Scala Compiler TypeRef to ClassDef - scala

I am writing a plugin which watches for an #unmatchable annotation and throws a warning if it is found in pattern matching.
I have been able to find the TypeRef, but I can not convert it into a ClassDef so I can inspect the annoations.
I'm guessing that I need to get the root of the tree and use TreeOpts.find in order to get the actual ClassDef. However, I can not find where the root tree is.
EDIT: I need more than the root Compilation units in case a matchable annoation is included in a library.
Here is what I have so far.
class UnmatchablePlugin(val global: Global) extends Plugin {
val name = "unmatchable-check-gen"
val description = "marks a class unmatchable"
val components = List[PluginComponent](UnmatchableComponent)
private object UnmatchableComponent extends PluginComponent with Transform {
val global: =
val runsAfter = List("parser")
// Using the Scala Compiler 2.8.x the runsAfter should be written as below
// val runsAfter = List[String]("parser");
val phaseName =
def newTransformer(unit: global.CompilationUnit) = UnmatchableTransformer
object UnmatchableTransformer extends global.Transformer {
override def transform(tree: global.Tree) = {
import global._
tree match {
case cd # global.CaseDef(global.Bind(_, global.Typed(exp,tpt)) , _, _) => {
//Need to turn tpt.tpe.sym into a ClassDef
println("sym: " + tpt.tpe.sym)
case t => super.transform(t)

In general, you cannot turn types/symbols into trees because there might be a symbol that has no tree corresponding to it. It's a case for example when symbol is corresponding to class defined in binary class file.
However, as far as I understand what you are trying to do you don't need ClassDef. Symbols you obtained already has all information about annotations. Check hasAnnotation and getAnnotation methods defined in Symbols.scala (lines 1115-1118).


In scala macro, how to lift an object and use it in quasiquote at compile time?

The following code snippet is a short scala macro bundle definition from a thoughtworks project:
private[SelfType] final class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
import c.universe._
def apply[A: WeakTypeTag]: Tree = {
val a = weakTypeOf[A]
val selfTypes: List[Type] = {
val selfTypeBuilder = List.newBuilder[Type]
def buildSelfTypes(t: Type): Unit = {
val dealiased = t.dealias
dealiased match {
case RefinedType(superTypes, refinedScope) =>
case typeRef: TypeRef =>
val symbol = dealiased.typeSymbol
if (symbol.isClass) {
selfTypeBuilder += symbol.asClass.selfType.asSeenFrom(dealiased, symbol)
case _ =>
val out = selfTypes match {
case Nil =>
case _ =>
internal.refinedType(selfTypes, c.internal.enclosingOwner)
q"[$a, $out]"
(courtesy of
The last line as a quasiquote seems to contain a lot of boilerplate text:
q"[$a, $out]"
Assuming that this macro bundle is defined inside a trait as part of a family polymorphism design pattern: there is no deterministic q"[$a, $out]", it has to be derived from an object variable vvv of the macro bundle when it is being compiled. How do I use this variable to make the quasiquote shorter and more adaptive?
There may be multiple methods to achieve this (e.g. for each implementation, define a Liftable for SelfType object). But that's even more boilerplate. I'm looking for the shortest solution. Ideally, something like this:
val sym = Term(vvv)
q"$sym.make[$a, $out]"
If you have a static reference (e.g. the type/companion is imported), you can do:
q"${symbolOf[SelfType.type]}.make[$a, $out]"
You can also use symbolOf[A].companion if you have A: WeakTypeTag but no info about its companion. That might not work if the compiler doesn't consider the object A a companion to class A
Found my first solution:
val name = SelfTypes.getClass.getCanonicalName.stripSuffix("$")
val tree = c.parse(name)
q"$tree.make[$a, $out]"
Not sure if it is the most efficient or idiomatic solution, I'll let the question hanging there for a while

How to list annotations (custom java ones and others) on field members of Scala case class

So I'm trying to list fields with specific annotation in a Scala case class and I'm not able to get it working... Let's see come code right away
The case class (it's a simplified version of it, mine extends another class and is also nested in my test class where I use it for unit testing only):
case class Foo(#Unique var str: String) {}
The custom Java annotation:
#Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public #interface Unique {}
And my class (simplified again) where I'm trying to do some stuffs with fields marked as unique
class SomeClass[T] (implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T]) {
val fields: Iterable[universe.TermSymbol] = typeOf(typeTag).members.collect { case s: TermSymbol => s }.
filter(s => s.isVal || s.isVar)
val list = fields.flatMap(f => f.annotations.find(_.tpe =:= TypeOf[Unique]).((f, _))).toList
But the val list in the last peace of code is always empty... fields has str listed in but without the annotation.
What am I missing?
The code listing the annotations is from the following answer:
How to list all fields with a custom annotation using Scala's reflection at runtime?
Seems the reference post is Scala 2.10 is old and is not compatible with the newest Scala version.
There is an example for how to get the specify annotation by type.
def listProperties[T: TypeTag]: List[universe.Annotation] = {
val annotations = listProperties[Foo].filter(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[Unique])
and there is way to get the annotation's field value:
case class Foo(#Unique(field = "bar") val str: String) {}
import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
val tb = currentMirror.mkToolBox()
val result = tb.eval(tb.untypecheck(head.tree)).asInstanceOf[Unique]
and need to call out your annotation class is implemented by using Java style, In Scala maybe you want to use StaticAnnotation for creating Annotation, like:
class Unique extends StaticAnnotation

Matching against subclasses in macro

I need to convert a string value into an actual type, so i decided to try a macro-way to do this. I have a bunch of data types:
sealed abstract class Tag(val name: String)
case object Case1 extends Tag("case1")
case object Case2 extends Tag("case2")
case object Case3 extends Tag("case3")
I want to write a simple resolver:
val tag: Tag = TagResolver.fromString("case2")
This line should return Case2 respectively. I manager to do the following:
def typeFromString(c: Context)(name: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Tag] = {
import c.universe._
val tag = typeTag[Tag]
val accSymb = tag.tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
val subclasses = accSymb.knownDirectSubclasses // all my cases { sub =>
val name = sub.typeSignature.member(newTermName("name")).asMethod // name field
But how can i match name: c.Expr[String] against value of name field and if matched return the appropriate tag?
I don't think there's reliable way of doing this, because knownDirectSubclasses can refer to classes that haven't been compiled yet, so we can't evaluate them.
If you can put these values as annotations on the classes, then these annotations can be read even when classes are being compiled in the current compilation run (via the Symbol.annotations API). Please note, however, that knownDirectSubclasses has known issues:

How to add a new Class in a Scala Compiler Plugin?

In a Scala Compiler Plugin, I'm trying to create a new class that implement a pre-existing trait. So far my code looks like this:
def trait2Impl(original: ClassDef, newName: String): ClassDef = {
val impl = original.impl
// Seems OK to have same self, but does not make sense to me ...
val self = impl.self
// TODO: implement methods ...
val body = impl.body
// We implement original
val parents = original :: impl.parents
val newImpl = treeCopy.Template(impl, parents, self, body)
val name = newTypeName(newName)
// We are a syntheic class, not a user-defined trait
val mods = (original.mods | SYNTHETIC) &~ TRAIT
val tp = original.tparams
val result = treeCopy.ClassDef(original, mods, name, tp, newImpl)
// Same Package?
val owner = original.symbol.owner
// New symbol. What's a Position good for?
val symbol = new TypeSymbol(owner, NoPosition, name)
But it doesn't seem to get added to the package. I suspect that is because actually the package got "traversed" before the trait that causes the generation, and/or because the "override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree" method of the TypingTransformer can only return one Tree, for every Tree that it receives, so it cannot actually produce a new Tree, but only modify one.
So, how do you add a new Class to an existing package? Maybe it would work if I transformed the package when "transform(Tree)" gets it, but I that point I don't know the content of the package yet, so I cannot generate the new Class this early (or could I?). Or maybe it's related to the "Position" parameter of the Symbol?
So far I found several examples where Trees are modified, but none where a completely new Class is created in a Compiler Plugin.
The full source code is here:
The trick is to store the newly created ClassDefs and use them when creating a new PackageDef. Note that you need to deal with both Symbols and trees: a package symbol is just a handle. In order to generate code, you need to generate an AST (just like for a class, where the symbol holds the class name and type, but the code is in the ClassDef trees).
As you noted, package definitions are higher up the tree than classes, so you'd need to recurse first (assuming you'll generate the new class from an existing class). Then, once the subtrees are traversed, you can prepare a new PackageDef (every compilation unit has a package definition, which by default is the empty package) with the new classes.
In the example, assuming the source code is
class Foo {
def foo {
the compiler wraps it into
package <empty> {
class Foo {
def foo {
and the plugin transforms it into
package <empty> {
class Foo {
def foo {
package mypackage {
class MyClass extends AnyRef

Syntactic sugar for compile-time object creation in Scala

Lets say I have
trait fooTrait[T] {
def fooFn(x: T, y: T) : T
I want to enable users to quickly declare new instances of fooTrait with their own defined bodies for fooFn. Ideally, I'd want something like
val myFoo : fooTrait[T] = newFoo((x:T, y:T) => x+y)
to work. However, I can't just do
def newFoo[T](f: (x:T, y:T) => T) = new fooTrait[T] { def fooFn(x:T, y:T):T = f(x,y); }
because this uses closures, and so results in different objects when the program is run multiple times. What I really need is to be able to get the classOf of the object returned by newFoo and then have that be constructable on a different machine. What do I do?
If you're interested in the use case, I'm trying to write a Scala wrapper for Hadoop that allows you to execute
IO("Data") --> ((x: Int, y: Int) => (x, x+y)) --> IO("Out")
The thing in the middle needs to be turned into a class that implements a particular interface and can then be instantiated on different machines (executing the same jar file) from just the class name.
Note that Scala does the right thing with the syntactic sugar that converts (x:Int) => x+5 to an instance of Function1. My question is whether I can replicate this without hacking the Scala internals. If this was lisp (as I'm used to), this would be a trivial compile-time macro ... :sniff:
Here's a version that matches the syntax of what you list in the question and serializes/executes the anon-function. Note that this serializes the state of the Function2 object so that the serialized version can be restored on another machine. Just the classname is insufficient, as illustrated below the solution.
You should make your own encode/decode function, if even to just include your own Base64 implementation (not to rely on Sun's Hotspot).
object SHadoopImports {
implicit def functionToFooString[T](f:(T,T)=>T) = {
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val oo = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)
new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(baos.toByteArray())
implicit def stringToFun(s: String) = {
val decoder = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder();
val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(decoder.decodeBuffer(s))
val oi = new ObjectInputStream(bais)
val f = oi.readObject()
new {
def fun[T](x:T, y:T): T = f.asInstanceOf[Function2[T,T,T]](x,y)
// I don't really know what this is supposed to do
// just supporting the given syntax
case class IO(src: String) {
import SHadoopImports._
def -->(s: String) = new {
def -->(to: IO) = {
val IO(snk) = to
println("From: " + src)
println("Applying (4,5): " +,5))
println("To: " + snk)
object App extends Application {
import SHadoopImports._
IO("MySource") --> ((x:Int,y:Int)=>x+y) --> IO("MySink")
IO("Here") --> ((x:Int,y:Int)=>x*y+y) --> IO("There")
From: MySource
Applying (4,5): 9
To: MySink
From: Here
Applying (4,5): 25
To: There
To convince yourself that the classname is insufficient to use the function on another machine, consider the code below which creates 100 different functions. Count the classes on the filesystem and compare.
object App extends Application {
import SHadoopImports._
for (i <- 1 to 100) {
IO(i + ": source") --> ((x:Int,y:Int)=>(x*i)+y) --> IO("sink")
Quick suggestion: why don't you try to create an implicit def transforming FunctionN object to the trait expected by the --> method.
I do hope you won't have to use any macro for this!