Getting a user's ID using Facebook's Graph API - facebook

Is it possible to get the ID (Facebook Graph API) of a user who is currently logged in, without any access tokens?
If not, then how do I get new access tokens every time a user visits my page?

You will need to init the Facebook Javascript SDK and the user will have to have authorized your app at least one time. After that when the user visits your page as long as they are logged into Facebook you'll have access to the id and can retrieve it using
the response will contain the information you're looking for.
Check this blog post for more details on setting up the FB init and the initial login.

You can check the facebook ID using their username
You can use the javascript sdk to get their accesstoken and let them allow your app.


Get all the Facebook user which use the application.

I develop a Facebook application where i implemented the login with Facebook accounts using ",first_name,last_name,email,picture&access_token=xxxxxx" end point from the Facebook API. With the data receive to the Facebook I created an user in my database where I can login with this.
Now, I must will get all the users Facebook which use the my Facebook application. There are a Facebook end point where i can receive from the API all the users Facebook in the JSON format ?
Thank you !!
Now, I must will get all the users Facebook which use the my Facebook application. There are a Facebook end point where i can receive from the API all the users Facebook in the JSON format ?
No, there is not. You only get user ids when they log in – to store them appropriately for whatever purpose you need them for, is your responsibility.

Do i need the Facebook PHP SDK for Page Tab Apps?

I'm developing a Facebook Page Tab App. The files are located on my own server and i've created a Facebook App.
Now i'm trying to access the user's first name and i found different ways to get user informations, e.g. the $signedrequest (for the user ID) or the Facebook PHP SDK.
So do i need the SDK, e.g. for Graph API calls, or are there other ways to get informations from Facebook in my Page Tab App?
Using the SDK i get a lot of errors like An active access token must be used to query information about the current user., even if the user is already logged in.
If the user have not signed in to your app you will not get the user name or user id from the singend request parameter. It will give you information if the user likes the page, is admin of the page and additional app_data.
Using the php-sdk you can use the getLoginUrl() method,, to get the access token needed to fetch user name, user id etc.

Facebook with dotnetopenauth

I have created an App on facebook and I am using this app to authorize an user via dotnetopenauth.
Here I would pass APPID and APPSECRET and get the token which would be used to call Facebook Graph to get facebook user details.
If I'm doing this for the first time, user would be asked to enter username/passowrd on the Facebook website and then the session is created in the browser and it will redirect to my website as a Facebook user. This means that if I open a new tab in the current window and open facebook, user will see his/her page directly without asking for username/password. - this is obvious and understandable.
// code
request = WebRequest.Create("" + Uri.EscapeDataString(strAccessToken));
response = request.GetResponse();
My query is:
After the scenario above, if user logs out from Facebook website OR I close the browser window, the facebook session is lost. However, I still have the access token (string in the above code) that I got while authenticating.
So, As of this moment I am not storing any user information from Facebook (not even cookies or anything else). I am just requesting user to authorize my application as a Facebook user. When user does that, I get the access token which I can use it to make calls to Graph and REST APIs. This access token usually remains same, so I really dont need to pass the applicaition id and secret to get the token next time onwards. Actually I can request the graph APIs and REST APIs with the stored token and request user details. I have tested this and works fine.
What I am looking for is, if user opens, user should see his/her personal facebook page which obviosuly is possible only if I have a session in the current browser. Hence, my question was: how do I use my access token OR what call should I make with my access token so that I can set the browser session for the facebook user? Is it possible technically?
No. Your access token is used by your web server to call facebook. It's impossible (and undesirable) for this to impact the user's browser in a way that would set a cookie so that the user would be implicitly logged into Facebook by your use of the access token.

Can obtain facebook user basic information with ONLY access token?

I'm doing an IOS app with facebook SSO. Upon user granted facebook permission to the app, the app will receive an access token. The app will then make an API call to the backend with ONLY the access token.
So is the backend possible to retrieve basic user information with ONLY access token while the user's facebook id is unknown?
Looking forward to an answer. thank u=)
Yes, once you have a user access token /me can be used as a placeholder for the current user's user ID
so /me/friends returns the access token user's friends, etc
It's a bug that has been recorded and fixed by Facebook. Update your base_facebook.php to versions 3.2.2.
You can track the bug here:

Get Facebook User Id of my website visitors w/o auth

Is there any way to get the Facebook User Id of visitors in my website by using the FB API, but without need to ask them to authenticate my Facebook app?
All I need is some facebook-related-identifier, it does not even have to be the User Id, but any kind of identifier that can relate the user to a facebook profile.
If the user does not explicitly authorize you to get some private data from his Facebook account (included his Facebook ID), you can not get them.
I cannot think of a way to get the Facebook ID without the authorization of the user.
Hope that helps.