eclipse build problem - eclipse

when I try to build my Eclipse project, I get the following error message:
The type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
Can anybody help me to solve this problem? The Java-Build-Path contains the Plug-in-Dependencies-Library and org.eclipse.swt... is listed there.
I didn't have the problem last week (though nothing should have changed in the meantime).
But it's not the first time that I get this typ of error...

Finally, I could solve the problem with creating a new workspace and importing my project.

I sometimes encounter this kind of stranges error and the only solutions I found to solve it are the following ones (no specific order and sometimes one is enough sometimes not):
Select the project and clean ONLY this project, then rebuild
Clean all the workspace
Restart the workbench
Disable "automatic build", clean all, the build only your project
Remove the project from the workspace WITHOUT removing it from Hard drive and then import it again
I think this is a PDE issue.
Hope this can help,


The project was not built due to "ProjectXX does not exist".

I am trying to set up a workspace in MyEclipse. And I am getting 20 errors with the same description as below.
Description Resource Path Location Type
The project was not built due to "ProjectXX does not exist". Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and building it since it may be inconsistent ProjectXX Unknown Java Problem
Now I can see that this project, ProjectXX is clearly in my workspace and it is a EAR project. My team does not face this issue in their MyEclipse/PC.
I dont know why, but this resolved my issue. I selected the option to import existing Gradle project into workspace and then gave the exact root folder of the project and then the errors were gone.
I had the same problem and the solution was to deactivate the "Java Builder" property. To do it, just open the project properties with right click, go to "Builders" and deactivate "Java Builder". You can now delete the errors, validate the project and the problem is never seen again.
Thanks to #Tony Weddle for the hint "the EAR is not a Java Project".

Eclipse: "'Periodic workspace save.' has encountered a pro‍blem."

I'm using Eclipse Indigo on Mac 10.7.4. While working, I get these periodic, annoying dialogs
'Periodic workspace save.' has encountered a problem.
Could not write metadata for '/.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders'.
/Users/davea/Dropbox/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders/.markers.snap (No such file or directory)
I seem to be able to continue as normal, but I was wondering how I can eliminate these errors.
I had the same problem.
'Periodic workspace save.' has encountered a problem.
Could not write metadata for '/External Files'. D:\java\fuentes\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\External
Files\.markers.snap (El sistema no puede hallar la ruta especificada)
I created the folder "External Files" and it worked fine. In a few minutes the files ".markers.snap" and ".syncinfo.snap" appeared in this folder and the message didn´t appear any more.
I fixed mine by closing eclipse and deleting the whole .metadata folder inside my workspace folder.
Today I faced the same issue consistently, whenever I exit the eclipse.
While trying the above solution provided by TS.xy, the below steps got rid of this issue for now.
Switch to new workspace and close the Eclipse.
Open the Eclipse with new workspace and after that switch to the actual workspace(in which
exception occurs).
Actual workspace loaded with all my previous projects.
Now exiting the Eclipse, does not result in that exception.
Hope that this step may work for someone.
Just for another data point, none of the above helped my situation. The way I finally got past this issue is that each time Eclipse complained about some folder not being there, I went on my hard drive and created the folder. E.g. after I see
Could not write metadata for '/servers'.
C:\...\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\servers\.markers.snap (The system cannot find the path specified.)
I create the "servers" folder (not the file inside it). This gets me to the next error. I went through 3-4 of these iterations (exiting Eclipse each time to force the save) before the issues went away.
HTH, Mark
This was simple for me -
(pre) the listed directory is not present, see pic
Run Eclipse, see the error shown in pic below. Close Eclipse
Create the directory (RemoteSystemsTempFiles) where it is looking
note: ignore the items in this folder (e.g. .markers), they are auto-generated
Restart Eclipse, problem solved!
Example Problem Message
Not sure why this took me so long to resolve, but quite easy now, and quite obvious in retrospect! ;)...
Using Ubuntu, got the same issue
I noticed that the owner of some of the directories in
~/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/ ...etc...
was root
changed owner to me and the error stopped happening.
Looks like the same sort of issue may be caused by multiple causes.
Close the Eclipse , Clear the .metadata folder completely.. Start Eclipse & Import the necessary project once again if your project references are deleted..
The solution that work for me is the following:
Delete .metadata folder
Restart eclipse
Solved it by setting workspace on a local folder, and set data from import project, from existing resources.
I encountered the same problem , my resolution was to rename the the folder name under the workspace folder. i.e. was renamed to and rebuilt my project.
In my case, because I've accidentally deleted my workspace folder, and I observed the 'Periodic workspace save has encountered a problem". To solve this issue, I just simply create a new workspace and load all my projects to the new one. Hope you can solve your problem by doing the same thing.
I also ran into this problem. My situation was a little different. I was using 'working sets' to group my projects inside of eclipse. What I had done was attempt to delete a project and received errors while deleting. Ignoring the errors I removed the project from my working set and thus didn't see that I even had the project anymore. When I received my error I didn't think to look through my package explorer with 'projects', opposed to working sets, as my top view. After switching to a top level view of projects I found the project that was half deleted and was able to delete its contents from both my workspace and the hard drive.
I haven't had the error since.
I had gotten a little too aggressive about removing some directories in my project area when I was running out of disk space, and deleted this directory. Eclipse can leave some huge core files if it crashes in your workspace directories, (I had 35 gig of them) so it's worth taking a look there in your workspaces occasionally.
Anyway, as per the problem I tried the 'create a directory' approach. And it worked.
I was also seeing this error when I closed Eclipse by the way, not only after the 'periodic save'. So the exit/restart was also part of this.
Note that the last item on the directory path specified in the error message is a file -- not a directory, so don't get confused here. Probably worth checking that the directory permissions are created correctly as well (as the other projects in the workspace I think).
Obviously this is a bug in the Eclipse code base, (creating the full directory path under the file that is being created), but had I not deleted it in the first place, I would not have caused it in the first place.
I have the same problem since yesterday. Yesterday, I fixed it by creating a new workspace and reimporting the projects. It seemed to work well, but today it started again.
So, today I created the folder and the file manually and gave the full permissions -rwxrwxrwx.
Seems to work again...
Close Eclipse. Open RemoteSystemsTempFiles folder in Workspace, and clear inside this folder. Again open eclipse and close, warn about .project. Press Ok, then open Eclipse.
Solved my problem that.
I ran into this problem today after they switched our anti-virus software to Kaspersky.
In my case, the platform is Windows 7. My workspace is stored on mapped network drive. The strange thing is that, even though this appears to be a permission issue, I could manipulate files and folders at the same level as the inaccessible file without incident. So far, the only two workarounds are to move the workspace to the local drive or to uninstall Kaspersky. Removing and re-installing Kaspersky without the firewall feature did not do the trick.
I will update this answer if and when we find a more accommodating solution, though I expect that will involve adjusting the anti-virus software, not Eclipse.
In my case, the drive I was storing my workspace on had become full downloading SDK updates full and I just needed to clear some space on it.
This happened to me because i deleted one of the resources files inside the .metadata folder in my workspace.
After trying all methods, deleting the .metadata folder in my workspace worked.
Infact, this nuke option seems to work when there are a lot of issues related to eclipse bugs. One such example is working-sets. Working-sets are extremely buggy(but useful) and it is there that most of my eclipse problems start.
Hope this helps someone.
I solved the problem switching the workspace.
Go to File (Switch workspace)
Select the destination and create a folder named Workspace
Run a Hello World and close Eclipse (notice that Eclipse creates the folder RemoteSystemsTempFiles automatically)
now copy all your projects into the new folder Workspace
Open Eclipse and if necessary (sometimes Eclipse does not show the projects) import all of them (go to File/ Open projects from File System)
After you exit the eclipse, there would be an specific failed reason.
Mine is that the DISK IS FULL so the eclipse can't write into it anymore.
Agree with #J-Dizzle,
I am a beginner in web-development and had a hard time solving this today.
Had similar problems when I was creating a SpringBoot project in STS.
Tried most of the solutions mentioned but they didn't work.
Tried removing .metadata folder and re-building my springboot project but still nothing worked.
NOTE : I had multiple workspace in STS and this error occurred after migrating a project from one workspace to another.
Solution : All you need to do is restart your eclipse/STS IDE and it will work just fine. file missing

Can someone help fix this: I'm opening my project in eclipse, i'm getting the following error
Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one.
I've already tried using Android Tools>Fix Project Properties option. Didn't work!
I went through some of the solutions around and none really answered my query. Most of them suggest that it's some kinda error importing the project but i never removed it from my workspace.
I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the error i'm getting, but just this morning my comp wouldn't start up and windows restored itself to a really, really old state (i'm guessing to a time before I had the sdk's and stuff). I had to reinstall the sdk's and i did, but the error still didn't go away.
try clean your project. if does not work, then you create another project but you select the option create project from existing source.

Build error in eclipse

I am using eclipse HELIOS. I am getting the following error message whenever I build my project.
Has anyone else experienced such error? Is it a problem of eclipse or the project? It never occured to me before but for this project its happening. It says NullPointerException but that should not pop up such message.
Please help, its driving me nuts. I need to check in my codes but I cant test them due to this building error.
Let me know if more details is reqd.
I found the solution. It was a maven plugin issue. Cleaning up the repository solved it.
First try;
Clean your all project from under project menu and eclipse tries rebuild.
Second try;
Remove your project from eclipse
Delete all files(eclipse project
files like .project) except .java
files and other necessary code files
like .xml
And create a new project from
existing these source codes.
Otherwise you can check your java compiler or eclipse builder path or builder version.

Eclipse give error in my project

I think that my Eclipse is trying to destroy my brain.
Actually I'm creating a project from a svn trunk and everything worked fine till this morning when I opened Eclipse and it said me that there is an error, the I opened all the class and packages to find where it is but there are no red asterisk so, where is the problem?
Help me please!
Use the Problems view to isolate the issue.
Sometimes Eclipse declares warnings as errors in order to draw your attention to them, you can reduce the warning level by changing the Compiler settings in your project properties. Also, you may have changed the location of your JDK which could be leading to incompatibilities between JDK1.5 and JDK1.6 at compile time.