How to enable horizontal scroll in iPhone - iphone

I am designing screens using jquery mobile.
I'm not able to scroll horizontally and i used the following meta tag for view port settings.
How to get the horizontal scrollbar?

You can limit the width of the div tag and then declare overflow scroll on the div:
<div style="width:200px; overflow:scroll" ></div>

There are serious cross-platform short-falls with using overflow=scroll in a mobile environment. I have had success with implimenting iScroll:
I know that iScroll works on iPhone and Android devices from my own testing.


How to smooth swipe through vertical ion-slides?

I have a component which makes use of the ionic component ion-slides but when I test this on mobile the slides are scrolling 1 per 1. This looks really snappy when you do a harder scroll.
What you expect that the slides do is smoothly scroll through your slides when you do a harder scroll than just one.
In web the scroll is working like it should, but on mobile it feels really snappy.
Here is a reproduced stackblitz:
And this is the original home.html:
<ion-content overflow-scroll="true">
<ion-grid no-padding fixed class="s-margin-l">
<mm-restaurant-slide-card [restaurantList]="restaurantsList" class="mb-2"></mm-restaurant-slide-card>
I hope someone could tell me if this is a familiar problem on android mobile phone?

jQuery Mobile - Breaks form entry (in iframes) on iOS

It seems jQuery mobile and iframes don't play well.
Firstly, we know iframes are a bad idea - but in this case, we need to use it to load a form into our page - that has jQuery Mobile touch functions enabled.
Now, this works fine on all desktop devices, but on iOS - it seems when you select a form field that's in the iframe - and scroll - the form field loses focus and you can no longer enter text (even though the iOS keyboard is still visible). This is is a bit of a problem when there's a Captcha field in the form and users need to scroll to review the passphrase.
Any solution to this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
In ios Scroll bars in iframes are removed and render them as blocks. What I did for this solution is wrapping the Iframe inside a div and let the Iframe expand according to
<div id="myIframeParentDiv" class="myIframeParentDivClass">
<iframe style="z-index:2000" id="myIframe" width="100%" height="100%" src="" frameborder=0 ALLOWTRANSPARENCY="true" >
<p>Booking Engine error! your browser does not support iframes.</p>
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

How to get iframe width 100% in iPhone portrait view

Basically I am having the same problem as here, but because he never got a good answer I am reposting the question.
So the problem is that only in iPhone Safari the width="100%" on the portrait view seems to be misbehaving and giving the IFrame the landscape width. And I can't seem to figure out what is going on here.
I am using the correct viewport:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes" />
And the site within the IFrame can actually go way narrower than 320px and also has the same viewport defined. (I've read on one of the similar questions that this can be a factor so I am just clarifying).
In the debugger I can see, that before the URL was added, the iFrame's offsetWidth was 304px which is correct and after the load it was 588px, which is correct for the landscape view. But why it changed I have no idea. The page within the IFrame comes from a different domain so that could not effect it and the main page does not do anything with the iframe's width.
The iPhone I am using is an iPhone 5 iOS 7.0.2
PS. Please do not post any JS answers where you resize the iframe manually on window resize, I am currently looking for a non JS fix, and this is my last option that I plan to use. Also please do no post the #media CSS answer were you set min-width to 320px on iPhone portrait view width, that would not work for me for various reasons.
OK so after hours of debugging I finally found the solution I was after, but unfortunatelyit is not a pure CSS solution:
The CSS you must apply is this:
iframe {
min-width: 100%;
width: 100px;
*width: 100%;
If you set the width to lower than the portrait width and set the min-width to 100%, then you sill get width: 100%, but this time a version that actually works and now the iframe takes the actual container width and not the landscape width. The *width: 100%; is there so that in IE6 the width would still be 100%.
However this only works with the iframe attribute scrolling="no", if the scrolling is allowed, then it does not work anymore. So this might limit it's usefulness in some cases.
It is answered here: iframe size with CSS on iOS
Simply wrap your iframe in a div with:
overflow: auto;

iframe content is displaying outside the iframe on iOS

Here is a fiddle ( that demonstrates the problem I am facing. The iframes appear as expected in all browsers (including Safari 5 for Windows). But when I viewed the page on two iOS devices (iPad and iPhone) the content of iframe overflowed and covered the entire area on the right hand side of the iframe. Here is a screenshot of a page that uses similar iframes:
How can I workaround this issue?
You can fix it in a div, but on the iPhone it won't be scrollable without some javascript. I've made a fiddle that shows how you can fix the size of the iframe.
basically, you wrap your iframe in a wrapper and give it some css:
#wrapper {
A workaround for your specific case is to replace the <iframe> by an <embed> element.
<embed src="..." type="text/html" width="400" height="400"></embed>
It will have the desired effect on Safari Mobile and clip the content to the specified width and height dimensions instead of auto-sizing it. Hoewever, embed is not specifically designed for HTML content and unwanted effects may result when dealing with scrolling, contentWindow and different environments (it is not necessarily rendered natively), so test the case before using it in production.
The element represents an integration point for an external
(typically non-HTML) application or interactive content.
Hmm, try to wrap the iframes in divs, but not constraining the iframe's width and height by themselves.
I am guessing inside Iframe there is an HTML file, so in HTML wrap the content in wrapper div
#wrapper {
position: relative;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
it's size will be relative to html body, than the viewportSizes may be as you wish
the second row is handling flickering on Iframe click, happens in ios'...

frame doesn't work in gwt app

i have gwt app, and one of the 'page'(or display) has a iframe whose url point to google web page, however when deploy the app, google page doesn't show up. here is the code
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.ctntBox}">
<div id="contactForm">
<g:Frame url=""></g:Frame>
if i replace the google webpage with a static image stored locally, it show up fine:
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.ctntBox}">
<div id="contactForm">
<g:Image url="img/myImg.jpg"></g:Image>
can anyone tell me why it won't work with external link? Thanks
Answered on the GWT group:
Copied here for convenience:
Google refuses to be displayed in a frame using the X-Frame-Options HTTP header.
The code you provided creates the UI, including the frame, just fine. The thing you're not doing is setting a height and width for your frame, so it's effectively invisible. Change your code to the following and you'll see your frame.
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.ctntBox}">
<div id="contactForm">
<g:Frame url="" height="150px" width="150px" />
The reason you didn't have to specify the height and width for an image is because they are implicitly defined by the image itself. There's no way for GWT to know how big you want an iframe to render on your page, so you have to explicitly set the size.