Unable to print directory names to file using Perl - perl

I'm trying to run this Perl script but it is not running as required. It is supposed to store the values of folders name which are in the format of date( example : 11-03-23)
I have some folders placed at this location in my account:
11-02-23 11-02-17 11-04-21
I'm storing these in "processed_dirs.dat" file.
But in the output: I got "pst12345678" in processed_dirs.dat
And when I printed $dh, I got GLOB(0x12345) some thing like this:
Please help me in getting the right output.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Storable;
# This script to be run 1 time only. Sets up 'processed' directories hash.
# After this script is run, ready to run the daily script.
my $dir = '/hqfs/datastore/files'; # or what ever directory the date-directories are stored in
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Opening failed for directory $dir $!";
my #dir = grep {-d && /^\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/ && $_ le '11-07-25'} readdir $dh;
closedir $dh or die "Unable to close $dir $!";
my %processed = map {$_ => 1} #dir;
store \%processed, 'processed_dirs.dat';

You are missing an argument for -d. Try -d "$dir/$_" && .... (Unless the current directory is always going to be the directory you are reading.)
There is almost no reason to ever use store instead of Storable::nstore.
Why were you trying to print dh?

$dh is a directory handle object. There's nothing useful you can get by printing it.
The output of Storable::store is not intended to be human-readable. If you're expecting something readable in processed_dirs.dat, don't... you will need to use Storable::retrieve to fetch it back out through perl, or Data::Dumper to print out the variable in a readable format.

This implementation works and gives you accurate information.
my $dir = '/Volumes/Data/Alex/';
opendir $dh , $dir
or die "Cannot open dir: $!";
my #result = ();
foreach ( readdir $dh )
if ( ! /^\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ ) { next; } else { push #result , $_; }


Perl, how to choose a directory

I'm trying to determine which of the content of a folder is a directory and which is a file, I wrote the following but the result is not what I would expect:
opendir DH, $dir or die "Cannot open Dir: $!";
my #dirs = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DH ;
foreach my $files (#dirs) {
print $files."<br>";
if ( -d $files )
print $files." is a directory<br>";
closedir DH;
The result is something as the example below:
where the item starting with dir are actual directory, so my question is why the if is failing discover them as such?
What am I doing wrong?
$diris missing...
if ( -d "$dir/$files" )
print $files." is a directory<br>";
It's easiest to chdir to $dir so that you don't have to prefix the node names with the path. You can also use autodie if you are running Perl v5.10.1 or better. Finally, if you use $_ as your loop control variable (the file/directory names) you can omit it from the parameters of print, -d and regex matches
Like this
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10.1;
use autodie;
my ($dir) = #ARGV;
opendir my $dh, $dir;
chdir $dh;
while ( readdir $dh ) {
next if /\A\.\.?\z/;
print " is a directory" if -d;
print "<br/>\n";
... # local expires. working directory returns to its original value
In view of ikegami's (deleted) comment about returning back to the original working directory, here's an example of using the File::chdir module to do this tidily. It exports a tied variable $CWD which will change your working directory if you assign to it. You can also localise it, so just wrapping the above code in braces and adding a new local value for $CWD keeps things neat. Note that File::chdir is not a core module so you will likely need to install it
Note however that there is still a very small possibility that the process may be started with a present working directory that it cannot chdir to. This module will not solve that problem
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10.1;
use autodie;
use File::chdir;
my ($dir) = #ARGV;
opendir my $dh, $dir;
local $CWD = $dir;
while ( readdir $dh ) {
next if /\A\.\.?\z/;
print " is a directory" if -d;
print "<br/>\n";

Perl: can't get time stamps from files in directory --> Use of uninitialized value in line 18

My goal: list the *gz files in a directory with name and creation date.
I wrote the following
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::stat;
use Time::localtime;
my $directory = '/home/hans/.config/cqrlog/database';
opendir (DIR, $directory) or die $!;
my #files = (readdir(DIR));
foreach $_ (#files) {
# Use a regular expression to find files ending with .gz
if ($_ =~ m/\.gz$/) {
my $file_name = $_;
my $file_time = (stat($_))[9];
print "$file_time\n";
But I do keep getting the often seen error "Use of uninitialized value $file_time in concatenation (.) or string at ./perl-matching-files.pl line 18." which is the print line.
I also tried the following:
foreach $_ (#files) {
# Use a regular expression to find files ending with .gz
if ($_ =~ m/\.gz$/) {
my $file_name = $_;
my #file_time_array = (stat($_));
my $file_time = $file_time_array[9];
print $file_name , " - " , $file_time , "\n";
But again it barfs at the last print line. I also tried a while-loop, but wit the same results. The file names are printed out, though, so I must be doing something right. I feel that when reading through the array the time stamp of the file is not read, but I am not that much of an expert to know what is going wrong. It seems to always come down to the print line. Any insight is appreciated. Cheers.
Instead of
my $file_time = (stat($_))[9];
my $file_time = (stat("$directory/$_"))[9];
otherwise you're looking for /home/hans/.config/cqrlog/database files in the current directory which could work ONLY if you're already in mentioned directory.
stat returns the empty list if stat fails. Therefore consider test the error code, especially when facing a problem like you were:
my $st = stat($_) or die "No $_: $!";
This would've returned:
No <filename.gz>: No such file or directory at ...
As mpapec already pointed out, this is because you aren't including the path information in the stat call. There are three possible solutions:
1) chdir to the directory your iterating over
chdir $directory;
2) Use a glob instead of readdir
use strict;
use warnings;
my $directory = '/home/hans/.config/cqrlog/database';
for my $file_name (glob("$directory/*.gz")) {
my $st = stat($file_name) or die "No $file_name: $!";
my $file_time = $st->[9];
print "$file_time\n";
3) Or manually add the path to the fqfn
my #file_time_array = stat("$directory/$_") or die "No $_: $!";
Thank you guys. After two days I got it figured out.
You were both right about the path not being specified enough. Fixed that.
Miller: the glob thing worked after I added use File::stat. I never worked with globs, so thanks for steering me in that direction. Learned a lot from it. Cheers.
In the end I tried the OOP interface for stat after fiddling for an hour with single file examples:
my $file_time = stat("$directory/$file_name")->mtime;
This got me what I wanted, so I tried the same method with the array element number:
my $file_time = (stat("$file_name"))->[9] or die "No $_: $!";
This also worked. So it all came down to adding "->"
This is my final code that works. I know it can be prettier/better/more efficient, but for now it is fine with me, because I wrote it myself. Time to get on with some additions because it is going to be a script only run on my own machine to handle some automation tasks.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::stat;
use Time::localtime;
my $directory = '/home/hans/.config/cqrlog/database';
opendir (DIR, $directory) or die $!;
my #files = (readdir(DIR));
foreach $_ (#files) {
# Use a regular expression to find files ending with .gz
if ($_ =~ m/\.gz$/) {
# my $file_time = stat("$directory/$_")->mtime;
my $file_time = (stat("$directory/$_"))->[9] or die "No $_: $!";
print "$_\n";
print "$file_time\n";

Adding more features in perl script

In the below perl script, I check my folder name (which is in the date format like 11-08-31) with the current date. If it matches, I process the folder. It also checks the previous day folder if there is no folder in today's date. I already asked this type of question here but I need to make some changes here and add new features as well:
The script checks for the previous date if todays not find. But I need to check if the previous date has already been processed or not so that I donot process it again. So, Do I need to create a list for it?
This script checks only for the one previous date. What if I have to check for the 2 previous days? Thanks for your help. hope you understand my doubts.
Updated: This perl script run automatically when It checks the curent date with the folder name. The folder is a tar folder which is loaded from other server.
So, basically I need to run the script if it matched with the folder name and current date.
Problem: Sometimes, I used to get the folder next day and my perl script checks only for the current date. The folder i get has the name which is previous date (not the current date).So, I need to do processing of the folder manually. I need to automate it in my perl script
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use DateTime;
use File::Copy;
# set to your desired time zone
my $today = DateTime->now( time_zone => "America/New_York" );
my $td = $today->strftime("%y-%m-%d");
# strongly recommended to do date math in the 'floating'/UTC zone
my $yesterday = $today->set_time_zone('floating')->subtract( days => 1);
my $yd = $yesterday->set_time_zone('America/New_York')->strftime("%y-%m-%d");
my $dir = shift or die "Provide path on command line. $!";
if ($dir eq '.') {
$dir = cwd;
elsif ($dir !~ /^\//) {
$dir = cwd() . "/$dir";
opendir my $dh, $dir or die $!;
my #dir = sort grep {-d and /$td/ || /$yd/} readdir $dh;
closedir $dh or die $!;
#dir or die "Found no date directories. $!";
my $dday = "$dir/$dir[-1]"; # is today unless today not found, then yesterday
my $fdir = '/some/example/path/';
my #gzfiles = glob("$dday/*tar.gz");
foreach my $zf (#gzfiles) {
next if (($zf =~ /BMP/) || ($zf =~ /LG/) || ($zf =~ /MAP/) || ($zf =~ /STR/));
print "$zf\n";
copy($zf, $fdir) or die "Unable to copy. $!";
Well, another way to do it, as suggested by mugen kenichi, is to use Storable. This way stores a hash with all processed directories in it. Then when you run your program, it can check the hash to see if they have been processed.
You would need a one-time script to set up the hash of processed directories.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Storable;
# This script to be run 1 time only. Sets up 'processed' directories hash.
# After this script is run, ready to run the daily script.
my $dir = '.'; # or what ever directory the date-directories are stored in
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Opening failed for directory $dir $!";
my #dir = grep {-d && /^\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/ && $_ le '11-04-21'} readdir $dh;
closedir $dh or die "Unable to close $dir $!";
my %processed = map {$_ => 1} #dir;
store \%processed, 'processed_dirs.dat';
Then, a script to be run periodically to find and process your date directories.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
use Storable;
my $dir = shift or die "Provide path on command line. $!";
my $processed = retrieve('processed_dirs.dat'); # $processed is a hashref
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Opening failed for directory $dir $!";
my #dir = grep {-d && /^\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/ && !$processed->{$_} } readdir $dh;
closedir $dh or die "Unable to close $dir $!";
#dir or die "Found no unprocessed date directories";
my $fdir = '/some/example/path';
for my $date (#dir) {
my $dday = "$dir/$date";
my #gzfiles = glob("$dday/*tar.gz");
foreach my $zf (#gzfiles) {
next if $zf =~ /BMP/ || $zf =~ /LG/ || $zf =~ /MAP/ || $zf =~ /STR/;
print "$zf\n";
copy($zf, $fdir) or die "Unable to copy $zf to $fdir. $!";
$processed->{ $date } = 1;
store $processed, 'processed_dirs.dat';
If you want to persist the status of whether these directories were processed beyond a single run of your app, you could create a .processed file in each directory and check for the existence of this file before you process the directory.
If you just need to store the status of these directories (processed or unprocessed) during the execution of your script, you could use a hash keyed with the directory name:
my %PROCESSED = ();
if ($processing_done) {
%PROCESSED{$dirname} = 1;
} else {
%PROCESSED{$dirname} = 0;
You can check to see if each directory has been processed by reading the key value from the hash:
if (%PROCESSED{$dirname} == 0) {
... do some processing
} else {
... this one is already done
This solution finds all directories yet to be processed that are newer than the most recent direcory-date processed. You have manually record it the first time, (before the script is run). The script will update it from that point on.
The file could be named like my $last = 'dir_last.dat'; I just entered a file at the command line like:
C:\Old_Data\perlp>echo 11-07-14 > dir_last.bat
C:\Old_Data\perlp>type dir_last.bat
This assumes the newest directory was 11-07-14. You must find out this yourself before running the script.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
my $dir = shift or die "Provide path on command line. $!";
my $last = 'dir_last.dat';
open my $fh, "<", $last or die "Unable to open $last $!";
chomp(my $last_proc = <$fh>);
close $fh or die "Unable to close $last $!";
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Opening failed for directory $dir $!";
my #dir = sort grep {-d && /^\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/ && $_ gt $last_proc} readdir $dh;
closedir $dh or die "Unable to close $dir $!";
#dir or die "Found no date directories after last update: $last_proc";
my $fdir = '/some/example/path';
for my $date (#dir) {
my $dday = "$dir/$date";
my #gzfiles = glob("$dday/*tar.gz");
foreach my $zf (#gzfiles) {
next if $zf =~ /BMP/ || $zf =~ /LG/ || $zf =~ /MAP/ || $zf =~ /STR/;
print "$zf\n";
copy($zf, $fdir) or die "Unable to copy $zf to $fdir. $!";
open $fh, ">", $last or die "Unable to open $last $!";
print $fh "$dir[-1]\n"; # record the newest date-directory as processed
close $fh or die "Unable to close $last $!";
Notice that I didn't rely on cwd like the first script. It really wasn't needed there and isn't needed here. opendir, glob and copy all can handle the dot (cwd) directory and relative paths.
The header includes the lines use strict; and use warnings;. Their purpose is to alert you of errors in your code (most all perl scripts should use them unless an expert decides to exclude them - for what reason I don't know). The first line tells unix where to find the interpreter (perl).

How can I list all files in a directory using Perl?

I usually use something like
my $dir="/path/to/dir";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "can't open $dir: $!";
my #files = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
or sometimes I use glob, but anyway, I always need to add a line or two to filter out . and .. which is quite annoying.
How do you usually go about this common task?
my #files = grep {!/^\./} readdir DIR;
This will exclude all the dotfiles as well, but that's usually What You Want.
I often use File::Slurp. Benefits include: (1) Dies automatically if the directory does not exist. (2) Excludes . and .. by default. It's behavior is like readdir in that it does not return the full paths.
use File::Slurp qw(read_dir);
my $dir = '/path/to/dir';
my #contents = read_dir($dir);
Another useful module is File::Util, which provides many options when reading a directory. For example:
use File::Util;
my $dir = '/path/to/dir';
my $fu = File::Util->new;
my #contents = $fu->list_dir( $dir, '--with-paths', '--no-fsdots' );
I will normally use the glob method:
for my $file (glob "$dir/*") {
#do stuff with $file
This works fine unless the directory has lots of files in it. In those cases you have to switch back to readdir in a while loop (putting readdir in list context is just as bad as the glob):
open my $dh, $dir
or die "could not open $dir: $!";
while (my $file = readdir $dh) {
next if $file =~ /^[.]/;
#do stuff with $file
Often though, if I am reading a bunch of files in a directory, I want to read them in a recursive manner. In those cases I use File::Find:
use File::Find;
find sub {
return if /^[.]/;
#do stuff with $_ or $File::Find::name
}, $dir;
If some of the dotfiles are important,
my #files = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIR;
will only exclude . and ..
When I just want the files (as opposed to directories), I use grep with a -f test:
my #files = grep { -f } readdir $dir;
Thanks Chris and Ether for your recommendations. I used the following to read a listing of all files (excluded directories), from a directory handle referencing a directory other than my current directory, into an array. The array was always missing one file when not using the absolute path in the grep statement
use File::Slurp;
print "\nWhich folder do you want to replace text? " ;
chomp (my $input = <>);
if ($input eq "") {
print "\nNo folder entered exiting program!!!\n";
exit 0;
opendir(my $dh, $input) or die "\nUnable to access directory $input!!!\n";
my #dir = grep { -f "$input\\$_" } readdir $dh;

How can I add a prefix to all filenames under a directory?

I am trying to prefix a string (reference_) to the names of all the *.bmp files in all the directories as well sub-directories. The first time we run the silk script, it will create directories as well subdirectories, and under each subdirectory it will store each mobile application's sceenshot with .bmp extension.
When I run the automated silkscript for second time it will again create the *.bmp files in all the subdirectories. Before running the script for second time I want to prefix all the *.bmp with a string reference_.
For example first_screen.bmp to reference_first_screen.bmp,
I have the directory structure as below:
having first_screen.bmp and first_screen.bmp files etc...
Could any one help me out?
How can I prefix all the image file names with reference_ string?
When I run the script for second time, the Perl script in silk will take both the images from the sub-directory and compare them both pixel by pixel. I am trying with code below.
Could you please guide me how can I proceed to complete this task.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
sub one {
use Cwd;
my $dir ="C:\\Image_Repository";
#print "$dir\n";
opendir(DIR,"+<$dir") or "die $!\n";
my #dir = readdir DIR;
delete $dir[-1];
print "$lines\n";
foreach my $item (#dir)
print "$item\n";
closedir DIR;
sub two {
use Cwd;
my $dir1 ="C:\\Image_Repository\\BG_Images";
#print "$dir1\n";
opendir(D,"+<$dir1") or "die $!\n";
my #dire = readdir D;
delete $dire[-1];
#print "$lines\n";
foreach my $item (#dire)
#print "$item\n";
print $dir2;
opendir(D1,"+<$dir2") or die " $!\n";
my #files=readdir D1;
#print "#files\n";
foreach $one (#files)
print "$one\n";
#rename $one,Reference_.$one;
closedir DIR;
I tried open call with '+<' mode but I am getting compilation error for the read and write mode.
When I am running this code, it shows the files in BG_images folder with prefixed string but actually it's not updating the files in the sub-directories.
You don't open a directory for writing. Just use opendir without the mode parts of the string:
opendir my($dir), $dirname or die "Could not open $dirname: $!";
However, you don't need that. You can use File::Find to make the list of files you need.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use File::Find::Closures qw(find_regular_files);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
my( $wanted, $reporter ) = find_regular_files;
find( $wanted, $ARGV[0] );
my $prefix = 'recursive_';
foreach my $file ( $reporter->() )
my $basename = basename( $file );
if( index( $basename, $prefix ) == 0 )
print STDERR "$file already has '$prefix'! Skipping.\n";
my $new_path = catfile(
dirname( $file ),
unless( rename $file, $new_path )
print STDERR "Could not rename $file: $!\n";
print $file, "\n";
You should probably check out the File::Find module for this - it will make recursing up and down the directory tree simpler.
You should probably be scanning the file names and modifying those that don't start with reference_ so that they do. That may require splitting the file name up into a directory name and a file name and then prefixing the file name part with reference_. That's done with the File::Basename module.
At some point, you need to decide what happens when you run the script the third time. Do the files that already start with reference_ get overwritten, or do the unprefixed files get overwritten, or what?
The reason the files are not being renamed is that the rename operation is commented out. Remember to add use strict; at the top of your script (as well as the -w option which you did use).
If you get a list of files in an array #files (and the names are base names, so you don't have to fiddle with File::Basename), then the loop might look like:
foreach my $one (#files)
my $new = "reference_$one";
print "$one --> $new\n";
rename $one, $new or die "failed to rename $one to $new ($!)";
With the aid of find utility from coreutils for Windows:
$ find -iname "*.bmp" | perl -wlne"chomp; ($prefix, $basename) = split(m~\/([^/]+)$~, $_); rename($_, join(q(/), ($prefix, q(reference_).$basename))) or warn qq(failed to rename '$_': $!)"