" for that item. Then we could have several additional sets of data.
Imagine a recipe application. You might have a recipse for a starter. This could then be referenced by several other recipes that need that same information.
I feel like this is best suited for a general framework (Ruby on Rails, Django, etc), but I wonder if it might not be good for a "traditional" CMS platform like Drupal? I specifically mention Drupal since the people that would develop this have the most knowledge using php and MySql.
I usually lean towards wanting to use an existing platform, but am interested in other people's thoughts. To give you an idea of scope, I would imagine if we wrote this from scratch we are probably talking about 3-5 weeks of development.
Would you recommend writing our own, or using an existing framework? If you would suggest using something that exists what would you recommend?
Would you consider this to be best suited for a straight framework or a straight CMS?
It's possible that Drupal will be a good solution for you, though you'll probably need a few key additional modules like the "Content Creation Kit" (CCK) and "Views".
Unlike other web CMS systems (WordPress, Exponent, phpNuke), Drupal treats your entries as a "pool" of content, from which you pull various subsets for different areas of your site.
There is a lot of documentation for Drupal (almost too much), the biggest problem is finding the piece that's relevant to what you're trying to achieve. Diving on to one of the interactive IRC channels can be a good idea, as the community is quite helpful and is almost always willing to give you a pointer in the right direction.
The power, flexiblity and capability of Drupal is both its biggest strength and weakness - I know it took me a bit of effort to get my head around key concepts, and I'm far from being a Drupal Expert.
One last comment: Having written my own CMS from scratch, which I abandoned in favour of Drupal, I'd suggest your 3-5 week estimate is likely on the light side.
Stay away from Drupal for any site that requires customized functionality. I recently used Drupal for a website at work, and it was VERY difficult to figure out how to get it to do what I wanted it to do. There is a lot of documentation out there, but all of it is unhelpful -- it answers very specific questions about specific issues but does not provide any context as to how you would approach building the site as a whole. If you're a programmer, using a more general framework will probably work better, as CMS's are designed for a specific kind of site, and if you want your site to have non-standard functionality you are going to be fighting the system instead of working with it. If your developers are most experienced in PHP, try one of the PHP frameworks that mimics the architecture of Rails -- e.g. cakePHP or CodeIgniter.
CMSes usually make sense when you have a broad and potentially expanding array of different content types and modes you need to handle. Drupal has literally dozens. Given than you mentioned RoR, it sounds like what you need is more of a MVC style framework. Maybe similar to the sort of thing stackoverflow was built with. .NET an issue for you?
If you are really limited to 3-5 weeks, however, I think a Rails-based strategy makes sense so go with RoR or CodeIgniter
If Drupal can do what you need easily I would say go with Drupal. I don't know much about Drupal though.
Otherwise, what you describe sounds like a data driven web app or more like a reporting app. It sounds like you might have some very specific needs or that users might want very specific needs in the future. That is something hard to get from premade software since you have no idea what users are going to request. Since I'm a programmer I would probably want to build it myself.
Funny you should ask... I just came across this in SD Time's Linkpalooza this afternoon:
Ten free powerful content management systems…
There are at least 4 more mentioned in the comments to this post.
It seems to make little sense to develop a new one with so many from which to choose!
BTW, this is neither a recommendation nor endorsement of any particular CMS.
Treat Drupal as a framework. Core modules + CCK + Views is a good start to build on.
If you're doing something that you might want to expose to other applications, consider the Services module. A lot of interesting things have been done with flex frontends connected to drupal running services with amfphp.

Is programming knowledge necessary for an user experience designer?

We have a user experience designer in our team who has no programming background. He is expected to design screens within Eclipse as a development environment. His (valid) complaint is that every time he designs a specific screen and gives it to development - they tell him what is not possible technically using either SWT or GEF. So, he wants me to teach him basics of SWT/GEF so that he can make informed decisions and maybe even try out certain things in eclipse (as opposed to using Photoshop) before proposing designs to save time.
My personal belief is that design should not be constrained by technical possibilities and in theory, everything that the designer dreams of (at least the practical things) should be possible technically - albeit with workarounds or a little hacking.
So, my question is this - how important do you think is programming knowledge for user interface design? And if it is, how do you go about teaching someone with absolutely no programming experience the graphical frameworks on various platforms?
In principle, I agree with you. Programming knowledge shouldn't be necessary to be a skilled designer of UIs and work flows. However, knowing the abilities and limitations of the technology in use can help a UI designer work more effectively with the programming staff.
Where programming knowledge can help is if the development staff is blowing smoke that something cannot be done when it can be, some knowledge of the tools being used can help refute that. If the development staff is correct that something cannot be done, then knowledge of the tools can help the UI designer find an appropriate solution that meets the design goals and is achievable.
With a properly cooperative development staff, the UI designer would need very little (if any) knowledge about the specific GUI tools being used.
I've been on the developer side of this where I was being asked to do something impossible or impractical. I always worked with the designers to find a happy middle that met the design goals. Sometimes what I thought was impossible was in fact possible. Sometimes we had to do things a different way. A few things had to be put off as "possible, but too much effort." (Such as an SWT based application that became a Windows task bar. Definitely possible, but impractical for the project in question as it would require native code.)
What is most important is that both sides realize that they are on the same team.
Its very important..
Not knowing about:
technology in general
the technology you have chosen to dedicate your time investing into to produce the end product
Will result in a complete waste of time for everyone..
Even the end user needs to learn a bit about the technology employed in able to use whatever product we make..
Someone who drives a car will always need to know how to fill in the gas and know the basics of what a car is and what it can do, software works in a similar fashion.
Its like asking someone who doesn't know that cars (the ones of today) need wheels to make a drawing of your next release model.
The way to make them more aware of the technology is:
Show him/her similar products to the ones you should be making
Show him/her stand alone implementations of the building blocks you might consider using
But by all means...this doesn't mean you should stifle their creativity..have them draw away what they dream, just make them that little bit aware of reality as needs be in order to have something done in this lifetime
So, my question is this - how important do you think is
programming knowledge for user
interface design?
I think a basic knowledge of the standard user interface for the platform is required (text fields, combo boxes, radio buttons, etc). A good designer should be familiar with the capabilities and limitations of these GUI components, from a developer's point of view. So I guess some basic programming knowledge would be useful.
My personal belief is that design
should not be constrained by technical
possibilities and in theory,
everything that the designer dreams of
(at least the practical things) should
be possible technically - albeit with
workarounds or a little hacking.
I think there are important qualifications here --- each OS has guidelines on what constitutes good GUI design, and it's beneficial for your product that you follow them because the user has a certain mental model of how he or she should interact with applications on that platform. (Having said that, there may be good reasons for breaking some design conventions, e.g. in games, specialized graphics/music applications.)
how do you go about teaching someone
with absolutely no programming
experience the graphical frameworks on
various platforms?
Each toolkit makes available a whole bunch of small sample programs to demonstrate the use of different components --- this is probably a good first step to acquaint oneself with them.
Is not as important as common sense in my opinion.
It helps of course. But if the designer is asking for something that could be done ( because some other application uses it ) the development lead should at least present a workaround.
Programming knowledge probably not, but limitations on the chosen platform certainly.
I think it's better to learn up front, but if your UI designer is forced to learn on the fly, make sure that each time he is turned away, it's explained why something can't be done rather than just a flat refusal. This will keep him from getting as frustrated as he might otherwise be because he'll be able to form at least some logical framework for what he can and can't do.
I think the designer should be aware of the features and limitations that the tools he's using offer, and he should be aware of the limitations and the deadline of the current project that those guys are making.
He should also be aware of the background processing that's going on to show the screen UI, and all these things will come only if he has some rudimentary knowledge of programming.
He doesn't have to dabble in the depth of OOP, learn SQL, know the intricacies of reflection or anything fancy like that. He just has to know his platform well, and that I think is a requirement even for the designers.
The very core of "design" is to find a way to achieve a desired result within the constraints. If you don't anything about a part of the constraints that affects your goal, then you can't design.
It all depends on your tools.
Edit: What I mean is there are tools that are designed for designers, and tools for programmers. Eclipse, for one is not a designer tool. Photoshop is. Flash maybe, Flex not. I wouldn't require a Flash designer to program, but a Flex designer does need to program.
As for telling them about the limits of your tools it depends, really good creative designers will embrace those limits and make incredible work, mediocre designers will perceive the limits as roadblocks and stop being creative and just following the rules with fear.
I have given it some thought and based on the answers given previously, i have reached certain conclusions:
A preliminary knowledge about what is possible and what are the constraints while designing on a given platform is mandatory. This means that the graphics designer should be aware of the following:
The basic design guidelines on that platform
The standard UI toolkit / widgets provided on that platform (for ex: textboxes, drop-down lists, etc)
What is not possible (or is too cumbersome) on a given platform (for ex: creating translucent modal dialogs while fading out the background in Eclipse)
This amount of knowledge might not require the designer to dabble in programming.
The second level is where the designer is making an attempt to either create new widgets or to (knowingly) go against the set standards for a given platform. For instance, if the design includes graphs or the need to depict special relationships or a unique combination of text, graphics and images that is not implicitly supported by any standard toolsets. In this case, the designer should be aware of the technical possibilities and the limits of a given platform. In this case, i would argue that the designer should be able to write a little code and try out a few things to ascertain what might be within the realms of possibility.