Cool Commands plugin for Visual Studio 2005 - plugins

A recent hard-drive crash wiped my development environment at work, and until then, I never realised how much I had grown to depend on a couple of the functions in the Cool Commands plugin.
Despite my many and varied protestations, we are still languishing on VS2005, and it appears that all links to the Cool Commands plugin (for Visual Studio 2005) have disappeared from the internet.
Does anyone know if it is still available (from a reputable and virus free source of course)?

Found it here, linked from the developer's weblog here
It went away for a while, but it appears to be back


Fixing CVSNT 2.5.05

TortoiseCVS comes with bundled CVSNT binaries.
The older version(s) came with CVSNT 2.5.03, which turned out to have a security vulnerability.
The latest version (1.12.5) comes with CVSNT 2.5.05 that has several issues:
It nags with pop-ups that urge you to buy the commercial version.
It inserts advertisements into commit notes.
It has a bug that leaves Windows command-line consoles in a messed-up state.
The sources (GPL) are not easily obtainable.
Some references:
- What is going on with CVSNT?
- Batch scripts no longer work?
Recently, somebody posted this to the TortoiseCVS mailing list:
i found the sources and made the following fixes
version_fu.h - set the "suite" flag to avoid popups and advertisement
win32.cpp - saved the original codepage and restored it on exit
take it from
only the cvsnt.dll needs to be compiled
I downloaded the sources and tried compiling them. Unfortunately they seem to need quite a number of other packages (openssl, iconv, mysql, postgres, etc... I lost count) that are open source but still need to be hunted for...
Combined with my limited time and the lack of tools (I don't have VS2008) I gave up on the effort to build it myself.
I tried contacting the author of the message, but he is in a similar position (and does not use CVSNT anymore).
Contacting the TortoiseVCS maintainer also proved fruitless:
That is not a project I am going to undertake.
TortoiseCVS is very low on my list of priorities these days.
If anybody is willing to build the "fixed" CVSNT.DLL from the provided sources, and make it available, I would greatly appreciate it!
Sure - you can get it here - compiled in a single installer which includes TortoiseCVS and the latest CVSNT code with lots of bug fixes:
The small fee we charge is to cover our costs of developing and distributing the software including the license fees for MSDN and financial contributions to related projects such as the TortoiseCVS project, Bugzilla project, FSF etc. etc. The source code is included in the price.
Remember that Free Software is about Freedom (like the Free Press) not about price:

How can I fix my directory structure in Visual Sourcesafe?

I use Visual SourceSafe with Visual Studio. Every time I work on a project for a while, the directory structure on my harddisk gets messed up.
The latest versions of the files are going to their own nested folder, so I end up with C:\VS2005\Projects\MyProject\MyProject\MyProject\MyProject
What is causing this?
I can't help with your particular problem, but I remember my own pains using SourceSafe just a few years ago.
If you have a choice on the source control system you use, I'd recommend taking a look at other options. There are several good ones to choose from.
I switched to SVN and never looked back. It is light-years better than SourceSafe and setup only takes a few minutes if you use visualsvn server (a free product). As for Visual Studio integration, visualsvn client is about $50, or just use ANKH + Tortoise (both are open source and very good). Bottom line is that the switch doesn't have to cost any money, and the installer packages are quick to get the system running on both the clients and the server.
Hope that helps, and good luck with SourceSafe if you have to keep using it.
Update: See also, this thread
You're going to need to get an old priest and a young priest... or a better version control system.
What is causing this?
Just the general contra-expectation insanity which is VSS and VS combined I'm afraid. You could spend the time to really get to know VSS and how it thinks of things and how to avoid the quirks and pitfalls, but the thing is such an outdated beast I'd second Robert's asssertion that it's more profitable to get yourself a copy of SVN and VisualSVN and never worry about this again.
I can not help but be in agreement with the other gentlemen, run away from VSS as fast as you can. If you have not been bitten by it already, you will. Any tool will be better, be it Subversion, Mercurial or others. The fist two have extensions named Tortoise{SVN,HG} that will enable you to play with a user-friendly interface if you don't like CLI tools. My own choice is HG (also known as Mercurial) as it is a decentralized/distributed VCS which enable offline work/commits and easier distributed work.

Is eclipse visual editor dead?

The Eclipse Visual Editor project seems to be dead, no commits, no updates. Any one know what is happening?
Update 2: The project has been archived (i.e. dead) since June 2011 again.
Update: The project has been revived and is now under active development again.
Its pretty much dead due to a lack of developer support. Here are some recent posts from their mailing list talking about a lack of movement on the project.
What's happening? It's called NetBeans, and it's already happened.
I'm going to get voted down for this but they know it's true. I love eclipse and have used it religiously since I started Java. I'm not saying I like Netbeans, it's just all I hear whenever the concept of a Java visual editor is brought up.
The Jigloo plug-in for Eclipse is a pretty great alternative to the Visual Editor. Though still not quite as nice as the Netbeans GUI editor it is fairly robust and fully featured, especially compared to what was available in the Visual Editor plug-in. Definitely should give it a shot.
Actually NetBeans has gotten MUCH MUCH better. I've used Eclipse, Netbeans and IntelliJ for a few years each, and NetBeans is at least as good (performance, usability & features) as the others now.
It's also improving more quickly than the others are.
They have people working full time on alternate language support, so you'll find they have the best Ruby support in the industry, and I believe Python is about to become that good as well.
Of course, Eclipse still has that crazy-cool todo list that remembers which files you worked on for each bug and can take you back to the set of files/edits for any bug you've worked on, that's really amazing to use and I don't think it's available on either of the other platforms.
--- Revision from years in the future ---
I have used Netbeans more and really have to give the award to Eclipse. The difference has been in vertical programming environments--most will target Eclipse and ignore netbeans. You rarely need these, but when you need them there is often no way around them. If Netbeans does have an equivalent, it's often buggy to the point of not being usable, generally the biggest issue is emulator support.
You won't run into these unless you are working in a specific industry--Android development is one, the primary drive was to support Eclipse, NB seems to trail. Another I've worked on is in the TV/Cable industry.
For raw java development, however, I'd still give Netbeans a little edge because it's the environment that was targeted and supported by sun.
Visual Editor is doing a new release, 1.4, on September 16. Installation instructions for the RC are here:
FWIW, the project did stall for a while. But there is a new, and relatively diverse group of folks working on it again. Most of the recent work is concerned with making the new release compatible with Eclipse Galileo.
It's officially dead as of May 2011. It's archived here, but slow to download and tricky to install. Instead, there's a new editor, WindowBuilder Pro.
Currentlty Google have Open Sourced the Windows Builder Pro. It seems nice
Yes, sadly, it is dead. Looking at the aforementioned email threads regarding it's revival I get the feeling that even if it does get picked up it will quickly collapse under the weight of some new requirements ("make it universal, edit everything from SWT to HTML").
WindowBuilder can be a good alternative. I had several problems with VE and I end up with WindowBuilder who worked for me perfectly.

Integrated Version Control for Visual Studio

What version control systems have you used to manage projects developed with Visual Studio (2005)? What would you recommend and Why? What limitations have you found with your top rated version control system?
Covered many times
Search for 'Visual Studio Source Control' sorted by Votes
I've used SourceGear's Vault - it integrates nicely with VS as well as with FogBugz.
We really need more information to make good recommendations. For example, ClearCase is amazingly powerful but unless you're in a decent sized development studio it would be immensly wasteful, and likely reduce overall productivity.
For personal work I like SVN, but that's mainly personal taste and being familar with it.
Whatever you do, don't learn Git - after you learn it, you realize how every other SCM is trash and you'll hate every minute you have to use Perforce, SVN, or (God help you) VSS/TFS
I used to use SourceSafe, but have made the switch to Subversion and will never go back.
I use TortoiseSVN with VisualSVN. VisualSVN provides the IDE integration with Visual Studio so it feels much like SourceSafe.
The first big benefit is that it works very well over HTTP so I can work with a distributed team. I host my files with CVSDude.
Secondly, the fact that you don't need to check out a file before editing is a huge benefit, particularly when working with files that sit outside the Visual Studio project.
Thirdly, my source code actually feels safe. Ironically it never did with SourceSafe...

Perforce in a Microsoft Shop

Our dev shop currently uses Visual SourceSafe. We all know how that could end up (badly), so we're investigating other systems. First up is Perforce. Does anyone have experience with using it and its integration into Visual Studio (2003/2005/2008)? Is it as good as any other, or is it pretty solid with good features, comparatively?
I used Perforce at my last 3 jobs (my current job I'm using Subversion, which I don't like nearly as much.) I'm a big fan of Perforce, and moving from SourceSafe it will seem like Nirvana. Just getting atomic checkin will be a big boost for your company. Otherwise, Perforce is fast, it has good tools, and the workflow is simple for doing things like merges and integrations. I wholeheartedly recommend it. It may not be all new and flashy like the latest distributed VCS's, but honestly, I prefer the client/server model for its speed, especially if you're working with people in other countries that may have slow connections to you.
The Visual Studio integration is pretty good, but it has a few irritating issues. If you run another Perforce client at the same time (like P4V), it's very poor at keeping changes from the other client in sync in terms of showing what files are currently checked in/out. You generally have to shut down Visual Studio and load the project again if you want it to sync correctly. But, the sync status doesn't actually affect checkins/checkouts/updates from working correctly, it just means you can be fooled in to thinking something is in a different state than it actually is while you're in Visual Studio. The Perforce clients will always show the correct status as they sync continually with the database.
Also, on occasion you'll find you need to work "offline" (not connected to the Perforce database for some reason) and when you load the project again the next time, your Perforce bindings may be lost and you'll have to rebind each project individually. If you work with a solution that contains many projects this can be a big pain in the patoot. Same goes for when you first check out a solution, binding to Perforce is needed before the integration occurs.
It's difficult to call $900 per user a good feature.
We used Perforce for well over a year before switching to SVN recently. While I did like the tools (for example, visual diff and merge and the admin bits), we had some really tiresome issues with binding, as Chris mentions; otherwise, the VS integration is satisfactory. If anything, I find working with SVN easier and more intuitive than Perforce. TortoiseSVN (the Windows Explorer shell extension) is great, and we bought a couple of VisualSVN licenses for VS integration. Contrary to Perforce, VisualSVN does not work with the MS SCC interface, but rather directly with the SVN client, which I personally see as an advantage. Perforce does have support for many other OSes, but our non-Windows devs feel more comfortable with SVN too. If I were to have to choose again, I'd stick with SVN.
Sourcegear Vault is the best SCM for migrating VSS users to.
And its cheap.
Perforce works fine with Visual Studio, including "offline" mode where VS will make your local files writable and sync with the server later.
I tend to use the Perforce GUI for many operations (submits, diffs) just because it's quicker/better, but the process of the IDE checking things out is seamless.
Perforce in my experience is rock-solid and the best mixed (code+data) version control product out their if cost is not a factor.
My biggest gripe is that the performance of the server under Windows is no where near as good as under *nix, and if you are using a *nix server they do not officially support the option for case-insensitive filenames (meaning you either forgo support relating to filesystem errors, or setup a trigger that prevents people adding foo.cpp if Foo.cpp exists).
My other main compaint is that for some common operations you have to revert to the command line, often piping functions together. One example would be getting a list of files in a directory that are not under source-control.
Both of these are issues that reflect more on the company than the product though. IMO Perforce know they're at the top of the market and thus see no reason to invest in fixing things like this.
I have experience using a Perforce derivative.
It seemed hard to manage from the admin's perspective, but it was fine to use from a programmer's perspective.
Then again, I'm big on command line version control so can't speak for VS integration.
I've used personally and managed a number of teams for a few years who have been doing Perforce & Visual Studio. It works perfectly well. There can be a couple of binding/rebinding gotchas, but these are generally easy to sort out - Perforce knowledgebase and/or the mailing list is a good source of info.
Never had any problems with using command line, visual clients, and VS IDe simultaneously - refresh normally works fine.
We use perforce extensively in the company, including branching for very large projects, development on Sun Solaris and Windows, and more than 120 users.
It is very fast, and the Windows GUI (P4V) is very nice. The Explorer integration is acceptable. I've disabled the VS integration, and use macros (calling e.g. p4 edit) to edit/revert/diff files. The VS integration is extremely annoying for large projects (our solution has >130 projects), but may work for smaller projects.
I haven't used Perforce, but I have found moving to Team Foundation Server as one of the best options while working with Visual Studio.