Texture added to gameobject isn't clear - unity3d

I have added a png image to a plane which is a child of my player. The texture is added as Unlit/Transparent.
The problem I am having is that at an exact orientation, my texture appears crystal clear, but at all other orientations, it blurs a tiny bit.
Since it is hard to describe in words, I recorded a short 10sec video and have it here. Please have a look for better understanding.
There are no light sources in the scene.

When you import the texture, be sure to check its import settings (in the Project window, look for your texture). The artifacts most likely have to do with the filter mode set, which my guess is bilinear filtering. Take a look here.


Unity 3D 2D Imported Sprites Pixelated

I have this image generated thanks to PowerPoint:
We can see here, the image is not pixelated.
But when I import this in Unity 3D, the result is:
Here you can see the sprite's parameters:
Am I using the correct tool for my sprite creation? (PowerPoint)
If the answer is "No", which tool can I use for avoid this kind of problem?
If the answer is "Yes", how can I avoid this pixelization of my sprite in Unity 3D?
Thanks a lot for your help!
PowerPoint is not the best image editor :D But your sprite looks correct, possible you just set small scale in Unity Scene window for it.
Try increasing your sprite Scale in Scene window. Select it, next in Inspector increase X Y Z Scale parameters in Transform component (it should be on top).
I just tried your image in my Unity editor and it seems fine. Make sure your Sprite Renderer transform scale is set to (1,1,1). For me even that seems not to affect the quality but it is a best practice not to have different distorted scales for everything in your scene.
One tip for improving your sprite quality is to export it in a POT resolution. Meaning that the resolution of the image should be divisible with 4. This way Unity will be able to compress the image with a much higher precision and quality. One resolution example of that is 800x800 or 1920x1080 etc.
Make sure your build target is set to Standalone and not other platform. If you are set to Android for example. check the Android specific compression in your sprite import inspector. That might also affect the quality.
To answer your question on what image editor to use, the best one, in my opinion, is Adobe Photoshop. If you don't want to pay for it, just search for any free image editing tool. But stop using PP, I'm not exactly sure how you have come up with that.

Unity texture blurred despite everything being highres and uncompressed

I have a model in Blender with perfectly highres textures. I export it as fbx, import it to Unity, import textures to unity at full res (and no mipmapping, point, no compression, etc) and still the texture looks extremely blurred. Any hints why that might be?
Here's a comparison of the face in Blender vs Unity.
Here are the relevant, currently applied settings. I've tried many, but imho those (extreme) settings should make 100% sure that the texture is on maximum quality.
EDIT: Interestingly, a close-up image reveals a seemingly high detail on the clothes below the face, yet not on the face itself. Maybe that's just my imagination. Have a closer look here
Thanks for some help!
It's really hard to tell in the comparison shot you linked (as that itself is so low resolution), but the texture resolution looks the same. It doesn't look any more blurry in the Unity image.
To me it looks more like a shader + lighting issue. Are you using the Standard shader? Do you have additional maps that are not applied in the Unity material (like a normal map)?
Try lighting him with some point lights instead of just a hard directional light.
On a side note, 8192 is an absurdly high resolution for that guy. With how blurry the texture looks (in both Blender and Unity) you should be able to get the same detail with 512, at most 1024.

Texture doesn't look the same

I am new to Unity and having problems with the textures. Whenever I import a texture and apply it to the terrain it doesn't look the same, sometimes it's for example way too dark and sometimes it's way too shiny. Here is an example:
I have been googling for a while without finding much about it, does someone know what is causing this and how I can fix it?
The reason for this, I expect, is because you are just dropping a texture image onto an object without changing anything. By default, this will create a new material asset, which is what is actually added to the object.
Look up Materials if you don't already understand how they work. The default settings are the Metallic slider at 0 and the Shininess slider at 0.5. Obviously these settings need to be changed depending on the texture, as not every texture is going be a non-metallic, kind of shiny substance.
It is also in these settings that you can add things like Normal Maps, Bump Maps, etc, to make them look more realistic.
Reasons for it being too dark might simply be that the your lighting isn't reaching that particular surface. In order to have a global light source, add a Directional Light to your scene.

Texture with text in it, looks pixelated, how to fix this in unity3d?

Am using a 1024x1024 texture, which am mapping to a quad in Unity3d. The target platform as of now is PC standalone. This is how it looks:
You can see how pixelated and blurry the objects in the screen are, how can I make it more readable and less pixelated?
Import settings, quality settings and a screenshot of the scene with mip-map turned off here. The texture and the quad asset can be found here.
The image looks fine to me: it looks like a 3D video game.
Note that 1k is very small to use as a PNG for the texture for an object which will appear that large in your final scene.
Secondly click on the texture, and then Inspector.
Note particularly the "Max Size" setting, which indeed should be bigger than the literal size of your PNG. Learn about the "Mip Maps" concept as anim_it says. Also note your "Filter Mode". And indeed the "Texture Type". These settings all need to be "just right" for a given game situation.
Particularly read the two comments by Kolanda above which well-explain anisotropic handling: If you see an object at low angle, like a floor or your cards, it tends to lose texture resolution fast. Try to use "anisotropic" as your filtering mode and see if it helps - it was invented for such situations. As a test move the camera, to view the table from above, to separate texture-related issues from view-related issues.
You should probably include a screenshot of your Inspector for the texture, to get more detailed help. BTW the quad you are using is totally unrelated.
Remove the tic "Generate Mip Maps"

Applying textures to a plane game object results in spreading

As visible in the attached image, when I apply a grass or ground texture to a plane, it all spreads around and looks like it is being stretched to fill the whole floor...
I cannot seem to find any settings that would address this. I have already triedx setting the wrap mode to repeat, according to this manual page...
Could someone please help me understand why this is caused and how I can fix it?
In the shader options you can change tiling on the X and Y direction. Greater tiling means more repeats of the texture on the plane. Tiling is defaulted to 1 when dragging a texture on which explains the stretched out look you got. For a fairly large plane try 100 by 100 or whatever fits.
To open the shader settings for the material you are using, select Forest Floor inside the inspector panel.
There is a tool on the asset store, the "Auto Texture Tiling Tool", which automates the process and has a ton of features for applying and tiling textures. It is way more useful than the Tile settings on materials. Since it is independent from shaders and materials, you can use the same materials with different tiling settings. Check it out here: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/auto-texture-tiling-tool-41613