"No provisioning iOS device connected" - iphone

About 3 months ago I set up my iPhone for development; installed the provisioning profile, updated the device to the latest version of iOS, namely 4.3.3 (8J2) and testing applications on my iPhone worked 100%.
Today I went back to working on one of my iPhone applications after not having worked in XCode for about a month, and now I do not seem to be able to deploy applications to my iPhone. When I try deploy and run on my iPhone, I get the message "No provisioning iOS device connected", even though my iPhone is connected.
If I look in the organizer window of XCode, I see my iPhone listed there under DEVICES, but I see the following message when I select my iPhone entry:
The version of iOS on “Bruce Hill’s iPhone” does not match any of the versions of iOS
supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the
device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS
SDK; which is available here.
OS Installed on Bruce Hill’s iPhone
4.3.3 (8J2)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions
4.3.3 (8J2)
4.2 (8C134)
Does anyone have an idea what is going wrong here and why XCode seems to think that my iPhone has an unsupported version of iOS installed, when in fact the latest version is installed?
I have tried restarting my Macbook Pro, doing a hard reboot of my iPhone and removing my iphone entry in the organizer. None of these actions helped. My iPhone keeps getting listed in the organizer with an orange circle and if I hover over my iPhone entry I get a tooltip message that says "This device is busy or otherwise unusable by Xcode."
I did notice that in my developer information in System Profiler it only shows sdk 4.2 (8C134) installed, not 4.3.3 (8J2), even though Xcode lists it as being present and supported in the message I quoted above. Here is my developer information:
Version: 3.2 (10M2423)
Location: /Developer
Xcode: 3.2.5 (1760)
Interface Builder: 3.2.5 (823)
Instruments: 2.7 (3017)
Dashcode: 3.0.2 (333)
Mac OS X:
10.4: (8S2167)
10.5: (9L31a)
10.6: (10M2423)
iPhone OS:
4.2: (8C134)
iPhone Simulator:
3.2: (7W367a)
4.0: (8A400)
4.1: (8B117)
4.2: (8C134)

I think what happened here is that I installed Xcode and then later did an update of my iPhone to iOS 4.3.3. This problem then occurred because my Macbook Pro actually didn't have the SDK for 4.3 installed, even though Xcode seemed to think that it was installed.
So, I got this working by downloading an installing Xcode 4.0.2 and iOS SDK 4.3. I downloaded Xcode from here: http://developer.apple.com/xcode/
Once Xcode 4.0.2 was installed and running, I connected my iPhone, it showed the orange dot again briefly (for about 10 seconds or so) and then this turned to a green dot and I was able to deploy my application to my device again... FINALLY!! :) In my developer settings in System Profiler, I also see iPhone OS: 4.3:(8H7) listed there now. I think that this issue would also have been resolved by installing Xcode 3.2.6 with iOS SDK 4.3, as this would, I think, also have resolved the missing or corrupt SDK 4.3 on my Macbook, but I chose to download and install the latest version.
So, bottom line: Xcode working again! I am happy! :)

I had a similar problem with my 3GS and i solve it by resetting iPhone's developer configuration. Try to hard reset your device (here' the link - don't worry, your dta will survive). Then remove your device from Xcode organizer and add it again.

Also try 'Cleaning' your Xcode project and just turning off your phone and back on again. Restart your computer while you're at it. After it's back up, open Xcode, then plug in the device. It should do its thing then start working again. I had the same issue a few times when I updated and hadn't disconnected/reconnected everything.


iPhone with iOS 6 and Xcode 4.2 issue

I have upgraded my iPhone to iOS 6, however I am currently on Xcode 4.2 (on Snow Leopard). Now I am getting this error message:
The version of iOS on “xxx xxx” does not match any of the versions of
iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK.
Please restore the device to a version of the iOS listed below, or
update to the latest version of the iOS.
Is it possible to restore my iPhone to older version say 5.1 or some how make my Xcode to support/recognize iOS6?
I followed the following steps, to resolve my issue by making Xcode to support iOS 6:
1.First download Xcode 4.5 .dmg file from Here (You would need developer account).
2.Then mount this image and use "Show Package Contents" from context menu.
3.Then copy the following folder
to your mac's following folder (This path may differ from mac to mac based on its version. On Snow Leopard you may find the Developer folder in Finder under PLACES section, and probably on Lion, you have to right click the Xcode.app and have to use Show Package Contents):
4.Similarly copy the iOS 6 SDK folder from following directory:
to your mac's following folder
5.Also copy version.plist from Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform folder to your mac's Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform folder.
6.Re-start Xcode and re-connect the device(s).
Bingo !! now Xcode supports recognizes iOS6 device(s) and even I am able to run and debug my app (built for older SDKs) on my iPhone with iOS6 (I am not sure about iPhone 6.0 simulator though).
However, answer to How to restore iPhone to older version say 5.1 is still pending.
You cant debug iO6 device in Xcode 4.2. iO6 device debugs only in Xcode 4.5 (latest one). And most importent for installing Xcode 4.5, in your machine must have at least Lion Operating System.For efficiently debugging of iOS device, You must upgrade your OS.
I had the exactly same problem !
Downgrading iOS 6 in your iPhone is not officially supported by Apple anymore :
What works for me was to install Lion in an external HD USB, upgrade Xcode to the latest version and upgrade the Provisioning Profiles in my Apple Developer account for this environment.
Upgrade to Xcode 4.5 (and OSX mountain lion). No previous version of Xcode supports iOS 6. You can also check if you can restore your phone using a previous version of iOS by getting the .ipsw file and option-clicking on "restore" button when selecting your device on iTunes.

Testing on jailbroken brand-new iOS device - using Xcode?

OK. So, here's some details on my situation :
I've got a brand-new iPhone 4.
The iOS version has been updated to 5.1.1 (9B206).
The phone has been jailbroken using redsn0w.
I'm running Lion (10.7.4) and Xcode 4.3.
Now, my issue :
I'm creating a sample test app, which runs fine under the simulator.
Followed everything here, but without any result.
Also tried enabling my device via Organizer ("Use as development device").
When I click on "Use as development device", it keeps saying...
The version of iOS on “Dr.Kameleon’s iPhone” does not match any of the
versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of
the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed
below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is
available here.
OS Installed on Dr.Kameleon’s iPhone
5.1.1 (9B206)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions Latest
5.0 (9A334)
While, when I try running on my "iOS device" (that's how it appears), it claims there's no device with a proper iOS version.
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS
version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to
run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
Any ideas? What's going wrong?
Look, everyone who says you can't build directly on a jailbroken device is wrong. You can, and it's quite easy to do. If you don't have a provisioned device (and it looks like you don't), using this guide will work. I've tested it myself on Lion running Xcode 4.3 (it even works on later versions, but those are under NDA).
The real issue seems to be that, for whatever reason, you don't have the iOS 5.1 SDK - you're using the iOS 5.0 SDK. You can confirm this by looking in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs and /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport. If you don't see any mention of 5.1, you don't have it installed. Try downloading and installing Xcode again (I believe it's 4.3.2 now), which should have the iOS 5.1 SDK bundled with it.
This error is not due to the jailbroken iPhone, its basically due to your lower version of Xcode which doesn't support the latest iOS, try upgrading your Xcode version to latest.hope it helps

XCode not recognizing my iphone

XCode was recognizing my device just a day ago but now its not. I am getting the error in the organizer below. I know there are many other questions like this but non of them are answering my question. I am unable to see "Use for Development" button, neither adding to portal is fixing the issue. I have upgraded the device when 5.1 came and was able to use the device for testing but dont know what happend yesterday and it stop recognizing the device.
The version of iOS on “Adil Muhammad’s iPhone” does not match any of the versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
OS Installed on Adil Muhammad’s iPhone
5.1 (9B176)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions
5.0 (9A334)
you updated your phone, so you need the latest xcode installed to now develop apps on your dev phone
As your Device ios version is higher than what your xcode support.
Upgrade you xcode with the latest one (xcode 4.3).
This is the only Resason

No provision ios device connected

I trying to test my iPhone app on real iPhone device having ios 5.0 restored recently.
Now when i connect iPhone to mac in xcode's organizer it is showing orange dot in front of device. Let me tell you that i m using xcode 3.2.6 with ios sdk 4.3 installed on Mac .
this is message i m getting in organizer.
The version of iOS on “Apple’s iPhone” does not match any of the versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
OS Installed on Apple’s iPhone
5.0 (9A334)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions Latest
5.0 (9A334)
4.3.5 (8L1)
4.3.3 (8J2)
4.3 (8F190)
here u can check that both os installed on iPhone and Xcode Supported ios versions are same.
so i searched a lot for this and i got only one answer that reboot device as well as machine i tried both but both didn't work for me.
what can be the exact solution for this?
I think it is glitch from Apple. I had 3.2.6 and xCode 4 but then 3.2.6 I installed manually 5.0 (9A334) on the SDK Platform SDK. It will show yellow mark that does not recognizes the device.
Here is What I did
Launch 3.2.6 then go to the organizer. If you see the yellow mark on your iOS 5 device then open Xcode 4 and go to the organizer. From the Xcode 4 you will see the green mark. Now close Xcode 4 and Xcode 3 completely using Command + q button. Re-Launch the Xcode 3.2.6. It now changes to Green mark instead. Hope it fixes your problem.

Organizer reporting, "The version of iPhone OS doesn't match iPhone OS supported for development"

Earlier this week I was developing to the device just fine. I upgraded itunes to the latest version (9.0.2 (25)) and I noticed that Organizer was throwing the:
The version of iPhone OS on “sk’s
iPhone” does not match any of the
versions of iPhone OS supported for
So I figured I'd upgrade to the newest XCode in hopes that it would solve the problem. Well, it didn't - After an upgrade to Xcode 3.2.2 Organizer is still throwing the error and not letting me build to the device.
Image of the exact error message: http://mr-sk.com/iphone/organizer.png
Edit: I installed the 3.2 SDK - Apparently I missed out on the 3.1.3 SDK - any idea how to fix this?
Side note: This ALWAYS seems to happen to me - every time I upgrade. Last time I believed it was fixed by some random terminal command (sym linking a path? - I can't recall) but it's a PITA that this never, ever, seems to work smoothly.
You installed 3.1.3 on your phone, but did not get the updated 3.1.3 SDK.
Install the latest 3.1.3 SDK recently released from Apple. Then, to develop for iPad, install the 3.2 SDK Beta to a different location in the installer. This will allow you to use the official version now, and still play with the beta version with the iPad simulator.