error instantiating other view controllers - iphone

I am sure this is really dumb, but I just cant seem to understand why am I getting this error. In my project I have a view controller and another class that does some data structuring job (not relevant anyway). I am getting a compilation error: "unknown type name "the view controller"" when trying to instantiate it within my class.
This is my class .h:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <MapKit/MapKit.h>
#import "MyLocationController.h"
#import "GetZip.h"
#import "SecondTab.h"
#interface DataEngine : NSObject <MyLocationControllerDelegate, MKMapViewDelegate, GetZipcodeDelegate> {
MyLocationController *CLController;
GetZip *getzip;
SecondTab *secondTab; //ERROR IS HERE
My view controller .h:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "FirstTab.h"
#import "DataEngine.h"
#interface SecondTab : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource> {
IBOutlet UITableView *table1;
NSString *address;
NSDate *time;
NSDictionary *dataDict;
DataEngine *fullData;
(I omitted all the #synthesis since I dont think they any case, I do #property (nonatomic, retain) for everything).
Any idea what can go wrong here?

Why don't you try to forward declare it. Use #class secondTab instead of #import secondTab? It will help avoiding any circular inclusions if thats the problem.


Subclassing a subclass of UIImageView - Forward declaration errors

I have read question after question about people getting the same error as me, but I simply do not understand them, so before you go searching for duplicate questions, maybe someone can explain to me what I am doing wrong with this subclassing deal.
I have a subclass of UIImageView called swapView that I want to subclass to override the method -(void)count for special cases. I went to subclass this as I have any pre-existing UIKit class, but when I tried to build and run the project, I get this error:
Attempting to use the forward class 'swapView' as superclass of 'coinView'
I have tried putting both the #import statement of swapView and #class swapView in coinView.h and I've tried putting the import statement in coinView.m, but it refuses to build because of this continued error. If I move the import statement into the .m file, all references to the superclass's methods and properties, such as #property (nonatomic) int max; cause errors as well.
What am I doing wrong?
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ViewController.h"
#class ViewController;
#interface swapView : UIImageView
NSTimer* tmr;
#property (nonatomic) int current;
#property (nonatomic) int max;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIImage* firstImage;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIImage* secondImage;
#property (nonatomic) BOOL smallMax;
#property (nonatomic, retain) ViewController* pvc;
- (BOOL)testCollision:(CGPoint)point;
- (float)randomFloatBetween:(float)smallNumber bigNumber:(float)bigNumber;
#import "swapView.h"
#class swapView;
#interface coinView : swapView
- (void)count;
- (void)move;
For inheritance, the superclass MUST be inherited.
#import "swapView.h"
#interface coinView : swapView
- (void)count;
- (void)move;
You're both forward declaring and importing ViewController.h in your swapView, which may cause compiler to complain.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#class ViewController
#interface swapView : UIImageView

Unknown type name 'XMLParser'; did you mean 'NSXMLParser'?

Why I get this error "Unknown type name 'XMLParser'; did you mean 'NSXMLParser'?" ? I have imported XMLParser.h, so I can't understand what the problem is.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "XMLParser.h"
#import "televisionList.h"
#import "ListingCell.h"
#interface TelevisionDetail : UIViewController <UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>
XMLParser *xmlParser;
Seems like Xcode bug, but also it's a good practice to avoid unnecessary import in .h file.
So try to add this before #interface..:
#class XMLParser;
And add #import "XMLParser.h" in your .m file.

Unknown type name Error Iphone

It's giving the UNKNOWN TYPE NAME error. I had imported "billSummary" class as well, but don't know why xcode giving this error.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "customiseForItems.h"
#import "billSummary.h"
#interface itemsInParty : UITableViewController<UIAlertViewDelegate>{
IBOutlet customiseForItems *tblCell;
IBOutlet UIToolbar *billSummaryTool;
CGFloat percValue;
billSummary *billSummaryToShow; //ERROR UNKNOWN TYPE NAME BILL SUMMARY
UIAlertView *alertForPercentage;
NSMutableArray *selectedEntriesPath;
BOOL descTapped;
Write #class billSummary; instead of #import "billSummary.h"
Try like this it will be helpful to you.
one possible reason is:
#interface billSummaryMisspelled : ParentClass
#implementation billSummaryMisspelled
your file name != to you class name
you can use forward class declaration to skip the error,
#class billSummary;
instead of #import

cannot find protocol declaration custom protocol delegate iphone

Slowly but surely getting this delegation and protocol stuff on iphone but I cannot understand this error.
I have declared my protocol in my first viewcontroller.
In the second viewcontroller i try to add it at the top after i have imported it into the header file and it cannot find it. see my code below.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "LoginPage.h"
#import "MessageOptions.h"
#protocol SMSProtocol <NSObject>
-(NSString *)postbackType;
#interface SendSMS : UIViewController <UITextViewDelegate, UITextFieldDelegate> {
id<SMSProtocol> delegate;
MessageOptions *messageOptions;
LoginPage *loginPage;
IBOutlet UITextField *phonenumber;
IBOutlet UITextView *smsBody;
IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollview;
#property (nonatomic, retain) id<SMSProtocol> delegate;
Then my second view
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "SendSMS.h"
#interface ScheduledSMS : UIViewController <SMSProtocol>{
That is surely strange. Have you tried restarting Xcode? Xcode has a habit of not indexing symbols for me when I add new files.
You should also look into how your naming conventions. SendSMS is not really a good class name, more of a action method name. I would go for SendSMSViewController, since that is what it is.
By that it would follow that SMSProtocol should be named SendSMSViewControllerDelegate, since that is what it is.
Methods in a delegate protocol should contain the sender and one of the three words will, did, or should. If not at the very least it should name what it expects to return. -(NSString *)postbackType; should probably be -(NSString *)postbackTypeForSendSMSViewController:(SendSMSViewController*)controller;.

Objective C Properties

I tried searching for this issue, but can't seem to find out what I'm doing wrong.
Here is my controller header:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface BabyLearnViewController : UIViewController {
UIButton *btnImage;
MediaManager* myMediaManager;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIButton *btnImage;
#property (retain) MediaManager* myMediaManager;
- (IBAction)setNewImage;
Here is my controller class:
#import "BabyLearnViewController.h"
#import "MediaManager.h";
#implementation BabyLearnViewController
#synthesize btnImage;
#synthesize myMediaManager;
I am getting the errors:
error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'MediaManager'
error: no declaration of property 'myMediaManager' found in the interface
Any ideas? Usually the 1st error comes up if you have a cylical reference. 'MediaManager' doesn't reference anything else. Any ideas?
Since you have no mentions of MediaManager class at the moment it is used in header file compiler can't figure out what "MediaManager" is and issues an error. Declare that class using forward declaration in your header file to let compiler know that MediaManager is actually a class:
#class MediaManager;
#interface BabyLearnViewController : UIViewController {
P.S. As an alternative you can import MediaManager.h in your header, but using forward declaration is preferred.
Place #import "MediaManager.h"
this in header file of BabyLearnViewController
try add #class MediaManager; before #interface