Text Search inside XML nodes with a specific Attribute in DB2 express-C - db2

Have installed DB2 express-C 9.7 on Win7, and am using the DB2 Text Search engine.
I have one requirement to search inside all XML nodes having a specific attribute. Have tried these options:
statement.executeQuery("xquery " +
"for $i in db2-fn:sqlquery(\"SELECT doc FROM orders WHERE CONTAINS(doc, '#xpath:''/order//#key[. contains (\"\"java\"\")]''') = 1\")/order " + "return $i/customer");
statement.executeQuery("xquery " +
"for $i in db2-fn:sqlquery(\"SELECT doc FROM orders WHERE CONTAINS(doc, '#xpath:''/order//#key[.. contains (\"\"java\"\")]''') = 1\")/order " + "return $i/customer");
Here am unsuccessfully trying to search for all those xml documents which have 'java' inside all child elements (of 'order' node) having an attribute 'key'.
May anyone please tell me what should be the right query for this.


Why Am I getting Duplicate Keys When I am not making any additions to the Table

Having a problem with a very old Access Program.
I had to create a form for updating a Table, I do not want to add any records!
The form only references one Table.
I use the Input Box for the Data I am looking up.
I then find the record in the database from the information I have entered using the open.recordset
Set Rst = ich.openRecordset("Select * From Waters Where '" & txtOne & "' = State and '" & txtTwo & "' = County and '" & txtThree & "' = Sector and '" & txtFour & "' = Water")
This part works great!
I then make the bad water changes and in no way is there a duplicate.
Somewhere using the Form tied to the Recordset is causing a conflict. It always worked in Access 1.0, but after an upgrade to Windows 11 and Access2013. It has not worked.
How do I tell it that it should ignore the fields that are the key fields I search on.
I put the additions = NO on the Table but them the screen goes blank and ignores the form.
How do I get around this?
I could do a massive re-write with another approach, but this application is for finding water that may be making people sick.
Thanks in Advance for any help

jdbcTemplate query only executes with SELECT *

Long time lurker and learner, first time question here. I'm working a project for a local library to pull some data from their database to help the employees pull books put on hold for patrons. The catch here is the access to the database is read only. I cannot create any temporary tables or views.
We've created a long query to generate the data needed, I used a couple CTEs to whittle things down and then there's some logic based on which location the book may reside in to show where it should pick from. All in all, we're happy with the query results.
When I try to implement it using jdbcTemplate, I can't seem to find a way to get anything other than SELECT * to work.
WITH holdCTE1 (holdID, itemID, ...) AS (
table 1,
table 2,
table 3
yada yada
This will give me results if I then do a SELECT * FROM holdCTE1.
If instead I specify columns, like this
WITH holdCTE1 (holdID, itemID, ...) AS (
SELECT t1.holdID, t2.itemID, t3.title
table 1,
table 2,
table 3
yada yada
I get a syntax error at the first from table, regardless. I've tried adjusting all my table JOINs and using aliases and just about everything I can come across, but it doesn't seem to help.
A couple of things we're using to help the filtering and such, since we can't create a view to make it easy, is to call out the subqueries, so for example, in CTE1 we add a final column
'bib hold' AS hold_type
Even with the SELECT *, 'bib hold AS hold_type, I get the same syntax error. The actual wording of the error is:
StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar ... then my query ... nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near ... the first thing under the FROM line
The library is using a Postgresql database, and I'm using Spring with jdbcTemplate for the SQL side.
Thanks in advance for looking.
Sorry for the poorly worded question, but I think I stumbled across an answer this evening. I was checking all of my queries I'd noted in pgAdmin, and I did a copy/paste into my java class.
With the escape characters, the code seems to run just fine. So this looks like it is passing info correctly to the query
WITH hold_bib (hold_id, item_id, birl_bib, patron, status, hold_type) AS (SELECT\n"
+ " h.id,\n"
+ " i.record_id,\n"
+ " birl.bib_record_id,\n"
+ " h.patron_record_id,\n"
+ " i.item_status_code,\n"
+ " 'bib'AS hold_type\n"
The function looks like this at the beginning now:
public List<Hold> libraryNotPicked() {
String sql = "\n"
+ "WITH hold_bib (hold_id, item_id, birl_bib, patron, status, hold_type) AS (SELECT\n"
+ " h.id,\n"
+ " i.record_id,\n"
+ " birl.bib_record_id,\n"
+ " h.patron_record_id,\n"
+ " i.item_status_code,\n"
+ " 'bib'AS hold_type\n"
+ " ;
List<Hold> holds = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Hold.class));
return holds;
Seems to me the key is the \n type characters in the query.

ArangoDB AQL is affected by the injection issue?

I'm working with AQL in these days, and I'm creating a library for dynamically creating the AQL script.
Because I didn't find anything related to the PARAMETER INJECTION issue (like SQL INJECTION) do you think that is secure if I set my FILTER variable directly inside the AQL query string?
If you are using bindParameters for all user-defined input the value inserted will not be evaluated by the AQL parser and hence injected code will not be executed.
Safe query:
FOR x IN items FILTER x.name == #name RETURN x
Unsafe query:
"FOR x IN items FILTER x.name == " + name + " RETURN x"
Inserting sth. like
'a' LET t = (FOR h IN items DELETE h)
in name will return all elements having exactly this string in the save query (not harmful).
In the unsafe query it will drop all elements in items (harmful).

Neo4j Cypher query to find nodes with exact match (AND instead of OR)

I'm trying to create a query that bring me some node that have the exact match with a set of nodes. In this case I wanna bring experiences that have tags, for example, what experiences have tags: "food" AND "nightlife" AND "culture".
My query is "working", but bringing the result using OR instead of AND. How can I fix it?
I'm not sure if I'm using de correct approach of the
#Query("START experience = node:__types__(className=\"...\"), tags = node({0}) " +
"WHERE experience-[:TAGGED]->tags " +
"RETURN experience")
public Set<Experience> findExperiencesByTags(Set<Long> tagIds);
I'm using Spring Data 2.0.1 and neo4j 1.6.3.
try to divide it into 3 separate MATCH phrases:
"MATCH experience-[:TAGGED]->tags1, experience-[:TAGGED]->tags2, experience-[:TAGGED]->tags3, " +
"WHERE tags1.tag='food' AND tags2.tag='culture' AND tags3.tag='nightlife' "
I agree with #ulkas
If you really want to pass in an arbitrary number of tags you can try this, but it will probably perform not as good as the explicit matches.
START tags = node({0})
MATCH experience-[:TAGGED]->tags
WITH experience, count(*) as cnt
WHERE cnt = length({0})
RETURN experience

Powershell controlling MSWord: How to select the entire content and update?

I am dealing with a whole load of Word documents that make heavy use of fields and cross-references (internally and between documents).
To update these and make everything consistent again after a change I have to open each file, select the entire file's content (equivalent of hitting Ctrl-A) and update all fields (the equivalent of hitting F9). And I have to do this twice for all files, so that also all inter-file cross-references are also updated properly.
Since this is a rather tedious and lengthy process I wanted to write me a little PowerShell-script that does that for me. The relevant function to update a file looks like this:
function UpdateDoc([object]$word, [object]$fileHandle) {
Write-Host("Updating: '" + $fileHandle.Name + "' ('" + $fileHandle.FullName + "'):")
# open the document:
$doc = $word.Documents.Open($fileHandle.FullName)
# select the entire document:
# update it:
# then save it:
Write-Host("'" + $fileHandle.Name + "' updated.")
But I am stuck on how to select the file's content and update it all, i.e. what has to go into this code instead of the two ???-markers to achieve what I want?
Did you try:
$doc.Fields | %{$_.Update()}
That should update all the fields