How can I restrict the domain of a sort in Z3 to a single value? - smt

I'm using the following rule in my Z3 program to make s the only possible value of sort S.
(assert (forall ((t S)) (= t s)))
However, the above formula makes Z3 report the following error:
Z3: ERROR: WARNING: failed to find a pattern for quantifier (quantifier id: k!8)
What is the right way to make sure that the domain of a particular sort has only a single value?

The message
Z3: ERROR: WARNING: failed to find a pattern for quantifier (quantifier id: k!8)
is misleading. This is just an warning, the “ERROR” word is there by accident. This was fixed, and will be available in the next release.
The warning just tells the user that the E-matching module will ignore the quantifier.
However, Z3 uses many engines to process quantified formulas. The MBQI module can handle this quantified formula, and build satisfying assignments for problems such as:
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun s () S)
(assert (forall ((t S)) (= t s)))
(declare-fun a () S)
(declare-fun b () S)
(assert (= a b))
That being said, the quantified formula above is not the best way to specify a sort with a single element.
You can use datatypes to encode enumeration types.
For example, the following command defines a sort S with elements e1 … en.
(declare-datatypes ((S e1 e2 … en)))
A sort with only one element can be specified using:
(declare-datatypes ((S e)))
The following example is unsatisfiable:
(declare-datatypes ((S elem)))
(declare-const a S)
(declare-const b S)
(assert (not (= a b)))


Match Hash Tables in Typed Racket

I'm trying to match against a hash table in typed racket, but I keep getting the following error. The code works fine in untyped racket and I've tried changing it up some to no effect. The error looks like it's happening somewhere after the match macro gets expanded but I'm not familiar enough with racket to understand where or how to debug the issue.
Is is possible to use the hash-table pattern in typed racket?
(match (make-hash '((a . 2) (b . 3) (c . 2)))
[(hash-table _ ...) #t])
Type Checker: Polymorphic function `hash-map' could not be applied to arguments:
Domains: HashTableTop (-> Any Any c) Any
HashTableTop (-> Any Any c)
(HashTable a b) (-> a b c) Any
(HashTable a b) (-> a b c)
Arguments: (Mutable-HashTable Symbol Integer) (All (a) (-> a * (Listof a)))
it's impossible.
in the match macro, the hash-table form expands to syntax that includes the hash-map function, viz (lambda (e) (hash-map e list)). this is correct but its type is too abstract for typed racket to infer it. for the type checker to be satisfied, we'd need:
(lambda #:forall (k v) ([e : (HashTable k v)])
(hash-map e
(λ ([k : k] [v : v])
(list k v))))
there's no practical way to specify this, so the hash-table matcher is unusable in typed racket.
if a for loop is usually best, e.g.
(for ([(k v) (make-hash '((a . 2) (b . 3) (c . 2)))] #:when (even? v))
(printf "~a and ~a~n" k v))
or else something like (hash-keys m)
otherwise, positional matching requires advanced knoweldge of typed racket. for example, the following function, hash-set/cond, takes a hash table and arguments of the form (flag k v) ... and updates (if key already in table) or inserts (if key not already in table) each k/v pair if its associated flag is truthy:
(: hash-set/cond (∀ (k v) (->* ((HashTable k v))
#:rest-star (Any k v)
(HashTable k v))))
(define (hash-set/cond ht . args)
(let loop ([ht : (HashTable k v) ht]
[args : (Rec r (U (List* Any k v r) Null)) args])
(if (null? args)
(loop (if (car args)
(hash-set ht (cadr args) (caddr args))
(cdddr args)))))
(hash-set/cond (hash 'a 20 'b "yes")
(even? 3) 'a 10 ; 3's not even, so 'a isn't modified
#t 'b "canary" ; necessarily set 'b to "canary"
'im-a-truthy-value! 'c 'new-value) ; ditto
returns #hash((a . 20) (b . "canary") (c . new-value)).
so if you end-up using typed racket a lot and want to use this kind of functionality, then it can be very useful in certain places! still, typed racket's type system can represent—but not handle—certain recursive hash table types. this is because, when checking the type of the value, hash? cannot refine the type of the hash table beyond it being a hash table with some type of key and value, i.e. hash? : (-> Any Boolean : HashTableTop) instead of (-> Any Boolean : (HashTable k v)). this makes recursing over particular recursively defined JSON schemata impossible. in these cases you must use untyped racket, though the saving grace here is that racket contracts can handle such complex definitions.
if your project is heavily based on complex hash tables, then clojure or janet are likely better language choices.

The Little Typer. I don't understand the meaning of The Initial Second Commandment of λ

I have tried following examples, but no matter y occurred or not,
The function f returns the same value as (λ(y)(f y)) after application.
I would like to do is to define a function that is not the same (-> Y X) as (λ (y)(f y)) when y occurred in y as a counter example, but I don't know how.
Do I misunderstand the meaning of The Initial Second Commandment of λ?
;;y does not occurs
(claim f (-> Nat Nat))
(define f
;; both return (the Nat 0)
(f 5)
((the (-> Nat Nat)
(f y)))
;; y occurs
(claim g (-> Nat Nat))
(define g
;;both return (the Nat 5)
(g 5)
((the (-> Nat Nat)
(g y)))
In order to create an example illustrating the importance of the caveat " long as y does not occur in f", we need to create a function f in which a name y occurs free. The provision that y is free in f is critical. This is also why it is difficult to create such an example: (top-level) functions cannot contain free variables. However, functions that are interior to other functions can. This is the key.
Here is function g that contains another function inside of it:
(claim g (-> Nat
(-> Nat
(define g
(lambda (y)
(lambda (x) ;; Call this inner
y))) ;; function "f"
(I've chosen to write the claim in this way to emphasize that we are thinking about a function inside of a function.)
To get our bearings, this simple function g expects two Nat arguments, and returns the first.
Let's call the inner function f. Note that f contains a free variable y (for this reason, f is meaningless outside of g). Let's substitute (lambda (y) (f y)) for f:
(claim g1 (-> Nat
(-> Nat
(define g1
(lambda (y)
(lambda (y) ;; Here we've replaced "f"
((lambda (x) ;; with an eta-expanded
y) ;; version, introducing
y)))) ;; the name "y"
We can eliminate the application to produce the following expression:
---------------- SAME AS
(lambda (y)
(lambda (y)
((lambda (x)
---------------- SAME AS
(lambda (y)
(lambda (y)
---------------- SAME AS
(lambda (y)
(lambda (y1)
In the last step, I've renamed the second y to y1 to illustrate that the variable in the body of the inner function refers to the closer binding site, and not the farther one.
To recap, we started with a function g that "takes two (curried) arguments and returns the first". We then introduced a faulty eta-expansion around the inner function. As a result, we ended up with a function g1 that "takes two (curried) arguments and returns the second". Clearly not equivalent to the original function g.
So this commandment is about variable capture, which is the price we pay for working with names. I hope that helps!
Due to the way that Pie checks types, you will need to introduce an annotation in the body of g if you want to try this example out:
(claim g1 (-> Nat
(-> Nat
(define g1
(lambda (y)
(lambda (y)
((the (-> Nat Nat)
(lambda (x)

Creating a custom reverse of list

I'm trying to create a custom reverse of list in Lisp. I'm pretty new to Lisp programming, and still struggling with syntax. This is my code so far
(defun new-union(l1 l2)
(setq l (union l1 l2))
(let (res)
(loop for x in l
do(setq res (cons (car l) res))
do(setq l (cdr l)))))
Here I'm taking two lists, and forming union list l. Then for reversing the list l I'm accessing element wise to append it to a new list res. Then consequently using the cons, car and cdr to update the list.
However, I'm getting a weird output. Can someone please suggest where I'm going wrong?
I'm aware of an inbuilt function for the same called nreverse , but I wanted to experiment to see how the Lisp interprets the data in list.
On printing res at the end, for example
(new-union '(a b c) '(d e f))
the output for above call gives me
(L A A A A A A A X X)
I think I'm doing the looping wrong.
(summary of previous comments)
Bad indentation, spaces, and names; prefer this:
(defun new-union (l1 l2)
(setq list (union l1 l2))
(let (reversed)
(loop for x in list
do (setq res (cons (car list) reversed))
do (setq list (cdr list)))))
Usage of SETQ on undeclared, global variables, instead of a LET
Mutation of the structure being iterated (LIST)
Not using X inside the LOOP (why define it?)
The return value is always NIL
(defun new-union (l1 l2)
(let ((reverse))
(dolist (elt (union l1 l2) reverse)
(push elt reverse))))
Define a local reverse variable, bound to NIL by default (you could set it to '(), this is sometimes preferred).
Use DOLIST to iterate over a list and perform side-effects; the third argument is the return value; here you can put the reverse variable where we accumulate the reversed list.
For each element elt, push it in front of reverse; if you want to avoid push for learning purposes, use (setf reverse (cons elt reverse)).
Common Lisp is multi-paradigm and favors pragmatic solutions: sometimes a loop is more natural or more efficient, and there is no reason to force yourself to adopt a functional style.
Functional implementation
However, lists provide a natural inductive structure: recursive approaches may be more appropriate in some cases.
If you wanted to use a functional style to compute reverse, be aware that tail-call optimization, though commonly available, is not required by the language specification (it depends on your implementation capabilities and compiler options).
With default settings, SBCL eliminates calls in tail positions and would eliminate the risk of stack overflows with large inputs. But there are other possible ways to obtain bad algorithmic complexities (and wasteful code) if you are not careful.
The following is what I'd use to define the combination of union and reverse; in particular, I prefer to define a local function with labels to avoid calling new-union with a dummy nil parameter. Also, I iterate the list resulting from the union only once.
(defun new-union (l1 l2)
(labels ((rev (list acc)
(etypecase list
(null acc)
(cons (rev (rest list)
(cons (first list) acc))))))
(rev (union l1 l2) nil)))
0: (NEW-UNION (A B C) (D E F))
1: (UNION (A B C) (D E F))
1: UNION returned (C B A D E F)
1: (REV (C B A D E F) NIL)
2: (REV (B A D E F) (C))
3: (REV (A D E F) (B C))
4: (REV (D E F) (A B C))
5: (REV (E F) (D A B C))
6: (REV (F) (E D A B C))
7: (REV NIL (F E D A B C))
7: REV returned (F E D A B C)
6: REV returned (F E D A B C)
5: REV returned (F E D A B C)
4: REV returned (F E D A B C)
3: REV returned (F E D A B C)
2: REV returned (F E D A B C)
1: REV returned (F E D A B C)
0: NEW-UNION returned (F E D A B C)
It is quite surprising to reverse the result of union, when the union is supposed to operate on unordered sets: the order of elements in the result do not have to reflect the ordering of list-1 or list-2 in any way. Sets are unordered collections having no duplicates; if your input lists already represent sets, as hinted by the name of the function (new-union), then it makes no sense to remove duplicates or expect the order to be meaningful.
If, instead, the input lists represents sequences of values, then the order matters; feel free to use append or concatenate in combination with remove-duplicates, but note that the latter will remove elements in front of the list by default:
(remove-duplicates (concatenate 'list '(4 5 6) '(2 3 4)))
=> (5 6 2 3 4)
You may want to use :from-end t instead.
Ok...I think you want to take two lists, combine them together, remove duplicates, and then reverse them.
Your biggest problem is that you're using loops instead of recursion. LISP was born to do list processing using recursion. It's far more natural.
Below is a very simple example of how to do that:
(defvar l1 '(a b c)) ;first list
(defvar l2 '(d e f)) ;second list
(defun my-reverse (a b) ;a and b are lists
"combines a and b into lst, removes duplicates, and reverses using recursion"
(let ((lst (remove-duplicates (append a b))))
(if (> (length lst) 0)
(append (last lst) (my-reverse nil (butlast lst)))
Sample Run compiled in SLIME using SBCL
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.010
CL-USER> l1 ;; verify l1 variable
(A B C)
CL-USER> l2 ;; verify l2 variable
(D E F)
CL-USER> (append l1 l2) ;; append l1 and l2
(A B C D E F)
CL-USER> (my-reverse l1 l2) ;; reverse l1 and l2
(F E D C B A)

Occurrence typing with polymorphic union types

Suppose I want to convert the following untyped code into typed racket. These functions are inspired by SICP where they show how a data structure can be constructed purely from functions.
(define (make-pair x y)
(lambda (c)
((= c 1) x)
((= c 2) y)
(error "error in input, should be 1 or 2"))))
(define (first p) (p 1))
(define (second p) (p 2))
To convert it straight to typed racket, the return value of the make-pair function seems to be (: make-pair (All (A B) (-> A B (-> Number (U A B))))). And following this, the type of first should be (: first (All (A B) (-> (-> Number (U A B)) A))). However, while implementing the function we can't call (p 1) directly now because we need some sort of occurrence typing to make sure first returns only of type A. Changing the return type of first to (U A B) works but then the burden of occurrence typing goes on the user and not in the API. So in this scenario how can we use occurrence typing inside first (that is, how to use a predicate for type variable A) so that we can safely return only the first component of the pair?
I tried an approach which differs a bit from above and requires the predicates for A and B to be supplied as arguments to make-pair function. Below is the code:
#lang typed/racket
(define-type FuncPair (All (A B) (List (-> Number (U A B)) (-> A Boolean) (-> B Boolean))))
(: make-pair (All (A B) (-> A B (-> A Boolean) (-> B Boolean) (FuncPair A B))))
(define (make-pair x y x-pred y-pred)
(lambda ([c : Number])
((= c 1) x)
((= c 2) y)
(else (error "Wrong input!"))))
(: first (All (A B) (-> (FuncPair A B) Any)))
(define (first p)
(let ([pair-fn (car p)]
[fn-pred (cadr p)])
(let ([f-value (pair-fn 1)])
(if (fn-pred f-value)
(error "Cannot get first value in pair")))))
However, this fails in the check (fn-pred f-value) condition with error expected: A
given: (U A B) in: f-value
From the untyped code at the start of your question, it seems like a pair of A and B is a function that given 1, gives back A, and given 2, gives back B. The way to express this type of function is with a case-> type:
#lang typed/racket
(define-type (Pairof A B)
(case-> [1 -> A] [2 -> B]))
The accessors can be defined the same way as your original untyped code, just by adding type annotations:
(: first : (All (A B) [(Pairof A B) -> A]))
(define (first p) (p 1))
(: second : (All (A B) [(Pairof A B) -> B]))
(define (second p) (p (ann 2 : 2)))
The type of the constructor should be:
(: make-pair : (All (A B) [A B -> (Pairof A B)]))
But the constructor doesn't quite work as-is. One thing wrong with it is that your else clause is missing the else part of it. Fixing that gives you:
(: make-pair : (All (A B) [A B -> (Pairof A B)]))
(define (make-pair x y)
(lambda (c)
[(= c 1) x]
[(= c 2) y]
[else (error "error in input, should be 1 or 2")])))
This is almost right, and if typed racket were awesome enough, it would be. Typed racket treats equal? specially for occurrence typing, but it doesn't do the same thing for =. Changing = to equal? fixes it.
(: make-pair : (All (A B) [A B -> (Pairof A B)]))
(define (make-pair x y)
(lambda (c)
[(equal? c 1) x]
[(equal? c 2) y]
[else (error "error in input, should be 1 or 2")])))
Ideally occurrence typing should work with =, but perhaps the fact that things like (= 2 2.0) return true makes that both harder to implement and less useful.

scheme higher order func

Given the skeleton of a function:
(define gen-hash-division-method (lambda (size)))
as well as:
(define hash-1 (gen-hash-division-method 701))
What I have coded:
(define gen-hash-division-method
(lambda (size)
(lambda (w)
(modulo key(flip(w)) size))))
key(flip(w)) takes a list w and returns an integer.
And call:
(hash-1 '(h e l l o))
I keep getting this error:
procedure application: expected procedure, given: (h e l l o) (no arguments)
You're getting the error because in Scheme (w) expects w to be a function. But w is just a list of symbols.
In your case you have key(flip(w)) which doesn't make sense in Scheme land.
everything is surrounded by parentheses
You want (key (flip w))
Remember the lisp mantra : (function args ...)