Relativelayout or LinearLayout in ios iphone development? - iphone

I want to add a subview in the top of my view, I have to recalculate the origin y value for all of other views and re-position them to leave space for the new added view.
It is very boring, as I know android have relativelayout or linearlayout can help automatically do that.
How to solve this problem easily in ios development?

I've created a library to solve just this problem: CSLinearLayoutView
You use it like this:
// create the linear layout view
CSLinearLayoutView *linearLayoutView = [[[CSLinearLayoutView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds] autorelease];
linearLayoutView.orientation = CSLinearLayoutViewOrientationVertical;
[self.view addSubview:linearLayoutView];
// create a layout item for the view you want to display and add it to the layout view
CSLinearLayoutItem *item = [CSLinearLayoutItem layoutItemForView:someView];
item.padding = CSLinearLayoutMakePadding(5.0, 10.0, 5.0, 10.0);
item.horizontalAlignment = CSLinearLayoutItemHorizontalAlignmentCenter;
item.fillMode = CSLinearLayoutItemFillModeNormal;
[linearLayoutView addItem:item];
// add more items

I've been trying to do a relative (linear) layout for a while and finally decided to just subclass UIScrollView to get it done.
I started out just replacing layoutSubviews with a simple loop through the subviews that reset the origins while keeping a running Y. But, some unexpected things are added to the scrollview, including UIInlineAutoCorrect views from textfields/views, which means these things were being mangled by the layout. So I added a little bit of logic that uses the tag property of a UIView to determine if I should lay it out:
-(void) layoutSubviews{
CGFloat runningY = 0.0f;
CGFloat widestWidth = 0.0f;
for (UIView *view in self.subviews) {
if (view.tag != 1999) {
view.origin = CGPointMake(view.origin.x, runningY);
runningY += view.height;
if ([view autoresizingMask] == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth) {
view.width = self.width;
if (view.width > widestWidth) {
widestWidth = view.width;
[self setContentSize:CGSizeMake(widestWidth, runningY)];
If you would still like to use unique tags for your views, you should just specify a range of tags that will be included in the layout instead of a single value.

It's not much work to subclass UIView to make sense of methods like -(void)addView:toRightOfView: etc. You could do this as you go, porting only the methods you need. You could then call these in your override of layoutSubviews as Benjamin indicates.
Views can be built using IB or they can be written programmatically; Android scores well here in making layouts readable and you can bring that benefit to iOS views created programmatically. That there are few iOS devices means beyond readability there are not (yet?) many practical benefits to this pattern.
NB. A "XIB" file is an XML file. Open it up in your favourite text editor and take a look.
** EDIT.
Here's a quick example I knocked up. It has not been tested but some thing like this will work in your subclass of UIView (call it UIRelativeView perhaps).
- (void) addSubview:(UIView *) viewOne
toRightOfSubview:(UIView *) viewTwo
if (viewTwo == nil ||
[self.subviews contains:viewTwo] == NO)
[self addSubview:viewOne];
CGRect frameTwo = viewTwo.frame;
CGPoint originOne = CGPointMake(frameTwo.origin.x + frameTwo.size.width,
CGRect frameOne = CGRectZero;
frameOne.origin = originOne;
frameOne.size = viewOne.frame.size;
[viewOne setFrame:frameOne];
[self addSubview:viewOne];
- (void) moveSubview:(UIView *) viewOne
toRightOfSubview:(UIView *) viewTwo
if (viewTwo == nil ||
[self.subviews contains:viewTwo] == NO)
[self addSubview:viewOne];
else if ([self.subviews contains:viewOne] == NO)
[self addSubview:viewOne toRightOfSubview:viewTwo];
CGRect frameTwo = viewTwo.frame;
CGPoint originOne = CGPointMake(frameTwo.origin.x + frameTwo.size.width,
CGRect frameOne = CGRectZero;
frameOne.origin = originOne;
frameOne.size = viewOne.frame.size;
[viewOne setFrame:frameOne];

You've got no luck here. iOS doesn't have provisions for positioning the views in different layouts like Android. You need to reposition all the other subviews to make the way for the new view.
There are some view resizing methods like sizeToFit and autoResizingMask but they won't help you in your case here.

iOS is much more focused on pixel accuracy than Android it is, which uses relative layouts as it has to deal with multiple screen sizes. However, in iOS, the Interface Builder is an incredibly good tool included in XCode, which you can use.
Also, if you are just adding subviews in a repetitive manner, you could override the layoutSubviews method and use that to handle to manual labour for you. You mention having to "recalculate the origin y value for all of other views and re-position them to leave space for the new added view" ... You could code that into your layoutSubviews so you don't have to do it yourself each time.
Unfortunately, though, the SDK doesn't have any of this included by default. autoresizingMask's are great but you can't use that for initial layout; it's for automatic really it when rotating only.

As of iOS 9 you can use UIStackView, which works very similarly to LinearLayout: you add views and the stack view arranges them as needed based on your sizing preferences:
Fill will leave three of them their natural size, and make the fourth one take up the most space. It uses Auto Layout's content hugging priority to decide which one to stretch.
Fill Equally will make each subview the same size so they fill all the space available to the stack view.
Fill Proportionally uses the intrinsic content size of each subview to resize them by an equal amount. So view 1 was designed to have twice as much height as views 2, 3 and 4, that ratio will remain when they are resized – all the subviews get proportionally bigger or smaller.
Equal Spacing does not resize the subviews, and instead resizes the spacing between the subviews to fill the space.
Equal Centering is the most complicated, but for many people also the most aesthetically pleasing. It attempts to ensure the centers of each subview are equally spaced.
You can also set spacing between views in the stack view, adding some padding.
WARNING: When adding stack view child views in code you should always use addArrangedSubview() like this:
If you try to use plain old addSubview() it won't work correctly, because the stack view won't know to arrange it.
As for removing, you need to be careful to use stackView.removeArrangedSubview(someView) and someView.removeFromSuperview() otherwise the view won't be removed correctly.
You might find my UIStackView tutorial useful.


UICollectionViewCells with UICollectionViewFlowLayout - strange layout happening

I am currently testing in xcode a UICollectionView with just one horizontal row like a kinda cover flow. Basically I have my own Custom Cell class and xib file for the cell and then on each cell I am adding another UIView with a xib. In case you are wondering why, it is so I can add different UIViews to the cell. Right now I am only adding one.
Edit I have followed the WWDC 2012 video on creating a linelayout of a UICollectionViewCell with one difference. Instead of the cell in the middle getting bigger all the other cells get smaller.
Everything below is new to my question.
-(NSArray *)layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:(CGRect)rect {
NSArray *array = [super layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:rect];
CGRect visibleRect;
visibleRect.origin = self.collectionView.contentOffset;
visibleRect.size = self.collectionView.bounds.size;
for (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attributes in array){
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(attributes.frame, rect)) {
CGFloat distance = CGRectGetMidX(visibleRect) -;
CGFloat normalizedDistance = distance / ACTIVE_DISTANCE;
if (ABS(distance) < ACTIVE_DISTANCE) {
//CGFloat zoom = 1 + ZOOM_FACTOR *(1- ABS(normalizedDistance));
//attributes.transform3D = CATransform3DMakeScale(zoom, zoom, 1.0);
//attributes.zIndex = round(zoom);
} else {
CGFloat zoom = 1 + ZOOM_FACTOR *(1- ABS(normalizedDistance));
attributes.transform3D = CATransform3DMakeScale(zoom, zoom, 1.0);
attributes.zIndex = round(zoom);
return array;
The problem can be seen in the attached image.
Pink = Collection View Size
Brown = Cell size
Green = Cells Content size and an attached xib to the content size.
The problem I THINK I have is with the layout. When the sell is dequeued it is made smaller by the above code. Then when it is reused the CELL gets bigger again but the content view does not.
I have tired to manually set the frame of the content view but that does nothing.
UPDATE 1: This also only happens when I add a xib to the Cells content view. If there is no subview to the content view then there is no problem
UPDate 2: It appears that the subview of the cell, my xib is not resizing. I have tried to manually change its frame size but the only place this helps is in the cells drawrect method which feels like a hack to me.
reused cell not able to redraw itself so give call to
-(void)setFrame:(CGRect)frame {
[super setFrame:frame];
[self setNeedsDisplay]; // force drawRect:
from cellForItemAtIndexPath of the UICollectionView.
also have a look at this link
and this question
My answer is very specific and I am not sure it will help anyone.
The problem was that I had a constraint on the bottom of the grey view. After I changed this constraint to a less than or equal too then for some reason it worked.
Now I know this does not explain why it was not happening to every cell but it fixed my problem.
As such Harsh's answer might also be worth looking at if you have landed here after doing a search.
Edit: there also appears to be some bugs in the 6.0 UiCollectionView controller which seem to be fixed in 6.1

append UIView's to the top of a UIScrollView

For example in Tweetbot's iPhone app. When you open up the app and new tweets come in, it will just be appended to the top of the UIScrollView and the current tweet you see did not get refreshed. How can I achieve the same thing effect?. Say I have a UIScrollView with a UIView added to the UIScrollView starting at origin 10,10.
I then downloaded a few items and I want to put it at 10,10.. so I basically need to shift this old item at 10,10 down right? If I do so then during that shifting user's will see it shifted, which is not the effect I want. Where as in Tweetbot's app it seems that nothing is being shifted around, it's just that you grow the area above the 10,10 and append new stuff's there.
How do I do this?
Basically I wanted to implement the insertRowAtIndexPath in a UIScrollView.
Will restate the question this way: how to add content to the top of a UIScrollView without moving the content that's already there (relative to it's current offset).
If this is the right question, the right answer is to do the add and shift down just as you suggested, but then scroll by the same height as added content, giving the illusion that the old content didn't move.
- (void)insertRowAtTop {
// not showing insert atIndexPath because I don't know how you have your subviews indexed
// inserting at the top, we can just shift everything down. you can extend this idea to
// the middle but it requires that you can translate from rows to y-offsets to views
// shift everything down
for (UIView *view in self.scrollView.subviews) {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[MyScrollViewRow self]]) {
MyScrollViewRow *row = (MyScrollViewRow *)view; // all this jazz so we don't pick up the scroll thumbs
row.frame = CGRectOffset(row.frame, 0.0, kROW_HEIGHT); // this is a lot easier if row height is constant
MyScrollViewRow *newRow = [[MyScrollViewRow alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0,0.0,320.0,kROW_HEIGHT)];
// init newRow
[self.scrollView addSubview:newRow];
// now for your question. scroll everything so the user perceives that the existing rows remained still
CGPoint currentOffset = self.scrollView.contentOffset
self.scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(currentOffset.x, currentOffset.y + kROW_HEIGHT);
If you set the contentOffset without animating there wont be a visible scrolling animation. So if your new view is 200 points tall you can set the origin of the new view at (10,10) and the old view at (10,210) and set the contentOffset of the scroll view to (10,210) you should achieve the effect you intend. You'll also need to increase the contentSize of your scroll view to be big enough for all of the content it contains.

UIScrollView problem, scrolls just on one side

I'm fairly new to programming, and I have looked for an answer for a very long time. There are some posts about it, but nothing has solved my problem. I have a UIScrollView view that I get from the nib, everything is ok with this, the content length is good and scrolling works, but it just scrolls on the left side, if I try to scroll on the right side it doesn't scroll..
Here is the code,
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSString *descriptionString = _currentBook.description;
CGSize stringSize = [descriptionString sizeWithFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:16] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(387, 9999) lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];
_authorLabel.text =;
_titleLabel.text = _currentBook.title;
_descriptionLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Description: %#",_currentBook.description];
[(UIScrollView *)self.view setContentSize:CGSizeMake(387, stringSize.height +50)];
Thanks in advance!
Its hard to understand the problem since we cant see your nib file, but its better practice to put the scrollView on top the view of the view controller, and connect it to an IBOutlet in your view controller.
In order to find the problem I would get rid of the textfields for testing purposes (I think the constrained 9999 might be a problem but I am not sure) and then print and post the frame of the scrollView and the Content size in runtime.I am betting that you will see some issue with the frame of the uiscrollview.
Ok, after copy-pasting and running some tests, I found out the problem.
The problem is in the wording of the question, your problem is not that the "scroll doesn't work on the right side" (As in: you move your finger up and down on the right side of the screen without triggering a scroll), the problem is that the contents, the label itself is going out of bounds, outside of the visible area of the scrollView, and the right-handed side is not visible.
First of all, you should note that the iphone resolution is 320x480 (640x960 for Retina), so you actually have to work with a smaller width (using 387 width will make it go out of bounds).
Second, take in account the x position of the label itself is also affecting the amount of visible text. With this in mind, a more generic code would be:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// This number represents the total width of the label that will fit centered in
// the scrollView area.
CGFloat visibleWidth = self.view.frame.width - descriptionLabel.frame.origin.x*2;
// Use the number above to get a more accurate size for the string.
NSString *descriptionString = _currentBook.description;
CGSize stringSize = [descriptionString sizeWithFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:16] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(visibleWidth, 9999) lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];
// Fill data (why so many underscores?)
_authorLabel.text =;
_titleLabel.text = _currentBook.title;
_descriptionLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Description: %#", _currentBook.description];
// Also, why didn't you resize the description label? I'm assuming that you forgot this.
// (Make sure that the descriptionLabel number of lines is 0)
CGRect frame = descriptionLabel.frame;
descriptionLabel.frame.size = stringSize;
// Now set the content size, since you're using the scrollView as the main view of the viewController,
// I'll asume that it's using the whole screen, so I'm gonna use the whole width
// of the screen (that's what UIScreen is for).
[(UIScrollView *)self.view setContentSize:CGSizeMake([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width, stringSize.height +50)];
Finally i've found my problem, I've added a uiview programmatically as a subview to some view and then to this View i've added my scroll view as a subview.. And then it would only scroll in the area of my UIView. It was nonsense to do it like this, still a lack of knowledge..
Thank you all for trying to help!

UITableViewCell custom reorder control

Is there any way to change the image of the reorder control that is displayed when the UITableView is in edit mode? I have a UIImage that I’d like to display instead of the usual grey bars.
Do I have to subclass UITableViewCell to accomplish this?
I guess you're a long way past this by now, but this has come up in a new question.
See my answer here:
Change default icon for moving cells in UITableView
I recently ran across the need to change the image for the reorder control, because I subclassed UITableViewCell to provide my own custom table cell. As part of this effort, I changed the background of the cell to something other than the default color.
Everything works correctly, but when I put the UITableView into editing mode, the reorder control would appear, with a white background - instead of the background color I was using for the cell. This didn't look good, and I wanted the background to match.
During the course of various versions of iOS, the hierarchy of views in a UITableViewCell has changed. I've taken an approach that will traverse the entire set of views until it finds the UITableViewCellReorderControl private class. I believe this will work for iOS 5 and all subsequent iOS versions at the time of this answer. Please note that while the UITableViewCellReorderControl class itself is private, I am not using any private API's to find it.
First, here's the code to scan for the reorder control; I'm assuming that the text "Reorder" will be in the class name - which Apple could change in the future:
-(UIView *) findReorderView:(UIView *) view
UIView *reorderView = nil;
for (UIView *subview in view.subviews)
if ([[[subview class] description] rangeOfString:#"Reorder"].location != NSNotFound)
reorderView = subview;
reorderView = [self findReorderView:subview];
if (reorderView != nil)
return reorderView;
In your custom UITableViewCell subclass, you will override -(void) setEditing:animated: and find the reorder control here. If you try to find this control when the table is not in editing mode, the reorder control will not be in the view hierarchy for the cell:
-(void) setEditing:(BOOL)editing animated:(BOOL)animated
[super setEditing:editing animated:animated];
if (editing)
// find the reorder view here
// place the previous method either directly in your
// subclassed UITableViewCell, or in a category
// defined on UIView
UIView *reorderView = [self findReorderView:self];
if (reorderView)
// here, I am changing the background color to match my custom cell
// you may not want or need to do this
reorderView.backgroundColor = self.contentView.backgroundColor;
// now scan the reorder control's subviews for the reorder image
for (UIView *sv in reorderView.subviews)
if ([sv isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]])
// and replace the image with one that you want
((UIImageView *)sv).image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"yourImage.png"];
// it may be necessary to properly size the image's frame
// for your new image - in my experience, this was necessary
// the upper left position of the UIImageView's frame
// does not seem to matter - the parent reorder control
// will center it properly for you
sv.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 48.0, 48.0);
Your mileage may vary; I hope this works for you.
Here is my Swift solution based on Rick Morgan's answer:
func adjustSize() {
// we're trying to leverage the existing reordering controls, however that means the table must be kept in editing mode,
// which shrinks the content area to less than full width to make room for editing controls
let cellBounds = bounds
let contentFrame = contentView.convert(contentView.bounds, to: self)
let leftPadding = contentFrame.minX - cellBounds.minX
let rightPadding = cellBounds.maxX - contentFrame.maxX
// adjust actual content so that it still covers the full length of the cell
contentLeadingEdge.constant = -leftPadding
// this should pull our custom reorder button in line with the system button
contentTrailingEdge.constant = -rightPadding
// make sure we can still see and interact with the content that overhangs
contentView.clipsToBounds = false
// recursive search of the view tree for a reorder control
func findReorderControl(_ view: UIView) -> UIView? {
// this is depending on a private API, retest on every new iPad OS version
if String(describing: type(of: view)).contains("Reorder") {
return view
for subview in view.subviews {
if let v = findReorderControl(subview) {
return v
return nil
// hunt down the system reorder button and make it invisible but still operable
findReorderControl(self)?.alpha = 0.05 // don't go too close to alpha 0, or it will be considered hidden
This worked pretty well. contentLeadingEdge and contentTrailingEdge are layout constraints I set up in Interface Builder between the contentView and the actual content. My code calls this adjustSize method from the tableView(_:, willDisplay:, forRowAt:) delegate method.
Ultimately, however, I went with Clifton's suggestion of just covering the reorder control. I added a UIImageView directly to the cell (not contentView) in awakeFromNib, positioned it, and when adjustSize is called I simply bring the image view to the front, and it covers the reorder control without having to depend on any private APIs.
I put a little work into this recently, but came up short. I tried setting my own editingAccesoryView but couldn't get the reorder control to change. Odd.
My guess is that it has something to do with the following comment in the UITableviewCell docs re: showsReorderControl:
If the value is YES , the reordering
control temporarily replaces any
accessory view.
In other words, the editingAccessoryView is being replaced by the reordering control view, which might be why we cannot override the reordering control. Hoping someone can find a workaround.
You set the cell's editingAccessoryView property to an image view containing the image you want.
As an aside, I would caution you to be careful when doing this. When you substitute a custom graphic for a system standard such as the reorder graphic, you run a serious risk of confusing the user. The standard UI grammar has told them to expect the standard graphic when reordering and they may not understand the significance of your custom graphic.
Maybe we're all overthinking this. :)
Just put a custom UIImageView over the top of the default move accessory so it covers it up. Done.

UIView setBounds UIScrollView hell!

I have a bunch of 'rowviews' that I want to put in a vertical scroll view. I have created this rowView view as a separate nib in IB. They are sized at 1024/200 (ipad). Now I want to put them one by one in my parent UIScrollView. I tried a simple [vScroll addSubview:rowView] but this puts them overtop of eachother (I made the rowview transparent to check this). So then I started fooling with the bounds of each rowview to no avail. This is my code. Note 'self.yExtentSoFar' is initialised to 0. Imagine the code below called for each row:
MyRowView *rowView = [[MyRowView alloc] init];
float calculatedWidth = 0;
// minus nav bar
float calculatedHeight = 0;
[[UIDevice currentDevice] beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications];
UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [UIDevice currentDevice].orientation;
if (orientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait){
// iPad
calculatedWidth = 768.0;
calculatedHeight = 960.0;
// iPad
calculatedWidth = 1024.0;
calculatedHeight = 704.0;
[self.vScroll addSubview: rowView.view];
[rowView.view setBounds:CGRectMake(0, self.yExtentSoFar, calculatedWidth,200)];
[self.vScroll setContentSize:CGSizeMake(calculatedWidth, yExtentSoFar+200)];
self.yExtentSoFar += 200;
So before I tried settings bounds the rowviews appeared overtop of each other. Understandable I guess. When I set the bounds, the 2nd row view hasn't appeared under the 1st as expected, instead I have to pull down the vScroll and the 2nd has appeared ABOVE the first off screen!
Could someone point to where I'm going wrong? Thanks a lot,
You want to layout your subviews by setting their frame.
Specifically you're confusing the reference co-ordinates.. bounds refers to how much of that view to show. Whereas the frame is where (& what size) should the view be placed in it's superview.
See "The Relationship of the Frame, Bounds, and Center" View Programming Guide for iPhone
You're doing it wrong ;-) What you have explained here is more or less a re-implementation of what you get using a UITableView. Use a UITableView and a custom table view cell. It will make your life much easier.