What I'm Trying To Do
Basically, I've got several possible arrays that I define with macros:
#define ARRAY_ONE {0, 2, 7, 8}
#define ARRAY_TWO {3, 6, 9, 2}
#define ARRAY_THREE {3, 6, 4, 5}
At runtime, I have a C-Array that gets used in a lot of places in a certain class. I want this array to use one of the #define values, i.e:
int components[4];
if (caseOne)
components = ARRAY_ONE;
else if (caseTwo)
components = ARRAY_TWO;
else if (caseThree)
The Problem
However, the above code does not work. Instead, I get a weird error
Expected expression before '[' token
Would anyone mind explaining what's going on, and how I could achieve what I'm attempting to? Any help would be much appreciated - Thanks!
I don't think that C arrays can be initialized using the curly-brace syntax after they've been declared. You can only do that when initializing them while declaring them.
Try adjusting the previously posted answer with:
const int ARRAY_ONE[] = {0, 2, 7, 8};
const int ARRAY_TWO[] = {3, 6, 9, 2};
const int ARRAY_THREE[] = {3, 6, 4, 5};
int *components;
if (case1) {
components = ARRAY_ONE;
} else if (case2) {
components = ARRAY_TWO;
} else if (case3) {
components = ARRAY_THREE;
I can't really work out what the error is. I suspect it might be coming from some code you haven't posted. Does it say the error is on the int components[4]; line?
Would this do? I uses constants instead of defines.
const int ARRAY_ONE[] = {0, 2, 7, 8};
const int ARRAY_TWO[] = {3, 6, 9, 2};
const int ARRAY_THREE[] = {3, 6, 4, 5};
int* components = ARRAY_ONE;
int whatever = components[2];
try this:
int ARRAY_ONE[] = {0,2,7,8};
int ARRAY_TWO [] = {3,6,9,2};
int ARRAY_THREE[] = {3,6,4,5};
int components[4];
int count =sizeof(components)/4 //this will get array length, or you can just put array lenght ;
if (case1)
for (int i =0; i< count; i++)
components[i] = ARRAY_ONE[i];
else if (case2)
for (int i =0; i< count; i++)
components[i] = ARRAY_TWO[i];
I have to port the following Java code in Swift.
// Java code
byte [] nodeId = [47, -29, 4, -121]
int numNodeID = 0;
for(int i=0; i < 4; i++){
numNodeID |= ((nodeId[i]&0x000000FFL) << (i*8));
I wrote
// Swift code
var nodeId: [Int8] = [47, -29, 4, -121]
var numNodeId: Int = 0
for index in 0..<4 {
numNodeId |= ((Int(nodeId[index]) & 255) << (index*8))
The results are different. In Java I obtain the int -2029722833, in swift the int 2265244463. The java result is the signed 2's complement of the swift one.
How can I obtain the signed integer (-2029722833) also in swift?
You're currently thinking that int translates to Int. But no!
On 32-bit platforms, Int is the same size as Int32, and on 64-bit
platforms, Int is the same size as Int64.
I can't tell what your code is actually doing, but a direct translation requires Int32 .
I write a function that takes two arrays as a parameter and the function merge the arrays, tried to print the merged list but I have the error Uncaught Error: TypeError: 21: type 'JSInt' is not a subtype of type 'bool' and tried to make the function to return the list and I print it in another function but I still had the same error, i think the error because the function return type but I tried it as void and yes I know void not work because I have if and it return list or List but not working, or because the editor I use the dart bad online
there's any suggestion to make the function more efficiant for this problem?
var list = [];
var arr1Item = arr1[0];
var arr2Item = arr2[0];
var i = 1;
var j = 1;
if (arr1.length == 0) {
return arr2;
if (arr2.length == 0) {
return arr1;
while (arr2Item || arr1Item) {
if (!arr2Item || arr1Item < arr2Item) {
arr1Item = arr1[i];
} else {
arr2Item = arr2[i];
void main() {
reverseString([1, 2, 5, 31], [21, 5, 8]);
Unlike in JavaScript, you can't simply check for a truthy value of an array. The code if (arr) will throw an error, because arr doesn't evaluate to a bool value.
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve here, but some thoughts regarding efficient Dart / Flutter:
To merge two arrays, you can simple add the arrays.
final array1 = [1, 2, 3];
final array2 = [4, 5, 6];
final joinedArray = array1 + array2;
print(joinedArray); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
Instead of checking for length == 0, use isEmpty.
if (arr1.isEmpty)
The reversing of an array can be done using the inbuilt .reversed method.
final reversedArray = array1.reversed;
I am trying to find the easiest way to sort an array without using sort() function. I tried searching but i could not find any questions that were on SWIFT. I found several questions about php and javascript and so far nothing on swift.
var arr = [7,6456,2135,164,1345,4,8,5,87456,123,2,87,724,6523,1]
var arrSorted = arr
var index = arr.count
repeat {
var previousSwapIndex = 0
for i in 1..<index {
if (arrSorted[i - 1] as! Int) > (arrSorted[i] as! Int) {
let prevVal = arrSorted[i - 1]
let currentVal = arrSorted[i]
arrSorted[i] = prevVal
arrSorted[i - 1] = currentVal
previousSwapIndex = i
index = previousSwapIndex
} while (index != 0)
print(arrSorted as Array)
This method works but i am looking for something that is better than this and easier than this.
(Edit[Clarification] :- better = faster / quicker ,as this iterates 120 times before the array is sorted)
Could someone help me out?
Here's a generic implementation of insertion sort in Swift. It takes an inout array, but you should be able to modify it to return an array if that's what you want.
func sort<T: Comparable>(_ array: inout [T]) {
var i = 1
while i < array.count {
var x = array[i]
var j = i - 1
while j >= 0 && array[j] > x {
array[j+1] = array[j]
j -= 1
array[j+1] = x
i += 1
To use it:
var intArr = [1, 7, 3, 6, 4]
print(intArr) // [1, 3, 4, 6, 7]
var stringArr = ["hello", "goodbye", "a", "string", "z", "another string"]
print(stringArr) // ["a", "another string", "goodbye", "hello", "string", "z"]
It will work on any type that conforms to Comparable.
You can find about all the different methods of sorting from this git.
I checked a few and none of them are using any .sort() functions. Pick whichever feels easier for you.
var unsortedStringArray = ["B", "C", "Z", "A", "H"]
var unsortedIntArray = [7,8,3,4,5,9,1,2,6]
func sortFunction<T:Comparable>(array: [T]) -> [T]{
var unsortedArray = array
for i in 0..<unsortedArray.count {
for j in 0..<unsortedArray.count{
var temp: T
if unsortedArray[i] < unsortedArray[j] {
temp = unsortedArray[i]
unsortedArray[i] = unsortedArray[j]
unsortedArray[j] = temp
return unsortedArray
let resultStringArray = sortFunction(array: unsortedStringArray)
let resultIntArray = sortFunction(array: unsortedIntArray)
print(resultStringArray) //["A", "B", "C", "H", "Z"]
print(resultIntArray) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Sorry in advance because I am a beginner in Vivado HLS.
In my code in the following, I wanna Synthesis it, but Vivado tells me you cannot use the mutex and whatever dependent and gives me following errors.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-11] Global Variable 'readyQMutex' has an unsynthesizable struct type '%union.pthread_mutex_t.2.12.22 = type { %struct.__pthread_mu...' (a member pointer to struct itself).
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:221: function 'pthread_mutex_lock' has no function body.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:225: function 'pthread_cond_wait' has no function body.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:237: function 'pthread_cond_signal' has no function body.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:238: function 'pthread_mutex_unlock' has no function body.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-11] ../fpga_top.c:18: Constant 'workerInfos' has an unsynthesizable type '[4 x %struct.threadInfo.6.16.26]*' (possible cause(s): structure variable cannot be decomposed due to (1) unsupported type conversion; (2) memory copy operation; (3) function pointer used in struct; (4) unsupported pointer comparison).
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-61] ../fpga_top.c:75: unsupported memory access on variable 'child_task_ID' which is (or contains) an array with unknown size at compile time.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:77: function 'pthread_mutex_init' has no function body.
INFO: [SYNCHK 200-10] 8 error(s), 0 warning(s).
I found I should write the related code to handle it by myself, if so, how and what I should write?!
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "fpga_top.h"
int outputIndex = 0;
double core_speed[CORE_MAX] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
double outputTable[WORKLOAD_MAX*TASK_COUNT_MAX][EXCEL_Column_Size];
int readyQueueHead = 0;
int readyQueueRear = 0;
int readyQueueSize = 0;
char canContinue_ = 1;
int wlCounter = 0;
bool flag = 1;
// Add Task to assignedQueue
void addToAssignedQueue(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int q)
while( workerInfos[q].assignedQSize>=DEEP)
pthread_cond_wait(&(workerInfos[q].workerWaitHandle_Add), &(workerInfos[q].workerMutex));
int i = workerInfos[q].assignedQRear;
workerInfos[q].assignedQueue[i].task_ID = task_ID;
workerInfos[q].assignedQueue[i].workload_ID = workload_ID;
workerInfos[q].assignedQRear = (workerInfos[q].assignedQRear + 1) % DEEP;
// A signal to a worker waiting to read from this queue
// Read from assignedQueue
struct workItem readFromAssignedQueue(int q)
struct threadInfo *workerInfo_ = &workerInfos[q];
struct workItem tas_;
// Initialize the output values (which may not be necessary now)
tas_.task_ID = -1;
tas_.workload_ID = -1;
if(workerInfo_->assignedQSize <= 0)
struct timespec time_to_wait = {10, 0}; //10 sec wait
pthread_cond_timedwait(&(workerInfo_->workerWaitHandle), &(workerInfo_->workerMutex), &time_to_wait);
if(workerInfo_->assignedQSize >0)
// Reading the assignedQueue if data is available
tas_ = workerInfo_->assignedQueue[workerInfo_->assignedQHead];
// Move forward the queue head index rotationally
workerInfos[q].assignedQHead = (workerInfos[q].assignedQHead + 1) % DEEP;
// Decreasing the count number of queue elements
return tas_;
// Add Definition of Task to DAG
void addTask(int task_ID, int parentCount, int child_task_ID[], int childCount, int processingTime)
struct Task_Package_Profile *p_task_ = &(taskArray[task_ID]);
p_task_->parentCount = parentCount;
p_task_->childCount = childCount;
p_task_->processingTime = processingTime;
// Initialize the parentReady variable for all workloads
for (int i = 0; i < WORKLOAD_MAX;i++) {p_task_->parentReady[i] = 0;}
// Copy the child's index
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {p_task_->child_task_ID[i] = child_task_ID[i];}
// Make parentReady mutex
pthread_mutex_init(&(p_task_->parentReadyMutex), NULL);
// DAG Definition
void initDag()
int ch0[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4}; addTask( 0, 0, ch0, 4, 10000);
int ch1[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 1, 1, ch1, 4, 20000);
int ch2[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 2, 1, ch2, 4, 20000);
int ch3[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 3, 1, ch3, 4, 20000);
int ch4[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 4, 1, ch4, 4, 20000);
int ch5[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 5, 4, ch5, 2, 30000);
int ch6[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 6, 4, ch6, 2, 30000);
int ch7[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 7, 4, ch7, 2, 30000);
int ch8[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 8, 4, ch8, 2, 30000);
int ch9[] = { 11, 12}; addTask( 9, 4, ch9, 2, 40000);
int ch10[] = { 11, 12}; addTask( 10, 4, ch10, 2, 40000);
int ch11[] = {}; addTask( 11, 2, ch11, 0, 50000);
int ch12[] = {}; addTask( 12, 2, ch12, 0, 50000);
addToReadyQueue(0, 0); // Root task, addToReadyQueue(int task_ID, int workload_ID)
//allocateTask(0, 0, 0); // allocateTask(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int core_ID)
// Add Task to the end of the readyQueue
void addToReadyQueue(int task_ID, int workload_ID)
while(readyQueueSize >= READY_LOOP_DEEP)
// Waiting for the queue to be empty if there is no space
int res = pthread_cond_wait( &readyQWaitHandleAdd, &readyQMutex);
#ifdef PRINT_ReadyQ
printf("Task #%d (workload #%d) added to readyQueue %d:%d.\n", task_ID, workload_ID,readyQueueRear, readyQueueSize);
readyQueue[readyQueueRear].task_ID = task_ID;
readyQueue[readyQueueRear].workload_ID = workload_ID;
// Move forward the queue rear index in rotation
readyQueueRear = (readyQueueRear + 1) % READY_LOOP_DEEP;
// Increasing the number of the queue elements
// The signal is given to workers waiting to read from the queue
// Read from the beginning of the readyQueue
struct workItem readFromReadyQueue()
struct workItem witem;
witem.task_ID = -1;
witem.workload_ID = -1;
// Waiting to queue if empty
while(readyQueueSize <= 0)
pthread_cond_wait( &readyQWaitHandleRead, &readyQMutex);
// Picking up from queue head
witem = readyQueue[readyQueueHead];
// Move forward the queue head index in rotation
readyQueueHead = (readyQueueHead + 1) % READY_LOOP_DEEP;
// Reduce the number of queue elements
#ifdef PRINT_ReadyQ
printf("Task #%d (workload #%d) removed to readyQueue. %d : %d\n", witem.task_ID , witem.workload_ID, readyQueueHead, readyQueueSize);
// The signal is given to workers who are waiting for the queue to be empty
return witem;
// Check if the reaadyQueue is empty with the corresponding mutex
int isReadyQueueEmpty()
int res = 0;
res = (readyQueueSize == 0);
return res;
// Assigning Task to the Worker (Cores)
struct outputsFromFPGA allocateTask(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int core_ID)
if (flag == 1)
flag = 0;
#ifdef PRINT_AllocateTask
printf("Task #%d (workload #%d) assigned to Core #%d;\n", task_ID, workload_ID, core_ID);
addToAssignedQueue( task_ID, workload_ID, core_ID);
struct outputsFromFPGA FPGAOutputs;
FPGAOutputs.task_ID = task_ID;
FPGAOutputs.workload_ID = workload_ID;
FPGAOutputs.core_ID = core_ID;
// Ending each task and inform the children
void taskDone(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int core_ID)
struct Task_Package_Profile task_ = taskArray[task_ID];
#ifdef PRINT_TaskDone
printf("taskDone: Task #%d (workload #%d);\n", task_ID, workload_ID);
// Increase the child's parentReady variable and send the children to the ready queue if all parents are finished
struct Task_Package_Profile *p_task_ = &(taskArray[task_ID]);
for(int i = 0; i < p_task_->childCount; i++)
struct Task_Package_Profile *p_childTsk = &(taskArray[p_task_->child_task_ID[i]]);
int nbParentReady = 0;
// Increase the parentReady variable
nbParentReady = ++(p_childTsk->parentReady[workload_ID]);
// Send the child to the ready queue if all parents are finished
if (nbParentReady == p_childTsk->parentCount)
addToReadyQueue(p_task_->child_task_ID[i], workload_ID);
// Find the most empty assignedQueue and assign ready tasks as much as possible
{ // Finds the best assignedQueue
int minQueue = 0;
int minSize = workerInfos[0].assignedQSize;
for (int i = 1; i < CORE_MAX; i++)
if(workerInfos[i].assignedQSize < minSize)
minSize = workerInfos[i].assignedQSize;
minQueue = i;
// The most empty queue should be smaller than Deep so that it can be added to the queue
if(minSize < DEEP)
struct workItem witem = readFromReadyQueue();
struct outputsFromFPGA FPGAOutputs = allocateTask(witem.task_ID, witem.workload_ID, minQueue);
break; // All assignedQueue are full
// Check the end of the program that has all the tests done
void finishCheck()
if (wlCounter != WORKLOAD_MAX) return;
for(int i = 0; i < CORE_MAX; i++)
if (workerInfos[i].assignedQSize > 0) return;
if (workerInfos[i].coreState > 0) return;
if (!isReadyQueueEmpty()) return;
canContinue_ = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < CORE_MAX; i++)
Thread synchronization can be done in HLS as shown in this paper for example, but it is not supported in Vivado HLS yet.
That being said, it does not mean that it is impossible to implement your application on hardware. One approach is to implement every thread as a separate hardware kernel. Shared data can be put in another kernel, which ensures that accesses to the data are synchronized the way that you want. The kernels can communicate with the shared object via streaming interfaces. You can implement function parameters as streaming interfaces with hls::stream. After implementing each of the kernels as an IP module, you can connect them via FIFOs generated with FIFO generator in a Vivado block design.
You could make for example a control stream from each processing kernel to the shared object that allow the kernels to send a request to access the shared object. In the shared object, you use non-blocking reads from the streams to see whether any of them wants exclusive access. Then you take write or read requests only from the control stream from the kernel that was granted exclusive access. The data associated with the reads and writes can be communicated via dedicated data streams between the kernels and shared object. When a kernel is done using the shared object, it can send a release command, and the shared object starts looking again for requests on all control streams. It takes a bit of labor, but it is a feasible solution...
I am trying to make a 2d array in objective-c and I don't really want to use NSArray because I'm using int and the code would annoying: {[array objectAtIndex:x] objectAtIndex:y], not to mention I would have to convert the numbers back from NSNumber... Seems like a lot of extra work.
Can't I do the following?
// .h file
int aTiles[10][2];
// .m file
aTiles = {
{ 0, 0}, // 0
{ 0, 1}, // 1
{ 1, 5}, // 2
{ 0, 0}, // 3
{ 0, 0}, // 4
{ 0, 0}, // 5
it works together in the same line (int a[x][x] = {...};), but I need the array to be public so I can access it from any function.
The second line says expecting semicolon.
Looks like you have an extra comma near //5
Do you need to declare a type for aTiles?
int aTiles = ...
I got slightly different errors when I tried your original code, but this worked:
// .h file
extern int aTiles[10][2];
// .m file
int aTiles[10][2] = {
{ 0, 0}, // 0
{ 0, 1}, // 1
{ 1, 5}, // 2
{ 0, 0}, // 3
{ 0, 0}, // 4
{ 0, 0}, // 5
Since this has also been tagged C++, you can use an ivar:
std::vector<std::vector<int> > tiles;
Then you just resize and set initial element values in your object's initializer.
Otherwise, is this a global or an ivar? should it be const or mutable?
How about this awesomeness... (not really)
// .h
int aTiles[10][2];
// .m
int a[10][2] = {
{ 0, 0}, // 0
{ 0, 1}, // 1
{ 1, 5}, // 2
{ 0, 0}, // 3
{ 0, 0}, // 4
{ 0, 0}, // 5
for (int r = 0; r <= 5; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
aTiles[r][c] = a[r][c];
definitely a work around, but... cant figure out any other way. If anyone figures out the correct way, please let me know :P