Animated Wallpaper Development for iPhones - iphone

I an interested in making animated wallpaper apps for the iPhone. This means that, once I click the app to open, it should not open up a view, and it should change the current wallpaper of the iPhone to the an animated wallpaper(which I have designed), while the App is running.
If I close the app, it should bring the iPhone back to the initial wallpaper.
How do I go about this ?
How can I modify changes to the wallpaper of the iPhone with my app.
How can I place my customized wallpaper in a way that the iPhone operates normally and you can scroll to other apps and stuff while the background wallpaper is animated ?
What tools are needed for that animation ?

If I understand you correctly, you want to create an application that swaps out the background wallpaper.
This can only be a jail broken app.
We do not have access to the springboard wallpaper on a normal device with the SDK. So this type of app can only be a jail broken app an a jail broken device and in a jail broken marketplace.
The methods you should implement are pretty simple. Would probably be an NSTimer that chooses randomly from an array of image names and sets the background wallpaper.
I do not know the immediate functions to use, and they are probably undocumented.
Background process app that is always running (like Mail).
In the function the timer calls, just make a UIView animation block that shifts the previous image where ever you want and shifts the new one into the view.
What I would suggest is get the functionality you want running in a project. Once that is all done, look into making it a jail broken app and running in the background (this is probably going to be the bulk of the work, and really really hard)

Currently you can not change a users wallpaper programatically, file a feature request with apple like many of us have :)...However you can do it on jailbroken phones...


How to relaunch an Air-based iOS application from the very first page?

My application is an Air-based iPhone app. It opens with the last page I visited before clicking the Home button, each time I relaunch the app, while I need to open with the splash screen onward. How can I resolve this issue?
Thank you for any help.
When you press the Home button, you don't terminate a running app. I'm sure that many of us developers have stuck with this mental model of how iOS used to work without multitasking.
So, the splash screen, or rather, the default image (Default.png) should really appear once (when your application launches). Some times, the default image appears when coming out from the background state, but this happens only if your app takes too long to show its UI. In fact, on fast iPhones, the default image disappears almost instantly even on launch (for well-written apps, that is).
I should also note that Apple actively discourages the use of the default image for splash screens. These should only be used for creating an illusion of transition, from a "launching state" (which the default image is supposed to portray), to the running state.
However, if you really have to show a splash screen every time, you should implement such a mechanism in code. applicationDidBecomeActive: is a good place to start, if you are writing code in Objective-C.
I don't know the event model in Air, so I can't really give you any hints for that.
The above answer, though old, does not answer the question. Sure, Apple gives guidelines regarding splash screen and all, but the poster asks how to prevent the app from resuming from it's previous position. If you want the app to terminate when put in the background you need to look into the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend option. There's also an Adobe blog post explaining a bit more about different background behaviors.

Play splash movie every time app launch (with multi-task support)

the app I'm working on supports iOS multi-task feature by default, and I want to stick with this.
Upon app launch, a splash movie clip is played (code is in AppDelegate), after user hits the home button, and re-launches the app, I want to the same splash movie be played before showing the last view where use was.
I know by switching off the multi-task support, I can achieve this, but in the meanwhile, I'm losing the multi-task support feature, and I need to write code to save/resume user states. So, is there any workaround for this? thanks!
You could try the app delegate's applicationDidBecomeActive: method but quite frankly I'd consider this to be user hostile behaviour. Who wants to see a movie every time they switch between apps? The point of multitasking on the iPhone is to quickly change between apps and this violates that.

iphone:Multitasking in iphone not possible

Does iphone support multitasking for third party applications.Canone explain me how.
Assuming your device is newer than an iPhone 3G (or 1st gen iPod Touch), then yes, your application may run in the background. Note that even iOS4 doesn't allow multitasking on the older devices. What happens in iOS4 and above is that when you press the home button from an application, it switches the current app to the background - however, it is still running.
When working with games this means you have to use your application delegate to pause your game when the application is sent to the background, and (optionally) resume it when it returns, or present a "pause menu". It should also switch to a low/idle rendering loop (4FPS or similar), however, extra care has to be taken with iPad apps, which do not allow OpenGL rendering in an application that is currently in the background (in my experience). For these cases you have to completely disable the OpenGL render loop. These steps will prevent your application using unnecessary processing power while in the background.
You can see what's currently running in the background by double-tapping the home button on your device. The icons for all the apps will appear in a sliding list at the bottom of the screen. You can press and hold them to bring up the little X's allowing you to terminate the processes.

Default.png problem with iPhone OS 4?

What should Default.png contain? Currently it seems that iPhone OS makes snapshots of the screen before closing the app, and next time it launches with that exact snapshot as "splash screen image".
A guy here in Russia told me that this is only happening when Multitasking works on the device.
What would I show in Default.png now? I don't want that the app launch sucks for users without multitasking, and I don't want it to suck for users with multitasking where the app had to hardcore-launch anyways (i.e. first launch at all). So what would that contain? A screenshot of the app screen how it looks after a hard launch from scratch? But what if my app is clever and saved state, and the UI looks completely different after launch?
What are you guys putting in Default.png and why?
If fast-app switching is working on the app as part of multi-tasking, you are correct in stating that the OS will take a snapshot and restore your app to this state after it comes out of the background. If the OS is saving state for you, then coming out of the background doesn't "suck" since it brings you app back into view looking just like it did when it left. It's almost like minimizing a window on Mac OSX and then maximizing it again... you just pick up from where you left off before.
Be advised though that the app could get killed at anytime in the background without warning or notifications being sent to you. In that case, you should still save state and try to create a splash screen that works with all of your views (i.e. has a tab bar at the bottom, or a nav bar at the top, etc). If you can't do that, you might consider just doing what Jesse has done with a company or app splash screen (even though Apple doesn't endorse this, but they won't reject you for it either).
As Jesse stated, Apple recommends creating an outline of the main elements to familiarize the user with your app and to give the appearance of faster loading. More information is here
For iPhone splash screens I am still using a company logo splash. for iPad, a basic "outline" of what the screen i am coming into will look like (a splitview basically, depending on orientation). The fact that default.png isn't editable does make this tricky though.

How to let the app load with Default.png only when it is launched from scratch?

Example: My Default.png image shows the start screen of my app with an empty interface. When the app is launched from scratch the first time, this is cool. It appears like it started quickly. But when the user quits it and the app just goes to background, and then the user opens it, this sucks. Then I always end up with a wrong "snapshot" as launch image and my app then looks completely different after launch because it is like it was left the last time.
I would have to disable the Default.png when my app just goes to background, or I would have to enable it when it gets really terminated. Any way to do this?
It sounds to me like your app isn't being suspended. Every app that I've used that supports fast-app switching hasn't shown its default png when I open it after suspending it.
Are you sure your app is supporting fast-app switching and that it is being suspended?
Just updating my answer for some clarity that was revealed in the comments:
In order to take advantage of fast-app switching, the following conditions need to be met:
App needs to be compiled against the 4.0 SDK
App needs to be running on a multitasking-capable device such as:
iPhone 4
iPhone 3GS
iPod touch 3rd Generation
info.plist must not contain the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key.