Convert numbers 1-26 to A-Z? - db2

How can I convert the numbers in the range 1 through 26 to their respective letter position in the alphabet?
1 = A
2 = B
26 = Z

CHR(#) will give you the ASCII character, you just need to offset it based on the ASCII table:
e.g. A = 65, so you will need to add 64 to 1:
CHR(64 + #) = A if # is 1

ASCII code is the numerical representation of a character such as 'a' or 'Z'. Therefore by looking at the table one can see that capital A has a value of 65 and Z has a value of 90. Adding 64 from each value in the range 1-26 will give you their corresponding letter.


how do I write a code that´s applying letters to numbers and prints names into a sum of numbers?

For example A = 1 , Z = 26 , Aron = 48
Non English-letter character like space or apostrophe can be ignored
Lowercase and uppercase letters are equal
I am new to programming and try some practices with java in order to learn from this.

Convert String to Array of Specific Format

I have a string of format
"'Year'-'Month'-'Day'T'Hour':'Minute':'Second'Z" for example '2020-11-26T16:56:09.676Z'
(Note the milliseconds are considered part of the second)
I would like to convert it to the format:
t1 = 1x6
2020 11 26 16 56 09.676
Or in other words a 1x6 array.
Note: This is to be completed using MatLab.
You can
Use regexp with the 'match' input flag to detect the numbers as one or more digits (\d+) optionally followed by a decimal point (\.?) and then zero or more digits (\d*). This will give a cell array of strings.
Apply str2double to convert the strings to numbers. This will give a numeric row vector.
s = '2020-11-26T16:56:09.676Z';
result = str2double(regexp(s, '\d+\.?\d*', 'match'));

Input HEX as a string

How can I treat a string which is a hexadecimal number as a hexadecimal number? For example, I am loading in a file of hexadecimal numbers but Python is loading the file in as a string. Is it possible to get Powershell to treat the hexadecimal numbers in the file as hexadecimal numbers?
Background: I'm asking the user for a Mac Address and I need to add x numbers to the last block to get the next x Mac addresses. I can split on ":" and get the last block but this is a string containing for example "13", which is not 13 decimal but 13 hex.
Try converting it first to an int by casting the variable with the base 16 as the second argument
hex_str = "0xAD4"
hex_int = int(hex_str, 16)
then just add 1 to the result and use
to get the result back to hex format
Just the whole MAC address in once by using the PhysicalAddress.Parse(String) Method:
$MAC = 'F0:E1:D2:C3:B4:A5' -Replace '[^0-9a-fA-F]' # remove all the non-Hex characters
Solved it by doing it like this:
$MacNr = ([int64]"0x$($MacAddress.Split(":")[5])")
$MacNr ++1
$NewMac = ('{0:X2}' -f $MacNr)

Matlab: output format with fprintf

I want to have a list of data in a text file, and for that I use:
fprintf(fid, '%d %s %d\n',ii, names{ii},vals(ii));
the problem in my data, there are names that are longer than other. so I get results in this form:
1 XXY 5
3 LL 96
How i can change the fprintf line of code to make the results in this form:
1 XXY 5
3 LL 96
Something like this before the start of the loop -
%// extents of each vals string and the corresponding whitespace padding
lens0 = cellfun('length',cellfun(#(x) num2str(x),num2cell(1:numel(names)),'Uni',0))
pad_ws_col1 = max(lens0) - lens0
%// extents of each names string and the corresponding whitespace padding
lens1 = cellfun('length',names)
pad_ws_col2 = max(lens1) - lens1
Then, inside the loop -
fprintf(fid, '%d %s %s %s %d\n',col1(ii), repmat(' ',1,pad_ws_col1(ii)), ...
names{ii},repmat(' ',1,pad_ws_col2(ii)),vals(ii));
Output would be -
1 XXY 5
3 LL 96
For a range 99 - 101, it would be -
99 XXY 5
100 NHDMUCY 44
100 LL 96
Please note that the third column numerals start at a fixed distance instead of ending at a fixed distance from the start of each row as asked in the question. But, assuming that the whole idea of the question was to present the data in a more readable way, this could work for you.
You can use the function char to convert a cell array of string into a character array where all rows will be padded to be the length of the longest one.
So for you:
charNames = char( names ) ;
then you can use fprintf :
fprintf(fid, '%d %s %d\n',ii, charNames(ii,:) , vals(ii)) ;
Just make sure your cell array is a colum before you convert it to char.

Unicode character transformation in SPSS

I have a string variable. I need to convert all non-digit characters to spaces (" "). I have a problem with unicode characters. Unicode characters (the characters outside the basic charset) are converted to some invalid characters. See the code for example.
Is there any other way how to achieve the same result with procedure which would not choke on special unicode characters?
new file.
set unicode = yes.
show unicode.
data list free
/T (a10).
begin data
end data.
string Z (a10).
comp Z = T.
loop #k = 1 to char.len(Z).
if ~range(char.sub(Z, #k, 1), "0", "9") sub(Z, #k, 1) = " ".
end loop.
comp Z = normalize(Z).
comp len = char.len(Z).
list var = all.
The result:
T Z len
1234 1234 4
5678 5678 4
absd 0
12as 12 2
12(a 12 2
12(vi 12 2
12(vī 12 � 6
>Warning # 649
>The first argument to the CHAR.SUBSTR function contains invalid characters.
>Command line: 1939 Current case: 8 Current splitfile group: 1
12āčž 12 �ž 7
Number of cases read: 8 Number of cases listed: 8
The substr function should not be used on the left hand side of an expression in Unicode mode, because the replacement character may not be the same number of bytes as the character(s) being replaced. Instead, use the replace function on the right hand side.
The corrupted characters you are seeing are due to this size mismatch.
How about instead of replacing non-numeric characters, you cycle though and pull out the numeric characters and rebuild Z? (Note my version here is pre CHAR. string functions.)
data list free
/T (a10).
begin data
end data.
STRING Z (a10).
STRING #temp (A1).
LOOP #i = 1 to #len.
COMPUTE #temp = SUBSTR(T,#i,1).
DO IF INDEX('0123456789',#temp) > 0.
COMPUTE Z = CONCAT(SUBSTR(Z,1,#i-1),#temp).