EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in during fetching data from custome objects - iphone

I had stored custom objects data in Array. I am fetching data from Array of custom objects in a function. when I am calling function for first time it is working good but When I am calling it again and again I am getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Here is function details.
-(void) facebookDisplayFunction:(int)atIndex {
FacebookWallData *wall = (FacebookWallData *)[facebook_wallDataArray objectAtIndex:atIndex];
NSString *friendID= wall.actor_id;
NSString *linkFetch= wall.permalink;
NSString* postID=wall.postId;
NSNumber *countNumber;
NSString *friendName=#"";
NSString* profileThumImage=#"";
for(int i=0; i< [facebook_LikesArray count];i++) {
FacebookLikes* countValues=[[FacebookLikes alloc]init];
countValues=[facebook_LikesArray objectAtIndex:i];
// NSLog(#" postId_wall %# LikePostId = %#",postID,countValues.PostID);
if([postID isEqualToString:countValues.PostID]) {
[countValues release];
[countValues release];
for(int i=0;i< [facebook_FreindsArray count];i++) {
FacebookFreinds* friendsRecord=[[FacebookFreinds alloc]init];
friendsRecord=[facebook_FreindsArray objectAtIndex:i];
if([friendID isEqualToString:friendsRecord.UID]) {
[friendsRecord release];
[friendsRecord release];
// Adding values in table //
[imageData addObject:#"facebook.png"];
[tableList addObject:wall.messages];
[profileUserName addObject:friendName];
[linksOfFacebookData addObject:linkFetch];
[RetweetAndLikeData addObject:#"5"];
[favedProfileThumb addObject:profileThumImage];
[twitterPostID addObject:#""];
[eachPostUID addObject:friendID];
[wall release];
And here I am calling function.
[self facebookDisplayFunction:0];
[self facebookDisplayFunction:0]; // EXC_BAD_ACCESS error here.

Why are you allocating an object like this FacebookLikes* countValues=[[FacebookLikes alloc]init] and then assigning to this same variable the instance inside the array with this code countValues=[facebook_LikesArray objectAtIndex:i] and later on you release it with this [countValues release]? You don't know what you are doing.
Try changing this:
FacebookLikes* countValues=[[FacebookLikes alloc]init];
countValues=[facebook_LikesArray objectAtIndex:i];
to this
FacebookLikes* countValues = [facebook_LikesArray objectAtIndex:i];
and remove all occurrences of [countValues release]. Do the same for the friendsRecord in the second for-loop. Also, what is the [wall release]? Remove it!
You should not allocate any of these objects because you are actually obtaining them from that array, and not creating a new instance. That just creates a leak in your code. You should not release any of these objects because they are retained by the array, and it is responsible for releasing them whenever they are removed from the array or after the array is destroyed/deallocated. Please, rtfm

If you get the error on the line:
[self facebookDisplayFunction:0];
it seems to me that most likely the object pointed by self has been deallocated. So, the problem would not be in facebookDisplayFunction...
Could you review how you create the object pointed by self, or post the code if you need more help?


Array1 is added into Array2 then Array1 is cleared and suddenly disappears from Array2

I have this curious thinf happening here where tempArray is supposed to be added to the masterArray each time the if statement occurs. (The if statement works perfectly and gets triggered when it should.)
I also need to clear the temp array each time it does.
My final result should then be a masterarray which contains each array it has added.(meaning all the temp arrays that I have added throughout the for loop)
Instead, it only keeps adding the tempArray to the MasterArray at index 0 every single time.
- (void)alpabetize:(NSArray *)arr {
self.tempArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.masterArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i<[arr count]; i++) {
NSString *currentString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [[[arr objectAtIndex:i] valueForKey:#"first_name"] substringToIndex:1]];
NSString *nextString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [[[arr objectAtIndex:(i+1)] valueForKey:#"first_name"] substringToIndex:1]];
[self.tempArray addObject:[arr objectAtIndex:i]];
if (![currentString isEqualToString:nextString]) {
[self.masterArray addObject:tempArray];
[self.tempArray removeAllObjects];
If you remove all objects from the original array previously added to some other array. Does this also clear the other array? This makes no sense to me. There must be something wrong in my code. Can somebody help me spot my error?
Thank you for your time!
[self.masterArray addObject:[tempArray copy]]; // retained copy of array
[self.masterArray addObject:[NSArray arrayWithArray:tempArray]]; // auto released copy of array
instead of
[self.masterArray addObject:tempArray];
In your code you are adding the reference of the same array which you are clearing in next statement.
[self.masterArray addObjectsFromArray:tempArray];
[tempArray removeAllObjects];
Are you sure you want to release the self.tempArray inside the loop? Once it enters your IF-condition the the array will be nil and you'll have no use of it unless you call the this method again. Try releasing the self.tempArray after the for loop.

NSMutable Array: Getting "out of scope" Status After Mutable Copying

I have a SOAP service and I generated classes and functions on SudzC.com.
So I'm using the soap functions they generated, it returns an NSMutableArray with objects that are inherited by my custom class(which is generated by them, too).
So far everything's good. My values are getting into the array and I could see any property of any object with one condition: Only inside of the function that's handling the service.
Just to make it clear, here is the code:
- (void)viewDidLoad
SDZGeneratedWebService* service = [SDZGeneratedWebService service];
service.logging = YES;
[service callMyData:self action:#selector(callMyDataHandler:) dataId: 1];
[super viewDidLoad];
- (void) callMyDataHandler: (id) value {
// Handle errors
if([value isKindOfClass:[NSError class]]) {
NSLog(#"%#", value);
// Handle faults
if([value isKindOfClass:[SoapFault class]]) {
NSLog(#"%#", value);
// Do something with the NSMutableArray* result
NSMutableArray *result = (NSMutableArray *)value;
MyCustomClass *myObject = [result objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"%#", myObject.myProperty); //Works Great
Like I said, so far everything's perfect. But I need to use the data outside of this function.
So in my .h file, I created an array like NSMutableArray *myDataArray;
When I intend to copy the result array to myDataArray, it copies the objects(I can see that the myDataArray.count value is equal to result array's) but all the objects are "out of scope". So I cannot use them.
I also tried to copy all objects by indexes in a for loop, nope, the objects are getting their values, but when I "addObject" to myDataArray, same, out of scope.
What is wrong here? Can't I generate an array of a custom class this way?
Edit: The code I'm generating myDataArray:
myDataArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[myDataArray removeAllObjects];
for (int i=0; i<((NSMutableArray *)result).count; i++) {
MyCustomClass *myObject = [result objectAtIndex:i];
[myDataArray addObject:myObject];
[myObject release];
[self.tableView reloadData];
} //(End of callMyDataHandler function)
I before tried this way, too:
[myDataArray removeAllObjects];
duyurular = [result mutableCopy];
} //(End of callMyDataHandler function)
You can copy objects from one array to another using this method:
NSArray *source;
NSArray *dst = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:source];
In your code you should remove line: [myObject release]; and I would better call [((NSMutableArray *)result) count] rather then using dot notation.

iOS - Passing a NSMutableArray via method return

How would one pass a NSMutableArray via method return.
I have it passing the array "spaces" so an array of 10 objects passes the 10 blocks but none of the information contained in those objects.
Thanks in advance
Edit: Basically I created another class that contains path information because my controller was getting a bit cluttered. So this new class I want call the "create" method which returns an NSMutableArray. The array is created fine in the path class but when the return statement fires it only passes the spaces and not the values or even a pointer.
currently it's
return path;
I've tried
return &path;
and that fails epically.
Edit2: Here is the issue I'm having unfortunately.
Still crashing
newNode = [newNode copy];
causes a crash
- (NSMutableArray *) mutableFloobizwits {
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < TheAnswerToTheUltimateQuestion; ++i) {
void(^MyBlock)(void) = ^{
NSLog(#"captured i: %ld", i);
MyBlock = [MyBlock copy]; //move the block from off the stack and onto the heap
[array addObject:[Floobizwit floobizwithWithBlock:MyBlock]];
[MyBlock release]; //the Floobizwit should've -retained the block, so we release it
return array;
I would set up your other class that returns the array of path objects as follows:
#implementation PathFactory
- (NSMutableArray*) create
// In your PathFactory object you create an array and make it autorelease so
// it becomes the callers responsibility to free the memory
NSMutableArray * pathArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
// Create a bunch of PathObject objects and add them to the mutable array
// also set these to autorelease because the NSMutableArray will retain objects
// added to the collection (ie It is the NSMutableArray's responsibility to ensure
// the objects remain allocated).
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPaths; i++)
[pathArray addObject:[[[PathObject alloc] init] autorelease]];
// Just return the pointer to the NSMutableArray. The caller will need to
// call the retain message on the pointer it gets back (see next)
return pathArray;
So in your caller code:
// create a tempory PathFactory (autorelease will make sure it is cleaned up when we
// are finished here)
PathFactory * newPathFactory = [[[PathFactory alloc] init] autorelease];
// grab the new array of Path objects and retain the memory. _newPathArray
// is a member of this class that you will need to release later.
_newPathArray = [[newPathFactory create] retain];

how do I create fresh NSMutableArray?

I have an NSMutableArray which only lasts during the session.
Currently I create it like this
NSMutableArray *temp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
[self setScoreArray:temp];
[temp release];
Problem is when I go to check each index I'm getting an array outofbounds error
NSNumber *previousScore = [[self scoreArray] objectAtIndex:[self quizNum]];
if ( previousScore != nil )
[self clearQuizBtns];
NSInteger previousScoreValue = [previousScore integerValue];
[self selectButtonAtTag:previousScoreValue];
}else {
[self clearQuizBtns];
I've read in other posts that initWithCapacity doesn't actually create the array. So what can I populate the array with initially?
Thanks in advance.
Two ways:
first: to initiate array with default values of NSNull class
NSMutableArray *temp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
[temp insertObject:[NSNull null] atIndex:i];
[self setScoreArray:temp];
[temp release];
and then to check: if object is kind of NSNull class means it was a never set before
id previousScore = [[self scoreArray] objectAtIndex:[self quizNum]];
if (![previousScore isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]])
[self clearQuizBtns];
NSInteger previousScoreValue = [(NSNumber *)previousScore integerValue];
[self selectButtonAtTag:previousScoreValue];
}else {
[self clearQuizBtns];
second: store scores in NSMutableDictionary and use NSNumber's as keys
// scoreDictionary property of NSMutableDictionary class must be declared in self
NSNumber *previousScore = [self.scoreDictionary objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[self quizNum]]];
if (previousScore != nil)
[self clearQuizBtns];
NSInteger previousScoreValue = [previousScore integerValue];
[self selectButtonAtTag:previousScoreValue];
}else {
[self clearQuizBtns];
NSArray does not support "holes". The capacity is just a hint to the initializer.
You could either fill the array with placeholder objects or, more typically, change your algorithm to either fully prepopulate the array or to lazy load it linearly.
Your problem seems to be that you're never actually setting any score in the score array.. are you? NSArrays have an actual count of items in them, and accessing an index beyond that count will blow up, as you've seen. If there will only ever be a fixed (small) number of scores, like 10, then you could set them all initially to something default like:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
[temp addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
P.S. -initWithCapacity does "create the array", it just doesn't create any objects in the array. The capacity is a hint only.
Using the arrayWithObject: or arrayWithObjects: methods can provide an array with pre-populated values.
One cool thing about NSMutableArrays is that you can just do an "init" and the array will handle adding and removing objects on the fly. Remember that you generally addObject: or removeObjectAtIndex: when dealing with mutable arrays.

IPhone - copyWithZone leak

Testing my app on the device it returns a leak whe i call the copy of a custom object ande i can't understand why.
this is the call:
NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
for (SinglePart *sp in [copyFrom partList]) {
[arr addObject:[sp copy]];
self.partList = arr;
[arr release];
this is the method:
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
SinglePart *copy = [[[self class] allocWithZone:zone] initWithSinglePart:self];
[copy loadImage];
return copy;
this is the method that is called by copyWithZone:
- (id)initWithSinglePart:(SinglePart *)copyFrom {
if (self = [super init]) {
self.imagePath = [copyFrom.imagePath copy];
self.color = [UIColor colorWithCGColor:copyFrom.color.CGColor];
self.hasOwnColor = copyFrom.hasOwnColor;
self.blendingMode = copyFrom.blendingMode;
return self;
copy returns a new object with retain count 1. Meaning you need to release the new object, which you are not doing.
NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
for (SinglePart *sp in [copyFrom partList]) {
SingPart *theCopy = [sp copy];
[arr addObject:theCopy];
[theCopy release];
self.partList = arr;
[arr release];
Even your custom copyWithZone: method inits an object, but does not autorelease it, which is the expected behavior of a copy method. Copy must be balanced just like a retain or init, meaning you must balance it with release at some point.
Lastly, your initWithSinglePart: method leaks the imagePath as well. In this case if you declare the imagePath property as copy instead of retain then you don't need to do this manually at all. Then you simply assign the value and let the property setter do it for you.
// Header
#property (copy) NSString *imagePath;
// Now this will do the copy for you
self.imagePath = copyFrom.imagePath;
Also, is the property imagePath defined with retain or copy semantics?
If so you need to add an autorelease here:
self.imagePath = [[copyFrom.imagePath copy] autorelease];
because the default setter will retain/copy it too.
So, you either need to autorelease, or omit the "self." to bypass the default setter.
You are making a copy of sp and then adding it to the array. The array then retains the object so your retain count is now 2.
In the end you release arr, thus making the retain count of it's items 1.
You should either add another release to the sp objects, or not use copy.
Try this:
self.partList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:5];
for (SinglePart *sp in [copyFrom partList]) {
[arr addObject:sp];