C\C++ Preprocessor different arg for overloaded macros - macros

I want to realize logging in my project.
I have macro, smth like
__LOG_TRACE(lg, expr,...) LOG_TRACE_STREAM(lg) << expr;
So I want to realize interface for this macro - another macro, but I want to support 2 types:
LOG_TRACE(my_logger, msg);
I have some global logger, and first macro will write msg using global logger.
Second macro will take my_logger and write msg using it.
I can make it with LOG_TRACE(msg, my_logger); - but it's not good, it's harder to read in code. Order of arguments in __LOG_TRACE is not necessary.
I don't mean overloading macros.
Look - for example I can do this
#define LOG_TRACE(...) __LOG_TRACE(__VA_ARGS__, current_active)
Now I can write
LOG_TRACE(msg, logger);
But I want not msg,logger and logger,msg

Macro overloading is not allowed in C or C++. But there are workarounds. Here's an article that will help you "overload" your macro: http://cplusplus.co.il/2010/08/31/overloading-macros/

If you don't have a variable number of loggers, i recommend you to make a macro for each logger. ex (LOG_TRACE_XML, LOG_TRACE_OUT, LOG_TRACE_TXT). Because simpler is better.
But a better way to do this is to have LOG_TRACE_ERROR/ LOG_TRACE_WARNING/ LOG_TRACE_INFO and manage the way these macros behave using IPC or another macro (SET_MODE(XML/TXT/OUT))

You cannot overload pre-processor macros, your compiler will consider this a redeclaration, rather than an overload, and so only the 2nd will be valid.
You should attempt to name your macros differently, both for readability and because that's the only way you'll get the functionality you want.

Why not make it a function + do and stringify expression macro?
#define DO_AND_RETURN_STRING_EXPR(x) (x,#x)
ov(my_logger, DO_AND_RETURN_STRING_EXPR(y))
(note I haven't tested this code).

__VA_ARGS__ is an extension to the current C++ standard, but if you are willing to play with this P99 has a lot of utility macros to achieve what you want. In particular macros that implement conditionals according to the number of arguments they are called.
#define LOG_TRACE(...) \
P99_IF_EQ_1(P99_NARG(__VA_ARGS__)) \
(LOG_TRACE_(my_logger, __VA_ARGS__)) \
P99 is not really C++ compatible, so you'd have to adapt things a bit.
BTW, identifiers that start with _ and a capital letter or another underscore are reserved by C and C++. Double underscores in general are not allowed for C++ because they could interfere with name mangling. So you'd better chose a different name for your base macro.


Macros do not allow definition of lexical variables

This code that uses (experimental) macros:
use experimental :macros;
macro new-var() {
quasi {
my $a = 42
say $a
Fails with Variable '$a' is not declared, although the macro passes through without an error. If that's a correct macro declaration, what does it do? If it's not, is there a way to define new variables from within a macro?
The answer from moritz is correct about the state of macros, though from what I know of the work being done in 007, I don't think the program as written would be correct even with a working implementation of Perl 6 macros.
Perl 6 macros will not be textual in nature (C macros are an example of textual ones). A quasi is a quote construct, much like we have quotes for strings and regexes, except that it quotes Perl 6 code, representing it as something AST-ish. (I once would have said that it produces AST, but it's been realized that if an infix were to be interpolated inside of a quasi, then it comes with a precedence and associativity, and we we can't actually form the correct tree for the expression until after interpolation.)
There's a macro concept of "hygiene", whereby symbols declared in the macro body should not, by default, leak out to the place that the macro is applied, since they may well just be implementation details. One would have to explicitly ask to put a symbol into the compiling context where the macro is applied. So I expect the program would have to look like this:
macro new-var() {
quasi {
my COMPILING::<$a> = 42
say $a
Note that this won't work today in Rakudo, although you might find something like it can be made to work in 007.
This might not be the answer you are looking for, but macros in Rakudo are currently really broken. At this point in time I can't even remember if it's supposed to work, or if it's a bug in Rakudo -- it's mostly not worth it figuring it out, because most macro things barely work at all.
This is why Carl Mäsak created 007 to experiment with Macro design outside of Rakudo core, with the goal of eventually bringing the lessons learned back to Rakudo and the Perl 6 language design.

gcc precompiler directive __attribute__ ((__cleanup__)) vs ((cleanup)) (with vs without underscores?)

I'm learning about gcc's cleanup attribute, and learning how it calls a function to be run when a variable goes out of scope, and I don't understand why you can use the word "cleanup" with or without underscores. Where is the documentation for, or documentation of, the version with underscores?
The gcc documentation above shows it like this:
__attribute__ ((cleanup(cleanup_function)))
However, most code samples I read, show it like this:
__attribute__ ((__cleanup__(cleanup_function)))
Note that the first example link states they are identical, and of course coding it proves this, but how did he know this originally? Where did this come from?
Why the difference? Where is __cleanup__ defined or documented, as opposed to cleanup?
My fundamental problem lies in the fact that I don't know what I don't know, therefore I am trying to expose some of my unknown unknowns so they become known unknowns, until I can study them and make them known knowns.
My thinking is that perhaps there is some globally-applied principle to gcc preprocessor directives, where you can arbitrarily add underscores before or after any of them? -- Or perhaps only some of them? -- Or perhaps it modifies the preprocessor directive or attribute somehow and there are cases where one method, with or without the extra underscores, is preferred over the other?
You are allowed to define a macro cleanup, as it is not a name that is reserved to the compiler. You are not allowed to define one named __cleanup__. This guarantees that your code using __cleanup__ is unaffected by other code (provided that other code behaves, of course).
As https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Attribute-Syntax.html#Attribute-Syntax explains:
You may optionally specify attribute names with __ preceding and following the name. This allows you to use them in header files without being concerned about a possible macro of the same name. For example, you may use the attribute name __noreturn__ instead of noreturn.
(But note that attributes are not preprocessor directives.)

Is there a comprehensive list of special macros in Julia?

http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/metaprogramming/ discusses macros in Julia, which usually start with #, but also lists two special macros, text_str, and cmd, which handle text"string" and `shell command`, respectively. Is there a comprehensive list of these special macros supported by Julia? Is it possible to define your own?
So all the macros, including string literal macros, are in exports.jl.
If you are asking about these special syntax transformations in general like string literal macros, I don't think thats a question thats easily answerable: there are multiple arbitrary syntax translations like that that you can't do in user code (without using an # to denote you are transforming syntax with a macro). Most Julia macro-or-function-looking things aren't magic, but string literals, ccall, and maybe even things like A'c and the like would qualify.
The most sure-to-be-up-to-date way to find out is to enter the folder base and say grep # exports.jl. If you're not on a Unix-like platform, then opening that file and looking at the # Macros section will also work.
It is indeed possible to make your own; in fact every macro of the form
macro x_str(...)
is a String macro. Since 0.6, command macros are also supported by
macro x_cmd(...)

Forcing Common Lisp not to evaluate symbol to variable

I'm currently working on a macro/function which I will use as an alternative method to declare lists, namely to use [ and ] instead of the usual '(a b c) way to do it.
Though I'm having some problems, namely that I always have to write quotes before the symbols (as they aren't bound to variables I get an error msg), how would I go about to remove the need for these quotes?
Also, the main reason that I want to introduce this alternative way to declare lists in Common Lisp is because it sometimes tends to be cluttered with parenthesis's and if I actually want to call my function/macro I'll need to enclose it with parens, how would I go about to remove the needs for those?
You can do that with reader macros. (Reader macros are something completely different from "ordinary" macros, by the way.)
However, before you muck around in the readtable, I would strongly recommend that you learn Lisp. Do not fight the parentheses! They are the only syntax you have, so use them!
For learning, I recommend Peter Seibel's "Practical Common Lisp".

Are there whole-program-transforming macros in Lisp or Scheme?

I have seen one answer of How does Lisp let you redefine the language itself?
Stack Overflow question (answered by Noah Lavine):
Macros aren't quite a complete redefinition of the language, at least as far as I know (I'm actually a Schemer; I could be wrong), because there is a restriction. A macro can only take a single subtree of your code, and generate a single subtree to replace it. Therefore you can't write whole-program-transforming macros, as cool as that would be.
After reading this I am curious about whether there are "whole-program-transforming macros" in Lisp or Scheme (or some other language).
If not then why?
It is not useful and never required?
Same thing could be achieved by some other ways?
It is not possible to implement it even in Lisp?
It is possible, but not tried or implemented ever?
One kind of use case
As in stumpwm code
here are some functions all in different lisp source files
uses a dynamic/global defvar variable *screen-list* that is defined in primitives.lisp , but used in screen.lisp, user.lisp, window.lisp.
(Here each files have functions, class, vars related to one aspect or object)
Now I wanted to define these functions under the closure where
*screen-list* variable available by let form, it should not be
dynamic/global variable, But without moving these all functions into
one place (because I do not want these functions to lose place from their
related file)
So that this variable will be accessible to only these functions.
Above e.g. equally apply to label and flet, so that it will further possible
that we could make it like that only required variable, function will be available,
to those who require it.
Note one way might be
implement and use some macro defun_with_context for defun where first argument is
context where let, flet variables definend.
But apart from it could it be achieved by reader-macro as
Vatine and Gareth Rees answered.
You quoted Noah Lavine as saying:
A macro can only take a single subtree of your code, and generate a single subtree to replace it
This is the case for ordinary macros, but reader macros get access to the input stream and can do whatever they like with it.
See the Hyperspec section 2.2 and the set-macro-character function.
In Racket, you can implement whole-program-transforming macros. See the section in the documentation about defining new languages. There are many examples of this in Racket, for example the lazy language and Typed Racket.
Off the top of my head, a few approaches:
First, you can. Norvig points out that:
We can write a compiler as a set of macros.
so you can transform an entire program, if you want to. I've only seen it done rarely, because typically the intersection between "things you want to do to every part of your program" and "things that you need macro/AST-type transformations for" is a pretty small set. One example is Parenscript, which transforms your Lisp code ("an extended subset of CL") into Javascript. I've used it to compile entire files of Lisp code into Javascript which is served directly to web clients. It's not my favorite environment, but it does what it advertises.
Another related feature is "advice", which Yegge describes as:
Great systems also have advice. There's no universally accepted name for this feature. Sometimes it's called hooks, or filters, or aspect-oriented programming. As far as I know, Lisp had it first, and it's called advice in Lisp. Advice is a mini-framework that provides before, around, and after hooks by which you can programmatically modify the behavior of some action or function call in the system.
Another is special variables. Typically macros (and other constructs) apply to lexical scope. By declaring a variable to be special, you're telling it to apply to dynamic scope (I think of it as "temporal scope"). I can't think of any other language that lets you (the programmer) choose between these two. And, apart from the compiler case, these two really span the space that I'm interested in as a programmer.
A typical approach is to write your own module system. If you just want access to all the code, you can have some sort of pre-processor or reader extension wrap source files with your own module annotation. If you then write your own require or import form, you will ultimately be able to see all the code in scope.
To get started, you could write your own module form that lets you define several functions which you then compile in some clever way before emitting optimized code.
There's always the choice of using compiler macros (they can do whole-function transformation based on a lew of criteria, but shouldn't change the value returned, as that would be confusing).
There's reader macros, they transform the input "as it is read" (or "before it is read", if you prefer). I haven't done much large-scale reader-macro hacking, but I have written some code to allow elisp sourec to be (mostly) read in Common Lisp, with quite a few subtle differences in syntactic sugar between the two.
I believe those sorts of macros are called code-walking macros. I haven't implemented a code walker myself, so I am not familiar with the limits.
In Common LISP, at least, you may wrap top-level forms in PROGN and they still retain their status as top-level forms (see CLTL2, section 5.3). Therefore, the limitation of a macro generating a single subtree is not much of a limitation since it could wrap any number of resulting subtrees within PROGN. This makes whole-program macros quite possible.
(my-whole-program-macro ...)
= expands to =>
(load-system ...)
(defvar ...)
(defconstant ...)
(defmacro ...)
(defclass ...)
(defstruct ...)
(defun ...)
(defun ...)