Restrict access to iOS built-in application - iphone

I'm interested in a way to restrict access to the build-in iOS applications(Settings,Calendar,Contacts,etc).
I've seen a lot of solutions but i don't want to jailbreak my devices.Also, the "Restrictions" setting isn't enought since it only blocks a few apps.
Could be anything from removing the icon or setting a passcode to access it.
Cearnau Dan

You can set a passcode to access the device, but not for individual applications, and there's not built in way to hide icons that I'm aware of. Your only option is to jailbreak it or live with them not being restricted.


Restrict my iOS device to a particular app

I'm searching a way to restrict my iOS device to a particular app.
I have found a good way to disable my iPad Home button functionality through Kiosk Mode for iOS
So is it possible to restrict my iOS device to a particular app without jail-breaking?
Will App-Store reject my application if I done this?
Phew... Finally I found.Guided Access is a new feature in iOS 6 that will do the functionality .It's a built-in feature.
Guided Access is activated for a particular app, iOS device will automatically launch that app every time.
You can power off the device by holding down the "Power + Home" button.
If you’d like to learn how to use Guided Access in iOS 6, You can see more details here
That is a huge security violation as far as the App Store would be concerned. For an enterprise applications its possible you could find a way. But for a public App Store download this is not only next to impossible its also a guaranteed rejection.
So is it possible automatically launch my app every time after iPad booted without jail-breaking?
No. Jailbreaking only will allow you to mess with the default behavior of the system such as Launch Items
Will Apple-Store reject my application if I implement the behavior?
If you somehow find a way to circumvent the issue, (i.e. exploit a security breach) then your app will be rejected.
App review guidelines, section 2.4, 2.5

Can you modify the iphone password screen?

Is there a way I could make an application to add a button to the lock screen (enter your password)? For iOS/iPhone devices?
Is there a way I could make an application to add a button to the lock screen
No, I don't believe that there's a public API for that sort of thing. Apple can obviously do it, since the iPad lock screen has a button that shows you a photo gallery. But that doesn't mean that third party applications have that capability, and I'd be very surprised if you could pull that off without jailbreaking your device.
No, this is outside of your applications sandbox. Unless you jailbreak the device, there is no way to run outside the application sandbox(with minor exceptions such as playing music).
You can't. This is against the sandbox policy.
but there are apps in cydia that do this kind of thing
To be simple, there is no such API to make customizations on the iOS itself. Neither does Apple allow it.

Is there a neat way to tell if iPhone/iPad has been set a passcode by user

I have asked this question long before.
I know it maybe impossible, but as far as I know, 'Find my friends' has this features and it works just so well, so I wonder if now there is a neat and legitimate way of doing that.
Just because Apple's Find My Friends app has a feature does not mean the API is publicly available. If this app is not an enterprise app, you can't use private APIs and have your app put on the app store. If it is an enterprise app, you may want to look into setting up a configuration profile for the device. In order to access the VPN for my employer, I had to install a configuration profile (visible in Settings) that requires a passcode to be entered every time I unlock my iPad. Without that, I cannot VPN into their intranet. TestFlight uses a similar approach with profiles to register a device to receive builds. I would check out this link from Apple on setting up these sorts of profiles for enterprise applications:
There's no way to detect this programmatically from within an iPhone SDK-based application. If you need to, you should file an enhancement request with Apple at

ipad lockdown: launch app on boot?

We have a need for warehouse staff to use an ipad app for stock control.
Is it possible to lock down the ipad and only show/launch our custom app on screen. So i want to remove/hide/disable all other apps except ours.
You can use Apple's official iPhone Configuration Utility to lock down most features of the iPad so that only your app can be installed, render many of the built-in apps useless, and prevent (re)configuring wifi, email, etc. But the user will still be shown a whole bunch of other stuff they can't use. You can move all the apps other than your own to the second page. An enterprise account is not required to run this utility.
A firewall in conjunction a VPN that all the iPads are configured locked to might also be helpful.
There is also a trick to hide all the other icons on stock OS devices, but it requires a fair amount of work.
It's not certainly not possible without jailbreaking the device.
As far as i know it's not possible to boot in a specific app, but it is possible to 'lock' the iPad in one app using Guided Access:
Note that this even works with a website, provided you have made a 'web app' using these meta tags.
not really, but if you set the iPad up with parental controls you can probably lock it down to some degree.
Look into Guided Access which will allow you to lock it on one app and act like a kiosk.

How to check if my iPhone app is hacked/cracked?

I'm wondering if there are some ways to check if my application is hacked?
I mean, I don't really want to prevent my application from hacking, but I would like to list all iPhone (UUID) that use my hacked application.
Check out mtiks. They do free piracy monitoring, but you'll have to re-release your app to the appstore. If you don't have anything setup currently, you're not going to be able to tell who's using it.
Check to see if encryption was removed from you app bundle or any other changes were made.
If you don't prevent your app from being cracked by any different behavior, such as not working, this makes your detection code much harder to find.