Configure Netbeans IDE for Play Framework - netbeans

I know running:
play netbeansify
configures the IDE for the Play Framework.
My Problems:
I have no JavaDoc for the Play Framework
I cannot navigate to the Play Source
Has anyone managed to get that done.
BR, Rene

It's been long since I used Netbeans so I can't give you the To link the full steps, but:
The source is available here. You'll need to link it as "code source" to your project. IntelliJ IDEA prompts me to browse for the source automatically when trying to browse it if it's not available, I don't know if Netbeans may have something similar
I assume once the source is linked the Javadoc in it will be available. There is not too much, I warn you (this is not like Maven projects where you have the 3 jars: source, binary and javadoc). But the code is simple and self-explanatory.


What's the point of downloading the source jars in a grails project?

I've noticed that in eclipse if you Right click on a project -> Grails Tools -> You have the option to 'Download Source Jars'.
What is the point of this and what are some common reasons as to why you would want to do this?
Grails 2.2.3
I'm not even sure what grails does instead of that.
Many (most) libraries (JARs, "artifacts" in the Maven terminology) publish a sources archive alongside their binary artifacts in the repositories. This can be useful for Eclipse to show you the Javadoc and source code when you're using the library in your projects. As #JonSkeet commented above, it's very useful to have source code available directly in the IDE when using a library.
By default, Grails does not download the sources for artifacts; this option triggers it to do so and attach the sources to the binary JARs.
Agreed with E-Riz.
Here are the reasons I use the sources:
i want to have a deeper understanding of how the library works when debugging my own depending code
i want to find a possible bug in the library, so I can fork it and apply my own patch. i will possibly share this with the maintainers as a pull request if I'm willing to spend that much time on it.
i want to find out what logging systems it uses that might be poorly documented, so I can see better what their code is doing during runtime, to troubleshooting complicated problems.

Java Decompiler plugin in Eclipse with JavaDoc

I add a decompiler plugin JadClipse in Eclipse but I am facing a issue that decompiler removes the JavaDoc from the code. Only the simple code is made available, can anybody suggest me any available Eclipse plugin to resolve the problem.
JAD doesn't remove the JavaDoc - there simply is no JavaDoc in compiled code.
What you want is to add JavaDoc to decompiled code. There is no plugin for that (and I think writing one wouldn't be easy).
If you have the JavaDoc as a JAR, you can tell Eclipse to show it in the project's settings. That way, you might be able to see the docs when you hover over a place where a method is used - if you hover over the decompiled method, this probably won't work (I think the decompiled source will take precedence over anything else).
The solution to add manually each javadoc is a bit heavy if you have many librairies in your project, which is often the case.
If you have Maven integration, the solution to have the javadoc accessible is to tell Maven to download it.
In Eclipse Project Explorer :
Right-click on your projet -> Maven -> Download JavaDoc
There should be an equivalent for Graddle which I've never used yet.

Playframework Plugin non-functional in IntelliJ IDEA 12

I have just downloaded and installed IntelliJ IDEA 12 (Ultimate Edition), under Ubuntu, with high hopes that I could cash-in on IJ's tight integration with Scala and the Play Framework.
I have a fully functional install of Play at /home/ryan/play-2.0.4 and from searching around, it seems that all one has to do is perform a play idea on a play project at the command-line and simply open the project in IntelliJ.
However, if I do this: I can't even verify that the Playframework plug-in is even active/functioning. There is no syntax highlighting in Play config files or templates, absolutely no Playframework options in the pull-down menu. If I right-click the project, choose "Add Framework support ..." and "Play" is not even on the list, I can't just create a new "Play" project from scratch in the IDE either (not sure if that is even supported).
If I click File -> Settings -> Play Configuration, I have the Home and Working directory set to: /home/ryan/play-2.0.4. I should note that I am using Play under Eclipse with no issues (except there isn't any Play integration with Eclipse --- hence the reason why I am giving this a try in IJ). If I didn't know any better: I'd declare IJ 12's Play support as a miserable failure, but given all the postings suggesting that play 2.0 integration with IJ 12 is "very easy" - perhaps there is something I am missing?
Most probably you need to download and/or install Play 2.0 Support plugin + dependencies (most probably you will need to find it in Browse repositories section, it is not the same plugin as bundled Playframework support!)
I can ensure you that I'm just sitting and playing with Play 2.0 in Idea 12 with new support, and it works quite nice.
Go to Settings > Plugins section and check if you have newest version of mentioned plugin and if isn't blocked by some error (ie. missing dependency), try to resolve all missing dependencies, restart the IDE, and compile (or run) your applications at least once.
I didn't test it to the end yet, but I can see large progress in the support especially in templates and controllers. routes file allow easily navigate to the target actions, but as I can see there is no syntax highlighting in conf file.
There is even possible now to run and debug Play application from the menu.
In general if you'll enable the Play plugin you will see it for sure :)
You don't have to install additional plugins. You only have to run your application once, and afterwards IntelliJ highlights everything etc.
Look here:

Are there any Eclipse IDE+GUI plugins for Openlaszlo?

I intend to customize Openmeetings and am wondering if there is a GUI editor available for Openlaszlo.
There was apparently a plugin called IDE4Lazlo, mentioned both at IBM and, but both links are dead. If the plugin has been definitely pulled, then is there a way to at least preview layouts?
The IDE4Laszlo is on old IBM project, which has not been maintained for a long time (since 2005/2006). Laszlo had been working on an Eclipse based plugin in 2008, which was unfortunately never released.
Spket works, but compared to IDEs like Flash Builder the functionality is relatively limited, since the IDE is not capable of scanning your application files to recognize new classes and methods.
An option is to use an XML editor with XSD support. Sebastian Wagner of OpenMeetings has created a build script which generates an XSD schema file from the OpenLaszlo classes and the custom classes in your application. The source code can be found here:
There are two Eclipse IDE plugins that support OpenLaszlo, IDE4Laszlo and the more recent Spket.

How do I "install" a log4j bundle?

I've downloaded the code for an Eclipse plugin. The code uses log4j, but it doesn't just use it as a library (referred jar), but as a "bundle". So it doesn't compile because of the following reason:
Bundle 'org.apache.log4j' cannot be resolved
I'm not really sure what's the correct approach to solve this. I know how to add jars to a project, but how do I add "bundles"? Is it something I need to add to the entire Eclipse host?
I "solved" this by creating a new plugin project with no code but with the log4j jar included... but that doesn't feel like the right solution.
I've also found some places where "log4j bundles" are published, e.g.:
But I'm not sure if that's what I need, if it matters where I get it from, and how to "install" it.
I assume you are using the Eclipse Plugin Development Environment (PDE). In this case, the log4j bundle needs to be imported into the "Target Platform".
The Target Platform is like a repository of bundles (i.e. plug-ins) that replaces the "classpath" in traditional Java development. You can find the location of the target platform and modify it by going to Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform.
HOWEVER before doing this I strongly recommend you take some time to learn a bit about what you are working on! If you want to develop an Eclipse Plug-in you should at least learn what a plug-in is, and how its dependencies work. If you read a bit about the subject you should not have to ask such an extremely basic question on Stack Overflow... it is covered in all the introductory tutorials and FAQs.