How to check if Remote API is enabled in your Confluence installation without admin rights - confluence

Is there a way to find out if the Remote API is enabled on our Confluence installation if I do not have admin rights to our confluence
I can see the WSDSL, but while testing with this downloaded client I keep timing out on login. I can not contact my administrators without going through god knows how many channels so I'm hoping there's another way to know if the Remote API is enabled.

To check if the confluence API is enabled without admin access:
Try accessing http://<your-confluence-server>/rpc/xmlrpc
If the API is enabled, you will simply get a blank page.
If the API is disabled, you will get an error "HTTP Status 403 - Remote API is not enabled on this server. Ask a site administrator to enable it."
This is at least applicable in my Confluence 3.2 environment.


Microsoft Single Sing On - Block access from outside network

Assuming some web sites allow users to log in via Microsoft Login. Can we enforce that this users will only be able to use this setting only from within the Organization network in Intune? If yes, how? (Reference link)
Example: User is logging in to Bitbucket via Microsoft Login. He is unable to access Microsoft Login on his personal laptop. However, If he is using the Organization computer he should be able to access.
I believe this setting can be applied via IP Address? Or maybe there is another option.

Configure Authentication for actual html login page

We've got an install of Azure Devops server that currently authenticates against our active directory server and authentication works, but it appears to do so by means of browser basic authentication (the browser modal prompt that asks for a simple user name and password).
I'm wondering if there is some way to configure authentication such that users that have never logged in, actually get a login page... not just the basic authentication prompt in the browser.
I appreciate any input, I've used and administered azure devops in the cloud for a LONG time, but the devops server stuff I'm new to.
NOTE: I've played with IIS settings for authentication (enabling and disabling basic authentication and forms auth etc, but nothing really seemed to help there)
it appears to do so by means of browser basic authentication (the
browser modal prompt that asks for a simple user name and password).
I'm wondering if there is some way to configure authentication such
that users that have never logged in, actually get a login page... not
just the basic authentication prompt in the browser.
What's the login page do you mean?
1.If you mean the login page to connect to TFS web portal, as I know using basic prompt with username+password is the only appraoch.
Web Portal:
Only logic page:
2.But if you mean something used for authentication when accessing the code. I think you must be familiar with PAT which is widely used in Azure Devops Service. IIS Basic Authentication is not recommended. You can check Enabling IIS Basic Authentication invalidates using Personal Access Tokens and Use the TFS Cross Platform Command Line with TFS using basic authentication or personal access tokens (PATs).
Hope it helps to resolve your puzzle :)
So after lots of research, I found that in the differences between azure devops server and azure devops services documentation. In this documentation it states that it uses windows authentication, and you will never be presented with any login experience.
I'd vote that this should be something that be configured to show a login screen, as sometimes we want to log in as users other than the users we logged into the machine as.

IBM API Connect developer portal admin link missing

I have setup an API Connect developer portal in the sandbox catalog (I've been following the basic tutorials about configuring an API developer portal found here).
I receive a message saying that i'll get a one time login link so that i can login to the portal as admin and reset my password. However, this never arrives. I have tried configuring the portal a number of times now and this link never comes. Therefore i'm unable to login as admin.
I've also tried using the 'request new password' option on the developer portal itself and entering my email but this also does not work
Is there a way I can retrieve the login link?
This could be a number of things:
1) the IBM emails often get flagged as spam
2) the IBM email server, or rather the people they've contracted this out to, doesn't fully comply with DKIM/SPF security, so if you are on a corporate server that requires this then you won't get your emails.
The workaround I've done in the past is spin up a gmail account and be sure to check my spam folder.

Call Microsoft Graph API - App only unauthorized error

I am trying to make request to the Graph API using a service with no UI. I downloaded the following sample code and followed the instructions:
I successfully get an Access Token, but when using it to make a request to get organization information (required Read Directory Data access), I get 403 Unauthorized.
I have registered my app in Azure AD (where I am a co-administrator).
I have specified Microsoft Graph in the 'permissions to other applications' section, and given Read Directory Data access.
Interestingly there is a note below saying 'You are authorized to select only delegated permissions which have personal scope'. Even though I clearly did. Why? I suspect this is the source of my problem.
Likewise I have checked my demo app against these instructions:, but it makes no mention of what role in Azure you need to have.
in this SO post's answer, there is mention of still needing to Consent. I haven't found any documentation about this.
You are authorized to select only delegated permissions which have personal scope
This issue is caused that the app is created by none admin and when they visit the portal then will see this message.
To grant the app-only permission to the application, we need to be the administrator of the tenant. It is different with the co-administrator. To user the Client Credential flow, I suggest that you contact the admin of the tenant to create an application for you. And if you were just for testing purpose, you can create a free tenant and register the application yourself.
We need the assign the Global administrator director role as figure below to make the application works for the client credential flow:

Is there a way to prompt the domain administrator to enable API access during authorization?

Our web application will require API access to be enabled in the Google Apps control panel to take advantage of the Directory API (Admin SDK). Is there a way to prompt the domain administrator to enable it during their initial authorization with our application (if it is not enabled) or another alternative?
If the APIs are not enabled, the specific error you'll see will be:
Error 403: Domain cannot use apis. - domainCannotUseApis
when setting up your application, you should perform a simple Directory API request call, maybe something like users.get() for the admin user logged into your application. If you get the above error, you should prompt the admin to enable the APIs in the CPanel.